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它是 irc.freenode.net 上的#iphonedev。 没有破折号。
还有#cocoa-init。 这是一个新频道,专注于向 iOS/OSX 新手开发人员提问和回答问题。
It's #iphonedev on irc.freenode.net. Without the dash.
There's also #cocoa-init. It's a new channel focused on asking and answering questions for beginning developers on iOS/OSX.
#iphonedev 上的人不是很友好。
the people on #iphonedev are not very friendly.
我发现 irc.osx86.hu 上的各种 iPhone 频道很有帮助。
I've found the various iphone channels on irc.osx86.hu to be helpful.
编辑:请参阅我的答案的评论。 显然,保密协议已于 2008 年 10 月 1 日解除。 因此,如果您正在寻找的资源现在不存在,希望很快就会出现。
As far as I know, the NDA that Apple forces iPhone developers to sign would prevent them from participating in such a discussion.
EDIT: See the comments to my answer. Apparently the NDA was lifted as of 10/01/08. So if the sort of resource you are looking for doesn't exist now, hopefully it will soon.