
发布于 2024-07-08 19:59:32 字数 147 浏览 7 评论 0原文

只是好奇:是否可以在 Windows XP/Vista 下使用 .net 托管代码调用 Windows 蓝屏死机? 如果可能的话,示例代码可能是什么?


Just curious here: is it possible to invoke a Windows Blue Screen of Death using .net managed code under Windows XP/Vista? And if it is possible, what could the example code be?

Just for the record, this is not for any malicious purpose, I am just wondering what kind of code it would take to actually kill the operating system as specified.

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无风消散 2024-07-15 19:59:32


您实际上不需要任何东西来呕吐,本身,您需要做的就是找到 KeBugCheck(Ex) 函数并调用它。


对于手动启动的崩溃,您需要使用 0xE2 (MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH) 或 0xDEADDEAD (MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH1) 作为错误检查代码。 它们被明确保留用于该用途。

然而,找到这个函数可能有点棘手。 Windows DDK 可能会有所帮助(检查 Ntddk.h) - 我目前没有可用的,而且我现在似乎找不到决定性的信息 - 我认为它在 ntoskrnl.exe 中或 ntkrnlpa.exe,但我不确定,并且目前没有工具来验证它。

您可能会发现编写一个简单的 C++ 应用程序或调用该函数的应用程序,然后运行它会更容易。

请注意,我假设 Windows 不会阻止您从用户空间访问该函数(.NET 可能有一些特殊规定)。 我自己没有测试过。

The keyboard thing is probably a good option, but if you need to do it by code, continue reading...

You don't really need anything to barf, per se, all you need to do is find the KeBugCheck(Ex) function and invoke that.


For manually initiated crashes, you want to used 0xE2 (MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH) or 0xDEADDEAD (MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH1) as the bug check code. They are reserved explicitly for that use.

However, finding the function may prove to be a bit tricky. The Windows DDK may help (check Ntddk.h) - I don't have it available at the moment, and I can't seem to find decisive info right now - I think it's in ntoskrnl.exe or ntkrnlpa.exe, but I'm not sure, and don't currently have the tools to verify it.

You might find it easier to just write a simple C++ app or something that calls the function, and then just running that.

Mind you, I'm assuming that Windows doesn't block you from accessing the function from user-space (.NET might have some special provisions). I have not tested it myself.

活泼老夫 2024-07-15 19:59:32

我不知道它是否真的有效,我确定您需要管理员权限,但您可以设置 CrashOnCtrlScroll 注册表项,然后使用 SendKeys 发送 CTRL+Scroll Lock+Scroll Lock。

但我相信这必须来自键盘驱动程序,所以我想一个简单的 SendKeys 还不够好,您要么需要以某种方式连接到键盘驱动程序(听起来真的很乱),要么检查 CrashDump 是否有一个 API 可以通过 P/Invoke 进行调用。


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services \i8042prt\参数

I do not know if it really works and I am sure you need Admin rights, but you could set the CrashOnCtrlScroll Registry Key and then use a SendKeys to send CTRL+Scroll Lock+Scroll Lock.

But I believe that this HAS to come from the Keyboard Driver, so I guess a simple SendKeys is not good enough and you would either need to somehow hook into the Keyboard Driver (sounds really messy) or check of that CrashDump has an API that can be called with P/Invoke.


Name: CrashOnCtrlScroll
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 1

英雄似剑 2024-07-15 19:59:32

我不得不说不。 您必须 p/invoke 并与内核空间中的驱动程序或其他代码进行交互。 尽管在未来版本的 Windows 中存在一些关于托管驱动程序的讨论,但 .NET 代码与该领域相距甚远。 只要再等几年,你就会像我们不受管理的朋友一样崩溃。

I would have to say no. You'd have to p/invoke and interact with a driver or other code that lives in kernel space. .NET code lives far removed from this area, although there has been some talk about managed drivers in future versions of Windows. Just wait a few more years and you can crash away just like our unmanaged friends.

懒猫 2024-07-15 19:59:32

据我所知,真正的 BSOD 需要内核模式代码失败。 Vista 仍然存在 BSOD,但频率较低,因为新的驱动程序模型在内核模式下的驱动程序较少。 任何用户模式故障都会导致您的应用程序被终止。

您无法在内核模式下运行托管代码。 因此,如果您想出现 BSOD,则需要使用 PInvoke。 但即便如此也是相当困难的。 你需要做一些非常奇特的 PInvokes 才能在内核模式下得到一些东西。

但在成千上万的 SO 用户中,可能有人已经做到了这一点:-)

As far as I know a real BSOD requires failure in kernel mode code. Vista still has BSOD's but they're less frequent because the new driver model has less drivers in kernel mode. Any user-mode failures will just result in your application being killed.

You can't run managed code in kernel mode. So if you want to BSOD you need to use PInvoke. But even this is quite difficult. You need to do some really fancy PInvokes to get something in kernel mode to barf.

But among the thousands of SO users there is probably someone who has done this :-)

剪不断理还乱 2024-07-15 19:59:32

您可以使用 OSR Online 的工具来触发内核崩溃。 我自己从未尝试过,但我想您可以通过标准 .net Process 类运行它:


You could use OSR Online's tool that triggers a kernel crash. I've never tried it myself but I imagine you could just run it via the standard .net Process class:


单身狗的梦 2024-07-15 19:59:32

我曾经不负责任地使用 .NET 1.1 中的 System.Net.Sockets 在 Windows XP 上生成了 BSOD。 我可以定期重复它,但不幸的是那是几年前的事了,我不记得我到底是如何触发它的,或者已经有源代码了。

I once managed to generate a BSOD on Windows XP using System.Net.Sockets in .NET 1.1 irresponsibly. I could repeat it fairly regularly, but unfortunately that was a couple of years ago and I don't remember exactly how I triggered it, or have the source code around anymore.

计㈡愣 2024-07-15 19:59:32

尝试在 directx8 或 directx9 中使用 directshow 进行实时视频输入,大多数调用都会转到内核模式视频驱动程序。 当从实时视频捕获源运行回调过程时,我成功地遇到了很多蓝屏,特别是如果您的回调需要很长时间,可能会停止整个内核驱动程序。

Try live videoinput using directshow in directx8 or directx9, most of the calls go to kernel mode video drivers. I succeded in lots of blue screens when running a callback procedure from live videocaptureing source, particulary if your callback takes a long time, can halt the entire Kernel driver.

腹黑女流氓 2024-07-15 19:59:32

当托管代码访问有故障的内核驱动程序时,它可能会导致错误检查。 但是,直接导致 BSOD 的可能是内核驱动程序(例如,uffe 的 DirectShow BSOD、Terence Lewis 的套接字 BSOD 或在某些网络适配器上使用 BitTorrent 时出现的 BSOD)。

直接用户模式访问特权低级资源可能会导致错误检查(例如,在 Device\PhysicalMemory 上乱写乱画,如果它不会首先损坏您的硬盘;Vista 不允许用户-模式访问物理内存)。

如果您只想要一个转储文件,Mendelt 建议使用 WinDbg 比利用内核驱动程序中的错误要好得多。 不幸的是,本地内核调试不支持 .dump 命令,因此您需要第二台通过串行或 1394 连接的 PC,或者通过虚拟串行端口连接的 VM。 LiveKd 可能是单 PC 选项(如果您不这样做)需要内存转储的状态完全一致。

It's possible for managed code to cause a bugcheck when it has access to faulty kernel drivers. However, it would be the kernel driver that directly causes the BSOD (for example, uffe's DirectShow BSODs, Terence Lewis's socket BSODs, or BSODs seen when using BitTorrent with certain network adapters).

Direct user-mode access to privileged low-level resources may cause a bugcheck (for example, scribbling on Device\PhysicalMemory, if it doesn't corrupt your hard disk first; Vista doesn't allow user-mode access to physical memory).

If you just want a dump file, Mendelt's suggestion of using WinDbg is a much better idea than exploiting a bug in a kernel driver. Unfortunately, the .dump command is not supported for local kernel debugging, so you would need a second PC connected over serial or 1394, or a VM connected over a virtual serial port. LiveKd may be a single-PC option, if you don't need the state of the memory dump to be completely self-consistent.

·深蓝 2024-07-15 19:59:32

这个不需要任何内核模式驱动程序,只需要 SeDebugPrivilege。 您可以通过 NtSetInformationProcess,或RtlSetProcessIsCritical 然后终止你的进程。 您将看到与杀死 csrss.exe 相同的错误检查代码,因为您在进程上设置了相同的“关键”标志。

This one doesn't need any kernel-mode drivers, just a SeDebugPrivilege. You can set your process critical by NtSetInformationProcess, or RtlSetProcessIsCritical and just kill your process. You will see same bugcheck code as you kill csrss.exe, because you set same "critical" flag on your process.

情仇皆在手 2024-07-15 19:59:32

不幸的是,我知道如何执行此操作,因为我们服务器上的 .NET 服务导致蓝屏。 (注意:Windows Server 2008 R2,而不是 XP/Vista)。

我简直不敢相信 .NET 程序是罪魁祸首,但事实确实如此。 此外,我刚刚在虚拟机中复制了 BSOD。

违规代码会导致 0x00000f4:

string name = string.Empty; // This is the cause of the problem, should check for IsNullOrWhiteSpace

foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcesses().Where(p => p.ProcessName.StartsWith(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
    Check.Logging.Write("FindAndKillProcess THIS SHOULD BLUE SCREEN " + process.ProcessName);
    r = true;

如果有人想知道为什么我要复制蓝屏,那么这并不是恶意的。 我修改了我们的日志类以接受一个参数,告诉它直接写入磁盘 因为尽管调用了 .Flush() ,但 BSOD 之前的操作并未出现在日志中。 我复制了服务器崩溃来测试日志记录更改。 虚拟机崩溃了,但日志记录正常。

编辑:杀死 csrss.exe 似乎是导致蓝屏的原因。 根据评论,这可能发生在内核代码中。

Unfortunately, I know how to do this as a .NET service on our server was causing a blue screen. (Note: Windows Server 2008 R2, not XP/Vista).

I could hardly believe a .NET program was the culprit, but it was. Furthermore, I've just replicated the BSOD in a virtual machine.

The offending code, causes a 0x00000f4:

string name = string.Empty; // This is the cause of the problem, should check for IsNullOrWhiteSpace

foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcesses().Where(p => p.ProcessName.StartsWith(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
    Check.Logging.Write("FindAndKillProcess THIS SHOULD BLUE SCREEN " + process.ProcessName);
    r = true;

If anyone's wondering why I'd want to replicate the blue screen, it's nothing malicious. I've modified our logging class to take an argument telling it to write direct to disk as the actions prior to the BSOD weren't appearing in the log despite .Flush() being called. I replicated the server crash to test the logging change. The VM duly crashed but the logging worked.

EDIT: Killing csrss.exe appears to be what causes the blue screen. As per comments, this is likely happening in kernel code.

指尖凝香 2024-07-15 19:59:32

我发现,如果您以管理员身份运行 taskkill /F /IM svchost.exe,它会尝试立即杀死几乎所有服务主机。

I found that if you run taskkill /F /IM svchost.exe as an Administrator, it tries to kill just about every service host at once.

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