
发布于 2024-07-08 19:07:14 字数 107 浏览 7 评论 0 原文

冒泡排序在现实世界中有什么用途吗? 每次我看到提到的,它总是:

  1. 一种可供学习的排序算法。
  2. 使用的排序算法的示例。

Do bubble sorts have any real world use? Every time I see one mentioned, it's always either:

  1. A sorting algorithm to learn with.
  2. An example of a sorting algorithm not to use.

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迷离° 2024-07-15 19:07:14

冒泡排序(事实证明)是在非常特定情况下可用的最快排序。 它最初之所以广为人知,主要是因为它是第一个经过严格分析的算法(任何类型),并且证明它在有限的情况下是最优的。

考虑存储在磁带驱动器上的文件,以及如此小的随机存取存储器(或如此大的密钥),以至于您在任何给定时间只能将两条记录加载到内存中。 倒带磁带的速度非常慢,因此在文件中进行随机访问通常是不切实际的 - 如果可能,您希望按顺序处理记录,一次不超过两个。

当磁带驱动器很常见,并且只有几千(字|字节)RAM(无论何种类型)的机器也很常见时,这是足够现实的,值得研究。 这种情况现在很少见,因此研究冒泡排序根本没有任何意义 - 但更糟糕的是,无论如何,它的最佳情况都没有被教授,所以即使当/如果出现正确的情况,几乎没有人意识到< /em> 它。


Bubble sort is (provably) the fastest sort available under a very specific circumstance. It originally became well known primarily because it was one of the first algorithms (of any kind) that was rigorously analyzed, and the proof was found that it was optimal under its limited circumstance.

Consider a file stored on a tape drive, and so little random access memory (or such large keys) that you can only load two records into memory at any given time. Rewinding the tape is slow enough that doing random access within the file is generally impractical -- if possible, you want to process records sequentially, no more than two at a time.

Back when tape drives were common, and machines with only a few thousand (words|bytes) of RAM (of whatever sort) were common, that was sufficiently realistic to be worth studying. That circumstance is now rare, so studying bubble sort makes little sense at all -- but even worse, the circumstance when it's optimal isn't taught anyway, so even when/if the right situation arose, almost nobody would realize it.

As far as being the fastest on an extremely small and/or nearly sorted set of data, while that can cover up the weakness of bubble sort (to at least some degree), an insertion sort will essentially always be better for either/both of those.

假面具 2024-07-15 19:07:14

这取决于您的数据分布方式 - 如果您可以做出一些假设。

我发现了解何时使用冒泡排序(或其他某种排序)的最佳链接之一是这个 - 有关排序算法的动画视图:


It depends on the way your data is distributed - if you can make some assumptions.

One of the best links I've found to understand when to use a bubble sort - or some other sort, is this - an animated view on sorting algorithms:


秋风の叶未落 2024-07-15 19:07:14

它在现实世界中用得不多。 它是一个很好的学习工具,因为它易于理解并且可以快速实施。 它具有糟糕的 (O(n^2)) 最坏情况和平均性能。 当您知道数据几乎已排序时,它具有良好的最佳情况性能,但还有许多其他算法具有此属性,并且具有更好的最坏情况和平均情况性能。

It doesn't get used much in the real world. It's a good learning tool because it's easy to understand and fast to implement. It has bad (O(n^2)) worst case and average performance. It has good best case performance when you know the data is almost sorted, but there are plenty of other algorithms that have this property, with better worst and average case performance.

吻安 2024-07-15 19:07:14

我最近在优化轶事中发现了它的一个很好的用途。 程序需要一组按每帧深度顺序排序的精灵。 帧之间的恶意顺序不会发生太大变化,因此作为优化,它们每帧一次通过进行冒泡排序。 这是在两个方向上完成的(从上到下和从下到上)。 因此,精灵几乎总是使用非常高效的 O(N) 算法进行排序。

I came across a great use for it in an optimisation anecdote recently. A program needed a set of sprites sorted in depth order each frame. The spites order wouldn't change much between frames, so as an optimisation they were bubble sorted with a single pass each frame. This was done in both directions (top to bottom and bottom to top). So the sprites were always almost sorted with a very efficient O(N) algorithm.

爱要勇敢去追 2024-07-15 19:07:14


说到教育。 整理整理最后一幕的链接,太神奇了。 必看。

It's probably the fastest for tiny sets.

Speaking of education. A link to the last scene of sorting out sorting, it's amazing. A must-see.

被翻牌 2024-07-15 19:07:14

它对于小数据集很有用 - 这就是为什么当分区大小变小时一些 qsort 实现会切换到它。 但插入排序仍然更快,因此除了作为教学辅助之外没有充分的理由使用它。

It's good for small data sets - which is why some qsort implementations switch to it when the partition size gets small. But insertion sort is still faster, so there's no good reason to use it except as a teaching aid.

梅倚清风 2024-07-15 19:07:14

我们最近在算法的最优性证明中使用了冒泡排序。 我们必须将由一系列对象表示的任意最佳解决方案转换为我们的算法找到的解决方案。 因为我们的算法只是“按此标准排序”,所以我们必须证明我们可以对最佳解决方案进行排序而不会使情况变得更糟。 在这种情况下,冒泡排序是一个非常好用的算法,因为它具有很好的不变量,只需交换彼此相邻且顺序错误的两个元素。 我认为,如果使用更复杂的算法,大脑就会融化。


we recently used bubblesort in an optimality proof for an algorithm. We had to transform an arbitrary optimal solution represented by a sequence of objects into a solution that was found by our algorithm. Because our algorithm was just "Sort by this criteria", we had to prove that we can sort an optimal solution without making it worse. In this case, bubble sort was a very good algorithm to use, because it has the nice invariant of just swapping two elements that are next to each other and are in the wrong order. Using more complicated algorithms there would have melted brains, I think.


世界和平 2024-07-15 19:07:14

我认为这是一个很好的“教学”算法,因为它非常容易理解和实现。 出于同样的原因,它对于小数据集也可能很有用(尽管一些 O(n lg n) 算法也很容易实现)。

I think it's a good "teaching" algorithm because it's very easy to understand and implement. It may also be useful for small data sets for the same reason (although some of the O(n lg n) algorithms are pretty easy to implement too).

停滞 2024-07-15 19:07:14

我无法抗拒通过提到更快的方式来回应关于冒泡排序的任何评论(似乎是 O(nlogn),但这还没有得到真正证明)梳排序。 请注意,如果您使用预先计算的表,则梳排序会更快一些。 梳状排序与冒泡排序完全相同,只是它最初不是通过交换相邻元素开始的。 它几乎和冒泡排序一样容易实现/理解。

I can't resist responding to any remarks on bubble sort by mentioning the faster (seems to be O(nlogn), but this is not really proven) Comb Sort. Note that Comb sort is a bit faster if you use a precomputed table. Comb sort is exactly the same as bubble sort except that it doesn't initially start by swapping adjacent elements. It's almost as easy to implement/understand as bubble sort.

无尽的现实 2024-07-15 19:07:14

哦,是的,这是一个很好的选择机制。 如果你在某人编写的代码中发现了这一点,你就不会雇用他。

Oh yes, it is a good selection mechanism. If you find it in code written by someone, you don't hire him.

小伙你站住 2024-07-15 19:07:14


当您的集合几乎已排序时(例如,一个或多个元素不在正确的位置),冒泡排序足够快,在这种情况下,您最好从 0 索引到 n 索引以及从 n 索引到 0 索引交错遍历。
使用 C++ 可以通过以下方式实现:

void bubbleSort(vector<int>& v) { // sort in ascending order
  bool go = true;
  while (go) {
    go = false;
    for (int i = 0; i+1 < v.size(); ++i)
      if (v[i] > v[i+1]) {
         swap(v[i], v[j]);
         go = true;
    for (int i = (int)v.size()-1; i > 0; --i) 
      if (v[i-1] > v[i]) {
         swap(v[i-1], v[i]);
         go = true;


Donald Knuth 在他著名的《计算机编程的艺术》中得出结论:“冒泡排序似乎除了一个朗朗上口的名字和它会导致一些有趣的理论问题之外,没有什么可以推荐的”


Bubble sort is easy to implement and it is fast enough when you have small data sets.

Bubble sort is fast enough when your set is almost sorted (e.g. one or several elements are not in the correct positions), in this case you better to interlace traverses from 0-index to n-index and from n-index to 0-index.
Using C++ it can be implemented in the following way:

void bubbleSort(vector<int>& v) { // sort in ascending order
  bool go = true;
  while (go) {
    go = false;
    for (int i = 0; i+1 < v.size(); ++i)
      if (v[i] > v[i+1]) {
         swap(v[i], v[j]);
         go = true;
    for (int i = (int)v.size()-1; i > 0; --i) 
      if (v[i-1] > v[i]) {
         swap(v[i-1], v[i]);
         go = true;

It can be good if swap of two adjacent items is chip and swap of arbitrary items is expensive.

Donald Knuth, in his famous "The Art of Computer Programming", concluded that "the bubble sort seems to have nothing to recommend it, except a catchy name and the fact that it leads to some interesting theoretical problems".

Since this algorithm is easy to implement it is easy to support, and it is important in real application life cycle to reduce effort for support.

小瓶盖 2024-07-15 19:07:14

我曾经在某些情况下将它用于 TRS-80 Model 1 上的小 N。
使用 for 循环,可以在一个程序行上实现完整的排序。


I used to use it in some cases for small N on the TRS-80 Model 1.
Using a for loop, one could implement the complete sort on one program line.

Other than that, it is good for teaching, and sometimes for lists that are nearly in sorted order.

一个人的夜不怕黑 2024-07-15 19:07:14


当我下次看到该代码时,有人用库排序替换了它。 我希望他们首先对其进行基准测试!

I once used it for a case where the vast majority of the time it would be sorting two items.

The next time I saw that code, someone had replaced it with the library sort. I hope they benchmarked it first!

遥远的她 2024-07-15 19:07:14

编码快速且简单(几乎不可能出错)。 如果您不做繁重的工作并且没有图书馆排序支持,那么它有它的用武之地。

It's quick and easy to code and (nearly impossible to do wrong). It has it's place if you're not doing heavy lifting and there's no library sorting support.

我是有多爱你 2024-07-15 19:07:14

这是我实际上最常使用的类型。 (在我们的项目中,我们不能使用任何外部库。)


泡沫并不是你能达到的最低点。 最近,我遇到了需要对三个元素进行排序的情况。 我写了这样的东西:

// Use sort of stooge to sort the three elements by cpFirst

SwapElementsIfNeeded(&elementTop, &elementBottom);
SwapElementsIfNeeded(&elementTop, &elementMiddle);
SwapElementsIfNeeded(&elementMiddle, &elementBottom);

*pelement1 = elementTop;
*pelement2 = elementMiddle;
*pelement3 = elementBottom;

It is the sort I use most often actually. (In our project, we cannot use any external libraries.)

It is useful when I know for sure that data set is really small, so I do not care one bit about speed and want shortest and simplest code.

Bubble is not the lowest you can go. Recently, I was in a situation when I needed to sort exactly three elements. I wrote something like this:

// Use sort of stooge to sort the three elements by cpFirst

SwapElementsIfNeeded(&elementTop, &elementBottom);
SwapElementsIfNeeded(&elementTop, &elementMiddle);
SwapElementsIfNeeded(&elementMiddle, &elementBottom);

*pelement1 = elementTop;
*pelement2 = elementMiddle;
*pelement3 = elementBottom;
落叶缤纷 2024-07-15 19:07:14

基本上什么都没有。 请改用快速排序或选择排序...!

Mostly nothing. Use QuickSort or SelectionSort instead...!

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