从 TObjectList 中提取对象
我有一个 OwnsObjects = true 的 TObjectList。 它包含相当多的对象。 现在我想从该列表中删除索引 Idx 处的对象,而不释放它。
Extract 方法是唯一的选择吗?
ExtractedObject := TheList.Extract(TheList[Idx]);
所有其他方法似乎都会释放该对象。 我正在寻找更有效的东西,不会每次都进行线性搜索,因为我已经知道对象的索引。 类似重载的...
ExtractedObject := TheList.Extract(Idx);
... 不存在。
I have a TObjectList with OwnsObjects = true. It contains quite a few objects. Now I want to remove the object at index Idx from that list, without freeing it.
Is the Extract method the only option?
ExtractedObject := TheList.Extract(TheList[Idx]);
All other methods seem to free the object. I am looking for something a little bit more efficient, that does not do a linear search every time, since I already know the index of the object. Something like an overloaded ...
ExtractedObject := TheList.Extract(Idx);
... which does not exist.
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为什么不直接将 OwnsObjects 设置为 false,进行删除,然后再次将其设置为 true?
Why not just set OwnsObjects to false, do your removal, then set it to true again?
This is where class helpers can be usefull
You can now use:
If you look at the code for delete, it's the notify method which causes the freeing to happen.
This should work :
建议的辅助类(由 Gamecat)将导致 Thomas 希望摆脱的相同查找。
如果您查看源代码,您可以了解 Extract() 的真正用途,然后使用相同的方法。
这将为您提供对象,就像 Extract() 所做的那样,然后从列表中删除它,而不进行任何查找。 现在,您可以将其放入某个方法中,例如辅助类或子类或您喜欢的任何地方。
The proposed helperclass (by Gamecat) will result in the same lookup that Thomas would like to get rid of.
If you take a look at the source, you can see what Extract() really does, and then use the same approach.
I will suggest something like tis:
This will give you the object, as Extract() does, and then delete it from the list, without any lookups. Now you can put this in a method some where, a helperclass or subclass or wher ever you like.
我不久前不使用 Delphi/C++Builder,但据我所知,这是唯一的方法。
我的建议是使用 TList,并在需要时手动删除对象。
I don't use Delphi/C++Builder some time ago, but as far as I can renmember thats the only way.
My suggestion is to use a TList instead, and manually delete the objects when required.
ExtractedObject := TExtractedObject.Create;
创建和分配需要时间,但搜索列表不需要时间。 效率取决于对象的大小 -v- 列表的大小。
Anything wrong with:
ExtractedObject := TExtractedObject.Create;
There is time needed for the create and assign but not for the search of the list. Efficiency depends on the size of the object -v- the size of the list.