ASP.NET 压力测试
有没有一种方法可以测试应用程序,模拟一百个不同的客户端连接到 IIS 服务器并询问相同的数据? 我们项目运行的客户有 400 台计算机,他们经常对所有计算机进行压力测试。 另一方面,我只有我的笔记本电脑......(和开发服务器)。
(在我的例子中,数据是通过 WebORB 网关询问的)。
Is there a way to test an application where you simulate a hundred different clients connecting to a IIS server and asking the same data? At the customer where our project is running they have 400 computers and they often do stress tests with all computers. I on the other hand have only got my laptop... (and a development server).
(In my case the data is asked through a WebORB Gateway).
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ab 是专为 Apache 设计的工具,但是您可以将其与 IIS 一起使用。
ab is a tool that was designed for Apache, but you can use it with IIS.
在调查了许多开源和付费工具后,我发现 Microsoft 的 Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite 测试版(很快将成为 Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 的一部分)最为成功。 具有强大的压力测试功能。 Microsoft 的免费压力测试应用程序,WCAT< /a> 功能不足且存在缺陷,但完整的测试版可以与 LoadRunner 等产品相媲美,但更易于使用,与 VS/ASP.NET 集成得更好,并且每个虚拟用户的费用要少得多。
After surveying a lot of open source and paid tools, I found the most success with Microsoft's Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite Test Edition (soon to be part of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate). It has strong stress testing functionality. Microsoft's free application for stress-testing, WCAT is underpowered and buggy, but the full blown Test Edition goes up against products like LoadRunner but is easier to use, better-integrated with VS/ASP.NET and for much less money per virtual user.
它与Fiddler集成得很好。 设置和使用非常顺利,并且提供了大量的功能和配置。 我在谷歌搜索 Web 负载测试解决方案时发现了最好的结果。 顺便说一句,Fiddler 是一个很棒的工具。
Have a look at StresStimulus.
It integrates very well with Fiddler. The setup and usage is very smooth and it provides a lot of functionality and configuration. My best found when googling for a Web Load Test solution. Fiddler btw is a great tool.
Microsoft 有 Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Edition 附带的解决方案
Microsoft has a solution that comes with Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Edition
see the links below :
Updated Link : Stress Test
Trty这个工具,我测试过我的网站似乎运行良好> x0Bench
Trty this tool , i've tested my website seems to work well > x0Bench