“申请” 全局变量无法识别
我在 Delphi 5 中从事一个大型项目。 今天,在将应用程序的两个分支合并在一起之后,数百个单元之一,UnitMain(您猜猜主窗体的单元)停止识别应用程序全局。
这是一个相当奇怪的问题 - 我可以通过在 UnitMain 中定义 Application: TApplication 并将其设置为我们的 .dpr 项目文件中的应用程序来编译程序,但这会导致访问冲突,这并不是什么大问题。令人惊讶的是应用程序是特别的。
我希望有人以前遇到过同样的问题,或者对 Delphi VCL 的内部工作原理有足够的了解来帮助我解决这个问题。
unit UnitMain;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
Menus, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, cxButtons, ExtCtrls, IniFiles, ShellAPI,
LMDControl, LMDBaseControl, LMDBaseGraphicControl, LMDGraphicControl,
LMDScrollText, cxControls, cxContainer, cxListBox, Psock, NMFtp, db, DBTables,
FileCtrl, Configs, cxHint, DSetFunc, OleCtrls, DsInformation,
InterAppComm, ActnList, ADODB, OleServer, CRAXDRT_TLB;
确切的错误是编译器无法识别该单元中的Application。 例如,对于 Application.ProcessMessages; 调用时,错误是“需要对象或类类型”。 其他单位都没有这个问题。
I work on a large project in Delphi 5.
Today, after merging two branches of the app together, one of the hundreds of units, UnitMain (the main form's unit, would you guess) stopped recognizing the Application global.
This is a rather bizarre problem - I could get the program to compile by defining Application: TApplication in UnitMain, and setting that to the Application from our .dpr project file, but that leads to an access violation, which isn't much of a surprise with Application being the special thing it is.
I'm hoping someone has faced the same problem before, or knows enough of Delphi VCL's inner workings to help me out here.
unit UnitMain;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
Menus, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, cxButtons, ExtCtrls, IniFiles, ShellAPI,
LMDControl, LMDBaseControl, LMDBaseGraphicControl, LMDGraphicControl,
LMDScrollText, cxControls, cxContainer, cxListBox, Psock, NMFtp, db, DBTables,
FileCtrl, Configs, cxHint, DSetFunc, OleCtrls, DsInformation,
InterAppComm, ActnList, ADODB, OleServer, CRAXDRT_TLB;
The exact error is that the compiler does not recognize Application in this unit.
For example, for a Application.ProcessMessages; call, the error is "Object or class type required".
None of the other units has this problem.
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我认为您很可能在范围内有两个名为“应用程序”的符号,而表单单元中的符号不是活动符号。 确保使用列表中的“表单”单元位于包含“应用程序”符号的任何先前单元之后。
但是,您需要提供更多信息。 具体的错误信息等等。
I think it is most likely that you have two symbols called "Application" in scope, and the one from the Forms unit isn't the active one. Make sure the Forms unit in the uses list comes after any prior unit that contains a symbol called Application.
But, you need to provide more information. The exact error messages, etc.