通过第 3 方应用程序修改 NotifyIcon 的行为
我一直很好奇是否可以通过 C# 应用程序显示、隐藏或更改另一个应用程序创建的 NotifyIcon。
有人可以发布一个关于如何执行此操作的示例吗? :)
I've always been curious to see if I can show, hide or change a NotifyIcon created by another application via a C# application.
Could someone please post an example on how to do this? :)
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要修改系统托盘中的图标,您可以使用 Shell_NotifyIcon Win32 API ( P/Invoke 声明)。 这些图标与窗口句柄和 ID 相关联。 这意味着要修改或隐藏另一个程序的图标,您需要知道该应用程序用于注册它的窗口和 ID。 例如,您可以通过枚举该进程的所有窗口并使用每个句柄和每个 0 到 5000 万之间的数字进行调用来暴力破解它,但成功的机会非常渺茫。
To modify icons in the systray, you can use Shell_NotifyIcon Win32 API (P/Invoke declaration). The icons are associated with a window handle and an id. That means that to modify or hide another program's icon, you need to know the window and the id used by that application to register it. You might be able to brute force it by enumerating all windows for that process and making calls with each handle and each number between 0 and 5000 thousands for example, but your chances of success are very slim.
您可以挂钩 SystemTray 窗口本身来拦截所有 Shell_NotifyIcon() 请求。 然后您将知道为每个图标注册的确切 HWND 和 ID。 详细信息可以通过任何搜索引擎找到。
You can hook the SystemTray window itself to intercept all Shell_NotifyIcon() requests. Then you will know the exact HWNDs and IDs that are registered for each icon. Details can be found via any search engine.
I am not aware of anything, unless that other application exposes some public method, or you try to use reflection, but I'm not even sure that you can do that on a running process.