
发布于 2024-07-07 01:57:43 字数 490 浏览 12 评论 0原文

我最近决定我只需要最终学习 C/C++,并且有一件事我并不真正理解指针,或者更准确地说,它们的定义。


  1. int* test;
  2. int
  3. *test; int * test;
  4. int* test,test2; >
  5. int *test,test2;
  6. int * test,test2;

现在,据我了解,前三种情况都在做同样的事情:Test 不是 int,而是一个指向一的指针。

第二组示例有点棘手。 在情况 4 中,test 和 test2 都是指向 int 的指针,而在情况 5 中,只有 test 是指针,而 test2 是“真正的”int。 那么案例6呢? 和案例5一样吗?

I've recently decided that I just have to finally learn C/C++, and there is one thing I do not really understand about pointers or more precisely, their definition.

How about these examples:

  1. int* test;
  2. int *test;
  3. int * test;
  4. int* test,test2;
  5. int *test,test2;
  6. int * test,test2;

Now, to my understanding, the first three cases are all doing the same: Test is not an int, but a pointer to one.

The second set of examples is a bit more tricky. In case 4, both test and test2 will be pointers to an int, whereas in case 5, only test is a pointer, whereas test2 is a "real" int. What about case 6? Same as case 5?

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迷荒 2024-07-14 01:57:43

4、5、6是一样的,只是test是一个指针。 如果你想要两个指针,你应该使用:

int *test, *test2;


int* test;
int* test2;

4, 5, and 6 are the same thing, only test is a pointer. If you want two pointers, you should use:

int *test, *test2;

Or, even better (to make everything clear):

int* test;
int* test2;
隔岸观火 2024-07-14 01:57:43

星号周围的空白没有意义。 这三个含义相同:

int* test;
int *test;
int * test;

int *var1, var2”是一种邪恶的语法,其目的只是为了迷惑人们,应该避免。 它扩展到:

int *var1;
int var2;

White space around asterisks have no significance. All three mean the same thing:

int* test;
int *test;
int * test;

The "int *var1, var2" is an evil syntax that is just meant to confuse people and should be avoided. It expands to:

int *var1;
int var2;
心如狂蝶 2024-07-14 01:57:43

许多编码指南建议您每行仅声明一个变量。 这可以避免您在提出这个问题之前遇到的任何混乱。 与我共事过的大多数 C++ 程序员似乎都坚持这一点。


int* test;   // test is a pointer to an int

这开始工作得很好,特别是当你开始声明 const 指针时,要知道指针是否是 const 或指针所指向的东西是否是 const 就变得很棘手。

int* const test; // test is a const pointer to an int

int const * test; // test is a pointer to a const int ... but many people write this as  
const int * test; // test is a pointer to an int that's const

Many coding guidelines recommend that you only declare one variable per line. This avoids any confusion of the sort you had before asking this question. Most C++ programmers I've worked with seem to stick to this.

A bit of an aside I know, but something I found useful is to read declarations backwards.

int* test;   // test is a pointer to an int

This starts to work very well, especially when you start declaring const pointers and it gets tricky to know whether it's the pointer that's const, or whether its the thing the pointer is pointing at that is const.

int* const test; // test is a const pointer to an int

int const * test; // test is a pointer to a const int ... but many people write this as  
const int * test; // test is a pointer to an int that's const
离旧人 2024-07-14 01:57:43


第一点是,C 和 C++ 中的空格通常除了分隔相邻的标记(否则无法区分)之外并不重要。

在预处理阶段,源文本被分解为一系列标记 - 标识符、标点符号、数字文字、字符串文字等。稍后会分析该标记序列的语法和含义。 标记生成器是“贪婪的”,并且将构建尽可能长的有效标记。 如果您编写类似


标记器的内容,则只会看到两个标记 - 标识符 inttest 后跟标点符号 ;。 在此阶段,它不会将 int 识别为单独的关键字(这将在该过程的稍后部分发生)。 因此,为了将行读取为名为 test 的整数声明,我们必须使用空格来分隔标识符标记:

int test;

* 字符不是任何字符的一部分标识符; 它本身就是一个单独的标记(标点符号)。 因此,如果您编写,


编译器会看到 4 个单独的标记 - int*test;。 因此,空格在指针声明中并不重要,并且所有空格都

int *test;
int* test;
int     *     test;


难题的第二部分是声明在 C 和 C++ 中实际如何工作。 声明分为两个主要部分 - 一系列声明说明符(存储类说明符、类型说明符、类型限定符等),后跟一个逗号分隔的列表(可能已初始化)声明者。 在声明中,

unsigned long int a[10]={0}, *p=NULL, f(void);

声明说明符为 unsigned long int,声明符为 a[10]={0}*p=NULLf(void)。 声明符引入了所声明事物的名称(apf)以及有关该事物的数组性、指针的信息性和功能性。 声明符还可以具有关联的初始值设定项。

a 的类型是“unsigned long int 的 10 元素数组”。 该类型由声明说明符和声明符的组合完全指定,并且初始值由初始化器={0}指定。 类似地,p 的类型是“指向 unsigned long int”的指针,并且该类型再次由声明说明符和声明符的组合指定,并初始化为NULL。 同样的道理,f的类型是“返回unsigned long int的函数”。

这是关键 - 没有“指针”类型说明符,就像没有“数组”类型说明符一样,就像没有“函数返回”类型说明符一样。 我们不能将数组声明为 as,

int[10] a;

因为 [] 运算符的操作数是 a,而不是 int。 同样,在声明中,

int* p;

* 的操作数是 p,而不是 int。 但是因为间接运算符是一元的并且空格不重要,所以如果我们这样写,编译器不会抱怨。 但是,它总是被解释为int (*p);


int* p, q;

* 的操作数是 p,那么它将被解释为

int (*p), q;


int *test1, test2;
int* test1, test2;
int * test1, test2;

做同样的事情 - 在所有三种情况下,test1* 的操作数,因此具有“指向 int 的指针”类型,而 test2 具有 int 类型代码>.

声明符可以变得任意复杂。 您可以拥有指针数组:

T *a[N];


T (*a)[N];


T *f(void);


T (*f)(void);


T (*a[N])(void);


T (*f(void))[N];

您可以拥有函数返回指向函数的指针数组的指针,返回指向 T: 的指针,

T *(*(*f(void))[N])(void); // yes, it's eye-stabby.  Welcome to C and C++.

然后就得到了 signal: ,

void (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int);


       signal                             -- signal
       signal(                 )          -- is a function taking
       signal(                 )          --   unnamed parameter
       signal(int              )          --   is an int
       signal(int,             )          --   unnamed parameter
       signal(int,      (*)    )          --   is a pointer to
       signal(int,      (*)(  ))          --     a function taking
       signal(int,      (*)(  ))          --       unnamed parameter
       signal(int,      (*)(int))         --       is an int
       signal(int, void (*)(int))         --     returning void
     (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))        -- returning a pointer to
     (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(   )   --   a function taking
     (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(   )   --     unnamed parameter
     (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int)   --     is an int
void (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int);  --   returning void

,这仅仅触及了可能的表面。 但请注意,数组性质、指针性质和函数性质始终是声明符的一部分,而不是类型说明符的一部分。

需要注意的一件事 - const 可以修改指针类型和指向的类型:

const int *p;  
int const *p;

以上两者都将 p 声明为指向 const 的指针int 对象。 您可以向 p 写入新值,将其设置为指向不同的对象:

const int x = 1;
const int y = 2;

const int *p = &x;
p = &y;


*p = 3; // constraint violation, the pointed-to object is const


int * const p;

p 声明为 const 指向非 const int 的指针; 你可以写入 p 指向的东西

int x = 1;
int y = 2;
int * const p = &x;

*p = 3;

,但不能将 p 设置为指向不同的对象:

p = &y; // constraint violation, p is const

这给我们带来了难题的第三部分 - 为什么声明都是这样构造的。

目的是声明的结构应该密切反映代码中表达式的结构(“声明模仿使用”)。 例如,假设我们有一个名为 ap 的指向 int 的指针数组,并且我们想要访问 int 值指向的 int 值。 code>i第一个元素。 我们将按如下方式访问该值:

printf( "%d", *ap[i] );

表达式 *ap[i] 的类型为 int; 因此,ap 的声明可写为

int *ap[N]; // ap is an array of pointer to int, fully specified by the combination
            // of the type specifier and declarator

声明符*ap[N] 与表达式*ap[i] 具有相同的结构。 运算符 *[] 在声明中的行为方式与它们在表达式中的行为方式相同 - [] 的优先级高于一元 >*,因此*的操作数为ap[N](解析为*(ap[N])) 。

再举一个例子,假设我们有一个指向名为 paint 数组的指针,并且我们想要访问第 i 个元素的值。 我们将其写为

printf( "%d", (*pa)[i] );

表达式 (*pa)[i] 的类型为 int,因此声明写为

int (*pa)[N];

再次,优先级和结合性的规则相同申请。 在本例中,我们不想取消引用 pa 的第 i 个元素,我们想要访问pa 指向,因此我们必须显式地将 * 运算符与 pa 分组。

*[]() 运算符都是代码中表达式的一部分,因此它们是声明中声明符的所有部分。 声明符告诉您如何在表达式中使用对象。 如果您有一个类似 int *p; 的声明,它会告诉您代码中的表达式 *p 将产生一个 int 值。 通过扩展,它告诉您表达式 p 生成“指向 int 的指针”或 int * 类型的值。

那么,像强制转换和 sizeof 表达式这样的东西呢?我们使用 (int *)sizeof (int [10]) 或像这样的东西? 我如何阅读类似

void foo( int *, int (*)[10] );

There's no declarator, isn't the *[] 运算符直接修改类型的内容?

嗯,不 - 仍然有一个声明符,只是带有一个空标识符(称为抽象声明符)。 如果我们用符号 λ 表示一个空标识符,那么我们可以将这些内容读作 (int *λ)sizeof (int λ[10]),并且

void foo( int λ, int (*λ)[10] );

它们行为与任何其他声明完全相同。 int *[10] 表示一个包含 10 个指针的数组,而 int (*)[10] 表示一个指向数组的指针。

现在是这个答案的固执己见的部分。 我不喜欢将简单指针声明为的 C++ 约定,

T* p;


  1. 它与语法不一致;
  2. 它引入了混乱(正如这个问题所证明的那样,这个问题的所有重复项,关于T* p, q;的含义的问题,那些问题的所有重复项, ETC。);
  3. 它内部不一致 - 将指针数组声明为 T* a[N] 与使用不对称(除非您习惯于编写 * a[i] );
  4. 它不能应用于数组指针或函数指针类型(除非您创建一个 typedef 以便可以干净地应用 T* p 约定,这...);
  5. 这样做的原因——“它强调对象的指针性”——是虚假的。 它不能应用于数组或函数类型,我认为强调这些品质同样重要。


有充分的理由单独申报物品; 解决不良做法 (T* p, q;) 不是其中之一。 如果您正确地编写声明符(T *p, q;),则不太可能引起混乱。

我认为这类似于故意将所有简单的 for 循环编写为

i = 0;
for( ; i < N; ) 

语法有效,但令人困惑,并且意图可能会被误解。 然而,T* p; 约定在 C++ 社区中根深蒂固,我在自己的 C++ 代码中使用它,因为代码库之间的一致性是一件好事,但每次我都感到痒痒的。做吧。

¹ 我将使用 C 术语 - C++ 术语略有不同,但概念基本相同。

There are three pieces to this puzzle.

The first piece is that whitespace in C and C++ is normally not significant beyond separating adjacent tokens that are otherwise indistinguishable.

During the preprocessing stage, the source text is broken up into a sequence of tokens - identifiers, punctuators, numeric literals, string literals, etc. That sequence of tokens is later analyzed for syntax and meaning. The tokenizer is "greedy" and will build the longest valid token that's possible. If you write something like


the tokenizer only sees two tokens - the identifier inttest followed by the punctuator ;. It doesn't recognize int as a separate keyword at this stage (that happens later in the process). So, for the line to be read as a declaration of an integer named test, we have to use whitespace to separate the identifier tokens:

int test;

The * character is not part of any identifier; it's a separate token (punctuator) on its own. So if you write


the compiler sees 4 separate tokens - int, *, test, and ;. Thus, whitespace is not significant in pointer declarations, and all of

int *test;
int* test;
int     *     test;

are interpreted the same way.

The second piece to the puzzle is how declarations actually work in C and C++¹. Declarations are broken up into two main pieces - a sequence of declaration specifiers (storage class specifiers, type specifiers, type qualifiers, etc.) followed by a comma-separated list of (possibly initialized) declarators. In the declaration

unsigned long int a[10]={0}, *p=NULL, f(void);

the declaration specifiers are unsigned long int and the declarators are a[10]={0}, *p=NULL, and f(void). The declarator introduces the name of the thing being declared (a, p, and f) along with information about that thing's array-ness, pointer-ness, and function-ness. A declarator may also have an associated initializer.

The type of a is "10-element array of unsigned long int". That type is fully specified by the combination of the declaration specifiers and the declarator, and the initial value is specified with the initializer ={0}. Similarly, the type of p is "pointer to unsigned long int", and again that type is specified by the combination of the declaration specifiers and the declarator, and is initialized to NULL. And the type of f is "function returning unsigned long int" by the same reasoning.

This is key - there is no "pointer-to" type specifier, just like there is no "array-of" type specifier, just like there is no "function-returning" type specifier. We can't declare an array as

int[10] a;

because the operand of the [] operator is a, not int. Similarly, in the declaration

int* p;

the operand of * is p, not int. But because the indirection operator is unary and whitespace is not significant, the compiler won't complain if we write it this way. However, it is always interpreted as int (*p);.

Therefore, if you write

int* p, q;

the operand of * is p, so it will be interpreted as

int (*p), q;

Thus, all of

int *test1, test2;
int* test1, test2;
int * test1, test2;

do the same thing - in all three cases, test1 is the operand of * and thus has type "pointer to int", while test2 has type int.

Declarators can get arbitrarily complex. You can have arrays of pointers:

T *a[N];

you can have pointers to arrays:

T (*a)[N];

you can have functions returning pointers:

T *f(void);

you can have pointers to functions:

T (*f)(void);

you can have arrays of pointers to functions:

T (*a[N])(void);

you can have functions returning pointers to arrays:

T (*f(void))[N];

you can have functions returning pointers to arrays of pointers to functions returning pointers to T:

T *(*(*f(void))[N])(void); // yes, it's eye-stabby.  Welcome to C and C++.

and then you have signal:

void (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int);

which reads as

       signal                             -- signal
       signal(                 )          -- is a function taking
       signal(                 )          --   unnamed parameter
       signal(int              )          --   is an int
       signal(int,             )          --   unnamed parameter
       signal(int,      (*)    )          --   is a pointer to
       signal(int,      (*)(  ))          --     a function taking
       signal(int,      (*)(  ))          --       unnamed parameter
       signal(int,      (*)(int))         --       is an int
       signal(int, void (*)(int))         --     returning void
     (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))        -- returning a pointer to
     (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(   )   --   a function taking
     (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(   )   --     unnamed parameter
     (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int)   --     is an int
void (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int);  --   returning void

and this just barely scratches the surface of what's possible. But notice that array-ness, pointer-ness, and function-ness are always part of the declarator, not the type specifier.

One thing to watch out for - const can modify both the pointer type and the pointed-to type:

const int *p;  
int const *p;

Both of the above declare p as a pointer to a const int object. You can write a new value to p setting it to point to a different object:

const int x = 1;
const int y = 2;

const int *p = &x;
p = &y;

but you cannot write to the pointed-to object:

*p = 3; // constraint violation, the pointed-to object is const


int * const p;

declares p as a const pointer to a non-const int; you can write to the thing p points to

int x = 1;
int y = 2;
int * const p = &x;

*p = 3;

but you can't set p to point to a different object:

p = &y; // constraint violation, p is const

Which brings us to the third piece of the puzzle - why declarations are structured this way.

The intent is that the structure of a declaration should closely mirror the structure of an expression in the code ("declaration mimics use"). For example, let's suppose we have an array of pointers to int named ap, and we want to access the int value pointed to by the i'th element. We would access that value as follows:

printf( "%d", *ap[i] );

The expression *ap[i] has type int; thus, the declaration of ap is written as

int *ap[N]; // ap is an array of pointer to int, fully specified by the combination
            // of the type specifier and declarator

The declarator *ap[N] has the same structure as the expression *ap[i]. The operators * and [] behave the same way in a declaration that they do in an expression - [] has higher precedence than unary *, so the operand of * is ap[N] (it's parsed as *(ap[N])).

As another example, suppose we have a pointer to an array of int named pa and we want to access the value of the i'th element. We'd write that as

printf( "%d", (*pa)[i] );

The type of the expression (*pa)[i] is int, so the declaration is written as

int (*pa)[N];

Again, the same rules of precedence and associativity apply. In this case, we don't want to dereference the i'th element of pa, we want to access the i'th element of what pa points to, so we have to explicitly group the * operator with pa.

The *, [] and () operators are all part of the expression in the code, so they are all part of the declarator in the declaration. The declarator tells you how to use the object in an expression. If you have a declaration like int *p;, that tells you that the expression *p in your code will yield an int value. By extension, it tells you that the expression p yields a value of type "pointer to int", or int *.

So, what about things like cast and sizeof expressions, where we use things like (int *) or sizeof (int [10]) or things like that? How do I read something like

void foo( int *, int (*)[10] );

There's no declarator, aren't the * and [] operators modifying the type directly?

Well, no - there is still a declarator, just with an empty identifier (known as an abstract declarator). If we represent an empty identifier with the symbol λ, then we can read those things as (int *λ), sizeof (int λ[10]), and

void foo( int λ, int (*λ)[10] );

and they behave exactly like any other declaration. int *[10] represents an array of 10 pointers, while int (*)[10] represents a pointer to an array.

And now the opinionated portion of this answer. I am not fond of the C++ convention of declaring simple pointers as

T* p;

and consider it bad practice for the following reasons:

  1. It's not consistent with the syntax;
  2. It introduces confusion (as evidenced by this question, all the duplicates to this question, questions about the meaning of T* p, q;, all the duplicates to those questions, etc.);
  3. It's not internally consistent - declaring an array of pointers as T* a[N] is asymmetrical with use (unless you're in the habit of writing * a[i]);
  4. It cannot be applied to pointer-to-array or pointer-to-function types (unless you create a typedef just so you can apply the T* p convention cleanly, which...no);
  5. The reason for doing so - "it emphasizes the pointer-ness of the object" - is spurious. It cannot be applied to array or function types, and I would think those qualities are just as important to emphasize.

In the end, it just indicates confused thinking about how the two languages' type systems work.

There are good reasons to declare items separately; working around a bad practice (T* p, q;) isn't one of them. If you write your declarators correctly (T *p, q;) you are less likely to cause confusion.

I consider it akin to deliberately writing all your simple for loops as

i = 0;
for( ; i < N; ) 

Syntactically valid, but confusing, and the intent is likely to be misinterpreted. However, the T* p; convention is entrenched in the C++ community, and I use it in my own C++ code because consistency across the code base is a good thing, but it makes me itch every time I do it.

¹ I will be using C terminology - the C++ terminology is a little different, but the concepts are largely the same.

时光是把杀猪刀 2024-07-14 01:57:43



  1. 从未知元素开始,螺旋/顺时针移动
    方向; 当遇到以下元素时将其替换为

    [X][]:数组 X 大小...或数组未定义大小...

    (type1, type2):传递 type1 和 type2 的函数返回...


  2. 继续以螺旋/顺时针方向执行此操作,直到覆盖所有标记。
  3. 始终先解决括号中的任何问题!


Use the "Clockwise Spiral Rule" to help parse C/C++ declarations;

There are three simple steps to follow:

  1. Starting with the unknown element, move in a spiral/clockwise
    direction; when encountering the following elements replace them with
    the corresponding english statements:

    [X] or []: Array X size of... or Array undefined size of...

    (type1, type2): function passing type1 and type2 returning...

    *: pointer(s) to...

  2. Keep doing this in a spiral/clockwise direction until all tokens have been covered.
  3. Always resolve anything in parenthesis first!

Also, declarations should be in separate statements when possible (which is true the vast majority of times).

长梦不多时 2024-07-14 01:57:43

正如其他人提到的,4、5 和 6 是相同的。 人们经常使用这些示例来论证 * 属于变量而不是类型。 虽然这是一个风格问题,但对于是否应该这样思考和编写它存在一些争论:

int* x; // "x is a pointer to int"


int *x; // "*x is an int"


int* x,y; // "x is a pointer to int, y is an int"

这可能会产生误导; 您可以写

int *x,y; // it's a little clearer what is going on here


int *x, *y; // two pointers


As others mentioned, 4, 5, and 6 are the same. Often, people use these examples to make the argument that the * belongs with the variable instead of the type. While it's an issue of style, there is some debate as to whether you should think of and write it this way:

int* x; // "x is a pointer to int"

or this way:

int *x; // "*x is an int"

FWIW I'm in the first camp, but the reason others make the argument for the second form is that it (mostly) solves this particular problem:

int* x,y; // "x is a pointer to int, y is an int"

which is potentially misleading; instead you would write either

int *x,y; // it's a little clearer what is going on here

or if you really want two pointers,

int *x, *y; // two pointers

Personally, I say keep it to one variable per line, then it doesn't matter which style you prefer.

陪你搞怪i 2024-07-14 01:57:43
#include <type_traits>

std::add_pointer<int>::type test, test2;
#include <type_traits>

std::add_pointer<int>::type test, test2;
暖心男生 2024-07-14 01:57:43

在 4、5 和 6 中,test 始终是指针,而 test2 不是指针。 空白在 C++ 中(几乎)从来不重要。

In 4, 5 and 6, test is always a pointer and test2 is not a pointer. White space is (almost) never significant in C++.

殊姿 2024-07-14 01:57:43

C 中的基本原理是按照使用变量的方式声明变量。 例如

char *a[100];

*a[42] 将是一个 chara[42] 一个 char 指针。 因此 a 是一个 char 指针数组。

这是因为最初的编译器编写者希望对表达式和声明使用相同的解析器。 (对于语言设计选择来说这不是一个非常明智的理由)

The rationale in C is that you declare the variables the way you use them. For example

char *a[100];

says that *a[42] will be a char. And a[42] a char pointer. And thus a is an array of char pointers.

This because the original compiler writers wanted to use the same parser for expressions and declarations. (Not a very sensible reason for a langage design choice)

泪眸﹌ 2024-07-14 01:57:43



I would say that the initial convention was to put the star on the pointer name side (right side of the declaration

You can follow the same rules, but it's not a big deal if you put stars on the type side.
Remember that consistency is important, so always but the star on the same side regardless of which side you have choose.

谁人与我共长歌 2024-07-14 01:57:43

一般来说,IMO,最好将星号放在指针名称旁边,而不是类型旁边。 比较例如:

int *pointer1, *pointer2; // Fully consistent, two pointers
int* pointer1, pointer2;  // Inconsistent -- because only the first one is a pointer, the second one is an int variable
// The second case is unexpected, and thus prone to errors

为什么第二种情况不一致? 因为例如 int x,y; 声明了两个相同类型的变量,但该类型在声明中仅提及一次。 这创造了先例和预期的行为。 而int*pointer1,pointer2;与此不一致,因为它声明了pointer1为指针,但pointer2是一个整型变量。 显然容易出错,因此应该避免(通过将星号放在指针名称旁边,而不是类型旁边)。

但是,有一些例外,在这些情况下,您可能无法将星号放在对象名称旁边(以及重要的位置),而不会得到不希望的结果 -例如:

MyClass *volatile MyObjName

void test (const char *const p) // const value pointing to a const point


void* ClassName::getItemPtr () {return &item;} // 首先清除视线

In my opinion, the answer is BOTH, depending on the situation.
Generally, IMO, it is better to put the asterisk next to the pointer name, rather than the type. Compare e.g.:

int *pointer1, *pointer2; // Fully consistent, two pointers
int* pointer1, pointer2;  // Inconsistent -- because only the first one is a pointer, the second one is an int variable
// The second case is unexpected, and thus prone to errors

Why is the second case inconsistent? Because e.g. int x,y; declares two variables of the same type but the type is mentioned only once in the declaration. This creates a precedent and expected behavior. And int* pointer1, pointer2; is inconsistent with that because it declares pointer1 as a pointer, but pointer2 is an integer variable. Clearly prone to errors and, thus, should be avoided (by putting the asterisk next to the pointer name, rather than the type).

However, there are some exceptions where you might not be able to put the asterisk next to an object name (and where it matters where you put it) without getting undesired outcome — for example:

MyClass *volatile MyObjName

void test (const char *const p) // const value pointed to by a const pointer

Finally, in some cases, it might be arguably clearer to put the asterisk next to the type name, e.g.:

void* ClassName::getItemPtr () {return &item;} // Clear at first sight

初心未许 2024-07-14 01:57:43

这更多的是@John Bode 答案的附录,这是一篇漂亮的文章。

正如 Bode 所提到的,当前 C 语言中关于指针声明中一元运算符 * 的放置的大部分混乱都源于 C++。

Jens Gustedt 的《Modern C》中的以下段落最好地说明了这一点(请记住,G. 是 ISO C 标准的联合编辑):

请注意,* 字符在 double_swap 的定义中扮演着两个不同的角色。 在声明中,它创建一个新类型(指针类型),而在表达式中,它取消引用指针所指向的对象。 为了帮助区分同一符号的这两种用法,如果它修改类型(例如 double*),我们通常将 * 向左刷新,中间不留空格;如果它取消引用指针 (*p0),则将 * 向右刷新。< /p>

这是对 K&R 的曲解,K&R 指出在指针声明中使用 * 的目的是“助记符”,但当人们意识到时会变得更容易理解M. Gustedt 拥有 C++ 背景。

This is more of an addendum to @John Bode’s answer, which is a beautiful piece of writing.

As Bode has alluded to, much of the current confusion in C over the placement of the unary operator * in a pointer declaration has a C++ origin.

It is best illustrated by the following paragraph from Jens Gustedt’s Modern C (remember G. is a co-editor of the ISO C Standard):

Please note that the * character plays two different roles in the definition of double_swap. In a declaration, it creates a new type (a pointer type), whereas in an expression it dereferencesC the object to which a pointer refersC . To help distinguish these two usages of the same symbol, we usually flush the * to the left with no blanks in between if it modifies a type (such as double*) and to the right if it dereferences a pointer (*p0).

This is a perversion of K&R, who stated that the use of * in a pointer declaration ‘is intended as a mnemonic’, but becomes easier to understand when one realises M. Gustedt has a background in C++.

謌踐踏愛綪 2024-07-14 01:57:43

指针是类型的修饰符。 最好从右到左阅读它们,以便更好地理解星号如何修改类型。 'int *' 可以读作“指向 int 的指针”。在多个声明中,您必须指定每个变量都是指针,否则它将被创建为标准变量。1,2

和 3) Test 的类型为 (int *) . 空格无关紧要

4,5 和 6) Test 的类型为 (int *)。同样,空格也无关紧要。

The pointer is a modifier to the type. It's best to read them right to left in order to better understand how the asterisk modifies the type. 'int *' can be read as "pointer to int'. In multiple declarations you must specify that each variable is a pointer or it will be created as a standard variable.

1,2 and 3) Test is of type (int *). Whitespace doesn't matter.

4,5 and 6) Test is of type (int *). Test2 is of type int. Again whitespace is inconsequential.

我的奇迹 2024-07-14 01:57:43


int* i;

我读到这个是说“i is of type int-pointer”。 如果每次声明只声明一个变量,则可以摆脱这种解释。

然而,令人不安的事实是,这种解读是错误的。 《C 编程语言》第二版(第 94 页)解释了相反的范例,即 C 标准中使用的范例:


int *ip; 

旨在作为助记符; 它表示表达式 *ip 是一个
int。 变量声明的语法模仿了语法
变量可能出现的表达式的数量。 这个推理
也适用于函数声明。 例如,

double *dp, atof(char *); 

double,并且 atof 的参数是指向 char 的指针。

因此,根据 C 语言的推理,当您声明

int* test, test2;

没有声明两个 int* 类型的变量时,您将引入两个计算结果为 int 类型的表达式,不附加内存中 int 的分配。


int *ip, i;
i = *ip;

因为在 C 范例中,编译器只需要跟踪 *ipi< 的 type /代码>。 程序员应该了解 *ipi含义。 在这种情况下,ip 未初始化,因此程序员有责任在取消引用它之前将其指向有意义的内容。

I have always preferred to declare pointers like this:

int* i;

I read this to say "i is of type int-pointer". You can get away with this interpretation if you only declare one variable per declaration.

It is an uncomfortable truth, however, that this reading is wrong. The C Programming Language, 2nd Ed. (p. 94) explains the opposite paradigm, which is the one used in the C standards:

The declaration of the pointer ip,

int *ip;

is intended as a mnemonic; it says that the expression *ip is an
int. The syntax of the declaration for a variable mimics the syntax
of expressions in which the variable might appear. This reasoning
applies to function declarations as well. For example,

double *dp, atof(char *);

says that in an expression *dp and atof(s) have values of type
double, and that the argument of atof is a pointer to char.

So, by the reasoning of the C language, when you declare

int* test, test2;

you are not declaring two variables of type int*, you are introducing two expressions that evaluate to an int type, with no attachment to the allocation of an int in memory.

A compiler is perfectly happy to accept the following:

int *ip, i;
i = *ip;

because in the C paradigm, the compiler is only expected to keep track of the type of *ip and i. The programmer is expected to keep track of the meaning of *ip and i. In this case, ip is uninitialized, so it is the programmer's responsibility to point it at something meaningful before dereferencing it.

So要识趣 2024-07-14 01:57:43

一个好的经验法则是,很多人似乎通过以下方式掌握这些概念:在 C++ 中,许多语义是通过关键字或标识符的左绑定派生的。


int const bla;

const适用于“int”这个词。 指针的星号也是如此,它们适用于它们左边的关键字。 实际的变量名称是什么? 是的,这是由剩下的部分声明的。

A good rule of thumb, a lot of people seem to grasp these concepts by: In C++ a lot of semantic meaning is derived by the left-binding of keywords or identifiers.

Take for example:

int const bla;

The const applies to the "int" word. The same is with pointers' asterisks, they apply to the keyword left of them. And the actual variable name? Yup, that's declared by what's left of it.

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