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Closed 10 years ago.
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Why don't you try DotNetNuke?
在这里您可以找到有关响应式框架的很好的比较。 根据我的个人经验,我曾在多个项目中使用 Twitter Bootstrap,并且很喜欢它。 由于我如此广泛地使用其他框架,我不能(或不应该)说它是最好的,但至少它符合我的要求,并且我发现使用它很愉快。
Here you can find a nice comparison about responsive frameworks. In my personal experience, I've worked with Twitter Bootstrap on several projects and like it. Since I've used the other frameworks so extensively I cannot (or should not) say it's the best, but at least it fits my requirements and I find pleasing to work with it.
With a simple web search you'll find a lot of themes (free and paid ones), pick what best fits your needs.
You could use YUI, its got fairly reasonable API and is VERY complete.
Twitter Bootstrap 应该是这个问题的最新答案
Twitter Bootstrap should be the latest answer for this question
如果您使用 Rails,如果您喜欢 37 个信号,Baseapp 值得一看看。
您还可以尝试 SproutCore 或 卡布奇诺 JS 框架。
不过,您将很难找到开箱即用的“可用性”。 知道在哪里以及如何放置各种元素以形成一个有凝聚力的整体是一种技能,而不是以模板形式出现的东西。 正如你所说,你可以拥有一堆漂亮的砖块,但你仍然需要一个好的砌砖工来使用它们。 但尽管如此,上述链接可能会有所帮助。
Open Source Web Design is a reasonable place to check.
If you're on Rails, Baseapp is worth looking at, if you like the 37 Signals look.
You could also try SproutCore or Cappuccino JS frameworks.
You are going to struggle finding out-of-the-box 'usability', though. Knowing where, and how, to place various elements in order to make a cohesive whole is a skill, rather than something that comes in template form. As you say, you can have a bunch of pretty bricks, but you still need a good brick-layer to make use of them. But nevertheless, the above links may help.