sleep() 背后的算法是什么?

发布于 2024-07-06 13:48:04 字数 544 浏览 5 评论 0 原文

现在有个问题我一直想知道: sleep() 是如何实现的?

如果这一切都是为了使用操作系统的 API,那么 API 是如何制作的呢?

这一切是否都归结为在 CPU 上使用特殊的机器代码? 该 CPU 是否需要特殊的协处理器或其他小玩意,没有它们就无法 sleep() ?

sleep() 最著名的化身是 C 语言(更准确地说,是在 C 编译器附带的库中,例如 GNU 的 libc),尽管当今几乎每种语言都有其等效项,但某些语言中 sleep 的实现(认为 Bash)不是我们在这个问题中看到的......

编辑:在阅读了一些答案后,我看到该进程被放置在等待队列中。 从那里,我可以猜测两种选择,要么

  1. 设置一个计时器,以便内核在适当的时间唤醒进程,要么
  2. 每当内核被允许一个时间片时,它会轮询时钟以检查是否到了唤醒进程的时间。

答案只提到替代方案1。因此,我问:这个计时器的行为如何? 如果这是一个简单的中断来让内核唤醒进程,那么内核如何要求计时器“在 140 毫秒内唤醒我,以便我可以将进程置于运行状态”?

Now there's something I always wondered: how is sleep() implemented ?

If it is all about using an API from the OS, then how is the API made ?

Does it all boil down to using special machine-code on the CPU ? Does that CPU need a special co-processor or other gizmo without which you can't have sleep() ?

The best known incarnation of sleep() is in C (to be more accurate, in the libraries that come with C compilers, such as GNU's libc), although almost every language today has its equivalent, but the implementation of sleep in some languages (think Bash) is not what we're looking at in this question...

EDIT: After reading some of the answers, I see that the process is placed in a wait queue. From there, I can guess two alternatives, either

  1. a timer is set so that the kernel wakes the process at the due time, or
  2. whenever the kernel is allowed a time slice, it polls the clock to check whether it's time to wake a process.

The answers only mention alternative 1. Therefore, I ask: how does this timer behave ? If it's a simple interrupt to make the kernel wake the process, how can the kernel ask the timer to "wake me up in 140 milliseconds so I can put the process in running state" ?

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萌无敌 2024-07-13 13:48:04


内核没有“允许”时间片。 内核是为用户进程分配时间片的东西。 “计时器”未设置为唤醒睡眠进程 - 它设置为停止当前正在运行的进程。

本质上,内核试图通过停止在 CPU 上运行时间过长的进程来公平分配 CPU 时间。 简单来说,假设任何进程使用 CPU 的时间都不允许超过 2 毫秒。 因此,内核会将计时器设置为 2 毫秒,并让进程运行。 当定时器触发中断时,内核获得控制权。 它保存正在运行的进程的当前状态(寄存器、指令指针等),并且控制权不会返回给它。 相反,会从等待分配 CPU 的进程列表中挑选另一个进程,并且被中断的进程会移至队列的末尾。

睡眠进程不在等待CPU 的队列中。 相反,它存储在睡眠队列中。 每当内核收到定时器中断时,就会检查睡眠队列,并将到达时间的进程转移到“等待CPU”队列。

当然,这是一种粗略的简化。 它需要非常复杂的算法来确保安全性、公平性、平衡、优先级、防止饥饿,快速完成这一切,并使用最少的内核数据内存。

The "update" to question shows some misunderstanding of how modern OSs work.

The kernel is not "allowed" a time slice. The kernel is the thing that gives out time slices to user processes. The "timer" is not set to wake the sleeping process up - it is set to stop the currently running process.

In essence, the kernel attempts to fairly distribute the CPU time by stopping processes that are on CPU too long. For a simplified picture, let's say that no process is allowed to use the CPU more than 2 milliseconds. So, the kernel would set timer to 2 milliseconds, and let the process run. When the timer fires an interrupt, the kernel gets control. It saves the running process' current state (registers, instruction pointer and so on), and the control is not returned to it. Instead, another process is picked from the list of processes waiting to be given CPU, and the process that was interrupted goes to the back of the queue.

The sleeping process is simply not in the queue of things waiting for CPU. Instead, it's stored in the sleeping queue. Whenever kernel gets timer interrupt, the sleep queue is checked, and the processes whose time have come get transferred to "waiting for CPU" queue.

This is, of course, a gross simplification. It takes very sophisticated algorithms to ensure security, fairness, balance, prioritize, prevent starvation, do it all fast and with minimum amount of memory used for kernel data.

橪书 2024-07-13 13:48:04

有一个称为睡眠队列的内核数据结构。 这是一个优先级队列。 每当一个进程被添加到睡眠队列中时,就会计算最早被唤醒的进程的过期时间,并设置一个计时器。 此时,过期的作业将从队列中取出,进程恢复执行。

(有趣的琐事:在较旧的 UNIX 实现中,有一个已调用 fork() 但尚未创建子进程的进程队列。它当然被称为fork 队列< /em>。)


There's a kernel data structure called the sleep queue. It's a priority queue. Whenever a process is added to the sleep queue, the expiration time of the most-soon-to-be-awakened process is calculated, and a timer is set. At that time, the expired job is taken off the queue and the process resumes execution.

(amusing trivia: in older unix implementations, there was a queue for processes for which fork() had been called, but for which the child process had not been created. It was of course called the fork queue.)


娇俏 2024-07-13 13:48:04

也许操作系统的主要工作是向应用程序编写者隐藏真实硬件的复杂性。 因此,任何关于操作系统如何工作的描述都面临着变得非常复杂、非常快的风险。 因此,我不会处理真正的操作系统需要处理的所有“如果”和“是的但是”。我只是在高概念层面上描述什么是进程,什么是进程调度程序的作用,计时器队列的工作原理,希望这对


帮助,我们先来讨论一下进程,稍后再讨论线程。进程有一个 ID(认为是一个整数),您可以将该整数视为包含该进程的所有上下文的表的索引。

上下文 是硬件信息 - -寄存器、内存管理单元内容、其他硬件状态——当加载到机器中时,将允许进程“运行”。还有上下文的其他组件——打开文件的列表、信号处理程序的状态,以及,这里最重要的是,进程正在等待的事情


进程花费大量时间等待。 例如,读取或写入磁盘的进程将花费大量时间等待数据到达或被确认在磁盘上。 操作系统人员在某种程度上可以互换使用术语“等待”和“睡眠”(以及“阻塞”)——所有这些都意味着该进程正在等待某些事情发生,然后才能继续其愉快的方式。 令人困惑的是,操作系统 API sleep() 恰好使用底层操作系统机制来休眠进程。



正在等待的进程被称为不可运行。 它们不会进入操作系统的运行队列。 但是当进程正在等待的事件发生时,它会导致操作系统将进程从不可运行状态转移到可运行状态。 同时,操作系统将进程放入运行队列,这实际上不是一个队列 - 它更像是所有进程的一堆,如果操作系统决定这样做,可以 运行。


操作系统定期决定应该运行哪些进程。 毫不奇怪,操作系统决定这样做的算法被称为调度算法。 调度算法的范围从极其简单(“每个人都运行 10 毫秒,然后队列中的下一个人开始运行”)到复杂得多(考虑进程优先级、执行频率、运行时期限、进程间依赖、链锁和各种其他复杂的主题)。

计算机内部有一个计时器。 有很多方法可以实现这一点,但经典的方法称为周期性计时器。 周期性计时器以固定的时间间隔滴答——在当今的大多数操作系统中,我相信这个速率是每秒 100 次——100 Hz——每 10 毫秒。 我将在接下来的内容中使用该值作为具体速率,但要知道大多数有价值的操作系统都可以配置不同的滴答声 - 并且许多操作系统不使用此机制,并且可以提供更好的计时器精度。 但我离题了。


当操作系统处理此计时器中断时,它会将系统时间再增加 10 毫秒。 然后,它查看计时器队列并决定需要处理该队列上的哪些事件。

计时器队列实际上是一个“需要处理的事情”的队列,我们​​将其称为事件。 该队列按到期时间排序,最早的事件排在前面。

“事件”可以是“唤醒进程 X”,或者“去那边踢磁盘 I/O,因为它可能已经卡住了”,或者“在那边的光纤通道链路上发送一个保活数据包”。 无论操作系统需要做什么。

当队列以这种方式排序时,管理出队就很容易。 操作系统只是查看队列的头部,并在每个时钟周期将事件的“到期时间”减少 10 毫秒。 当过期时间变为零时,操作系统会将该事件出列,并执行所需的操作。



Perhaps the major job of an operating system is to hide the complexity of a real piece of hardware from the application writer. Hence, any description of how the OS works runs the risk of getting really complicated, really fast. Accordingly, I am not going to deal with all the "what ifs" and yeah buts" that a real operating system needs to deal with. I'm just going to describe, at a high conceptual level, what a process is, what the scheduler does, how the timer queue works. Hopefully this is helpful.

What's a process:

Think of a process--let's just talk about processes, and get to threads later--as "the thing the operating system schedules". A process has an ID--think an integer--and you can think of that integer as an index into a table containing all the context of that process.

Context is the hardware information--registers, memory management unit contents, other hardware state--that, when loaded into the machine, will allow the process to "go". There are other components of context--lists of open files, state of signal handlers, and, most importantly here, things the process is waiting for.

Processes spend a lot of time sleeping (a.k.a. waiting)

A process spends much of its time waiting. For example, a process that reads or writes to disk will spend a lot of time waiting for the data to arrive or be acknowledged to be out on disk. OS folks use the terms "waiting" and "sleeping" (and "blocked") somewhat interchangeably--all meaning that the process is awaiting something to happen before it can continue on its merry way. It is just confusing that the OS API sleep() happens to use underlying OS mechanisms for sleeping processes.

Processes can be waiting for other things: network packets to arrive, window selection events, or a timer to expire, for example.

Processes and Scheduling

Processes that are waiting are said to be non-runnable. They don't go onto the run queue of the operating system. But when the event occurs which the process is waiting for, it causes the operating system to move the process from the non-runnable to the runnable state. At the same time, the operating system puts the process on the run queue, which is really not a queue--it's more of a pile of all the processes which, should the operating system decide to do so, could run.


the operating system decides, at regular intervals, which processes should run. The algorithm by which the operating system decides to do so is called, somewhat unsurprisingly, the scheduling algorithm. Scheduling algorithms range from dead-simple ("everybody gets to run for 10 ms, and then the next guy on the queue gets to run") to far more complicated (taking into account process priority, frequency of execution, run-time deadlines, inter-process dependencies, chained locks and all sorts of other complicated subject matter).

The Timer Queue
A computer has a timer inside it. There are many ways this can be implemented, but the classic manner is called a periodic timer. A periodic timer ticks at a regular interval--in most operating systems today, I believe this rate is 100 times per second--100 Hz--every 10 milliseconds. I'll use that value in what follows as a concrete rate, but know that most operating systems worth their salt can be configured with different ticks--and many don't use this mechanism and can provide much better timer precision. But I digress.

Each tick results in an interrupt to the operating system.

When the OS handles this timer interrupt, it increments its idea of system time by another 10 ms. Then, it looks at the timer queue and decides what events on that queue need to be dealt with.

The timer queue really is a queue of "things which need to be dealt with", which we will call events. This queue is ordered by time of expiration, soonest events first.

An "event" can be something like, "wake up process X", or "go kick disk I/O over there, because it may have gotten stuck", or "send out a keepalive packet on that fibrechannel link over there". Whatever the operating system needs to have done.

When you have a queue ordered in this way, it's easy to manage the dequeuing. The OS simply looks at the head of the queue, and decrements the "time to expiration" of the event by 10 ms every tick. When the expiration time goes to zero, the OS dequeues that event, and does whatever is called for.

In the case of a sleeping process, it simply makes the process runnable again.

Simple, huh?

娇妻 2024-07-13 13:48:04

至少有两个不同的层次来回答这个问题。 (还有很多其他与之混淆的东西,我不会碰它们)

  1. 应用程序级别,这就是 C 库的作用。 这是一个简单的操作系统调用,它只是告诉操作系统在时间过去之前不要为该进程提供 CPU 时间。 操作系统有一个挂起的应用程序队列,以及一些关于它们正在等待什么的信息(通常是时间,或者一些数据出现在某处)。

  2. 内核级别。 当操作系统现在没有任何事情可做时,它会执行“hlt”指令。 该指令不执行任何操作,但它永远不会自行完成。 当然,硬件中断是正常服务的。 简而言之,操作系统的主循环看起来像这样(从非常非常远的地方看):


    中断处理程序只是将事情添加到待办事项队列中。 实时时钟被编程为定期(以固定速率)生成中断,或者在下一个进程想要唤醒时在未来的某个固定时间生成中断。

there's at least two different levels to answer this question. (and a lot of other things that get confused with it, i won't touch them)

  1. an application level, this is what the C library does. It's a simple OS call, it simply tells the OS not to give CPU time to this process until the time has passed. The OS has a queue of suspended applications, and some info about what are they waiting for (usually either time, or some data to appear somewhere).

  2. kernel level. when the OS doesn't have anything to do right now, it executes a 'hlt' instruction. this instruction doesn't do anything, but it never finishes by itself. Of course, a hardware interrupt is serviced normally. Put simply, the main loop of an OS looks like this (from very very far away):

    allow_interrupts ();
    while (true) {
      check_todo_queues ();

    the interrupt handlers simpy add things to the todo queues. The real time clock is programmed to generate interrupts either periodically (at a fixed rate), or to some fixed time in the future when the next process wants to be awaken.

逆流 2024-07-13 13:48:04



A multitasking operating system has a component called a scheduler, this component is responsible for giving CPU time to threads, calling sleep tells the OS not to give CPU time to this thread for some time.

see for complete details.

っ〆星空下的拥抱 2024-07-13 13:48:04


Sleep() 导致进程的时间片立即结束,将控制权返回给操作系统。 然后,操作系统设置一个计时器内核对象,该对象在时间流逝后收到信号。 然后,操作系统将不再给该进程任何时间,直到内核对象收到信号。 即使如此,如果其他进程具有更高或相同的优先级,它仍然可能会等待一段时间才让该进程继续。

操作系统使用特殊的CPU机器代码来进行进程切换。 这些函数无法通过用户模式代码访问,因此只能通过操作系统的 API 调用来严格访问它们。

I don't know anything about Linux, but I can tell you what happens on Windows.

Sleep() causes the process' time-slice to end immediately to return control to the OS. The OS then sets up a timer kernel object that gets signaled after the time elapses. The OS will then not give that process any more time until the kernel object gets signaled. Even then, if other processes have higher or equal priority, it may still wait a little while before letting the process continue.

Special CPU machine code is used by the OS to do process switching. Those functions cannot be accessed by user-mode code, so they are accessed strictly by API calls into the OS.

柠北森屋 2024-07-13 13:48:04

本质上,是的,有一个“特殊的小玩意”——它的重要性不仅仅是 sleep() 。

传统上,在 x86 上,这是 Intel 8253 或 8254“可编程间隔定时器”。 在早期的 PC 中,这是主板上的一个独立芯片,可以由 CPU 进行编程,以在预设时间间隔后发出中断(通过“可编程中断控制器”,另一个分立芯片)。 该功能仍然存在,尽管它现在只是更大的主板电路块中的一小部分。

今天的操作系统仍然对 PIT 进行编程以定期唤醒它(在最新版本的 Linux 中,默认情况下每毫秒唤醒一次),这就是内核能够实现抢占式多任务处理的方式。

Essentially, yes, there is a "special gizmo" - and it's important for a lot more than just sleep().

Classically, on x86 this was an Intel 8253 or 8254 "Programmable Interval Timer". In the early PCs, this was a seperate chip on the motherboard that could be programmed by the CPU to assert an interrupt (via the "Programmable Interrupt Controller", another discrete chip) after a preset time interval. The functionality still exists, although it is now a tiny part of a much larger chunk of motherboard circuitry.

The OS today still programs the PIT to wake it up regularly (in recent versions of Linux, once every millisecond by default), and this is how the Kernel is able to implement pre-emptive multitasking.

拿命拼未来 2024-07-13 13:48:04

glibc 2.21 Linux

转发到 nanosleep 系统调用。

glibc 是大多数 Linux 桌面发行版上 C stdlib 的默认实现。


git ls-files | grep sleep







/* We are going to use the `nanosleep' syscall of the kernel.  But the
   kernel does not implement the stupid SysV SIGCHLD vs. SIG_IGN
   behaviour for this syscall.  Therefore we have to emulate it here.  */
unsigned int
__sleep (unsigned int seconds)



 weak_alias (__sleep, sleep)

基本上是__sleep == sleep。 该函数通过以下方式使用 nanosleep

result = __nanosleep (&ts, &ts);

在 greppingg: 之后,

git grep nanosleep | grep -v abilist

我们得到了一小部分有趣的事件,我认为 __nanosleep 定义在:


on the line:

nanosleep   -   nanosleep   Ci:pp   __nanosleep nanosleep

这是一些超级 DRY 魔法格式解析为:



grep -r __nanosleep

引导我们到: /sysd-syscalls 这是 生成并包含的内容:

#### CALL=nanosleep NUMBER=35 ARGS=i:pp SOURCE=-
ifeq (,$(filter nanosleep,$(unix-syscalls)))
unix-syscalls += nanosleep
$(foreach p,$(sysd-rules-targets),$(foreach o,$(object-suffixes),$(objpfx)$(patsubst %,$p,nanosleep)$o)): \
    (echo '#define SYSCALL_NAME nanosleep'; \
     echo '#define SYSCALL_NARGS 2'; \
     echo '#define SYSCALL_SYMBOL __nanosleep'; \
     echo '#define SYSCALL_CANCELLABLE 1'; \
     echo '#include <syscall-template.S>'; \
     echo 'weak_alias (__nanosleep, nanosleep)'; \
     echo 'libc_hidden_weak (nanosleep)'; \
    ) | $(compile-syscall) $(foreach p,$(patsubst %nanosleep,%,$(basename $(@F))),$($(p)CPPFLAGS))

它看起来像是生成文件。 git grep sysd-syscalls 显示它包含在:

sysdeps/unix/Makefile:23:-include $(common-objpfx)sysd-syscalls 

compile-syscall 看起来是关键部分,所以我们发现:

# This is the end of the pipeline for compiling the syscall stubs.
# The stdin is assembler with cpp using sysdep.h macros.
compile-syscall = $(COMPILE.S) -o $@ -x assembler-with-cpp - \

注意 -x assembler-with- cpp 是一个 gcc 选项。

#define 的参数如下:

#define SYSCALL_NAME nanosleep


#include <syscall-template.S>


我认为这会生成 posix/nanosleep.o 文件,该文件必须与所有内容链接在一起。

Linux 4.2 x86_64 nanosleep syscall


搜索 ctags:


引导我们到 kernel/time/hrtimer.c

SYSCALL_DEFINE2(nanosleep, struct timespec __user *, rqtp,

hrtimer 代表高分辨率计时器。 从那里开始,主线看起来像:

  • hrtimer_nanosleep
  • do_nanosleep
    • set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); 这是可中断睡眠
    • freezable_schedule(); 调用 schedule() 并允许其他进程运行
  • < code>hrtimer_start_expires
  • hrtimer_start_range_ns
  • TODO:达到 arch/x86 计时级别
  • TODO:上述步骤是直接在系统调用中断处理程序中完成,还是在常规中完成内核线程?


glibc 2.21 Linux

Forwards to the nanosleep system call.

glibc is the default implementation for the C stdlib on most Linux desktop distros.

How to find it: the first reflex is:

git ls-files | grep sleep

This contains:


and we know that:


contains the Linux specifics.

On the top of that file we see:

/* We are going to use the `nanosleep' syscall of the kernel.  But the
   kernel does not implement the stupid SysV SIGCHLD vs. SIG_IGN
   behaviour for this syscall.  Therefore we have to emulate it here.  */
unsigned int
__sleep (unsigned int seconds)

So if you trust comments, we are done basically.

At the bottom:

 weak_alias (__sleep, sleep)

which basically says __sleep == sleep. The function uses nanosleep through:

result = __nanosleep (&ts, &ts);

After greppingg:

git grep nanosleep | grep -v abilist

we get a small list of interesting occurrences, and I think __nanosleep is defined in:


on the line:

nanosleep   -   nanosleep   Ci:pp   __nanosleep nanosleep

which is some super DRY magic format parsed by:


Then from the build directory:

grep -r __nanosleep

Leads us to: /sysd-syscalls which is what generates and contains:

#### CALL=nanosleep NUMBER=35 ARGS=i:pp SOURCE=-
ifeq (,$(filter nanosleep,$(unix-syscalls)))
unix-syscalls += nanosleep
$(foreach p,$(sysd-rules-targets),$(foreach o,$(object-suffixes),$(objpfx)$(patsubst %,$p,nanosleep)$o)): \
    (echo '#define SYSCALL_NAME nanosleep'; \
     echo '#define SYSCALL_NARGS 2'; \
     echo '#define SYSCALL_SYMBOL __nanosleep'; \
     echo '#define SYSCALL_CANCELLABLE 1'; \
     echo '#include <syscall-template.S>'; \
     echo 'weak_alias (__nanosleep, nanosleep)'; \
     echo 'libc_hidden_weak (nanosleep)'; \
    ) | $(compile-syscall) $(foreach p,$(patsubst %nanosleep,%,$(basename $(@F))),$($(p)CPPFLAGS))

It looks like part of a Makefile. git grep sysd-syscalls shows that it is included at:

sysdeps/unix/Makefile:23:-include $(common-objpfx)sysd-syscalls 

compile-syscall looks like the key part, so we find:

# This is the end of the pipeline for compiling the syscall stubs.
# The stdin is assembler with cpp using sysdep.h macros.
compile-syscall = $(COMPILE.S) -o $@ -x assembler-with-cpp - \

Note that -x assembler-with-cpp is a gcc option.

This #defines parameters like:

#define SYSCALL_NAME nanosleep

and then use them at:

#include <syscall-template.S>

OK, this is as far as I will go on the macro expansion game for now.

I think then this generates the posix/nanosleep.o file which must be linked together with everything.

Linux 4.2 x86_64 nanosleep syscall

Uses the scheduler: it's not a busy sleep.

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Leads us to kernel/time/hrtimer.c:

SYSCALL_DEFINE2(nanosleep, struct timespec __user *, rqtp,

hrtimer stands for High Resolution Timer. From there the main line looks like:

  • hrtimer_nanosleep
  • do_nanosleep
    • set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); which is interruptible sleep
    • freezable_schedule(); which calls schedule() and allows other processes to run
  • hrtimer_start_expires
  • hrtimer_start_range_ns
  • TODO: reach the arch/x86 timing level
  • TODO: are the above steps done directly in the syscal call interrupt handler, or in a regular kernel thread?

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