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Unreal IRCd 功能齐全,但设置有点复杂。
Unreal IRCd is full featured if a little complex on the setup.
在过去的几天里,我一直在使用 Python 和 IRCLib 编写一个机器人。 由于我正在编写通信接口,因此我需要查看服务器和客户端之间传输的原始数据。 因此,我需要一个支持该功能的 IRC 服务器。 一开始我用的是IRCD,完全没问题。 但过了一段时间,我意识到我缺少了 IRCD 所没有的一些功能,因为它已经过时了。 因此,经过进一步研究,我找到了 ngIRCd。
我使用这些选项“--enable-sniffer --enable-debug”从源代码编译了它。 现在,当我想查看机器人和客户端之间发送的信息时,我只需要使用 -n 和 -s 选项启动服务器。 像这样: ngircd -n -s
During the past couple days I have been coding a bot with Python and IRCLib. Since I am coding the communication interface I needed to see the raw data transfered between the server and the client. So, I needed an IRC server which would support that. At first I was using IRCD, and it was totally fine. But after a while I realized that I was missing some features that IRCD did not have since it's outdated. So, after further research I found ngIRCd.
I compiled it from source with those options "--enable-sniffer --enable-debug". Now when I want to see the information sent between my bot and my client I only need to start the server with the -n and -s option. Like that : ngircd -n -s
Here is the website of the server :
Unreal IRCd 是我最终选择用来托管 IRCD 的。 为什么? Halfop、管理/保护、创始人/所有者、高级操作员 acl、通过 i:line 的 vHost 等...
Unreal IRCd is what I finally picked for hosting an IRCD. Why? Halfop, admin/protect, founder/owner, advanced operator acl, vHost via i:line and etc...
Also see
请改用 XMPP。 IRC 的设计不太适合您的情况; 它可以发挥作用,但这是一个很大的痛苦。
Use XMPP instead. IRC is not very well designed for your situation; it can be made to work, but it is a big pain.