适合初学者的 Windows IDE/编辑器

发布于 2024-07-06 08:51:13 字数 582 浏览 9 评论 0原文

我正在向一名研究生教授(或试图教授)计算机编程。 她以前的经验只不过是编写电子表格公式而已。 我应该推荐哪种 IDE 或文本编辑器?


  • 我每周只与我的学生见面一次。
  • 她使用Windows,我使用Linux。
  • 她手头没有用户社区。
  • 她没有多少钱可以花。

编辑:她目前正在学习的语言是PerlR。 (抱歉...忘记之前提及它们。)



如果我能找到一种方法为我的学生提供对 Notepad++ 的足​​够支持(例如,在 Wine 下运行它),或者如果我认为她可以在没有我支持的情况下进行管理,那么我会推荐这个。 如果没有,我会选择jEdit


I'm teaching (or trying to teach) computer programming to a grad-student. Her previous experience amounts to little more than writing spreadsheet formulae. Which IDE or text editor should I recommend?

Please bear in mind that:

  • I only meet my student about once a week.
  • She uses Windows and I use Linux.
  • She doesn't have a community of users on hand.
  • She doesn't have much money to spend.

Edit: The languages she's learning at the moment are Perl and R. (Sorry ... for forgetting to mention them earlier.)

Edit: Thanks for all your answers!

The most highly recommended editors are jEdit and Notepad++.

If I can find a way to give my student adequate support for Notepad++ (e.g. by running it under Wine) or if I think that she can manage without support from me, then I'll recommend that. If not, I'll go for jEdit.

Apologies, once again, to those who saw the question before I got around to listing the languages that I'm teaching.

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没有你我更好 2024-07-13 08:51:13

Visual Studio Express 产品都是免费的。 除非你使用 Linux 的事实改变了一切:)

The Visual Studio Express products are all free. Unless the fact that you're using Linux changes things :)

迷离° 2024-07-13 08:51:13

从简单开始。 不要用 IDE 吓唬她! 它们一开始令人难以承受,并且不是开发软件的核心。 我通过 Crimson Editor 学习了基本的 Java。
如果我重新开始,我可能会选择 Notepad++

Start off simple. Do not not scare her with an IDE! They are overwhelming at first and are not core to developing software. I learnt rudimentary Java with Crimson Editor.
If I started again I'd probably go for Notepad++.

很快妥协 2024-07-13 08:51:13

Eclipse 可能是一个不错的选择(如果一开始有点不知所措)。

您显然需要考虑跨平台 IDE。 Eclipse 是这方面最好的之一,并且支持多种语言。 它还附带了一套很好的教程。

Eclipse might be a good option (if a little overwhelming at first).

You obviously need to look at a cross-platform IDE. Eclipse is one of the best in this regard, as well as having support for many languages. It also comes with a good set of tutorials.

迷雾森÷林ヴ 2024-07-13 08:51:13

由于您没有提到您正在教授的编程语言(猜猜这并不重要),因此我将坚持支持多种编程语言和多个平台的语言。 鉴于您的情况,我会使用 jEdit (http://www.jedit.org)。

jEdit 是一款程序员的文本编辑器,具有数百个插件、自动缩进和语法突出显示功能,支持 130 多种语言,并且由于它是用 Java 编写的,因此可以在 Linux、Windows 或 MAC 上完美运行。 希望这可以帮助。

Since you didn't mention what programming language (guess it doesn't matter) you were teaching, I'll stick to something that supports multiple programming languages and multiple platforms. Given your situation, I would use jEdit (http://www.jedit.org).

jEdit is a programmer's text editor with hundreds of plugins, auto indent, and syntax highlighting for more than 130 languages and since it's written in Java, it runs beautifully on Linux, Windows or MAC. Hope this helps.

诗笺 2024-07-13 08:51:13

我认为最好的、文档最多的免费 IDE 是 Visual Studio Express。 有大量的博客、操作指南、视频、培训等。您可以在此处找到有关它们的更多信息:

http: //www.microsoft.com/Express/

另外,如果您是学生,Microsoft 就为此目的向学生免费提供了一整套软件。 这是通过一个名为 DreamSpark 的程序实现的。 包括操作系统、专业版 IDE、SQL Server、XNA Game studio 和 Expression。 任何学生都可以得到这个。 更多信息如下:



The best, most documented, IDE that is free in my opinion is Visual Studio Express. There are tons of blogs, howtos, videos, training, etc. You can find more information about them here:


Also, if you are a student, Microsoft provides an entire stack of software free to students just for this purpose. This is through a program called DreamSpark. Included is an operating system, the professional version of the IDE, SQL Server, XNA Game studio and Expression. Any student can get this. More information is here:


Hope that helps.

梦年海沫深 2024-07-13 08:51:13

我经常使用 Notepad++]1 来完成各种编辑任务,我发现它非常有用和有能力。

I have used Notepad++]1 a lot for various editing tasks, and I find it quite useful and competent.

败给现实 2024-07-13 08:51:13

取决于编程语言。 对于 C/C++ 和任何 .net Visual Studio 都是最佳选择。 Express 版本是免费的。

Depends on the programming language. FoR C/C++ and anything .net Visual Studio is the way to go. The Express edition is free.

眼角的笑意。 2024-07-13 08:51:13

Eclipse 或 Jedit,如果 Eclipse 太复杂。 jEdit 是跨平台的、免费的并且支持多种不同的语言。

Eclipse or Jedit, if Eclipse is too complicated. jEdit is cross platform, free and supports a number of different languages.

揽月 2024-07-13 08:51:13

Crimson Editor 也很好; 它与 Edit Plus 类似。 语法高亮、制表符等

Crimson Editor is also very nice; it's similar to Edit Plus. Syntax highlighting, tabs, etc.

ら栖息 2024-07-13 08:51:13

Notepad++ 进行编辑对我来说非常棒:它仅适用于 Windows,但也许您可以在 Wine 下使用它Linux。 但是,如果您想要更像 IDE 的东西,那么 Eclipse 或 NetBean (两者都使用 java)可能非常适合很有用,尽管它们在旧电脑上非常耗费资源。

Notepad++ for editing is awesome to me: it's Windows only, but maybe you can use it with Wine under Linux. But if you want someting more like an IDE, then Eclipse, or NetBean (both use java) can be very useful, although they are very resource expensive on old PC.

万劫不复 2024-07-13 08:51:13

我的建议是文本板。 你可以教她javascript,所有基础的,还有一些高级的概念都有。 对于学生来说,在浏览器中查看输出很有趣,如果有兴趣,您甚至可以教一些 HTML。

My suggestion is Textpad. You can teach her javascript, all the basic, and some advanced concepts are there. It's fun for the student see the output in a browser, and you can even teach a little HTML if the mood strikes.

水溶 2024-07-13 08:51:13

Active Vision 的 Komodo Edit 是免费、开源的,可用于 Windows 和 Linux。 非常好的功能。

否则,Emacs 可以在两个平台上使用,并且可以针对 CUA 控件进行配置。

VIM 的 Cream 版本也是一个不错的选择。

Komodo Edit from active vision is free, open source, and available for Windows and Linux. Very nice features.

Otherwise, Emacs as it is available on both platforms and can be configured for CUA controls.

The Cream version of VIM is also a good option.

瀞厅☆埖开 2024-07-13 08:51:13


EditPlus 是一个很好的简单编辑器。 免费试用版和相当便宜的许可证。

It really depends on the language you are teaching her.

EditPlus is a good simple editor. Free trial version and pretty cheap license.

橘虞初梦 2024-07-13 08:51:13

Dev-C++ 作为非 MS 替代方案。

引用:“Bloodshed Dev-C++ 是一个功能齐全的 C/C++ 编程语言集成开发环境 (IDE)。它使用 GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) 的 Mingw 端口作为编译器。Dev-C++ 也可以组合使用使用 Cygwin 或任何其他基于 GCC 的编译器。”

Dev-C++ as a non-MS alternative.

Quote: "Bloodshed Dev-C++ is a full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C/C++ programming language. It uses Mingw port of GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) as it's compiler. Dev-C++ can also be used in combination with Cygwin or any other GCC based compiler."

软糖 2024-07-13 08:51:13

Code::Blocks 也是另一个不错的,免费且跨平台的。 除非您需要使用 VB / C# 或其他 .NET 语言,因为它主要是 C/C++。 对于 Linux 上的 .NET 语言,我推荐 MonoDevelop

Code::Blocks is also another good one, free and cross platform. Unless you need something for using VB / C# or other .NET languages as it is mostly C/C++. For the .NET languages on linux I would recommed MonoDevelop

明媚殇 2024-07-13 08:51:13

Aptana 对于面向 Web 的编程非常方便。


Aptana is very handy for web-oriented programming.


给我一枪 2024-07-13 08:51:13

这至少部分取决于您打算教她的编程语言。 也就是说,您可能想看看 Eclipse。 尽管它最初主要是作为 Java IDE,但它已通过插件进行了扩展,以支持许多其他 IDE(包括 C/C++、Flex、Haskell 和 ColdFusion 等),并且如果不支持的话,可以相当容易地适应新语言。还没有出来。

除此之外,IDE 是跨平台的,因此您可以在您选择的平台上使用相同的工具,而且看起来这可能是一个不错的选择。

That depends at least in part on the programming language you intend to teach her. That said, you might want to take a look at Eclipse. Though it started primarily as a Java IDE, it's been extended via plugins to support many others (including C/C++, Flex, Haskell, and ColdFusion, to name a few), and can fairly easily be adapted to a new language if support isn't already out there.

Add to that the fact that the IDE is cross-platform so you can both use the same tool on your platforms of choice, and it looks like this might be a good fit.

笙痞 2024-07-13 08:51:13

我推荐 SciTE,因为它可用于 *nix 和 Windows 并且免费(如啤酒)。 它几乎支持您对一个不错的编辑器的期望,并且如果她继续使用它,它是相当可定制的。 它也不太复杂,所以她应该很容易上手。

I'd recommend SciTE, as it's both available for *nix and Windows and free (as in beer). It supports pretty much anything you'd expect from a decent editor and, if she goes on to use it, quite customizable. It also isn't too complex, so it should be easy for her to get going with it.

像你 2024-07-13 08:51:13

+1 对 Notepad++ 建议 - 我所做的任何与 .Net 无关的事情都是我做的。

+1 to the Notepad++ suggestion - Anything I do that's not .Net-related I do in that.

南笙 2024-07-13 08:51:13

对于 Java 来说,BlueJ 是一款优秀的教学 IDE。 它不会让新生对许多高级功能(他们在未来几年不会使用的东西)感到困惑。 Eclipse 是一个很棒的 IDE,但是有很多东西可能会淹没它们。对于 Visual Studio 也是如此,但我不知道还有更简单的 .NET 语言 IDE。

您也可以考虑将 Ruby 与 Scite 作为一种教学选择。 IDE 并不那么奇特,但由于学习 Ruby 易于启动,因此它可以很好地工作。 对于初学者来说,Ruby 确实比 Java/C#/C++ 有一些优势(主要是您不必创建一个带有 main 方法的完整类来运行程序)。

For Java, BlueJ is an excellent teaching IDE. It doesn't confuse the new student with a lot of advanced functionality (stuff they won't use for years to come). Eclipse is a great IDE, but there is a LOT of stuff there they could drown in. The same is true for Visual Studio, but I don't know of a simpler IDE for .NET languages.

You may also consider Ruby with Scite as a teaching option. The IDE isn't that fancy, but along with the ease-of-startup of learning Ruby this could work very well. Ruby certainly has some advantages over Java/C#/C++ for the beginning student (mostly in that you don't have to create a full class with a main method just to get a program running).

森林很绿却致人迷途 2024-07-13 08:51:13

要轻松教授 Component Pascal 语言(Niklaus Wirth 的 Pascal 和 Oberon 的后继者),请尝试免费的开源 BlackBox IDE 和 Stan Warford 所著的计算基础知识一书。


For the easy to teach Component Pascal language (a successor to Niklaus Wirth's Pascal and Oberon) try the free, open source BlackBox IDE and the book Computing Fundamentals by Stan Warford.


执笏见 2024-07-13 08:51:13

如果您正在编写针对 Windows 平台的软件,那么 Visual Studio 或多或少是标准 IDE。 由于您正在教研究生,我建议您获得 的学术许可证如果他们要编写大量软件,请选择专业版,否则请选择快速版 对于学习目的来说应该足够了。

就文本编辑器而言,我目前使用最多的是 Notepad++它是免费的、开源的,并且支持对软件开发有用的各种功能。 还有许多有用的插件可供使用。

If you are writing software targeted at a Windows platform then Visual Studio is more or less the standard IDE. Since you are teaching a graduate student I would recommend getting the academic license for the professional edition if they are going to be writing a lot of software, otherwise the express editions should be enough for leaning purposes.

In terms of text editors, the one that I currently use the most is Notepad++ which is free, open source, and support a wide variety of features that are useful to software development. There are also also a number of useful plug-ins available for it as well.

忆梦 2024-07-13 08:51:13

我不敢相信没有人提到过 vi。 我认为,你的工具一开始为你做的事情越少,你最终会成为更好的程序员。 对于新手,为他们提供语法突出显示和一些处理块和行的帮助程序。 像 vi 这样的东西很棒,emacs 也很好,或者如果你绝对必须在 Windows 上,像 notepad++ 或 jedit 这样的东西也不错。 要点是先学会编程,然后再学会让 IDE 插入你不理解的代码。

I can't believe nobody has mentioned vi. I'll argue that the less your tool does for you in the beginning the better coder you'll be in the end. For a newbie, give them syntax highlighting and some helpers for dealing with blocks and lines. Something like vi is great, emacs is also fine, or if you absolutely must be on Windows, something like notepad++ or jedit will be decent. The main point is to learn to program before you learn to let your IDE insert code that you don't understand for you.

暗藏城府 2024-07-13 08:51:13


极其强大(并且可在 emacs 级别上扩展)的文本编辑器,具有许多 IDE 功能(与编译器/调试器等集成) 。 在各个方面都击败了所有其他建议的编辑。

比 vi 或 Emacs 等具有 UNIX/终端根的编辑器更容易学习和使用。



Extremely powerfull (and extensible on emacs level) text editor with many IDE features (integration with compilers/debuggers etc). Beats all other suggested editors on every aspect.

Much easier to learn and use than editors with UNIX/terminal roots like vi or Emacs.

Not free (not too expensive though), and requires some learning to use effectively.

扛起拖把扫天下 2024-07-13 08:51:13

另一个成熟的 IDE 是 SharpDevelop。 它是开源的。


Another full blown IDE is SharpDevelop. It's OpenSource.


娇纵 2024-07-13 08:51:13

这是非常好的、功能丰富的免费编辑器。 我使用过 UtraEdit 并最终在 PSPad

I have to mention PSPad.
It is very good, feature rich free editor. I have used UtraEdit and finally found free alternative in PSPad

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