获取正确的软件版本号。 v1.0.0.1

发布于 2024-07-06 07:25:32 字数 1449 浏览 6 评论 0原文

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酷炫老祖宗 2024-07-13 07:25:32

我开始喜欢一些应用程序(例如 Perforce)使用的 Year.Release[.Build] 约定。 基本上它只是说你发布的年份,以及当年的顺序。 因此,2008.1 将是第一个版本,如果您在一三个月后发布另一个版本,它将变为 2008.2。


一个可选的额外功能是标记内部版本号,但这往往仅用于内部目的(例如添加到 EXE/DLL,以便您可以检查文件并确保存在正确的内部版本)。

I'm starting to like the Year.Release[.Build] convention that some apps (e.g. Perforce) use. Basically it just says the year in which you release, and the sequence within that year. So 2008.1 would be the first version, and if you released another a months or three later, it would go to 2008.2.

The advantage of this scheme is there is no implied "magnitude" of release, where you get into arguments about whether a feature is major enough to warrant a major version increment or not.

An optional extra is to tag on the build number, but that tends to be for internal purposes only (e.g. added to the EXE/DLL so you can inspect the file and ensure the right build is there).

左秋 2024-07-13 07:25:32

在我看来,几乎任何版本号方案都可以或多或少地正常工作。 我工作的系统使用版本号,例如 11.50.UC3,其中 U 表示 32 位 Unix,C3 是次要修订(修订包)号; 其他字母用于其他平台类型。 (我不推荐这个方案,但它是有效的。)


  • 不要两次发布相同的版本 - 一旦版本 1.0.0 发布给任何人,就永远不能重新发布。
  • 版本号应该单调增加。 也就是说,版本 1.0.1、1.1.0 或 2.0.0 中的代码应始终晚于版本 1.0.0、1.0.9 或 1.4.3(分别)。

现在,在实践中,人们确实必须在有新版本可用时发布旧版本的修复程序 - 请参阅 GCC,例如:

  • GCC 3.4.6 在 4.0.0、4.1.0(和 AFAICR 4.2.0)之后发布,但是它延续了 GCC 3.4.x 的功能,而不是添加 GCC 4.x 中添加的额外功能。



  • 发布版本号与 CM (VCS) 系统版本编号无关,除了琐碎的程序之外。 任何具有多个主源文件的重要软件都会有一个与任何单个文件的版本无关的版本号。

对于 SVN,您可以使用 SVN 版本号 - 但可能不会,因为它的变化太不可预测。


顺便说一句,我知道有一些软件的版本从 1.00 到 9.53,但后来变成了 2.80。 这是一个严重的错误——由营销决定。 诚然,该软件的 4.x 版本已经过时,因此并没有立即造成混乱,但该软件的 5.x 版本仍在使用和销售,并且修订版已经达到 3.50。 我非常担心当不可避免的冲突发生时,我的代码必须与 5.x(旧样式)和 5.x(新样式)一起工作。 我想我必须希望他们会磨磨蹭蹭地改变到 5.x,直到旧的 5.x 真的死了——但我并不乐观。 我还使用人工版本号(例如 9.60)来表示 3.50 代码,这样我就可以执行 sane if VERSION > > 。 900 测试,而不是必须执行:if (VERSION >= 900 || (VERSION >= 280 && VERSION < 400),其中我代表版本 9.00 900。然后是版本 3.00.xC3 中引入的重大更改 - 我的方案无法检测次要版本级别的更改...抱怨...抱怨...

NB:Eric Raymond提供软件发布实践指南,包括(链接的)部分关于命名(编号)版本。

In my opinion, almost any release number scheme can be made to work more or less sanely. The system I work on uses version numbers such as 11.50.UC3, where the U indicates 32-bit Unix, and the C3 is a minor revision (fix pack) number; other letters are used for other platform types. (I'd not recommend this scheme, but it works.)

There are a few golden rules which have not so far been stated, but which are implicit in what people have discussed.

  • Do not release the same version twice - once version 1.0.0 is released to anyone, it can never be re-released.
  • Release numbers should increase monotonically. That is, the code in version 1.0.1 or 1.1.0 or 2.0.0 should always be later than version 1.0.0, 1.0.9, or 1.4.3 (respectively).

Now, in practice, people do have to release fixes for older versions while newer versions are available -- see GCC, for example:

  • GCC 3.4.6 was released after 4.0.0, 4.1.0 (and AFAICR 4.2.0), but it continues the functionality of GCC 3.4.x rather than adding the extra features added to GCC 4.x.

So, you have to build your version numbering scheme carefully.

One other point which I firmly believe in:

  • The release version number is unrelated to the CM (VCS) system version numbering, except for trivial programs. Any serious piece of software with more than one main source file will have a version number unrelated to the version of any single file.

With SVN, you could use the SVN version number - but probably wouldn't as it changes too unpredictably.

For the stuff I work with, the version number is a purely political decision.

Incidentally, I know of software that went through releases from version 1.00 through 9.53, but that then changed to 2.80. That was a gross mistake - dictated by marketing. Granted, version 4.x of the software is/was obsolete, so it didn't immediately make for confusion, but version 5.x of the software is still in use and sold, and the revisions have already reached 3.50. I'm very worried about what my code that has to work with both the 5.x (old style) and 5.x (new style) is going to do when the inevitable conflict occurs. I guess I have to hope that they will dilly-dally on changing to 5.x until the old 5.x really is dead -- but I'm not optimistic. I also use an artificial version number, such as 9.60, to represent the 3.50 code, so that I can do sane if VERSION > 900 testing, rather than having to do: if (VERSION >= 900 || (VERSION >= 280 && VERSION < 400), where I represent version 9.00 by 900. And then there's the significant change introduced in version 3.00.xC3 -- my scheme fails to detect changes at the minor release level...grumble...grumble...

NB: Eric Raymond provides Software Release Practice HOWTO including the (linked) section on naming (numbering) releases.

十级心震 2024-07-13 07:25:32

我通常使用 D 作为构建计数器(编译器自动递增)
每次将构建发布到“公共”时,我都会增加 C (并非每个构建都会发布)

I usually use D as a build counter (automatic increment by compiler)
I increment C every time a build is released to "public" (not every build is released)
A and B are used as major/minor version number and changed manually.

不喜欢何必死缠烂打 2024-07-13 07:25:32


  1. 技术:根据技术任务增加版本。 示例:D 是内部版本号,C 是迭代,B 是次要版本,A 是主要版本。 定义次要版本和主要版本确实很主观,但可能与底层架构的更改等相关。
  2. 营销:根据向客户提供的“新”或“有用”功能数量来增加版本。 您还可以将版本号与更新策略联系起来...对 A 的更改要求用户购买升级许可证,而其他更改则不需要。

我认为最重要的是找到适合您和您的客户的模型。 我见过一些情况,偶数版本是公开版本,奇数版本被视为测试版或开发版本。 我见过一些产品完全忽略了 C 和 D。

然后是 Microsoft 的示例,其中对 .Net Framework 版本号的唯一合理解释是涉及营销。

I think there are two ways to answer this question, and they are not entirely complimentary.

  1. Technical: Increment versions based on technical tasks. Example: D is build number, C is Iteration, B is a minor release, A is a major release. Defining minor and major releases is really subjective, but could be related things like changes to underlying architecture.
  2. Marketing: Increment versions based on how many "new" or "useful" features are being provided to your customers. You may also tie the version numbers to an update policy...Changes to A require the user to purchase an upgrade license, whereas other changes do not.

The bottom line, I think, is finding a model that works for you and your customers. I've seen some cases where even versions are public releases, and odd versions are considered beta, or dev releases. I've seen some products which ignore C and D all together.

Then there is the example from Micrsoft, where the only rational explanation to the version numbers for the .Net Framework is that Marketing was involved.

雾里花 2024-07-13 07:25:32


  • A - 重大(> 25%)变化或
  • B - 小变化或
  • C - 小改动
  • D - 修复

Our policy:

  • A - Significant (> 25%) changes or
    additions in functionality or
  • B - small changes or
    additions in functionality or
  • C - minor changes that
    break the interface.
  • D - fixes to a
    build that do not change the
吻安 2024-07-13 07:25:32

人们往往想让事情变得比实际需要的更加困难。 如果您的产品只有一个长期分支,只需按版本号命名连续版本即可。 如果你有某种“小错误修复是免费的,但你必须为主要新版本付费”,那么使用 1.0、1.1 ... 1.n、2.0、2.1 ... 等等。

如果可以的话如果你不能立即弄清楚示例中的 A、B、C 和 D 是什么,那么你显然不需要它们。

People tend to want to make this much harder than it really needs to be. If your product has only a single long-lived branch, just name successive versions by their build number. If you've got some kind of "minor bug fixes are free, but you have to pay for major new versions", then use 1.0, 1.1 ... 1.n, 2.0, 2.1... etc.

If you can't immediately figure out what the A,B,C, and D in your example are, then you obviously don't need them.

所有深爱都是秘密 2024-07-13 07:25:32

我对版本号的唯一用途是让客户可以告诉我他们正在使用版本 或其他版本。

我唯一的规则是尽量减少报告该数字时的错误:所有四个数字都必须仅为 1 位数


不是。 客户可能会将这两个数字(至少口头上)报告为“一一二三”。



The only use I have ever made of the version number was so that a customer could tell me they're using version or whatever.

My only rule is designed to minimize mistakes in reporting that number: all four numbers have to be 1 digit only.

is ok, but

is not. Customers are likely to report both numbers (verbally, at least) as "one-one-two-three".

Auto-incrementing build numbers often results in version numbers like

which doesn't really help, either.

耶耶耶 2024-07-13 07:25:32



其中 BuildNumber 是连续数字(更改列表)或每天从 1 开始。

示例:2008.03.24.1 或 2008.03.24.14503

这主要用于内部版本,如果您发布的频率不超过每月一次,公开版本将看到打印为 2008.03 的版本。 维护版本被标记为 2008.03a 2008.03b 等等。 它们很少会超过“c”,但如果确实如此,则表明您需要更好的质量保证和/或测试程序。

用户常见的版本字段应以友好的“2008 年 3 月”格式打印,在“关于”对话框或日志文件中保留更多技术信息。

最大的缺点:改天编译相同的代码可能会改变版本号。 但是您可以通过使用版本控制更改列表作为最后一个数字并检查该列表以确定日期是否也需要更改来避免这种情况。

A good and non-technical scheme just uses the build date in this format:


Where BuildNumber is either a continuous number (changelist) or just starts over at 1 each day.

Examples: 2008.03.24.1 or 2008.03.24.14503

This is mainly for internal releases, public releases would see the version printed as 2008.03 if you don't release more often than once a month. Maintenance releases get flagged as 2008.03a 2008.03b and so on. They should rarely go past "c" but if it does it's a good indicator you need better QA and/or testing procedures.

Version fields that are commonly seen by the user should be printed in a friendly "March 2008" format, reserve the more technical info in the About dialog or log files.

Biggest disadvantage: just compiling the same code on another day might change the version number. But you can avoid this by using the version control changelist as last number and checking against that to determine if the date needs to be changed as well.

半边脸i 2024-07-13 07:25:32

在 github 世界中,遵循 Tom Preston-Werner 的“semver”版本号规范已经变得很流行。

来自 http://semver.org/


当您进行不兼容的 API 更改时为主要版本,次要版本
当您以向后兼容的方式添加功能时,以及 PATCH
当您进行向后兼容的错误修复时。 额外的

In the github world, it has become popular to follow Tom Preston-Werner's "semver" spec for version numbers.

From http://semver.org/ :

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version
when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and PATCH
version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes. Additional
labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions
to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

情深缘浅 2024-07-13 07:25:32

我使用 VRM,例如 2.5.1

M(修改)更改是次要的 bux 修复(拼写错误等),

我有时也会在末尾使用 SVN 提交号。

I use V.R.M e.g. 2.5.1

V (version) changes are a major rewrite
R (revision) changes are significant new features or bug fixes
M (modification) changes are minor bux fixes (typos, etc)

I sometimes use an SVN commit number on the end too.

唔猫 2024-07-13 07:25:32



我个人使用 Major.Minor.*.* - Visual Studio 自动填写修订版/内部版本号。 我工作的地方也用这个。

Its all really subjective at the end of the day and simply up to yourself/your team.

Just take a look at all the answers already - all very different.

Personally I use Major.Minor.*.* - Where Visual Studio fills in the revison/build number automatically. This is used where I work too.

愿得七秒忆 2024-07-13 07:25:32

我喜欢年.月.日。因此,v2009.6.8 将是这篇文章的“版本”。 它是不可能(合理地)复制的,并且当某些东西是较新的版本时它非常清楚。 您还可以去掉小数点并将其设为 v20090608。

I like Year.Month.Day. So, v2009.6.8 would be the "version" of this post. It is impossible to duplicate (reasonably) and it very clear when something is a newer release. You could also drop the decimals and make it v20090608.

岁月无声 2024-07-13 07:25:32






In the case of a library, the version number tells you about the level of compatibility between two releases, and thus how difficult an upgrade will be.

A bug fix release needs to preserve binary, source, and serialization compatibility.

Minor releases mean different things to different projects, but usually they don't need to preserve source compatibility.

Major version numbers can break all three forms.

I wrote more about the rationale here.

云朵有点甜 2024-07-13 07:25:32


[Program #] . [Year] . [Month] . [Release # of this app within the month]




For in-house development, we use the following format.

[Program #] . [Year] . [Month] . [Release # of this app within the month]

For example, if I'm releasing application # 15 today, and it's the third update this month, then my version # will be


It's totally non-standard, but it is useful for us.

酷到爆炸 2024-07-13 07:25:32

对于过去的六个主要版本,我们使用了 M.0.mb,其中 M 是主要版本,m 是次要版本,b 是内部版本号。 因此发布的版本包括 6.0.2、7.0.1、...、直到 11.0.0。 不要问为什么第二个数字总是0; 我问过很多次了,没有人真正知道。 自 1996 年发布 5.5 以来,我们还没有出现过非零值。

For the past six major versions, we've used M.0.m.b where M is the major version, m is the minor version, and b is the build number. So released versions included 6.0.2, 7.0.1, ..., up to 11.0.0. Don't ask why the second number is always 0; I've asked a number of times and nobody really knows. We haven't had a non-zero there since 5.5 was released in 1996.

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