
发布于 2024-07-06 05:56:38 字数 84 浏览 6 评论 0原文

对于想要尝试某种源代码控制并开启 ASP.NET 新旅程的新手来说,有人对从哪里开始有什么建议吗? SVN、VSS、CVS...我什至不知道从哪里开始!

Anyone have any suggestions on where to start for a newbie wanting to try out some sort of source-control along with a new journey into ASP.NET? SVN, VSS, CVS...I dont even know where to start!

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Smile简单爱 2024-07-13 05:56:38




对项目文件进行版本控制。 对您的测试用例进行版本控制。 对用于复制内容的任何小脚本进行版本控制。 对您的待办事项列表进行版本控制。 绝对对你的设计笔记进行版本控制。 一旦您熟悉了这些命令,就不需要花费任何成本,有一天您会很高兴看到您从未想象过需要回滚的文件的历史记录。

2) 当您对更改感到满意时,请立即签入。 并全部检查。

如果您按顺序步骤工作(这种情况并不总是发生 - 您可能会分心 - 但这是很好的做法),那么在每个新步骤开始时,您的结账中应该有 0 个修改过的文件。 您甚至可能想签入未完成的非工作代码,具体取决于适合您的代码。


甚至您自己的个人目标(英寸卵石)。 如果您不介意标记,只需记下日期和时间(您猜对了,在版本控制文件中)。 如果某个特定版本由于某种原因令人难忘(“我完成了后端”,“我将其发送给其他人查看”),您想确切地知道其中包含什么。 与存储库进行比较可以比调试器更快地诊断某些类型的错误。

Lots of people here have suggested introductions and comprehensive how-tos, which are all good for telling you how to do what you want.

In addition, I'd give three pieces of advice for the novice on how to know what you want:

1) Version-control EVERYTHING (that is, everything you write).

Version-control the project files. Version-control your test cases. Version-control any little scripts you use to copy things around. Version-control your todo list. Definitely version control your design notes. Once you're familiar with the commands it costs nothing, and some day you'll be glad of the history of a file you'd never imagined needing to roll back.

2) When you're happy with a change, check it in immediately. And check it all in.

If you work in sequential steps (and that doesn't always happen - you can get distracted - but it's good practice), then at the start of each new step you should have 0 modified files in your checkout. You may even want to check in unfinished non-working code, depending on what suits you.

3) When you reach a milestone, tag it.

Even your own personal goals (inch-pebbles). If you can't be bothered with tagging, just make a note of the date and time (in, you guessed it, a version-controlled file). If a particular version is memorable for some reason ("I finished the back-end", "I sent it to someone else to look at"), you want to know exactly what was in it. And diffing against the repository diagnoses some kinds of bugs faster than the debugger.

寄意 2024-07-13 05:56:38

Eric Sink 的源代码控制指南

阅读它,然后下载 Subversion(免费)或 Vault(单个用户免费)并开始使用它。

Eric Sink's Source Control HOWTO.

Read it, then download Subversion (free) or Vault (free for a single user) and start playing around with it.

傾城如夢未必闌珊 2024-07-13 05:56:38

我推荐从 SVN 开始,它比其他一些更容易掌握。

Tortoise 是一个好的开始。 它易于安装并与 Windows shell 集成,这意味着右键单击文件夹/文件等一切都相当直观。文档也非常好。

您还需要一个 SVN 服务器/主机来连接...我可以推荐 Assembla,它是免费的注册并为您提供一个 SVN 服务器供您使用。

I reccomend SVN to start off with, bit easier to get the hang of than some others.

Tortoise is a good start. It's simple to install and integrates with the windows shell, meaning everything is fairly intuitive on Right-clicks on folders / files etc. Pretty good doc as well.

You will also need a SVN server / host to connet to... I can reccomend Assembla which is free to register with and gives you a SVN server to play with.

哆啦不做梦 2024-07-13 05:56:38

我会推荐 Subversion 或 Visual Studio Team Foundation Systems,具体取决于您愿意花多少钱。

查看 Visual SVN(VS 死忠粉丝的 Subversion) - 它与 Visual Studio 完美集成:http://www. Visualsvn.com/

I will recommend Subversion or Visual Studio Team Foundation Systems depending on how much money you are willing to shell out.

Check out Visual SVN (Subversion for die-hard VS fans) - it integrates nicely with Visual Studio: http://www.visualsvn.com/

§普罗旺斯的薰衣草 2024-07-13 05:56:38

如果您刚刚开始,我建议您阅读免费的 Subversion 书籍。 它是一个广泛使用的系统,免费,一旦您开始使用,应该相对容易理解。

If you are just getting started, I would recommend reading through the free Subversion book. It is a widely-used system, free, and should be relatively easy to comprehend once you get going.

人生戏 2024-07-13 05:56:38

如果您是 100% .NET,并且拥有 MSDN 开发人员许可证,请运行 TFS for Workgroups。 它非常简单和可靠。

如果您没有许可证,请查看 Subversion。 它是一个很好的免费源代码控制,具有用于 Visual Studio 集成的插件。

If you're 100% .NET, and you have an MSDN developer license, run TFS for Workgroups. Its pretty simple and solid.

If you don't have a license, check out Subversion. Its a nice, free source control that has plugins for Visual Studio integration.

予囚 2024-07-13 05:56:38

我第一次接触 svn 是使用 tortoise svn,很喜欢它,后来一家公司使用了 Visual Sourcesafe,我多么怀念使用 tortoise 的时光。

I first got introduced to svn using tortoise svn, loved it and later a company used Visual Sourcesafe, how I missed using tortoise.

柏林苍穹下 2024-07-13 05:56:38

由于还没有人提到这一点,我建议您也看看 Git 。 甚至还有免费的源托管服务:github

Since nobody has mentioned this yet, I'd recommend looking at Git as well. There's even a free source hosting service: github.

蓝礼 2024-07-13 05:56:38

获取《使用 Subversion 进行实用版本控制》一书的副本 - 它将帮助您入门。

图片 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I /51XYQTP2BYL._SL500_AA240_.jpg

Get a copy of the book Pragmatic Version Control Using Subversion - it will help you get started.

Image http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51XYQTP2BYL._SL500_AA240_.jpg

Smile简单爱 2024-07-13 05:56:38

现在我只想从分布式系统开始。 它们更容易设置(您不需要设置服务器和/或在线查找服务器:只需 init 一些随机目录并开始做您的事情)并且同样简单/困难理解为中心化的。


如果你被困在 Windows 中,我会远离 Git(至少暂时如此)。 似乎对 Windows 上的 Git 的支持正在进行中,但我还没有尝试过然而。

Nowadays I would just start with a distributed system. They are easier to set up (you don't need to set up a server and/or find one on-line: just init some random directory and start doing your stuff) and just as easy/hard to understand as the centralized ones.

Here are a few that people should take a look when choosing a distributed revision control system:

If you're stuck in Windows, I would stay away from Git (at least for the time being). There seems to be support for Git on Windows in progress, but I haven't tried it yet.

葬心 2024-07-13 05:56:38

必须再读一遍 Subversion 这本书。 此外,该软件是免费的,可以在大多数环境下运行,并且易于使用。

Have to second reading the Subversion book. Plus, the software is free, runs on most environments, and is easy to get going.

风渺 2024-07-13 05:56:38

实用系列有两本我读过的最好的书,可以帮助您了解版本控制。 他们有 SVNCVS。 我真的很喜欢他们关于标签和分支的章节。

The Pragmatic series has two of the best books I have read to help get your head around version control. They have versions for SVN and CVS. I really like their chapters on tags and branches.

随心而道 2024-07-13 05:56:38

使用哪种源代码控制实际上取决于您的环境、企业文化以及公司处理项目的总体情况。 Team Foundation 中较新的“Visual Source Safe”无疑比以前的 VSS 更好。 在只有一个或几个地点的 Microsoft 商店中效果很好。 我还非常成功地使用了 Subversion,并且它很好地集成到了 Eclipse 中。 我不喜欢放下产品,因为我想所有产品都有其优点和缺点。 但我上面提到的两个确实是很好的源代码/版本控制产品。 如果您刚刚开始,想要入门并学习源代码控制实践和一般概念,请下载 CVS 或 Subversion 等开源产品,加载并尝试。

http://www.ericsink.com/scm/source_control.html 有一些好的需要使用的信息。

-- 我正在重新编辑此评论,以注意到它看起来像是其他人链接到上一篇文章中的源代码控制链接。 :)该死,我不是第一个发布它的人。

What source control to use really depends on your environment, your corporate culture and the general situation of how projects are handled in your company. The newer "Visual Source Safe" in Team Foundation is hands down better than the piece of crud that VSS used to be. and is good in a Microsoft shop with one or few locations. I've also used Subversion very successfully, and it integrates well into Eclipse. I don't like to put down products, since all have their positive and negative points, I guess. But the two I mentioned above are really good source/version control products. If you are just getting started and want to get your feet wet and learn source control practices and general concepts, download an open source product like CVS or Subversion, load it up and try it out.

http://www.ericsink.com/scm/source_control.html has some good information to work with.

-- I am re-editing this comment to note that it looks like someone else linked to that source control link in a previous post. :) darn it, I wasn't the first to post it.

日暮斜阳 2024-07-13 05:56:38

我认为最简单的方法是通过一些免费提供商获得免费的 SVN 服务器。 我使用 assembla

然后,如果您使用的是 Windows,则应下载 TortoiseSVN。 这是迄今为止最容易使用的 Subversion 客户端。


I think the easiest way is to get a free SVN server through some free provider. I use assembla.

Then, if you are in Windows, you should download TortoiseSVN. That is by far the easiest Subversion client to use.

Start by importing a current project into the repository and then you are ready to go.

巨坚强 2024-07-13 05:56:38

非常特定于 Subversion,但它可以很好地理解版本控制基础知识。


Very Subversion specific but it gives a decent understanding of version control basics.


左岸枫 2024-07-13 05:56:38

仅仅安装工具是不够的。 您需要了解特定技术如何工作(如 SVN)以及整个源代码树如何工作:最佳结构、标记、分支、合并等等。 由于我们使用 SVN,我推荐 Subversion Book。 它对源代码控制概念有一些很好的解释。

Just getting tools installed is not enough. You need to understand how the particular technology works (like SVN) and how the whole source tree supposed to work: best structure, tagging, branching, merging and so fourth. Since we use SVN I recommend Subversion Book. It has some good explanations of source control concepts.

囍笑 2024-07-13 05:56:38

从颠覆开始。 文档在线,并且 实用程序员 Svn 书很棒。

如果您使用的是 Windows,您还可以获取TortoiseSvn(免费)以进行资源管理器集成或VisualSvn(商业)用于 Visual Studio 集成。 对于 Mac,Versions 看起来像是一个不错的独立客户端,并且 XCode 3 内置了 svn 集成。我会花一些时间在命令行中使用 svn 客户端来真正弄清楚你在做什么。

在熟悉了 svn 的工作方式之后,您就可以进入分布式版本控制系统,如 Git、Bazaar 或 Mercurial,但我已经看到足够多的专业开发人员在理解版本控制的基础知识(分支合并等)时遇到问题。在转向分布式系统之前我会先适应这一点。

远离 Visual SourceSafe (VSS)。 这是便便。 您的代码安全。 请参阅这些链接至于为什么不使用VSS。

Start with Subversion. The documentation is online, and the Pragmatic Programmers Svn book is great.

If you're on Windows you can also get TortoiseSvn (free) for explorer integration or VisualSvn (commercial) for Visual Studio integration. For the Mac, Versions looks like a nice stand alone client, and XCode 3 has svn integration built in. Still I'd spend a bit of time in the command line using the svn client to really figure out what you're doing.

After getting comfortable with the way svn works, then you can get into distributed version control systems like Git, Bazaar, or Mercurial, but I've seen enough professional developers have problems wrapping their heads around the basics of version control (branching merging etc) that I'd get comfortable with that first before moving to distributed systems.

Stay the hell away from Visual SourceSafe (VSS). It is poop. Your code is not safe. See these many links as to why not to use VSS.

一个人的旅程 2024-07-13 05:56:38

查看 Subversion (SVN) 以开始。 正如其他帖子中所建议的,有一本优秀的免费电子书,它不仅涵盖了如何使用 SVN,而且还介绍了如何使用 SVN。概念的良好开端。

要获得易于设置的服务器,请查看 VisualSVN 中的免费服务器。

如果您使用 Visual Studio,则可以使用他们的插件(收费)或开源 Ankh SVN 插件。 如果您使用其他 IDE,Tortoise SVN 会与 Windows 中的资源管理器集成。

Check out Subversion (SVN) to start. As suggested in other posts, there's an excellent free ebook that not only covers how to use SVN but is an excellent start on the concepts.

For an easy to setup server, check out the free server from VisualSVN.

If you use Visual Studio, you can use their add-in (costs) or the open source Ankh SVN addin. If you're using other IDEs, Tortoise SVN integrates with Explorer in Windows.

长发绾君心 2024-07-13 05:56:38


subversion ftw.

淡淡绿茶香 2024-07-13 05:56:38

我建议尝试免费的分布式版本控制系统。 其中大多数都非常容易在您的个人电脑上安装,并附带良好的文档。
1. 集市
2. 水银
3. Git(据我所知仅适用于基于 *nix 的系统)


http:// /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_revision_control_software

I recommended trying on of the free distributed version control systems. Most of them are very easy to setup on your personal PC and come with good documentation.
Here are my favourites
1. Bazaar
2. Mercurial
3. Git (only for *nix based systems as far as I know)

See a list here:


似最初 2024-07-13 05:56:38

我相信重点是分布式版本控制系统(如 Mercurial 或 git)。 使用它有一些优点:

  1. 您不需要设置中央存储库(它需要繁琐的服务器设置)
  2. 您可以通过使用电子邮件或其他方法与您的朋友共享变更集(修订版),并将更改安全地集成到您的存储库。
  3. 你可以轻松修改修订历史记录(rebase,git支持),这是SVN做不到的。

I believe that strating point is with Distributed version control system (like mercurial or git). There are some advandtages of using it :

  1. You don't need to setup central repository (it rquires tedious server setup)
  2. You can share changesets (revisions) with your friends by using email or other method, and integrate changes to your repository safely.
  3. You can modify revision history (rebase, git supports it) easilly, what is impossible to do with SVN.
浅语花开 2024-07-13 05:56:38

在我看来,如果您已经拥有 Viual Source Safe 并且您是使用 VS 工作的单一开发人员,那就完全没问题。 它是一个简单的系统,对于小型单一开发人员项目来说足够有效。 我已经使用它很多年了,对于小型项目没有任何问题。 也易于管理和备份。

In my opinion if you already have Viual Source Safe and you are a single developer doing work with VS, it is perfectly fine. Its a simple system that works well enough for small single developer projects. I have used it for years without any trouble for small projects. Easy to manage and backup as well.

花想c 2024-07-13 05:56:38


VSS - 有一段时间没有使用它了(几年了),当时它满足了我们想要的基本功能,但我们经常遇到各种问题,以至于我们积极主动寻求更好的解决方案。 如果您有免费访问权限,那么了解他们的实现并了解当时处理问题的不同方式也没什么坏处(现在它们可能已经与其他产品保持一致) 。

CVS - 在以前的公司使用过这个,并与 tortoiseCVS 的原作者合作,所以我可能有点偏见,认为它是一个不错的开源解决方案。 我个人建议从这里开始,一切都很容易获得并且广泛使用。

Perforce - 我们公司当前的源代码控制解决方案,并且在团队中受到普遍好评。 人们可以在几个可供选择的 UI 和良好的命令行支持之间进行选择(对于工具交互至关重要)。 如果您正在评估一家公司,我肯定会将其包含在您的列表中进行查看。

Comments on products that I've used:

VSS - Haven't used it in a while now (several years), at the time it did the basics of what we wanted but we were running into a variety of issues regularly enough that we actively sought out a better solution. If you've got free access then it wouldn't hurt to get exposure to their implementation to see what was at the time a different way of dealing with the issues (they may have come into line with the rest of the products by now).

CVS - Used this at a previous company, and worked with the original author of tortoiseCVS so I'm a little biased perhaps in thinking that it was a decent open source solution. I'd recommend starting here personally, everythings easily available and widely used.

Perforce - Our companies current source control solution and pretty much universally well regarded on the team. A couple of alternative UI's that people can choose between and good command line support too (vital for tools interaction). If you're evaluating for a company I'd certainly include this in your list to look at.

不…忘初心 2024-07-13 05:56:38

尝试Unfuddle 免费托管的 SVN 源代码管理。

Try Unfuddle for a free hosted SVN source control.

南汐寒笙箫 2024-07-13 05:56:38

再次投票给 Subversion / TortoiseSVN,但请注意,它不能很好地与 FAT32 家用 NAS 配合使用。

Another vote for Subversion / TortoiseSVN but note that it doesn't play nicely with a FAT32 domestic NAS.

星軌x 2024-07-13 05:56:38

每个人都在说 VSS 太糟糕了,就像那些古老的偏见一样,C++ 比 C 好得多,Win Vista 很糟糕,XP 太旧了,无法为世界服务。 但仍然有很多人在使用它们。
在使用工具之前,你永远不知道自己会如何喜欢它。 每个版本控制应用程序都包含错误和缺陷。
而且 VSS 实在是太难放弃了。

I've been losing faith to the whole source control community.
Everyone is saying VSS is hell bad, likes those old bias, C++ is way better than C, Win Vista is terrible and XP is too old to serve the world. Yet still lots of people using them.
You never know how you would like a tool before you use it. And every version control application consists of bugs and defects.
And VSS is just so difficult to drop.

老子叫无熙 2024-07-13 05:56:38

Visual Source Safe (VSS) 对于初学者来说很好,因为你不会知道你错过了什么。 当您需要更复杂的东西时,请担心是否需要其他产品。

Visual Source Safe (VSS) is fine for a beginner, because you won't know what you're missing. When you need something more complicated, then worry about getting some other product.

愚人国度 2024-07-13 05:56:38


just make sure you stay away from visual source safe.

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