OS X 上的游戏手柄代码:嗯?
在我尝试为 OS X 编写游戏手柄代码之前,我一直以为自己是一名不错的程序员。现在我感觉自己非常无用。
在 OS X 上与游戏手柄对话真的那么难吗? 我缺少什么?
I thought I was a decent programmer until I tried writing gamepad code for OS X. Now I feel deeply useless.
Does anyone know of any code that I can legally use in my (non-free) game?
Is it really this hard to talk to a gamepad on OS X? What am I missing?
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查看 HID 管理器,尤其是 Leopard 中的新 HID 管理器 API。 它有点冗长,但其本质是,您可以在连接和分离设备时获得回调,并在来自这些设备的事件排队时获得回调。
如果您使用 Cocoa,Dave Dribin 有 DDHidLib 它在 HID Manager 之上提供了更好的 Objective-C API,并且也可以在 Tiger 上运行。
Check out the HID Manager, especially the new HID Manager APIs in Leopard. It's somewhat verbose, but the essence of it is that you can get callbacks when devices are attached and detached, and get callbacks when events from those devices are enqueued.
If you're working with Cocoa, Dave Dribin has DDHidLib which provides a nicer Objective-C API atop the HID Manager, and runs on Tiger as well.
事实证明,答案是 Apple 的 HID_Utilities,它(在某种程度上)简化了与 HID Manager 对话的工作。
Turns out the answer was Apple's HID_Utilities, which (somewhat) simplifies the job of talking to HID Manager.
John Carmack really hit the nail on the head when he said that Apple don't care about games...
在 OSX 上获取游戏手柄事件的最快方法是使用 SDL(游戏库)。
SDL 拥有 LGPL 许可证,因此您可以在非免费游戏中动态链接到它。
The quickest way to get gamepad events on OSX is to use SDL, the game library.
You don't have to use the whole library, you can just init the joystick subsystem
and then poll or wait for SDL_JOYAXISMOTION and SDL_JOYBUTTONUP/DOWN events.
SDL has an LGPL license, so you can dynamically link to it in your non-free game.
没有代码,但使用 InputSprocket 机制。 您遇到的具体问题是什么?
No code, but communicating with gamepads and the like is pretty straightforward with the InputSprocket mechanism. What was the precise problem you had?