时间管理技巧、工具和时间管理技巧 尖端

发布于 2024-07-06 00:37:08 字数 114 浏览 7 评论 0原文





Working with software day-to-day usually means you have to juggle project work, meetings, calls and other interrupts.

What single technique, trick, or tool do you find most useful in managing your time?

How do you stay focused?

What is your single biggest distraction from your work?

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寄意 2024-07-13 00:37:09

电子邮件、即时通讯、Skype...所有这些都会分散注意力。 但最大的干扰是当我的同事问我为什么用这种方式而不是那种方式编写一些已有多年历史的算法时。 即使我知道答案,它也会使我的工作停止。

为了避免这种干扰,我们每小时在办公室外有 5 分钟的休息时间,以便我们可以讨论此类问题。

Email, IM, Skype... all those can distract. But biggest distraction is when my fellow colleague ask me why I wrote some year old algorithm this way and not that way. It brings my work to halt even if I know the answer.

To stop this interruptions, we have a 5-minute break every hour outside the office where we can talk about such problems.

终陌 2024-07-13 00:37:09


  • 如果有人要求你做某事 - 如果需要的时间少于 2 分钟,请立即执行。 如果需要更长的时间,请将其放入您的清单中,然后再返回。


I read this rule somewhere, and I use it every day...

  • If someone asks you to do something - if it takes less than 2 minutes, do it immediately. If it takes longer, put it on your list and come back to it.

This really works for me.

〆凄凉。 2024-07-13 00:37:09


Randy Pausch 讲座:时间管理

这是一位来自卡内基梅隆大学的老师,他是临终前,他做了关于时间管理的最后一次演讲。 这是您能找到的最好的提示和技巧。

You should see this:

Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management

It's a teacher from Carnegie Mellon who is near dying, giving his final lecture about time management. It's the best tips and tricks you can find.

凉城已无爱 2024-07-13 00:37:09

为了管理工作中的混乱情况,我尝试使用淡化版本的 GTD 聚焦主要是尝试维护 收件箱清零 并将任务推送到待办事项列表中(我使用 记住牛奶以进行任务列表管理)。

至于在中断时保持流程,让 TDD 项目处于测试失败的状态往往会给你一个地方,当你从会议或其他中断回来时可以立即跳回来。 留下一批未提交的更改可能有类似的目的——让你的思绪立即回到项目流程中,而不必四处查看以提醒自己事情处于什么状态。除此之外,使用相当详细的任务列表来完成任务手头的项目可以帮助您专注于任务并继续前进。

很多时候,我发现我经理的经理是最大的干扰! :-) 他喜欢融入开发团队的日常工作,并经常“四处走动”看看事情进展如何。

To manage the general mayhem of the job, I try to use a toned down version of GTD focusing mainly on trying to maintain Inbox Zero and pushing tasks into a todo list (I use Remember the Milk for task list management).

As for maintaining flow in spite of interruptions, leaving a TDD project in a state where tests are failing tends to give you a place to jump right back in when you come back from a meeting or other interruption. Leaving a batch of uncommitted changes might serve a similar purpose -- to get your mind instantly back into the flow of the project without having to go look around to remind yourself what state things are in. Beyond that, using a fairly detailed task list for the projects at hand can help keep you on task and moving forward.

Often times, I've found my manager's manager to be the biggest distraction! :-) He likes to feel plugged in to the day-to-day work of his dev teams and frequently comes around on "walk-abouts" to see how things are going.

小忆控 2024-07-13 00:37:09

我发现电子邮件最让人分心,因此我确实限制了接收某些类型的电子邮件。 我已经取消了许多邮件列表、工作提醒等的订阅。一天中的一段时间关闭电子邮件也非常有用。

I find email the most distracting, so I've really cracked down on receiving certain types of email. I've unsubscribed from many mailing lists, job alerts etc. Shutting down email for a period of the day is quite useful too.

初熏 2024-07-13 00:37:09

我喜欢去图书馆。 安静但忙碌、集中的氛围基本上迫使你工作。 地点的改变似乎也消除了你日常生活中的一些忙碌和担忧。

I enjoy going to the library. The quiet but busy, concentrated atmosphere basically forces you to work. The change of venue also seems to shut out some of the busyness and maybe worries you have in day-to-day life.

昵称有卵用 2024-07-13 00:37:09

我使用大部分 ZTD (http:// /zenhabits.net/2007/11/zen-to-done-the-simple-productivity-e-book/)。 GTD 对我来说太复杂、太大了。

基本上,我会列出任务清单。 每天早上我都会选择当天真正需要做的三件事。 我会继续研究它们,直到它们完成为止。 我努力不让自己被其他事情拖累。

在办公室里,我有时会预订一间会议室并在那里工作,不受干扰。 当我完成三项最重要的任务后,我就会从巢穴中出来。

I use most of ZTD (http://zenhabits.net/2007/11/zen-to-done-the-simple-productivity-e-book/). GTD is too sophisticated and to big for me.

Basically, I make lists of tasks. Every morning I select three which I really need to do that day. I work on them until they're done. I struggle not to get dragged to other things.

In an office, I sometimes book a conference room and work there, distraction free. I emerge from the lair when I'm finished with the three most important tasks.

凝望流年 2024-07-13 00:37:09


  1. 电话/面对面
  2. 即时消息
  3. 电子邮件



最后,在一天中的指定时间分配处理电子邮件的时间。 例如,我将电子邮件设置为每两个小时发送和接收一次。 这种大量的活动可以让您在一天中完成更多的工作,而不会影响客户关系。

Encourage people to push their correspondence with you down the distraction chain:

  1. Phone / Face-to-face
  2. Instant messaging
  3. Email

You can do this by deffering them: "I'm really busy right now, can you send me it in an email?"

This should reduce the amount of interruptions you receive allowing you to stay "in the zone" for longer periods of time, increasing your productivity.

Finally, allot time for processing emails at set times of the day. I, for example, have my email set to send and receive once every two hours. This bulking of activities allows you to get more done in the day without impacting customer relations.

入画浅相思 2024-07-13 00:37:09

我最大的干扰就是我自己——我倾向于轻率行事,大部分时间都在追逐电子邮件和互联网链接。 因此,我使用一个简单的技巧来训练自己在一天中的大部分时间里保持专注并专注于任务。 原则是对我的时间使用负责:

1)在你的操作系统中有一个预定的作业,每 15 分钟弹出一个小消息框(在 Windows 中,它应该运行命令 C:\windows\ system32\cmd.exe /C "start /B msg jpretori /W /V "15 分钟检查"")

2) 在系统托盘中运行 IDailyDiary(文本文件也可以正常工作)。 每次弹出框时,请填写您最近 15 分钟的活动情况。


My single biggest distraction is myself - I tend to go all hare-brained, chasing emails and internet links much of the time. Therefore, I'm using a simple trick to discipline myself into staying focused and on-task for larger parts of the day. The principle is to stay accountable for the use of my time:

1) Have a scheduled job in your operating system, that pops up a small messagebox every 15 minutes (in Windows, it should run the command C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C "start /B msg jpretori /W /V "15-minute check"")

2) Have IDailyDiary running in your system tray (a text file will work fine, too). Every time the box pops up, fill in what you've been up to the last 15 minutes.

I've caught myself with an ugly day filled with procrastination before... It's quite a good motivation to stay on-task.

美煞众生 2024-07-13 00:37:09

最近,我开始使用一个名为 NextAction 的很棒的免费 Windows 应用程序,您可以从 这里

它的伟大之处在于它的简单性,在处理整天的干扰时,它确实有助于重新集中注意力并保持正轨……电子邮件、同事、scrums、rss feed、twitter、午餐、茶歇等。我正在做的事情总是在桌面上,这使得在任何上下文切换后都可以很容易地集中注意力。


注意:code.google 上有更全面的基于网络的“NextAction” ...对我来说不太好,但也许对其他人来说。

Recently I've started using a great little free windows app called NextAction which you can get from here.

It's greatness comes from it's simplicity and it really helps to refocus and stay on track when dealing with all the days distractions ... email, co-workers, scrums, rss feeds, twitter, lunch, coffee breaks, etc. Having a list of what I'm working on always there on the desktop makes it very easy focus after any context switch.

Much better than pencil and paper, check it out for yourself.

NOTE: There is a more comprehensive web based 'NextAction' at code.google ... not so good for me, but maybe for others.

只为一人 2024-07-13 00:37:09





Also you could think about the kind of things which make you want to browse the net, check your email, etc. For example, if a build I'm working on is taking too long my mind will wander.

So it actually pays off to make the build process as quick and efficient as you can make it, so you can make changes and test quickly.

I also find it helps to get enough sleep (tiredness is bad for concentration) and not to drink too much caffeine (seriously. I feel so much better after cutting down the amount of caffeine I drink. Try naturally caffeine free teas!)

(I seem to have wandered slightly off-topic into concentration there... still, I find the better I can concentrate the better I will use time!)

べ映画 2024-07-13 00:37:09

所有列出的问题的唯一答案是 David Ellen 的 Getting Things Done (GTD)(“无压力生产力的艺术”),

该书时长 45 分钟,介绍了整个过程 可以在 youtube 上找到,您可以在 亚马逊

A single answer to all of the listed questions is David Ellen's Getting Things Done (GTD) ( "The Art of Stress-Free Productivity" )

A 45-minute presentation of the process can be found on youtube, and you can get the book on Amazon

顾忌 2024-07-13 00:37:09

单身最有用? http://www.nowdothis.com 非常适合专注于当前需要完成的事情,并已提出我的生产力成吨增加。 (额外提示:使用 Google Chrome 使其成为自己的应用程序,然后使该应用程序始终位于其他窗口之上)

最大的干扰是什么? 谷歌读者。

Single most useful? http://www.nowdothis.com is AWESOME for focusing on what currrently needs to get done, and has raised my productivity by tons. (Bonus tip: Use Google Chrome to make it its own application and then make the app always be on top of other windows)

Biggest distraction? Google Reader.

独自←快乐 2024-07-13 00:37:09

我能给出的最有用的时间管理建议就是继续做下去。 如果某件事需要不到 5 分钟就能完成,那么现在就做。

The single most useful piece of time-management advice I could give is just get on and do it. If something is going to take less than 5 minutes to do, do it now.

牛↙奶布丁 2024-07-13 00:37:09

我发现 http://www.rescuetime.com/ 让我知道我一整天实际上在做什么,而不是我认为我正在做的事情!


I find that http://www.rescuetime.com/ lets me know what I was actually doing all day, rather than what I THINK I was doing!

It also lets you put a "productive" level on each process/website you run or do so you can see how productive you are being.

木緿 2024-07-13 00:37:09


我喜欢救援时间。 它会记录您访问的所有应用程序和网站以及您在那里花费的时间。 您可以标记应用程序/网站,即“工作”、“浪费”、“新闻”,并获得漂亮的图表、生产力指标等。

If you want to improve something, you first have to measure it.

I like Rescuetime. It logs all applications and websites you visit and how much time you spend there. You can tag applications/websites, i. e. with "work", "waste", "news" and get nice charts, productivity measures etc.

孤独难免 2024-07-13 00:37:09


他们说不存在时间管理这样的东西。 你不可能在一个小时内抽出额外的20分钟。 嗯,我最近发现你可以。 如果您正在收听播客或观看录制的网络广播,则可以加快播放速度。 我发现它还可以帮助我专注于内容,而不是在自然停顿期间走神并开始检查电子邮件。 然后我看到了 Jeff 关于同一主题的帖子

(Slightly off-topic)

They says there is no such thing as time management. You can't manage an hour and get extra 20 mins out of it. Well, I recently discovered that you can. It you're listening to podcasts or watching recoded web casts, you can speed up the play speed. I found that it also helps me stay focused on the content rather than drifting off and starting check my email during the natural pauses. Then I saw Jeff's post on the same topic.

他夏了夏天 2024-07-13 00:37:09


我个人使用Zen to do,这是“Get Things Done”的简化版本。 对于可信系统,我为自己托管Tracks应用程序。

This question has already been asked, so you might search for it.

I personally use Zen to done which is a simplified version of "Get Things Done". For the trusted system I host Tracks application for myself.

旧情勿念 2024-07-13 00:37:09

在保持专注的同时完成大量工作的最佳方法是在开始之前在纸上列出您的优先事项。 试图在脑子里列出一个大清单肯定会导致拖延。 另外,在完成项目时勾选它们是一种很棒的感觉。 放点音乐,关闭电子邮件,然后开始忙碌。

但随后有人试图引起你的注意。 确保您的同事和客户知道您更喜欢通过电子邮件而不是亲自或通过电话接收他们的询问。 错误会直接进入跟踪系统,无需任何人为每个错误拍拍您的肩膀。 听起来很明显,但停下工作来讨论某件事 5 分钟有时会在您再次集中注意力时损失 30 分钟的工作效率。

The best way to get through a big chunk of work while staying focused is to list your priorities on paper before you start. Trying to keep a big list in your head is a sure path to procrastination. Plus, it's a great feeling to tick off items as you finish them. Put on some music, close down your email, and get busy.

But then you have people trying to get your attention. Make sure your colleagues and clients know that you prefer to receive their queries in email rather than in person or by phone. Bugs go directly into the tracking system, without anyone having to tap you on the shoulder for each one. Sounds obvious, but stopping your work to discuss something for 5 minutes can sometimes cost you 30 minutes productivity by the time you are focused again.

记忆消瘦 2024-07-13 00:37:09



  • 一定要列出你必须做的事情。 需要几个简短的列表(今天,稍后,收件箱==待整理,等等......)。 早上检查一次这些清单,然后晚上检查一次。 这些相关帖子值得一读:当天的味道Trickle List
  • 时间盒:在日历中分配时间完成任务
  • 正如harriyott建议的那样,关闭电子邮件也是必不可少的!

There are a lot of things to do and I'm not sure you'll find any single technique to get organized and stay focused.


  • Do list the things you have to do. Several short lists will be needed (today, later, inbox == to be sorted out, etc...). Review these lists once in the morning, and then in the evening. These related posts are worth a read: The Taste of the Day and The Trickle List
  • Timeboxing: allocate time in your calendar to get the tasks done
  • As suggested by harriyott, switching off email is kind of essential too!
旧时模样 2024-07-13 00:37:09

您可以在 Wouter van Oortmerssen(又名 Aardappel,著名开源游戏的开发者,例如多维数据集http://sauerbraten.org/


You can find a great document about time management in Wouter van Oortmerssen (aka Aardappel, the developer of famouses Open Source games like cube and http://sauerbraten.org/ )

The article I'm talking about is this

野生奥特曼 2024-07-13 00:37:09

我猜你在追求一些实用的东西。 我所做的就是让我的行动项目远离我的工作环境,这有助于我保持专注。 我在桌子旁边放了一个便笺簿,在顶部写下当天的每个行动项目,然后在中间开始记笔记。 当我完成一项任务时,我会勾选它,任何未勾选的内容都可以延续到第二天(如果仍然相关)。 使用它大约三年了,我发现它让我保持高效并帮助我记住事情。 我尝试过各种软件解决方案,没有一个对我来说效果更好。

I guess you're after something practical. What I do is keep my action items away from my work environment, it helps keep me focussed. I keep a pad next to my desk, I write down each action item for the day at the top and half way down start keeping notes. When I've finished a task I tick it off, anything not ticked can be carried over to the next day (if it's still relevant). Been using it for about 3 years, I find it keeps me productive and helps me remember things. I've tried all kinds of software solutions, nothing works better for me.

第几種人 2024-07-13 00:37:09

我有一台旧笔记本电脑,我把它取下来,放在一个完全安静的房间里,远离干扰。 无论我在没有互联网的情况下无法完成的事情,都可以留到以后再做。 我最大的问题是,我很想找到解决方案,但最后却花了 30 分钟研究博客作者顺便提到的一些内容。 我仍然发现我花了好一个小时才进入不让自己分心的状态。

I have an old laptop that I remove the wireless card from and sit on a completely quiet room away from distractions. Whatever I can't get done without the internet is just leave until later. My biggest problem is that I gooel to find a solution and end up doing 30 minutes research on something a blogger has mentioned in passing. I still find it takes me a good hour before i get into the flow of not distracting myself.

薄荷梦 2024-07-13 00:37:09

关于“如何保持专注”,我认为一旦你决定关闭电子邮件并将手机设置为发送状态,接下来要控制的就是你周围可能扰乱你思维的声音。 人们说话、电话铃声等等。

我已经开始戴上耳机并浏览 http://www.simplynoise.com /。 这是一个噪声发生器,可以让您选择白色、粉色或棕色/红色噪声。 它淹没了大部分经常分散我注意力的音频干扰。

On the 'how to stay focused', I think once you decide to close your email and put your phone on send, the next things to control are the sounds around you that might derail your thoughts. People talking, phones ringing, etc.

I have started putting the headphones on and surfing to http://www.simplynoise.com/. This is a noise generator that gives you the option of white, pink, or brown/red noise. It drowns out most of the audio distractions that often poke at my concentration.

溺ぐ爱和你が 2024-07-13 00:37:09

很简单,将手机设置为 1-2 小时定时器。 那段时间工作。 当计时器响起时,休息一下,自我感觉良好:)


Stay productive: When I'm working on a boring project and notice I don't do anything useful but reading news, I set a timer.
Simple enough, set your mobile on a 1-2 hour timer. Work during that period. When the timer rings, take a break and feel good about yourself :)

For some reason, this works (for me and a couple of other people I know)!

幼儿园老大 2024-07-13 00:37:09

The single most valuable tool that I can recommend is a "todo" list.

This may take the form of a specialised app, gadget or pen and paper, however the most important thing to remember is that new tasks should be added to the bottom of the list and tasks to be started must be taken from the top - ie. don't cherry pick your tasks, as this will leave you with a task list full of time-consuming (and often boring) jobs that will begin to drag you down.

何以畏孤独 2024-07-13 00:37:09

对于程序员来说,可能比 GTD 更好的是系统管理员时间管理。 基本原则相同(减少干扰,保留清单),但有一些书呆子的倾向。

Possibly better for programmers than GTD is Time Management for System Administrators. Same basic principles (reduce interruptions, keep a list) but with a nerdier bent.

梦里泪两行 2024-07-13 00:37:09

我关闭电子邮件,听舒缓的音乐。 当然,这种策略实际上是为了最大限度地减少干扰。

I close email and listen to soothing music. Of course, this tactic really is all about minimizing distractions.

冷︶言冷语的世界 2024-07-13 00:37:09


会议是最大的时间浪费。 尽可能避免它们。

我不相信那些工具会经常出现询问我目前在做什么。 这也很让人分心。



...顺便说一句,我是 IEEE 欧洲/中东和非洲时间管理讲师。

The lecture of Randy is great, especially since he knows that he does not have much time left in this world.

Meetings are the biggest time wasters. Try to avoid them wherever you can.

I don't believe in those tools popping up every so often asking me what I'm currently doing. That's very distracting as well.

It might be good to make a time-log for for a couple of weeks, but just to understand where you are spending your time so you may be able to improve things.

I like the time management stuff by Steven Covey.

... and by the way I'm lecturer for time management for IEEE for Europe/Middle East and Africa.

爱要勇敢去追 2024-07-13 00:37:08

把事情做好系统教导的技巧是拥有一个可以将操作项放入其中的可信系统。 这样你就不必一直“杂耍”。 为了与这个比喻保持一致,您可以放下其他球并相信它们不会被忘记。 然后你就可以一次专注于一个球。 GTD 还教了很多很多其他优秀的技巧。 非常值得获得这本书

The trick the Getting Things Done system teaches is to have a trusted system you can put action items into. That way you don't have to keep "juggling". To keep with the metaphor, you can put the other balls down and have confidence that they will not be forgotten. Then you can concentrate on a single ball at a time. There are many, many other excellent tricks GTD teaches. Well worth getting the book.

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