对你的占有欲 2024-07-12 22:49:25
直到几周前我才听说过范。 从网站上看,它只有一年左右的历史,所以还很年轻并且未经证实。 然而,有几个有趣的点:首先,该语言通过提供参与者模型(类似于 erlang)和支持不可变对象来解决并发问题。 其次,该对象遵循 Scala 的类型推断示例。 类型推断允许程序员省略类型声明,但由编译器计算它,提供了与动态类型语言一样短而清晰的代码的优点,同时保留了静态类型语言的效率。 最后,它似乎是一种非常快的语言,几乎与 Java 一样快,并且真正接近或击败了 JM 上第二快的语言:scala。 显示性能的基准可以在 "="">http://www.slideshare.net/michael.galpin/performance-comparisons-of-dynamic-languages-on-the-java-virtual-machine?type=powerpoint。
更好。在没有关于它们的任何信息的情况下(他们的博客只是一个错误页面),我认为他们没有理由一定要这样做每种语言对于其设计目的来说都相当优雅(尽管我在刚才看到的小 Fan 代码中看到了一些尴尬)——真正的问题。是它如何扩展到全新的事物,我们还不知道,
。例如,您的问题是关于 SO 的第一个 Fan 问题——比 Lisp 少几个数量级。
对于什么问题,Python 是最好的解决方案? Ruby 已经可以在两个虚拟机上运行(或两者都不能运行),拥有大型社区和大型库,并且似乎具有相同的抽象级别,但更加成熟。
I think their explanation sums it up:
It doesn't look better than all other non-JVM/.NET languages. In the absence of any information about them (their blog is just an error page), I see no reason why they would necessarily get this righter than others. Every language starts out fairly elegant for the set of things it was designed for (though I see some awkwardness in the little Fan code I looked at just now) -- the real question is how well it scales to completely new things, and we simply don't know that yet.
But if your organization has a rule that "everything must run on our VM", then it may be an acceptable compromise for you.
You're giving up an awful lot just for VM independence. For example, yours is the first Fan question here on SO -- a couple orders of magnitude fewer than Lisp.
For what problem is Fan the best solution? Python and Ruby can already run on both VMs (or neither), have big communities and big libraries, and seem to be about the same level of abstraction, but are far more mature.