我应该如何使用 git diff 处理长行?

发布于 2024-07-05 19:24:47 字数 237 浏览 5 评论 0原文

我正在文件上运行 git-diff ,但更改位于长线的末端。

如果我使用光标键向右移动,它就会丢失颜色编码 - 更糟糕的是,线条不会对齐 - 使得跟踪更改变得更加困难。


我正在通过 mingw32 运行 Git 1.5.5。

I'm running git-diff on a file, but the change is at the end of a long line.

If I use cursor keys to move right, it loses colour-coding—and worse the lines don't line up—making it harder to track the change.

Is there a way to prevent that problem or to simply make the lines wrap instead?

I'm running Git 1.5.5 via mingw32.

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小嗷兮 2024-07-12 19:24:47

到目前为止还没有人指出这一点。 它非常容易记住,不需要在 git config 中进行额外的配置

git diff --color | less -R

Noone pointed out this till now. Its quite simple to remember and no extra configuration needs to be done in the git config

git diff --color | less -R
深海少女心 2024-07-12 19:24:47

或者,如果您使用 less 作为默认分页器,只需在查看差异时键入 -S 即可重新启用 less 换行。

Or if you use less as default pager just type -S while viewing the diff to reenable wrapping in less.

夏有森光若流苏 2024-07-12 19:24:47

git diff 输出的显示由您使用的任何分页器处理。

通常,在 Linux 下,会使用 less

您可以通过设置 GIT_PAGER 环境变量来告诉 git 使用不同的分页器。 如果您不介意分页(例如,您的终端允许您向后滚动),您可以尝试将 GIT_PAGER 显式设置为空以停止使用分页器。 在 Linux 下:

$ GIT_PAGER='' git diff


如果您的终端不支持彩色输出,您还可以使用 --no-color 参数将其关闭,或者在 git 配置文件的颜色部分中添加一个条目。

$ GIT_PAGER='' git diff --no-color

The display of the output of git diff is handled by whatever pager you are using.

Commonly, under Linux, less would be used.

You can tell git to use a different pager by setting the GIT_PAGER environment variable. If you don't mind about paging (for example, your terminal allows you to scroll back) you might try explicitly setting GIT_PAGER to empty to stop it using a pager. Under Linux:

$ GIT_PAGER='' git diff

Without a pager, the lines will wrap.

If your terminal doesn't support coloured output, you can also turn this off using either the --no-color argument, or putting an entry in the color section of your git config file.

$ GIT_PAGER='' git diff --no-color
鼻尖触碰 2024-07-12 19:24:47

您还可以使用 git config 来设置分页器进行换行。

$ git config core.pager 'less -r' 


$ git config --global core.pager 'less -r' 


You can also use git config to setup pager to wrap.

$ git config core.pager 'less -r' 

Sets the pager setting for the current project.

$ git config --global core.pager 'less -r' 

Sets the pager globally for all projects

小帐篷 2024-07-12 19:24:47

完全归功于 Josh Diehl 这个答案的评论,我尽管如此,我觉得这应该是一个答案,因此添加它:

处理长行中差异的一种方法是使用面向单词的差异。 这可以通过以下方式完成:

git diff --word-diff

在这种情况下,您将获得显着不同的 diff 输出,具体显示行内发生的更改。


diff --git a/test-file.txt b/test-file.txt
index 19e6adf..eb6bb81 100644
--- a/test-file.txt
+++ b/test-file.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-this is a short line
+this is a slightly longer line


diff --git a/test-file.txt b/test-file.txt
index 19e6adf..eb6bb81 100644
--- a/test-file.txt
+++ b/test-file.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
this is a [-short-]{+slightly longer+} line


result of只是 git diff


result of git diff --word-diff

现在,如果你正在比较一条非常长的线,您可能仍然对您最初描述的寻呼机情况有问题,并且在其他答案中已得到解决,显然令人满意。 不过,希望这为您提供了一个新工具,可以更轻松地识别线路上发生了什么变化。

With full credit to Josh Diehl in a comment to this answer, I nevertheless feel like this ought to be an answer unto itself, so adding it:

One way to deal with seeing differences in long lines is to use a word-oriented diff. This can be done with:

git diff --word-diff

In this case, you'll get a significantly different diff output, that shows you specifically what has changed within a line.

For example, instead of getting something like this:

diff --git a/test-file.txt b/test-file.txt
index 19e6adf..eb6bb81 100644
--- a/test-file.txt
+++ b/test-file.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-this is a short line
+this is a slightly longer line

You might get something like this:

diff --git a/test-file.txt b/test-file.txt
index 19e6adf..eb6bb81 100644
--- a/test-file.txt
+++ b/test-file.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
this is a [-short-]{+slightly longer+} line

Or, with colorization, instead of this:

result of just git diff

You might get this:

result of git diff --word-diff

Now, if you're comparing a really long line, you may still have issues with the pager situation you originally described, and which has been addressed, apparently to satisfaction, in other answers. Hopefully this gives you a new tool, though, to more easily identify what on the line has changed.

新一帅帅 2024-07-12 19:24:47

从 Git 1.5.3 开始
(2007 年 9 月)

--no-pager 选项有已可用。

git --no-pager diff

如何防止 git diff 使用寻呼机?


从 v2.1 开始,换行是默认

Git v2.1 发行说明< /a>

Since Git 1.5.3
(Sep 2007)

a --no-pager option has been available.

git --no-pager diff

How do I prevent git diff from using a pager?


Starting with v2.1, wrap is the default

Git v2.1 Release Notes

妄想挽回 2024-07-12 19:24:47

要使用 less 作为寻呼机并使换行永久化,您只需启用折叠长行选项:

git config --global core.pager 'less -+S'

这样您就不必在使用 less 时键入它。


To use less as the pager and make line wrapping permanent you can simply enable the fold-long-lines option:

git config --global core.pager 'less -+S'

This way you do not have to type it while using less.


最舍不得你 2024-07-12 19:24:47

刚刚用谷歌搜索到了这个。 GIT_PAGER='less -r' 对我有用

Just googled up this one. GIT_PAGER='less -r' works for me

痴意少年 2024-07-12 19:24:47

Mac OSX:除了someone45的“-S”之外,其他答案都没有,而 less is running 对我有用。 需要执行以下操作才能使自动换行持久化:

git config --global core.pager 'less -+$LESS -FRX'

Mac OSX: None of the other answers except someone45's '-S' while less is running worked for me. It took the following to make word-wrap persistent:

git config --global core.pager 'less -+$LESS -FRX'
温馨耳语 2024-07-12 19:24:47

八年后,我找到了一个更好的答案,来自 https://superuser.com/questions/777617/line-wrapping-less-in-os-x-specially-for-use-with-git-diff

git config core.pager `fold -w 80 | less`

现在您可以通过折叠管道传输 git diff ,首先,然后到 less:wrapped,less page-height 是正确的,保持语法高亮。

Eight years later I find a superior answer, from https://superuser.com/questions/777617/line-wrapping-less-in-os-x-specifically-for-use-with-git-diff:

git config core.pager `fold -w 80 | less`

Now you pipe the git diff through fold, first, then to less: wrapped, less page-height is correct, keep syntax highlighting.

淡水深流 2024-07-12 19:24:47

当您使用“git diff”并且它显示多个页面(您在页面末尾看到“:”)时,您可以键入“-S”并按 Enter 键。(S 应该是大写)。 它将切换折叠长线。

When you are using "git diff" and it's showing several pages(you see ":" at the end of the page)in this case you can type "-S" and press enter.(S should be capital). it will toggle fold long lines.

溺孤伤于心 2024-07-12 19:24:47

您可以简单地将 git diff 的输出通过管道传输到 more:

git diff | more

You could simply pipe the output of git diff to more:

git diff | more
骑趴 2024-07-12 19:24:47

这不是一个完美的解决方案,但 gitk 和 git-gui 都可以显示此信息,

Not a perfect solution, but gitk and git-gui can both show this information,
and have scrollbars.

肩上的翅膀 2024-07-12 19:24:47


  $ git config --global core.pager  
    less -FXRS -x2

然后更新并省略 -S,例如:

  $ git config --global core.pager 'less -FXR -x2'


list the current/default config:

  $ git config --global core.pager  
    less -FXRS -x2

then update and leave out the -S like:

  $ git config --global core.pager 'less -FXR -x2'

the -S: Causes lines longer than the screen width to be chopped rather than folded.

摇划花蜜的午后 2024-07-12 19:24:47

当遇到麻烦时,我经常求助于 DiffMerge。 出色的差异工具,具有内嵌差异突出显示功能。 此外,在最新版本中,他们添加了一种具有水平模式的模式。

不过,我还无法配置 git 来使用它。 所以我确实必须首先获得该文件的两个版本。

When in trouble, I often resort to DiffMerge. Excellent diff tool that has in-line diff highlighting. Also, in the latest versions they added a mode to have an horizontal mode.

I haven't been able to configure git to use it, though. So I do have to muck around to get both versions of the file first.

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