适用于 Windows 的简单数据库应用程序

发布于 2024-07-05 15:35:42 字数 165 浏览 6 评论 0原文

我需要为 Windows 构建一个简单的单用户数据库应用程序。 主要要求是独立于 Windows 版本和安装的软件。 您会推荐哪些技术(语言/框架)? 我最喜欢的语言是 Visual Basic。

编辑:VB.Net 和 SQL Server Compact Edition 怎么样?

I need to build a simple, single user database application for Windows. Main requirements are independence from windows version and installed software. What technologies (language/framework) would you recommend? My preference for language is the Visual Basic.

EDIT: What about VB.Net and SQL Server Compact Edition?

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简单爱 2024-07-12 15:35:42

Kexi 有用吗?

Would Kexi work?

小ぇ时光︴ 2024-07-12 15:35:42



I can recommend from personal experience "My Visual database"
free, no code, no sql, just drag and drop.


我一向站在原地 2024-07-12 15:35:42

最佳选择是使用 Delphi 并使用 SQLLite 作为数据库。

原因是 Delphi 可以生成本机 win32 应用程序,而无需在计算机上安装任何其他产品。

Best Option would be to create a Win32 native application using Delphi and use SQLLite as the database.

Reason being Delphi can produce native win32 applications without any other product being installed on the machine.

一个人的旅程 2024-07-12 15:35:42

我不明白你所说的“独立形式[...]安装的软件”是什么意思。 您至少需要安装 DBMS 以及一个客户端或用户界面。

我建议使用 MS Access。 对于简单的单用户任务和快速原型开发来说,它既简单又便宜。 只需购买开发版本(“普通”Access)即可创建数据库。 Access 2007 的运行时版本可以从 Microsoft 主页免费下载 - 仅可使用您创建的数据库。

它还将 DBMS 和 GUI 前端结合在同一个工具中。

I do not understand what you mean with "independence form [...] installed software". You ever need at least the DBMS installed as well as one client or user interface.

I recommend using MS Access. It is easy and cheap for simple, single user tasks and rapid prototyping development. Only development version have to be bought ("normal" Access) to create DBs. Runtime version of Access 2007 can be downloaded free of cost from Microsoft Homepage - for using only the database you created.

Also it combines DBMS and GUI frontend in same tool.

笑脸一如从前 2024-07-12 15:35:42

我敢提一下 MS Access...吗?

Dare I mention MS Access...?

绳情 2024-07-12 15:35:42

如果您正在寻找占用空间小(最多几 MB)和易于部署(最终用户只需安装您的应用程序即可使其正常工作)的产品,那么您的选择是嵌入式 SQLite 和 Firebird。

在这两者中,我会随时选择 Firebird,因为它完全支持 SQL(例如,您不能在 SQLite 中删除列)、ACID 合规性以及无需任何更改即可进入客户端/服务器的能力(只需如果您决定让多个用户在同一个数据库上工作,请将连接字符串从嵌入到服务器更改为代码。


If you are looking for small footprint (up to a few MB) and easy deployment (end-user should only install your application to get it working), then your options are SQLite and Firebird embedded.

Of those two, I'd pick Firebird any time, because of it's full support for SQL (you can't, for example, drop a column in SQLite), ACID compliance, and ability to go client/server without any changes (just change the connection string from embedded to server) to the code if you ever decide to let multiple users work on the same database.

Not to mention that you can use full server to develop (which means your application and database administration tool can be connected to database at the same time).

梦归所梦 2024-07-12 15:35:42

我成功地使用了 Turbo Delphi(免费用于商业用途和非商业用途)+ ZeosLib (zeos.firmos.at)。

您唯一需要与 .exe 一起分发的是数据库客户端 dll(无需安装客户端,只需将 dll 放在同一目录中即可)。

I'm successfully using Turbo Delphi (free for commercial and no commercial use) + ZeosLib (zeos.firmos.at).

The only things you need to distribute with your .exe are the database client dlls (no need to install the client, just put the dlls in the same directory).

只想待在家 2024-07-12 15:35:42

SQLite 将适用于本地桌面应用程序。 如果你想要多个用户、几千兆数据和多个连接,我会使用 mysql 或 Firebird。


SQLite will work for a local desktop application. If you want several users, a few gigas of data, and multiple connections I would use mysql or Firebird.


夏有森光若流苏 2024-07-12 15:35:42

FireBird SQL 服务器将是首选。 它可以像传统数据库一样在嵌入式和多用户模式下使用。 它实现了许多 SQL 标准并拥有强大的社区基础。 它适用于 Windows、Linux、Solaris、OS X、HP-UX

FireBird SQL server will be thing of choice. It can be used in both embedded and multiuser mode like traditional databases. It implements many of the SQL standards and has strong community base. It is available for Windows, Linux, Solaris, OS X, HP-UX

寒冷纷飞旳雪 2024-07-12 15:35:42

如前所述,SQLite 是一个很棒的单用户数据库。 此页面有 VB/SQLite 示例。 一个问题是 SQLite 解析外键约束,但不强制执行它们。 您可以使用此代码生成“外键触发器” 用于 SQLite,从而获得一个易于使用且具有 FK 约束的数据库。

不过,根据您的数据库需求的要求,您可能需要考虑 MS Access。

As mentioned, SQLite is a great single-user database. This page has VB/SQLite examples. Once concerns is that SQLite parses foreign key constraints, but does not enforce them. You can use this code to generate "foreign key triggers" for SQLite, thus gaining an easy to use database with FK constraints.

Depending on how demanding your database needs are, though, you might want to consider MS Access.

鸩远一方 2024-07-12 15:35:42

我使用的是 SQL Server Compact Edition。 这就像sqllite。 使用 ADO.NET 访问的单个 SDF 文件。
您可以使用 Visual Basic .NET 开发应用程序,并使用 Visual Studio 管理数据库(添加表、列、约束等)。

I used SQL Server Compact Edition. It's like sqllite. A single SDF file accessed using ADO.NET.
You can develop your application using Visual Basic .NET and manage you database (add tables, columns, constraints, etc...) using Visual Studio.

花之痕靓丽 2024-07-12 15:35:42

SQLite 可能就是您正在寻找的。 http://www.sqlite.org/

SQLite may be what you are looking for. http://www.sqlite.org/

野心澎湃 2024-07-12 15:35:42



您还可以使用 Microsoft SQL Server:SQL Server Compact 3.5


Depending on your needs for the application.

You could use SQLLite which is a very nice database with no installation required.

You could also use Microsoft SQL Server: SQL Server Compact 3.5.

Both are free!

喜爱皱眉﹌ 2024-07-12 15:35:42


对于 Web 应用程序,MySQL 在 Windows 平台上有效工作。 您还拥有几乎无限的开发环境选项,包括 PHP、Ruby on Rails、Django 和 .Net。

如果您正在寻找桌面应用程序,MS Access 可能适合...对于简单的应用程序来说非常简单。

It's not quite clear from your post whether you want a web application or not.

For a web application, MySQL works effectively on the Windows platform. You also have nearly limitless options for development environment including, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Django, and .Net.

If you are looking at a desktop application, MS Access might be suitable ... incredible easy for simple applications.

青衫儰鉨ミ守葔 2024-07-12 15:35:42


对于存储,您几乎可以使用任何东西。 例如,您可以在 MS Access 中创建数据库并将其作为文件发送,使用 ADO 访问它。
其他选项包括 MS SQL Express 版本(预装在某些计算机上或可以免费安装)和大量开源数据库,例如 SQLite

对于客户端,使用 VBScript 和 ADO(使用 OLE DB 驱动程序)不会出错。 自黑暗时代以来,它们随每个 Windows 安装一起提供,您将在网上获得大量参考/教程/答案。
缺点:没有 UI 可言,因此您必须构建一个命令行界面(用于“简单”应用程序)。

如果您想构建 UI,我建议使用 .NET WinForms。 开销会大得多,但 .NET 现在已安装在所有 XP/Vista 计算机上,即使不是,您也可以随时将框架与您的应用程序一起安装。

Well, assuming you don't have any prior experience...

You need some kind of persistence storage (for example a database) and a client.
For the storage you could use almost anything. For example you could create your DB in MS Access and just ship it as a file, using ADO to access it.
Other options are MS SQL Express edition (comes pre-installed on some machines or could be installed for free) and plenty of open source databases like SQLite

For the client side you could not go wrong with VBScript and ADO (using OLE DB drivers). They come with every Windows installation since Dark Ages, you will have plenty of references/tutorials/answers online.
A drawback: no UI to speak of, so you'll have to build a command line interface (which was for a 'simple' application).

If you want to build a UI I would suggest using .NET WinForms. The overhead will be substantially bigger but .NET is now installed on all XP/Vista machines and even if it is not you could always install the framework with you application.

束缚m 2024-07-12 15:35:42

如果你想构建可以轻松移动到其他电脑的应用程序,我更喜欢 Microsoft Access,它是易于使用且无需安装的小型数据库。它适合像地址簿、迷你 CRUD 系统这样的应用程序。


If you want to build application that can move to other pc easily,I prefer Microsoft Access it is small database easy to use and no need to install.It suites for application like Addressbook,mini crud system.

But if you want to develop enterprise database system you should use MySQL instead.

勿忘心安 2024-07-12 15:35:42

有哪些选项的重复.NET 中的快速嵌入式数据库?


“或者还有 Esent,每个 Windows 副本中都存在的内置数据库。请在此处阅读:http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/ 2008/12/23/hidden-windows-gems-extensible-storage-engine.aspx" 和 http ://www.codeplex.com/ManagedEsent

duplicate of What options are there for a quick embedded DB in .NET?

I'll repeat my answer from there:

"Or theres Esent, the built in database that exists in every copy of windows. Read about it here: http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2008/12/23/hidden-windows-gems-extensible-storage-engine.aspx" and http://www.codeplex.com/ManagedEsent

最后的乘客 2024-07-12 15:35:42


对于单用户,答案是 SQLite

对于多用户(或多线程),请尝试 MySQLPostgreSQL

Single user or multi user?

For single user, the answer would be SQLite

For multi user (or multithread), try MySQL or PostgreSQL.

玩物 2024-07-12 15:35:42

由于您的要求是基于 Windows 的应用程序,我建议您使用 sql server 2005 Express 版本,这是一个免费工具,但有某些小限制。 当您使用付费版本时,您可以升级到更大的版本。

还有其他数据库引擎,如 SQL Lite 或 FireBird,如果它们提供的支持和扩展选项对您来说足够好,请选择它们。

此外,Visual Basic 已经过时了。 目前VB.NET可能是一个更好的基于Windows的平台。 它将提供一个更好的平台/功能来开始,当你想扩展你在该项目上工作的人才时,我认为 .NET 人才可能比想要使用死语言的程序员更容易获得。

Since your requirement is a windows based application i would suggest that you go with sql server 2005 express edition which is a free tool, but with certain small limitations. you can upgrade to a bigger version when you go with a paid version.

There are other DB engines like SQL Lite or FireBird, choose them if the support and growth options they provide are good enough for you

Additionally, Visual Basic is eof lifed. VB.NET might be a better windows based platform currently. It would give a better platform / features to start with and when you want to expand the talent you have working on the project, i assume .NET talent might be more available than programmers who want to work with a dead language.

巾帼英雄 2024-07-12 15:35:42

我会推荐 Sqlite。 它是完全独立的,并且公共领域,因此根本不存在许可证问题。

I would recommend Sqlite. It's completely self-contained, and public domain so there are no license issues at all.

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