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小矜持 2024-07-12 14:38:42

Scrum 方法很好地处理了这个问题。 您每天都会召开简短的会议来报告进展和障碍。 它让每个人都可以参与其中,而不会被细节所困扰。

The scrum methodology handles this pretty well. You have short daily meetings to report progress and obstacles. It allows everyone to be caught up without being bogged down by the minutia.

标点 2024-07-12 14:38:42

看看 Scrum,它是一种敏捷方法,它定义了您想要做的一切,并且对我们的团队(以及我读过的许多其他团队)非常有用。

Look up Scrum, it is an agile approach that defines everything you want to do and works great for our team (as well as many others I have read about).

寄居者 2024-07-12 14:38:42

敏捷 Scrum 实际上强制执行了这一点。 我们遵循 VSTS Scrum 方法和项目模板来跟踪所有任务/Bug 等,我们可以轻松设置时间报告字段(我们正在考虑很快实施),以便最终数据对于组织非常有用评估人们的评价。 如果他们缺乏一些专业知识,我们可以通过这种密切跟踪轻松发现。 不过这个实用性大吗?

Agile scrum actually enforcing this. We are following VSTS Scrum methodology and project template to track all Task/Bug etc. and we can easily set a field for the time reporting(Which we are thinking of implementing soon) So that the final data will be so useful for the organization to asses the people for appraisal. If they lack some expertise we can easily find that out with this close tracking. But the practicality of this is a big ?

聚集的泪 2024-07-12 14:38:42

如果可以的话我会取消状态报告。 尽管这听起来是个好主意,但它传达的信息是您正在尝试管理人员,而不是专注于完成工作的最佳方式。 据我所知,当你描述一些需要完成的工作,然后给他们足够的空间,然后将自己作为资源时,人们似乎工作得最好。 我认为像每小时报告这样的事情对每个人来说都很难,包括你。

快速的晨会(类似于 scrum)可能会有所帮助 - 如果有人挂断电话,那么很快就会很明显,因为他们每天都在说同样的事情。 它还为其他人提供了挺身而出并提供帮助的机会,如果您愿意或者您的老板喜欢评论的想法,您可以随时私下注明。

I'd nix the status reports if you can. Although it sounds like a good idea it sends the message that you're trying to manage the people, and not focusing on the best way to get the work done. From what I've seen, people seem to work best when you describe some of the work that needs to get done and then give them plenty of room, then offer yourself as a resource. I'd think something like hourly reports would be tough on everyone, including you.

A quick morning meeting (similar to scrum) can be helpful - if anyone is hung up it becomes apparent pretty quickly since they're saying the same thing each day. It also gives other people the opportunity to step up and offer to help, which you can always privately note if you wish or if you've got a boss that likes the idea of reviews.

装迷糊 2024-07-12 14:38:42




最重要的是,我们每个人都会提出一些我们所做的事情(通常与代码相关),这些事情在某种程度上确实令人兴奋。 一些刚刚起作用的代码; 新应用程序创意的餐巾草图; 一项可以丰富团队其他成员的新技术;



我们在会议之外制定后勤工作。 时间表、优先事项均按个人情况处理。

此类会议实际上产生了一些小事情,例如 Finisht.comTwenis.com。 这非常酷,与我一起工作的团队对编码感到非常兴奋,有时我简直不敢相信。

Everything about leading a team is scheduling, motivation, prioritization, and conflict management.

I get my team together every Monday morning before we start work to chat about their work.

We talk about what we accomplished the previous week, and what we're looking forward to getting done the upcoming week.

On top of that, we each bring up something we did (usually code-related) that was really exciting in some way. Some piece of code that just worked; A napkin sketch of an idea for a new app; A new technology that could enrich the rest of the team;

There's always something.

I've found that on top of starting the week off with a gratifying list of accomplishments, it also is invigorating to think about what the future holds, and what awesome projects/accomplishments await.

We work out logistics outside the meeting. Schedules, priorities are handled on an individual basis.

Such meetings have actually turned out small things like Finisht.com and Twenis.com. It's been very cool, and the team I work with can get so excited about coding that I sometimes can't believe it.

悲念泪 2024-07-12 14:38:42

我们使用 twitter.com 进行团队更新。 我要求我的团队在开始一项任务、任务中途以及完成任务并开始新任务时发推文。 这样:

  1. 我经常知道他们在做什么,我不需要闯入他们的办公室并总是问:“你在做什么?”
  2. 如果开发人员沉默太久,我可以去提供帮助。
  3. 开发人员可以轻松寻求帮助,而无需打扰其他开发人员
  4. Twitter 中的字符限制确保更新很短,并且不需要大量时间来创建。

我们都将我们的帐户设置为私人帐户,以确保我们组之外的任何人都不会收到我们的推文。 我们已经使用它两个月了……它确实让我在不打扰的情况下了解了我的人员正在做的事情。

We use twitter.com for team updates. I ask my team to tweet when they start a task, midway through a task, and when they finish the task and start a new one. This way:

  1. I know what they are up to fairly frequently and I don't need to barge into their office and always ask, 'What are you working on?'
  2. If a developer goes silent for too long I can go and offer help.
  3. Developers can ask for help easily without barging in on another developer
  4. The character limit in Twitter ensures updates are short, and do not require a lot of time to create.

We all set our accounts to private accounts to ensure no one outside of our group gets our tweets. We've been using it for a better part of two months...it has really opened up to me what my guys are doing without being intrusive.

薄荷港 2024-07-12 14:38:42




  1. 你昨天做了什么?
  2. 你今天打算做什么?

您很快就会确定开发人员是否正在取得进展,或者是否存在任何导致延误的问题。 尝试更定期地获取更新将被证明是矫枉过正,并且可能被视为微观管理。



  • 内容 成就
  • 假设
  • 依赖关系
  • 问题
  • 解决方案

这样做不应该花费太多精力,而且会给您带来非常好的结果深入了解项目的跟踪情况。 它还可以非常有效地为管理层或客户提供有关正在发生的事情和需要解决的问题的概述。



There are two things that you want to do.

Daily Meetings

All you want to do is ask two questions.

  1. What did you do yesterday?
  2. What are you going to do today?

Very quickly you will establish if the developers are making progress or if there are any issues that are causing delays. Trying to get updates more regularly will prove to be overkill and probably be perceived as micro management.

Weekly Progress Reports

Once a week, take half an hour to put together a simple report that covers the following

  • Achievements
  • Assumptions
  • Dependancies
  • Issues
  • Resolutions

It shouldn't take much effort to do this and it will give you a very good insight into how the project is tracking. It's also very effective in providing management or clients and overview of what's happening and what needs to be addressed.

For a more comprehensive overview, visit the following links


妄想挽回 2024-07-12 14:38:42

每隔几个小时提交一次进度报告就太​​过分了。 如果您正在使用源代码管理,那么您可以通过跟踪签入并为开发人员设置标准来评论他们所做的任何提交/签入来获得很大的帮助。 通过这种方式,您不会纠缠他们(并导致非常昂贵的上下文切换),而是允许他们保持在自己的流程中,同时仍然能够监控进度。


Progress Reports every few hours are overkill. If you're working using source control you can get a great deal of mileage out of keeping track of your checkins and setting a standard for your developers to comment on any commit/checkins that they do. In this way you're not badgering them (and incurring very expensive context switches) but you're allowing them to stay in their flow while still being able to monitor progress.

Depending on how sophisticated your source control is, you can correlate tasks to commits/checkins which is additional granularity for keeping track of estimates.

撧情箌佬 2024-07-12 14:38:41

每个小时都太频繁了。 过多的干扰会降低生产力,并增加开发人员的挫败感。 我建议研究一下 Scrum 方法,他们有一个“每日 Scrum”会议,每天早上你向团队通报前一天的进度和当天的工作计划。 它对我来说效果很好,也许对你也有用。

Scrum 还包括故事和任务卡的概念,您可以在其中估算时间,并最终回来查看与估算相差多远。 这为您提供了一个“焦点因素”,您可以使用它来帮助提高未来估计的准确性。

查看此 PDF 来自战壕的 Scrum 和 XP,深入了解它。

Every hour is too frequent. That many interruptions will decrease productivity, and increase developer frustration. I would suggest looking into the Scrum methodology, they have a "daily scrum" meeting, every morning where you update the team on your progress the previous day and planned work for the current day. It has worked well for me, it might work for you.

Scrum also includes the concept of story and task cards where you estimate time, and eventually come back to see how far off your estimates were. This give s you a "focus factor" that you can use to help increase the accuracy of future estimations.

Check out this PDF Scrum and XP from the Trenches for a good read about it.

并安 2024-07-12 14:38:41

我会完全避免使用状态报告,但如果您必须使用它们,请将其频率设置为每周一次。 优秀的开发人员更像艺术家而不是劳动者。 他们在创造性的爆发中创作出伟大的作品,而不是按时钟工作的规律进行。 如果你需要频繁的状态报告,他们会感到不必要的压力,这实际上会让他们不那么快乐,缺乏创造力,最终降低生产力。

I'd avoid status reports all together, but if you must use them, make them no more frequent than weekly. Good developers are more like artists than laborers. They produce great work in creative spurts and not with clock-work regularity. If you require frequent status reports, they'll feel unnecessary pressure which will actually make them less happy, less creative, and ultimately less productive.

若水般的淡然安静女子 2024-07-12 14:38:41

通常,每天要求一次以上的状态报告会给您带来大量 Office Space TPS 报告评论。 您在更多项目数据中看到的任何好处很快就会被士气低落和团队整体萎靡所抵消。

尝试定期(也许每天)请求更新。 不要要求提供正式的书面报告,作为产品经理,你的工作就是为你的老板提供这些报告。 开发人员有开发工作要做。 尽量不要让他们承担管理任务的负担。

Usually, requiring status reports more frequently than once per day will get you a lot of Office Space TPS Report comments. Any benefit you will see in more project data will quickly be out-weighed by low morale and general team malaise.

Try asking for updates on a regular (maybe daily) basis. Don't ask for formal, written reports, that's your job as PM to produce those for your boss. Developers have development work to do. Try not to burden them with managerial tasks.

懷念過去 2024-07-12 14:38:41

这是项目经理未能理解其角色的又一个例子。 Scrum 不是答案,也不是任何其他学说。
在任何组织中,为了更好地支持或参与决策,您到底为什么需要每小时报告? 你们是工人鱼吗? 他们的记忆时间不超过 60 分钟吗,需要你继续说“嘿杰夫……进展如何?”……完全令人筋疲力尽的思路,杀手镊子驱动的暂停“wazup patcouch22?……” ……我 59 分钟前见过的人……”


成为人类……帮助人类,大声呼喊! 没有奇迹般的数学结构方法可以实现高水平的生产力……只有启发式方法。

我做过的最好的、提高团队生产力的事情(当我“只是”一名产品经理时):让我的员工吃饱、睡好、有规律的作息时间,并向他们提供“问我你最愚蠢的问题,我”我只会回答 IFFFF 我 10000% 确定答案”。 保护他们免受上面的压力,为他们解决下面的问题,确保他们知道你是在履行出气筒的职责。

This is yet another example where Project managers fail to understand their role. Scrum is not an answer, nor any other doctrine.
Why on earth would you, in any organization and to better support or be part of a decision, need hourly reports? are you workers fish? do they have no more than 60 minutes of recollection, needing you to troll on by "hey Jeff... how is it going?"... completely mind-exhausting line of thought killer forceps-driven pause "wazup patcouch22?... whom I seen 59 minutes ago..."

And what if you understood, to the infinitely detail, what went wrong with the last slip... will the exact same derailments happen on your next project?
Even if it did, do you understand the robotization required to avoid all forms of slipage/error/progress?

Be humans... be helping humans, for crying out loud! there are no miracle mathematically structured ways to achieve high-levels of productivity... just heuristics.
Read The Mythical Man Month and others... it's not so much on poor management techniques, it's about accidents and because we're dealing with humans.

The best and team-productivity enhancing thing I've done (when I'm "just" a PM): keep my staff well fed, well slept, with regular schedules, and offer them my "ask me your dumbest question, I'll only answer IFFFF I'm 10000% sure of the answer". Shield them from the pressures above, solve for them the problems below, make sure they know you're there for punching-bag duty.

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