标签对导航有用吗(在 Stack Overflow 上或其他地方)?
您是否使用 Stack Overflow 等网站上的标签进行导航? 您是否认为它们像过滤器(缩小大量问题的范围),或者类别(显示网站的组织方式),还是其他东西?
I've done some research on using tags from social bookmarking sites for web search, but I'd like to learn more about other ways in which users might use tags for information retrieval.
Do you use the tags on sites like Stack Overflow for navigation? Do you think of them like filters (narrowing down a large list of questions), or as categories (showing how the site is organized), or something else?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

我使用它们来搜索我的堆栈(C#、ASP.NET、WinForms 等)。 我在 Launchy 中将它们设置为快捷方式。
我在我的 StackOverflow 博客文章 上发表了一些想法 -如果您喜欢,请随时发表评论:
I use them for searching for my stack (C#, ASP.NET, WinForms etc). I have them set up in Launchy as shortcuts.
I have posted some thoughts ideas on my StackOverflow blog post - feel free to comment on there if you like:
我使用此处的过滤器来获取我最感兴趣的内容。我可能对此处的某些内容有疑问,并且想在提出问题之前对该主题进行更多研究。 或者我可能在某个领域很了解,并且想查看问题以查看是否可以提供帮助。
在工作中,我们使用类似于联系人标签的东西。 标签指示属性的类型,因此如果我们想更轻松地找到某种类型的供应商或客户,我们可以通过标签进行搜索。
I use the one here as filters to get to the content I am most interested in. I may have a question about something here and want to research the topic more before asking the question. Or I may be knowledgeable in an area and want to look through questions to see if I can help.
At work we use something similar to tags for our contacts. The tags indicates the type of attributes so if we want to find a certain type of vendor or customer more easily we can search by the tag.
我绝对认为它们是过滤器。 我可以通过一个 html 链接访问特定主题的信息,而不是进入搜索表单并经历输入搜索词或点击单选按钮然后点击提交以获得我想要的数据的烦人过程看着。
I don't know how you could use the tags for navigation -- to me navigation implies that you are going through static content.
I definitely think of them as filters. I can access information on a particular subject with one html link instead of going to a search form and going through the annoying process of either typing a search term or hitting a radio button and then hitting submit to get the kind of data that I want to look at.
是的 - 纯粹是因为我通过寻找可用性标签发现了这个问题。 :)
到目前为止,在像这样的网站上,我倾向于将标签视为互斥的过滤器。 我想在搜索中组合标签,但事实上,如何在许多网站上执行此操作(例如 Blogger 博客中的标签)并不是很明显,这意味着我不愿意尝试。 在具有允许我在搜索字段中输入标签的界面的网站(例如本网站)上,我更倾向于尝试。
Yes - purely on the basis that I found this question by looking for the usability tag. :)
So far, on sites like this one, I tend to see tags as mutually exclusive filters. I'd like to combine tags in a search, but the fact that it's not immediately obvious how to do this on many sites e.g. as with labels in Blogger blogs, means I'm not inclined to try. On sites with interfaces that allow me to enter tags in a search field (such as this site), I'd be more inclined to try.
Either way, I think of the tags as simple filters and not as categories, hierarchical or otherwise.
Hope this helps.
由于大多数用户更熟悉字典结构(存在许多现实生活中的类比,例如在图书馆寻找特定的艺术书籍或在商场寻找牛奶),因此起初他们通常对它们更适应。 但在创建实际内容之前必须定义分层视图(至少是总体结构),这不太适合自然的“内容”增长。 而且它不提供任何替代视图(例如我不能根据超市中的糖含量寻找食物)。
标签更加有机,在用户习惯后,可以提供更自然的方式来查看和排序信息。 然而,从长远来看,标签的有机增长可能会变得相当混乱。 例如,可能有许多标签具有相同的含义,但具有不同的拼写或单词。 此外,定义多语言标签系统也非常困难。 虽然标签在中小型规模上工作良好,但我认为在大规模上它们需要大量维护。
我喜欢标签在这里的工作方式。 如果您填写标签(在提问表单上),则会出现一个小弹出窗口,显示您输入的标签是什么,以及每个单词标记了多少个项目。 这有助于我确定特定内容的确切标签词应该是什么。
Tags and hierarhical views (like a dictionary structure) are the two main methods for information organization.
As dictionary structures are more familiar to most users (many real life analogies exists like looking for a specific art book in a library or looking for milk in a mall), at first they are usually more comfortable with them. But a hierarchical view has to be defined (at least the general structure) before the actual content is created, which is not so suitable for natural "content" growth. Also it doesn't provide any alternative views (for example I cannot look for food based on sugar content in the supermarket).
Tags are more organic, and after the users get used to it, provide a more natural way to look and sort information. On the long term however the organic growth of the tags could became quite chaotic. For example there could be many tags with the same meaning, but with a different spelling or word. Also, it is very hard to define a multilangual tag system. While on a small or medium scale tags work well, I think on a large scale they need heavy maintenance.
I like the way tags work here. If you fill out a tag (on the question asking form) a small pop-up shows what are the tags for your input, and how many items are tagged with each word. This helps me to decide what the exact tag word for a specific content should be.
Overall I like and use tags on other sites too, because they provide quick customizable views for large amounts of information.
Del.icio.us 和 GMail 向我推销的是标签,而不是其他组织事物的方法。 GMail 的实现特别直观:标签就像文件夹,但单个项目可以位于多个文件夹中(Outlook 尚未弄清楚这一点)。 Del.icio.us 教会了我第二个概念:标签就像集合,应用并集和交集可以真正缩小你要查找的范围。
我真的很喜欢“(WhateverTechOrLanguage)的隐藏功能”文章。 有一个“隐藏功能”标签,但它并不适用于每一篇文章。 如果我有声誉,我会这样做,但我不想添加一个“答案”告诉他们标记。 我知道,一旦我获得 50 分“Whoofie”,我至少可以添加一条评论,要求他们标记它,但是......
Del.icio.us and GMail sold me on tags as opposed to other methods of organizing things. GMail's implementation is particularly intuitive: tags are like folders, but a single item can be in multiple folders (something Outlook hasn't figured out yet). Del.icio.us taught me the second concept: tags are like sets and applying unions and intersections can really narrow down what you are looking for.
So, yes, IMO, tags are useful for navigation.
Speaking of tags, if anyone is reading this who has the reputation to add tags...
I really like the "Hidden Features of (WhateverTechOrLanguage)" articles. There is a "hidden-feature" tag, but it isn't applied to every one of those articles. If I had the reputation, I'd do it, but I didn't want add an "answer" telling them to tag. I know that as soon as I get 50 points of "Whoofie" I can at least add a comment asking them to tag it, but...