你必须自己编写所有代码——Poppler 只处理 PDF 部分,你必须编写 GUI。 查看 Evince 的代码作为一个很好的示例。
You have to code it all yourself -- Poppler only handles the PDF part, you have to write the GUI. Look at the code to Evince for a good example.
如果您正在 GLib 中制作应用程序,那么这里有很好的文档。 http://developer.gnome.org/poppler/unstable/index.html
如果你可以通过 doxygen 编译这个文档,只需检查代码即可。 :)
If you are making a app in GLib, then there is good documentation here. http://developer.gnome.org/poppler/unstable/index.html
If you can compile this documentations by doxygen, Just checkout the code. :)
poppler 版本下载现在包含 Qt4 包装器和一些您可以查看的示例。
The poppler release downloads now contain a Qt4 wrapper and some examples that you can take a look at.
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你必须自己编写所有代码——Poppler 只处理 PDF 部分,你必须编写 GUI。 查看 Evince 的代码作为一个很好的示例。
You have to code it all yourself -- Poppler only handles the PDF part, you have to write the GUI. Look at the code to Evince for a good example.