SQL - 如何存储和导航层次结构?

发布于 2024-07-05 12:42:22 字数 30 浏览 5 评论 0原文


What are the ways that you use to model and retrieve hierarchical info in a database?

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兲鉂ぱ嘚淚 2024-07-12 12:42:23

我不同意乔希的观点。 如果您使用像公司组织这样的巨大层次结构,会发生什么情况。 人们可以加入/离开公司,改变汇报关系等等……保持“距离”将是一个大问题,你必须维护两个数据表。

此查询(SQL Server 2005 及更高版本)可以让您查看任何人的完整行并计算他们在层次结构中的位置,并且只需要一个用户信息表。 可以对其进行修改以查找任何子关系。

--Create table of dummy data
create table #person (
personID integer IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
name      varchar(255) not null,
dob       date,
father    integer

INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Pops','1900/1/1',NULL);  
INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Grandma','1903/2/4',null);
INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Dad','1925/4/2',1);
INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Uncle Kev','1927/3/3',1);
INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Cuz Dave','1953/7/8',4);
INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Billy','1954/8/1',3);

DECLARE @OldestPerson INT; 
SET @OldestPerson = 1; -- Set this value to the ID of the oldest person in the family

WITH PersonHierarchy (personID,Name,dob,father, HierarchyLevel) AS
      1 as HierarchyLevel
   FROM #person
   WHERE personID = @OldestPerson


      eh.HierarchyLevel + 1 AS HierarchyLevel
   FROM #person e
      INNER JOIN PersonHierarchy eh ON
         e.father = eh.personID

FROM PersonHierarchy
ORDER BY HierarchyLevel, father;

DROP TABLE #person;

I've got to disagree with Josh. What happens if you're using a huge hierarchical structure like a company organization. People can join/leave the company, change reporting lines, etc... Maintaining the "distance" would be a big problem and you would have to maintain two tables of data.

This query (SQL Server 2005 and above) would let you see the complete line of any person AND calculates their place in the hierarchy and it only requires a single table of user information. It can be modified to find any child relationship.

--Create table of dummy data
create table #person (
personID integer IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
name      varchar(255) not null,
dob       date,
father    integer

INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Pops','1900/1/1',NULL);  
INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Grandma','1903/2/4',null);
INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Dad','1925/4/2',1);
INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Uncle Kev','1927/3/3',1);
INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Cuz Dave','1953/7/8',4);
INSERT INTO #person(name,dob,father)Values('Billy','1954/8/1',3);

DECLARE @OldestPerson INT; 
SET @OldestPerson = 1; -- Set this value to the ID of the oldest person in the family

WITH PersonHierarchy (personID,Name,dob,father, HierarchyLevel) AS
      1 as HierarchyLevel
   FROM #person
   WHERE personID = @OldestPerson


      eh.HierarchyLevel + 1 AS HierarchyLevel
   FROM #person e
      INNER JOIN PersonHierarchy eh ON
         e.father = eh.personID

FROM PersonHierarchy
ORDER BY HierarchyLevel, father;

DROP TABLE #person;
情徒 2024-07-12 12:42:23

仅供参考:SQL Server 2008 为此排序引入了新的 HierarchyID 数据类型的情况。 让您可以控制行在“树”中的水平和垂直位置。

FYI: SQL Server 2008 introduces a new HierarchyID data type for this sort of situation. Gives you control over where in the "tree" your row sits, horizontally as well as vertically.

落叶缤纷 2024-07-12 12:42:23


Oracle 对 SELECT 进行了扩展,可以轻松实现基于树的检索。 也许 SQL Server 有一些类似的扩展?


select * from my_table
    start with parent = :TOP
    connect by prior child = parent;

http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/ora/sql/connect_by。 html


Oracle has an extension to SELECT that allows easy tree-based retrieval. Perhaps SQL Server has some similar extension?

This query will traverse a table where the nesting relationship is stored in parent and child columns.

select * from my_table
    start with parent = :TOP
    connect by prior child = parent;


ま昔日黯然 2024-07-12 12:42:23

我更喜欢 Josh 和 Mark Harrison 使用的技术的混合:

两个表,一个包含 Person 的数据,另一个包含层次结构信息(person_id,parent_id [, mother_id])如果该表的 PK 是 person_id,则您有一棵只有一个父节点的简单树(在这种情况下有意义,但在会计帐户等其他情况下则不然)。

这个层次结构表可以通过递归过程来遍历,或者如果您的数据库通过诸如 SELECT...BY PRIOR 之类的语句支持它(甲骨文)。


I prefer a mix of the techinques used by Josh and Mark Harrison:

Two tables, one with the data of the Person and other with the hierarchichal info (person_id, parent_id [, mother_id]) if the PK of this table is person_id, you have a simple tree with only one parent by node (which makes sense in this case, but not in other cases like accounting accounts)

This hiarchy table can be transversed by recursive procedures or if your DB supports it by sentences like SELECT... BY PRIOR (Oracle).

Other posibility is if you know the max deep of the hierarchy data you want to mantain is use a single table with a set of columns per level of hierarchy

[旋木] 2024-07-12 12:42:23

当我们为 [fleXive] 实现树组件时,我们遇到了同样的问题使用 tharkun 在 MySQL 文档中。

除了(显着)加快速度之外,我们还使用了一种扩展方法,这意味着我们使用了顶级右边界的最大 Long 值,这允许我们插入和移动节点,而无需重新计算所有左和右价值观。 左和右的值是通过将节点的范围除以 3 并使用内部三分之一作为新节点的边界来计算的。


We had the same issue when we implemented a tree component for [fleXive] and used the nested set tree model approach mentioned by tharkun from the MySQL docs.

In addition to speed things (dramatically) up we used a spreaded approach which simply means we used the maximum Long value for the top level right bounds which allows us to insert and move nodes without recalculating all left and right values. Values for left and right are calculated by dividing the range for a node by 3 und use the inner third as bounds for the new node.

A java code example can be seen here.

So尛奶瓶 2024-07-12 12:42:23

如果您使用的是 SQL Server 2005,则 此链接解释了如何检索分层数据。

一旦您习惯使用通用表表达式 (CTE),它们就会成为您的朋友。

If you're using SQL Server 2005 then this link explains how to retrieve hierarchical data.

Common Table Expressions (CTEs) can be your friends once you get comfortable using them.

波浪屿的海角声 2024-07-12 12:42:22

我喜欢改进的先序树遍历算法。 这种技术使得查询树变得非常容易。

但这里是我从 Zend Framework (PHP) 贡献者网页(由 Laurent Melmoux 于 2007 年 6 月 5 日 15:52 发布)复制的有关该主题的链接列表。



  • 嵌套集也称为修改的先序树遍历算法
  • 邻接列表模型







嵌套集 DB 树 Adodb

访问模型 ADOdb




I like the Modified Preorder Tree Traversal Algorithm. This technique makes it very easy to query the tree.

But here is a list of links about the topic which I copied from the Zend Framework (PHP) contributors webpage (posted there by Posted by Laurent Melmoux at Jun 05, 2007 15:52).

Many of the links are language agnostic:

There is 2 main representations and algorithms to represent hierarchical structures with databases :

  • nested set also known as modified preorder tree traversal algorithm
  • adjacency list model

It's well explained here:

Here are some more links that I've collected:

adjacency list model

nested set


Classes :

Nested Sets DB Tree Adodb

Visitation Model ADOdb




初心 2024-07-12 12:42:22

关于这个主题的权威文章由 Joe Celko 撰写,他将其中的一些文章整理成一本名为《Joe Celko's Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties》的书。

他喜欢一种称为有向图的技术。 有关他在该主题上的工作的介绍,请参见 这里

The definitive pieces on this subject have been written by Joe Celko, and he has worked a number of them into a book called Joe Celko's Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties.

He favours a technique called directed graphs. An introduction to his work on this subject can be found here

甜是你 2024-07-12 12:42:22

在 SQL 数据库中表示层次结构的最佳方式是什么? 一种通用的、便携式的技术?

我们假设层次结构大部分已被读取,但并不完全静态。 假设这是一个家谱。


create table person (
person_id integer autoincrement primary key,
name      varchar(255) not null,
dob       date,
mother    integer,
father    integer


person_id   name      dob       mother father  
1           Pops      1900/1/1   null   null  
2           Grandma   1903/2/4   null   null  
3           Dad       1925/4/2   2      1  
4           Uncle Kev 1927/3/3   2      1
5           Cuz Dave  1953/7/8   null   4
6           Billy     1954/8/1   null   3


create table person (
person_id integer autoincrement primary key,
name      varchar(255) not null,
dob       date

create table ancestor (
ancestor_id   integer,
descendant_id integer,
distance      integer


person_id   name      dob       
1           Pops      1900/1/1  
2           Grandma   1903/2/4   
3           Dad       1925/4/2   
4           Uncle Kev 1927/3/3
5           Cuz Dave  1953/7/8   
6           Billy     1954/8/1   

ancestor_id  descendant_id  distance
1            1              0
2            2              0
3            3              0
4            4              0
5            5              0
6            6              0
1            3              1
2            3              1
1            4              1
2            4              1
1            5              2
2            5              2
4            5              1
1            6              2
2            6              2
3            6              1



select * from person where person_id in 
    (select descendant_id from ancestor where distance=2);


select * from person where person_id in 
    (select descendant_id from ancestor 
    where ancestor_id=1 and distance>0);


select decendant_id uncle from ancestor 
    where distance=1 and ancestor_id in 
    (select ancestor_id from ancestor 
        where distance=2 and not exists
        (select ancestor_id from ancestor 
        where distance=1 and ancestor_id=uncle)

您可以避免通过子查询将表与其自身连接的所有问题,常见的限制是 16 个子查询。

问题是,维护祖先表有点困难 - 最好使用存储过程来完成。

What's the best way to represent a hierachy in a SQL database? A generic, portable technique?

Let's assume the hierachy is mostly read, but isn't completely static. Let's say it's a family tree.

Here's how not to do it:

create table person (
person_id integer autoincrement primary key,
name      varchar(255) not null,
dob       date,
mother    integer,
father    integer

And inserting data like this:

person_id   name      dob       mother father  
1           Pops      1900/1/1   null   null  
2           Grandma   1903/2/4   null   null  
3           Dad       1925/4/2   2      1  
4           Uncle Kev 1927/3/3   2      1
5           Cuz Dave  1953/7/8   null   4
6           Billy     1954/8/1   null   3

Instead, split your nodes and your relationships into two tables.

create table person (
person_id integer autoincrement primary key,
name      varchar(255) not null,
dob       date

create table ancestor (
ancestor_id   integer,
descendant_id integer,
distance      integer

Data is created like this:

person_id   name      dob       
1           Pops      1900/1/1  
2           Grandma   1903/2/4   
3           Dad       1925/4/2   
4           Uncle Kev 1927/3/3
5           Cuz Dave  1953/7/8   
6           Billy     1954/8/1   

ancestor_id  descendant_id  distance
1            1              0
2            2              0
3            3              0
4            4              0
5            5              0
6            6              0
1            3              1
2            3              1
1            4              1
2            4              1
1            5              2
2            5              2
4            5              1
1            6              2
2            6              2
3            6              1

you can now run arbitary queries that don't involve joining the table back on itself, which would happen if you have the heirachy relationship in the same row as the node.

Who has grandparents?

select * from person where person_id in 
    (select descendant_id from ancestor where distance=2);

All your descendants:

select * from person where person_id in 
    (select descendant_id from ancestor 
    where ancestor_id=1 and distance>0);

Who are uncles?

select decendant_id uncle from ancestor 
    where distance=1 and ancestor_id in 
    (select ancestor_id from ancestor 
        where distance=2 and not exists
        (select ancestor_id from ancestor 
        where distance=1 and ancestor_id=uncle)

You avoid all the problems of joining a table to itself via subqueries, a common limitation is 16 subsuqeries.

Trouble is, maintaining the ancestor table is kind of hard - best done with a stored procedure.

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