代码在 eclipse 中编译,但不在命令行中编译

发布于 2024-07-05 11:18:16 字数 11903 浏览 11 评论 0原文

我曾经在 Java 类中写过这一行。 这在 Eclipse 中编译得很好,但在命令行上却不行。


  • Eclipse 3.3
  • JDK 1.5
  • Windows XP Professional



Icons.java:16: code too large
            public static final byte[] compileIcon = { 71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97, 50,


public static final byte[] compileIcon = { 71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97, 50,
            0, 50, 0, -9, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -24, -72, -72, -24, -64, -64,
            -8, -16, -24, -8, -24, -24, -16, -24, -32, -1, -8, -8, 48, 72,
            -72, -24, -80, -80, 72, 96, -40, -24, -24, -8, 56, 88, -56,
            -24, -40, -48, -24, -48, -64, 56, 80, -64, 64, 88, -48, -56,
            -64, -64, -16, -24, -24, -32, -40, -40, -32, -88, -96, -72,
            -72, -72, -48, -56, -56, -24, -32, -32, -8, -8, -1, -24, -40,
            -56, -64, -72, -72, -16, -32, -40, 48, 80, -72, -40, -96, -104,
            -40, -96, -96, -56, -104, -104, 120, 88, -104, -40, -64, -80,
            -32, -88, -88, -32, -56, -72, -72, -80, -80, -32, -80, -88,
            104, -96, -1, -40, -40, -40, -64, -104, -104, -32, -56, -64,
            -112, 104, 112, -48, -104, -112, -128, -112, -24, -72, -80,
            -88, -8, -8, -8, -64, -112, -120, 72, 104, -40, 120, 96, -96,
            -112, -96, -24, -112, -120, -72, -40, -88, -88, -48, -64, -72,
            -32, -72, -80, -48, -72, -88, -88, -72, -24, 64, 88, -56, -120,
            96, 104, 88, -128, -72, 48, 56, 56, 104, 104, 120, 112, -120,
            -16, -128, 104, -88, -40, -48, -48, 88, -120, -24, 104, 88,
            -104, -40, -56, -72, -128, 112, -88, -128, 96, -88, -104, -88,
            -24, -96, -120, 120, -88, -128, -80, -56, -56, -64, 96, 120,
            -8, -96, -128, -88, -80, -96, -104, -32, -72, -72, 96, 104,
            112, 96, -104, -8, -72, -112, -112, -64, -72, -80, 64, 64, 72,
            -128, -120, -96, -128, 88, 88, -56, -72, -80, 88, 96, 120, -72,
            -128, 112, 72, 112, -40, 96, 120, -56, 88, -112, -16, 64, 104,
            -48, -64, -80, -88, -88, -120, -80, 88, 88, 96, -56, -96, -120,
            -40, -56, -64, 96, 104, 120, -120, -80, -24, -104, -88, -40,
            -48, -72, -80, -64, -56, -16, -88, -112, -128, -32, -48, -56,
            -24, -16, -8, -64, -120, 120, -96, -96, -88, 80, -128, -24,
            -56, -72, -88, -96, 120, 88, -72, -112, 120, -64, -104, 120,
            -48, -56, -64, -120, -104, -32, -104, 120, -80, -96, -112,
            -120, 56, 88, -64, -128, 96, 64, 88, 120, -40, -80, -104, -120,
            -104, -128, 104, 96, -104, -24, -72, -120, -128, 56, 96, -56,
            -128, 112, 104, -48, -88, -112, 96, 96, 104, -104, -88, -72,
            -40, -88, -96, -72, -88, -96, -120, 120, 104, -80, -88, -96,
            72, 72, 80, -120, 88, 96, 120, -120, -24, 96, -104, -16, 104,
            80, 48, -56, -80, -96, -56, -88, -104, -104, 120, -88, -88,
            120, 104, -72, -120, -120, -24, -32, -40, 112, 88, -104, 120,
            96, -104, -32, -32, -32, -96, 96, 96, 80, 80, 88, 64, 88, 120,
            72, 120, -40, 72, 88, 112, -88, -96, -104, -56, -80, -88, -72,
            -88, -104, -56, -64, -72, -80, -120, 104, -80, -120, -80, -112,
            112, -88, 120, 112, 112, 112, -96, -24, -120, -120, -64, -120,
            120, -80, 64, 96, -128, 96, 64, 64, 96, -128, -32, 80, 112,
            -24, 112, -120, -24, 104, -96, -8, 96, 120, -16, -88, 120, 120,
            -72, -56, -16, -128, -128, -128, -104, -120, -72, -64, -96,
            -120, -32, -64, -64, -40, -48, -56, -64, -88, -96, -64, -104,
            -72, -96, -88, -24, -104, -96, -40, -96, -128, 96, -128, -128,
            -96, 104, 88, 80, 112, -88, -8, -64, -104, -80, -96, -120, 112,
            96, 120, -32, 56, 80, -72, -104, -88, -32, 104, -128, -24, -56,
            -88, -120, -80, -72, -8, -96, -128, -128, -64, -128, 96, -72,
            -96, -120, 72, 104, -32, -96, 96, 64, -72, -96, -112, -32, -40,
            -48, -64, -88, -112, -88, -128, 96, -88, -128, -88, -64, -64,
            -32, -128, -96, -32, -88, -104, -112, 32, 32, 64, -120, 104,
            -88, 120, -120, -16, -104, 120, -72, -24, -48, -56, -96, -96,
            -96, -64, 96, 96, 96, 64, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            50, 0, 50, 0, 0, 8, -1, 0, 1, 8, 28, 72, -80, -96, -63, -125,
            8, 19, 42, 92, -120, 112, 0, 3, 6, 12, 23, 6, -104, 72, -79,
            -94, -59, -117, 19, 39, -124, 64, -128, -128, 3, -121, 9, 19,
            48, -118, -92, 24, 81, 33, -118, 8, 40, 7, -88, 84, -55, -64,
            12, 6, 6, 45, 74, -54, 52, 8, 73, -60, 24, 22, 25, 92, 73, 40,
            64, -96, -64, 74, -121, 24, 94, -58, -100, 25, -79, -59, 47,
            17, 3, 52, -120, 88, -125, 105, 73, 6, 42, -102, -68, 96, -16,
            -71, 18, 3, -118, 6, 13, 14, -114, -36, 26, -64, 69, 7, 18, 28,
            -61, -110, -32, -32, -62, -54, -94, 72, -61, -48, -88, -40, 72,
            34, -60, 4, 21, 23, -119, 14, -92, 80, -58, 6, -108, 10, 18,
            44, 68, -8, 57, -96, -128, 16, 98, 70, -24, -48, 97, -45, 6, 4,
            6, 16, 67, -27, 18, 52, -79, -52, -89, -46, 49, -105, -74, -32,
            109, -45, -85, -63, -49, 2, 13, 88, -51, -62, 5, 40, 80, 31,
            91, 103, 20, 11, -116, 32, -124, -81, -54, 2, 40, -58, -40,
            -103, -59, -122, 13, 43, 51, 12, 122, 106, 96, -48, 0, -105,
            40, 29, 106, 32, 17, 20, -64, -69, -73, -17, -33, -68, 25, 113,
            13, 80, -125, 44, -102, 72, 108, -84, -88, 80, 49, -127, -61,
            -94, 28, -97, -108, -4, -98, -103, 102, 9, -127, -21, -40, -81,
            23, -32, 35, -126, 39, -10, 2, 32, -116, 29, -1, 27, -74, 37,
            -40, 29, 60, 90, -60, -120, -90, 0, -122, -118, -23, -107, 54,
            -36, -72, -15, 2, 66, -61, -23, -39, 24, -8, -36, -7, -108,
            -27, -128, 44, -59, -112, -16, -64, 67, 3, -39, 21, 72, 0, 6,
            34, 120, -31, -123, 124, 124, 52, 16, 84, 3, -119, -88, 82,
            -62, 28, -2, 21, 4, -36, -123, -83, -92, -96, 97, 13, 20, 117,
            112, 2, -121, 24, 77, -128, 6, 48, -64, 72, -93, -62, 31, 104,
            -56, 48, 68, 16, 65, 112, 49, 29, 67, 82, 8, 24, 72, 118, 18,
            84, 48, 66, 6, 63, 72, 96, 96, 1, 26, -128, 64, -97, 8, 50, 24,
            114, -64, -112, -22, -51, -28, 7, 24, 77, 116, -15, 75, 1, 123,
            53, 2, -63, 15, 22, 88, 0, 1, 5, 44, 72, 32, -127, 74, -78,
            -47, -122, -62, 27, -90, -24, 49, -28, 1, 69, -106, -108, 76,
            21, -99, 8, -127, -119, 29, -81, 60, 41, -63, 15, 16, -116, 80,
            65, -114, 22, -44, 40, 72, 6, 111, 60, 4, 77, 3, 34, -124, 1,
            -60, -105, 7, 40, 96, -31, -123, -68, 49, -111, 66, 30, 32,
            102, -92, 66, 30, 86, 60, -47, -63, 12, 30, 42, 58, 67, 13, 51,
            120, -32, 1, 35, 30, 112, 112, -62, 39, -114, -80, 24, -124,
            116, 47, 30, 116, 6, 15, -120, 24, -104, 93, 3, -105, 44, -79,
            12, 11, -103, -116, 112, 35, 20, 52, -96, 64, 3, 32, 91, -40,
            -1, 114, 5, -97, 126, -106, 36, 5, 24, -106, -67, 103, 26, 3,
            32, -68, -14, 10, 20, 44, 88, -78, -124, 37, 91, -124, -47,
            -33, -105, 112, -56, -28, 7, -103, -70, -86, 116, -57, 29, 52,
            80, 37, -101, 8, 54, 24, 99, -121, 17, 82, -108, -80, 0, -83,
            7, 93, 56, 70, 14, 41, -96, -78, -107, 11, -117, -48, 97, -42,
            12, 127, 32, 64, 66, 91, 19, -96, -88, -94, 35, -16, 110, 10,
            -88, 65, 103, 76, -62, 67, 19, 114, -120, -102, 93, 49, 107,
            -108, 65, -121, 29, -121, -36, 65, -116, 16, 24, -32, 121,
            -125, 33, -70, 108, -96, 112, -97, 37, 5, -127, 100, 23, -128,
            -4, 68, 65, 5, 123, -103, 102, -63, 24, 101, -20, 49, -51, 33,
            -121, -40, 80, 65, 9, 122, 40, -84, 112, -78, 17, 73, 81, 69,
            -110, -110, -28, -38, -105, 9, 84, -30, 69, 21, -106, 60, 106,
            32, 68, 25, -127, -96, -96, -25, 6, 14, 56, -96, 112, -83, 90,
            81, 116, 2, -72, 57, 16, 66, 8, 88, 28, 49, 26, 66, 8, 51, 60,
            -15, -60, 9, 51, -128, -75, -82, 91, 19, 116, 96, -87, 12, 31,
            84, 93, -75, 18, 91, 13, 100, -126, -67, 125, 72, 50, 72, 45,
            63, 89, -112, 1, 5, 20, -104, 96, 65, 1, 38, -4, 48, 49, 4,
            -82, 60, 84, 48, 13, -90, 92, -111, -13, -36, 60, 39, -44, 66,
            40, 96, -12, -47, -59, 32, 81, -20, -1, -15, 19, 4, 18, 68, 80,
            64, 5, 72, -80, 0, -127, 9, 17, 72, -112, 9, 20, -106, -48,
            -48, -86, -79, 56, -49, 77, -14, 66, -76, -100, -68, 119, 20,
            59, 44, -15, 19, -53, 20, 0, 30, 103, -101, 110, -66, 97, -122,
            25, 52, 44, 33, -125, -74, 11, -92, -98, 115, -35, 90, -55, 1,
            52, 33, 83, 76, 33, -118, 10, 97, 73, -70, 81, 7, 29, 44, -35,
            1, -46, 29, 76, -22, 2, 7, 30, -84, 50, -60, 7, 48, 60, 114,
            -11, 112, 0, -124, -95, 67, 21, -110, 96, -66, -61, 14, 12,
            -84, 36, -27, 8, -99, -101, 80, -128, 5, 72, -36, -104, -55,
            23, -92, 83, -95, -116, 19, 14, -92, 46, 62, -21, 8, 21, 1, 68,
            9, -93, -124, -78, 3, 51, 59, -68, -84, 82, -30, 72, 84, 64, 1,
            18, 121, 85, 0, -123, 32, -126, -80, -112, 6, -56, 11, -32, 32,
            -2, -28, 10, -71, -64, 5, -80, 48, 7, 74, 56, -63, 16, 58, -40,
            65, 45, -28, -16, 5, -108, 56, 16, 37, -112, -80, 17, 5, 70,
            -16, 6, 87, 124, -127, 5, -98, 0, -126, 3, 30, -128, -125, 14,
            -30, 64, 1, 2, 12, -95, 8, 67, 8, 0, -118, 108, -126, 8, 31,
            -16, 1, 40, 100, -96, -120, 20, 76, 33, 18, 121, -104, 64, 88,
            102, 24, 2, -78, 48, 66, 5, -101, -96, 26, 12, 118, -72, 67,
            100, 12, 103, 34, 4, 89, 65, 18, -1, 72, -127, -125, 2, 30, 80,
            7, -107, -24, -37, 22, 26, -15, -66, 2, 20, -96, 17, 12, 64,
            65, 52, -30, -74, -128, 7, 88, -47, -118, -28, 99, -120, 2,
            122, -112, -124, 36, -100, 34, 1, 14, -48, -126, 26, 74, -128,
            -121, 80, 68, 33, 10, -127, -80, -127, 6, 98, -122, 1, 42, 120,
            34, 11, 27, -72, -94, 21, 1, 56, 19, 50, 116, -47, -117, -89,
            32, -59, 3, 28, 112, 5, 39, -108, 0, -119, 81, 16, -123, 17,
            108, 96, 6, 42, -8, 65, 91, 15, 72, -128, 28, -77, -120, 16,
            -116, -64, -30, 25, 113, -120, 100, 36, -101, -15, 8, 24, -84,
            80, 6, 46, -116, 93, 36, -124, -9, 1, 34, 120, -46, -109, 71,
            -8, 33, 73, 16, 66, -122, 21, -12, -32, -108, 61, 40, 5, 47,
            18, 48, -121, 62, -2, 113, 18, 58, 112, -62, 6, 18, 64, -53,
            90, 50, 82, 49, 10, 40, -62, 41, 11, -63, 75, 94, -68, 32, 117,
            106, -16, -93, 30, 18, 89, -53, 4, -60, 64, 52, 10, 81, -128,
            47, 86, -64, 76, 102, -106, 34, 23, 47, -48, -126, 22, 28, 80,
            76, 90, -34, 82, 32, 6, -56, -90, 54, 69, 25, 0, 38, -64, -126,
            11, 71, 8, -89, 56, -107, -96, 8, 31, -104, -45, 7, 68, -32, 2,
            55, -127, 72, -108, 11, -112, -95, 8, 49, -120, -89, 60, 71,
            -15, -126, 122, 38, -32, -102, -56, 60, -120, 2, 110, 80, 51,
            -124, 126, -58, -94, 8, -62, -88, -25, 49, -13, 41, 23, 5,
            -112, -31, 6, 8, 93, 65, 64, -15, -39, -56, 117, 98, -124, 9,
            51, -72, -59, 45, 56, -95, 78, -121, 6, -128, -96, 5, -39, 39,
            67, 49, -54, -47, -114, 122, -44, 32, 1, 1, 0, 59 };

I once wrote this line in a Java class. This compiled fine in Eclipse but not on the command line.

This is on

  • Eclipse 3.3
  • JDK 1.5
  • Windows XP Professional

Any clues?

Error given on the command line is:

Icons.java:16: code too large
            public static final byte[] compileIcon = { 71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97, 50,

The code line in question is:

public static final byte[] compileIcon = { 71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97, 50,
            0, 50, 0, -9, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -24, -72, -72, -24, -64, -64,
            -8, -16, -24, -8, -24, -24, -16, -24, -32, -1, -8, -8, 48, 72,
            -72, -24, -80, -80, 72, 96, -40, -24, -24, -8, 56, 88, -56,
            -24, -40, -48, -24, -48, -64, 56, 80, -64, 64, 88, -48, -56,
            -64, -64, -16, -24, -24, -32, -40, -40, -32, -88, -96, -72,
            -72, -72, -48, -56, -56, -24, -32, -32, -8, -8, -1, -24, -40,
            -56, -64, -72, -72, -16, -32, -40, 48, 80, -72, -40, -96, -104,
            -40, -96, -96, -56, -104, -104, 120, 88, -104, -40, -64, -80,
            -32, -88, -88, -32, -56, -72, -72, -80, -80, -32, -80, -88,
            104, -96, -1, -40, -40, -40, -64, -104, -104, -32, -56, -64,
            -112, 104, 112, -48, -104, -112, -128, -112, -24, -72, -80,
            -88, -8, -8, -8, -64, -112, -120, 72, 104, -40, 120, 96, -96,
            -112, -96, -24, -112, -120, -72, -40, -88, -88, -48, -64, -72,
            -32, -72, -80, -48, -72, -88, -88, -72, -24, 64, 88, -56, -120,
            96, 104, 88, -128, -72, 48, 56, 56, 104, 104, 120, 112, -120,
            -16, -128, 104, -88, -40, -48, -48, 88, -120, -24, 104, 88,
            -104, -40, -56, -72, -128, 112, -88, -128, 96, -88, -104, -88,
            -24, -96, -120, 120, -88, -128, -80, -56, -56, -64, 96, 120,
            -8, -96, -128, -88, -80, -96, -104, -32, -72, -72, 96, 104,
            112, 96, -104, -8, -72, -112, -112, -64, -72, -80, 64, 64, 72,
            -128, -120, -96, -128, 88, 88, -56, -72, -80, 88, 96, 120, -72,
            -128, 112, 72, 112, -40, 96, 120, -56, 88, -112, -16, 64, 104,
            -48, -64, -80, -88, -88, -120, -80, 88, 88, 96, -56, -96, -120,
            -40, -56, -64, 96, 104, 120, -120, -80, -24, -104, -88, -40,
            -48, -72, -80, -64, -56, -16, -88, -112, -128, -32, -48, -56,
            -24, -16, -8, -64, -120, 120, -96, -96, -88, 80, -128, -24,
            -56, -72, -88, -96, 120, 88, -72, -112, 120, -64, -104, 120,
            -48, -56, -64, -120, -104, -32, -104, 120, -80, -96, -112,
            -120, 56, 88, -64, -128, 96, 64, 88, 120, -40, -80, -104, -120,
            -104, -128, 104, 96, -104, -24, -72, -120, -128, 56, 96, -56,
            -128, 112, 104, -48, -88, -112, 96, 96, 104, -104, -88, -72,
            -40, -88, -96, -72, -88, -96, -120, 120, 104, -80, -88, -96,
            72, 72, 80, -120, 88, 96, 120, -120, -24, 96, -104, -16, 104,
            80, 48, -56, -80, -96, -56, -88, -104, -104, 120, -88, -88,
            120, 104, -72, -120, -120, -24, -32, -40, 112, 88, -104, 120,
            96, -104, -32, -32, -32, -96, 96, 96, 80, 80, 88, 64, 88, 120,
            72, 120, -40, 72, 88, 112, -88, -96, -104, -56, -80, -88, -72,
            -88, -104, -56, -64, -72, -80, -120, 104, -80, -120, -80, -112,
            112, -88, 120, 112, 112, 112, -96, -24, -120, -120, -64, -120,
            120, -80, 64, 96, -128, 96, 64, 64, 96, -128, -32, 80, 112,
            -24, 112, -120, -24, 104, -96, -8, 96, 120, -16, -88, 120, 120,
            -72, -56, -16, -128, -128, -128, -104, -120, -72, -64, -96,
            -120, -32, -64, -64, -40, -48, -56, -64, -88, -96, -64, -104,
            -72, -96, -88, -24, -104, -96, -40, -96, -128, 96, -128, -128,
            -96, 104, 88, 80, 112, -88, -8, -64, -104, -80, -96, -120, 112,
            96, 120, -32, 56, 80, -72, -104, -88, -32, 104, -128, -24, -56,
            -88, -120, -80, -72, -8, -96, -128, -128, -64, -128, 96, -72,
            -96, -120, 72, 104, -32, -96, 96, 64, -72, -96, -112, -32, -40,
            -48, -64, -88, -112, -88, -128, 96, -88, -128, -88, -64, -64,
            -32, -128, -96, -32, -88, -104, -112, 32, 32, 64, -120, 104,
            -88, 120, -120, -16, -104, 120, -72, -24, -48, -56, -96, -96,
            -96, -64, 96, 96, 96, 64, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            50, 0, 50, 0, 0, 8, -1, 0, 1, 8, 28, 72, -80, -96, -63, -125,
            8, 19, 42, 92, -120, 112, 0, 3, 6, 12, 23, 6, -104, 72, -79,
            -94, -59, -117, 19, 39, -124, 64, -128, -128, 3, -121, 9, 19,
            48, -118, -92, 24, 81, 33, -118, 8, 40, 7, -88, 84, -55, -64,
            12, 6, 6, 45, 74, -54, 52, 8, 73, -60, 24, 22, 25, 92, 73, 40,
            64, -96, -64, 74, -121, 24, 94, -58, -100, 25, -79, -59, 47,
            17, 3, 52, -120, 88, -125, 105, 73, 6, 42, -102, -68, 96, -16,
            -71, 18, 3, -118, 6, 13, 14, -114, -36, 26, -64, 69, 7, 18, 28,
            -61, -110, -32, -32, -62, -54, -94, 72, -61, -48, -88, -40, 72,
            34, -60, 4, 21, 23, -119, 14, -92, 80, -58, 6, -108, 10, 18,
            44, 68, -8, 57, -96, -128, 16, 98, 70, -24, -48, 97, -45, 6, 4,
            6, 16, 67, -27, 18, 52, -79, -52, -89, -46, 49, -105, -74, -32,
            109, -45, -85, -63, -49, 2, 13, 88, -51, -62, 5, 40, 80, 31,
            91, 103, 20, 11, -116, 32, -124, -81, -54, 2, 40, -58, -40,
            -103, -59, -122, 13, 43, 51, 12, 122, 106, 96, -48, 0, -105,
            40, 29, 106, 32, 17, 20, -64, -69, -73, -17, -33, -68, 25, 113,
            13, 80, -125, 44, -102, 72, 108, -84, -88, 80, 49, -127, -61,
            -94, 28, -97, -108, -4, -98, -103, 102, 9, -127, -21, -40, -81,
            23, -32, 35, -126, 39, -10, 2, 32, -116, 29, -1, 27, -74, 37,
            -40, 29, 60, 90, -60, -120, -90, 0, -122, -118, -23, -107, 54,
            -36, -72, -15, 2, 66, -61, -23, -39, 24, -8, -36, -7, -108,
            -27, -128, 44, -59, -112, -16, -64, 67, 3, -39, 21, 72, 0, 6,
            34, 120, -31, -123, 124, 124, 52, 16, 84, 3, -119, -88, 82,
            -62, 28, -2, 21, 4, -36, -123, -83, -92, -96, 97, 13, 20, 117,
            112, 2, -121, 24, 77, -128, 6, 48, -64, 72, -93, -62, 31, 104,
            -56, 48, 68, 16, 65, 112, 49, 29, 67, 82, 8, 24, 72, 118, 18,
            84, 48, 66, 6, 63, 72, 96, 96, 1, 26, -128, 64, -97, 8, 50, 24,
            114, -64, -112, -22, -51, -28, 7, 24, 77, 116, -15, 75, 1, 123,
            53, 2, -63, 15, 22, 88, 0, 1, 5, 44, 72, 32, -127, 74, -78,
            -47, -122, -62, 27, -90, -24, 49, -28, 1, 69, -106, -108, 76,
            21, -99, 8, -127, -119, 29, -81, 60, 41, -63, 15, 16, -116, 80,
            65, -114, 22, -44, 40, 72, 6, 111, 60, 4, 77, 3, 34, -124, 1,
            -60, -105, 7, 40, 96, -31, -123, -68, 49, -111, 66, 30, 32,
            102, -92, 66, 30, 86, 60, -47, -63, 12, 30, 42, 58, 67, 13, 51,
            120, -32, 1, 35, 30, 112, 112, -62, 39, -114, -80, 24, -124,
            116, 47, 30, 116, 6, 15, -120, 24, -104, 93, 3, -105, 44, -79,
            12, 11, -103, -116, 112, 35, 20, 52, -96, 64, 3, 32, 91, -40,
            -1, 114, 5, -97, 126, -106, 36, 5, 24, -106, -67, 103, 26, 3,
            32, -68, -14, 10, 20, 44, 88, -78, -124, 37, 91, -124, -47,
            -33, -105, 112, -56, -28, 7, -103, -70, -86, 116, -57, 29, 52,
            80, 37, -101, 8, 54, 24, 99, -121, 17, 82, -108, -80, 0, -83,
            7, 93, 56, 70, 14, 41, -96, -78, -107, 11, -117, -48, 97, -42,
            12, 127, 32, 64, 66, 91, 19, -96, -88, -94, 35, -16, 110, 10,
            -88, 65, 103, 76, -62, 67, 19, 114, -120, -102, 93, 49, 107,
            -108, 65, -121, 29, -121, -36, 65, -116, 16, 24, -32, 121,
            -125, 33, -70, 108, -96, 112, -97, 37, 5, -127, 100, 23, -128,
            -4, 68, 65, 5, 123, -103, 102, -63, 24, 101, -20, 49, -51, 33,
            -121, -40, 80, 65, 9, 122, 40, -84, 112, -78, 17, 73, 81, 69,
            -110, -110, -28, -38, -105, 9, 84, -30, 69, 21, -106, 60, 106,
            32, 68, 25, -127, -96, -96, -25, 6, 14, 56, -96, 112, -83, 90,
            81, 116, 2, -72, 57, 16, 66, 8, 88, 28, 49, 26, 66, 8, 51, 60,
            -15, -60, 9, 51, -128, -75, -82, 91, 19, 116, 96, -87, 12, 31,
            84, 93, -75, 18, 91, 13, 100, -126, -67, 125, 72, 50, 72, 45,
            63, 89, -112, 1, 5, 20, -104, 96, 65, 1, 38, -4, 48, 49, 4,
            -82, 60, 84, 48, 13, -90, 92, -111, -13, -36, 60, 39, -44, 66,
            40, 96, -12, -47, -59, 32, 81, -20, -1, -15, 19, 4, 18, 68, 80,
            64, 5, 72, -80, 0, -127, 9, 17, 72, -112, 9, 20, -106, -48,
            -48, -86, -79, 56, -49, 77, -14, 66, -76, -100, -68, 119, 20,
            59, 44, -15, 19, -53, 20, 0, 30, 103, -101, 110, -66, 97, -122,
            25, 52, 44, 33, -125, -74, 11, -92, -98, 115, -35, 90, -55, 1,
            52, 33, 83, 76, 33, -118, 10, 97, 73, -70, 81, 7, 29, 44, -35,
            1, -46, 29, 76, -22, 2, 7, 30, -84, 50, -60, 7, 48, 60, 114,
            -11, 112, 0, -124, -95, 67, 21, -110, 96, -66, -61, 14, 12,
            -84, 36, -27, 8, -99, -101, 80, -128, 5, 72, -36, -104, -55,
            23, -92, 83, -95, -116, 19, 14, -92, 46, 62, -21, 8, 21, 1, 68,
            9, -93, -124, -78, 3, 51, 59, -68, -84, 82, -30, 72, 84, 64, 1,
            18, 121, 85, 0, -123, 32, -126, -80, -112, 6, -56, 11, -32, 32,
            -2, -28, 10, -71, -64, 5, -80, 48, 7, 74, 56, -63, 16, 58, -40,
            65, 45, -28, -16, 5, -108, 56, 16, 37, -112, -80, 17, 5, 70,
            -16, 6, 87, 124, -127, 5, -98, 0, -126, 3, 30, -128, -125, 14,
            -30, 64, 1, 2, 12, -95, 8, 67, 8, 0, -118, 108, -126, 8, 31,
            -16, 1, 40, 100, -96, -120, 20, 76, 33, 18, 121, -104, 64, 88,
            102, 24, 2, -78, 48, 66, 5, -101, -96, 26, 12, 118, -72, 67,
            100, 12, 103, 34, 4, 89, 65, 18, -1, 72, -127, -125, 2, 30, 80,
            7, -107, -24, -37, 22, 26, -15, -66, 2, 20, -96, 17, 12, 64,
            65, 52, -30, -74, -128, 7, 88, -47, -118, -28, 99, -120, 2,
            122, -112, -124, 36, -100, 34, 1, 14, -48, -126, 26, 74, -128,
            -121, 80, 68, 33, 10, -127, -80, -127, 6, 98, -122, 1, 42, 120,
            34, 11, 27, -72, -94, 21, 1, 56, 19, 50, 116, -47, -117, -89,
            32, -59, 3, 28, 112, 5, 39, -108, 0, -119, 81, 16, -123, 17,
            108, 96, 6, 42, -8, 65, 91, 15, 72, -128, 28, -77, -120, 16,
            -116, -64, -30, 25, 113, -120, 100, 36, -101, -15, 8, 24, -84,
            80, 6, 46, -116, 93, 36, -124, -9, 1, 34, 120, -46, -109, 71,
            -8, 33, 73, 16, 66, -122, 21, -12, -32, -108, 61, 40, 5, 47,
            18, 48, -121, 62, -2, 113, 18, 58, 112, -62, 6, 18, 64, -53,
            90, 50, 82, 49, 10, 40, -62, 41, 11, -63, 75, 94, -68, 32, 117,
            106, -16, -93, 30, 18, 89, -53, 4, -60, 64, 52, 10, 81, -128,
            47, 86, -64, 76, 102, -106, 34, 23, 47, -48, -126, 22, 28, 80,
            76, 90, -34, 82, 32, 6, -56, -90, 54, 69, 25, 0, 38, -64, -126,
            11, 71, 8, -89, 56, -107, -96, 8, 31, -104, -45, 7, 68, -32, 2,
            55, -127, 72, -108, 11, -112, -95, 8, 49, -120, -89, 60, 71,
            -15, -126, 122, 38, -32, -102, -56, 60, -120, 2, 110, 80, 51,
            -124, 126, -58, -94, 8, -62, -88, -25, 49, -13, 41, 23, 5,
            -112, -31, 6, 8, 93, 65, 64, -15, -39, -56, 117, 98, -124, 9,
            51, -72, -59, 45, 56, -95, 78, -121, 6, -128, -96, 5, -39, 39,
            67, 49, -54, -47, -114, 122, -44, 32, 1, 1, 0, 59 };

如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。



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攒眉千度 2024-07-12 11:18:16


Providing the exact error message would help us to help you too...
And I wonder why you hard-code an image (icon) in the source, instead of using some form of resource.

桃扇骨 2024-07-12 11:18:16


  1. Eclipse 中的 JVM 与命令行不同。
  2. 命令行中的类路径设置错误。



Hard to say from what's provided, but guesses are

  1. Different JVM in Eclipse than command line.
  2. Bad classpath settings in command line.

What are the compile errors?

Can you isolate the problem in a dummy class for demonstration?

朮生 2024-07-12 11:18:16

如果你在 Windows 上

设置 JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files.... JDK 路径
在我的电脑上是 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07

警告:路径不应该被引号包围 (") cmd 的自动补全会将它们放在 !

在类 Unix 系统上使用

export JAVA_HOME=JDK 路径(允许使用引号)

if you are on windows

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files.... path to JDK
the path should be the jdk path not jre
on my PC is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07

WARNING : THE PATH SHOULD NOT BE NOT SURROUNDED BY QUOTES (") cmd's autocompletions puts them !

on unix like systems use

export JAVA_HOME=PATH TO JDK (quotes are tolerated)

在梵高的星空下 2024-07-12 11:18:16


如果可能的话,我建议尝试将资源嵌入到 Jar 中并使用

What you have seems to compile.

If possible, I would suggest trying to embed the resource in the Jar and using

无远思近则忧 2024-07-12 11:18:16

Eclipse 有它自己的编译器。 Eclipse JDT 编译器处理数组的方式似乎与 javac 不同。

Eclipse has it's own compiler. The Eclipse JDT compiler seems to handle your array differently than javac.

無處可尋 2024-07-12 11:18:16




  • 使用静态初始化块来初始化列表
  • 读取包含您的数字的 XML 文件,并使用读取 XML 的类返回您想要的数据类型(无论是 List 还是 byte[]

Hard to tell why you have command line compilation errors, but ...

Since you have an awful lot of "magic numbers", there may be a better approach than hardcoding an array literal.


  • Using a static initializer block to initialize an List
  • Reading an XML file that will have your numbers, and using your class that reads the XML to return the datatype you want (be it a List or byte[]
小鸟爱天空丶 2024-07-12 11:18:16

摘自Sun 支持网站上的这个论坛,没有任何方法可以长度超过 64 KB:


class MyClass
  private String[] s = { "a", "b", "c"}

  public MyClass()


class MyClass
  private String[] s;

  private void FunnyName$Method()
    s[0] = "a";
    s[1] = "b";
    s[2] = "c";
  public MyClass()

正如所指出的,java 将所有方法限制为 64k,甚至是编译器创建的方法。

Eclipse 可能正在做一些偷偷摸摸的事情来解决这个问题,但我向您保证这在 Eclipse 中仍然是可能的,因为我已经看到了相同的错误消息。 更好的解决方案是仅从静态文件中读取,如下所示:

public class Icons
  public static final byte[] compileIcon;
    compileIcon = readFileToBytes("compileIcon.gif");
  //... (I assume there are several other icons)
  private static byte[] readFileToBytes(String filename)
    try {
      File file = new File(filename);
      byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)file.length()];
      FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file);
    catch (Exception e) {

Taking from this forum on Sun's support site, no method can be more than 64 KB long:

When you have code (pseudo) like the following...

class MyClass
  private String[] s = { "a", "b", "c"}

  public MyClass()

The compiler ends up producing code that basically looks like the following.

class MyClass
  private String[] s;

  private void FunnyName$Method()
    s[0] = "a";
    s[1] = "b";
    s[2] = "c";
  public MyClass()

And as noted java limits all methods to 64k, even the ones the compiler creates.

It may be that Eclipse is doing something sneaky to get around this, but I assure you this is still possible in Eclipse because I have seen the same error message. A better solution is to just read from a static file, like this:

public class Icons
  public static final byte[] compileIcon;
    compileIcon = readFileToBytes("compileIcon.gif");
  //... (I assume there are several other icons)
  private static byte[] readFileToBytes(String filename)
    try {
      File file = new File(filename);
      byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)file.length()];
      FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file);
    catch (Exception e) {
烟沫凡尘 2024-07-12 11:18:16

您确定您的命令行和 eclipse 使用相同版本的 Java 编译器和相同的编译设置吗? 要查找您在命令行中使用的 Java 版本,请输入:Java -version

Are you sure your commandline and eclipse are using same version of Java compiler and same compile setting? To find you what version of Java you are using in command line type: Java -version

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