在 Oracle 中使用什么来编写和编辑存储过程?
在 Oracle 中编辑和编写存储过程有很多选项; 什么是最适合您的工具?为什么? (每个答案一个工具。)
There are many options for editing and writing Stored Procedures in Oracle; what is the best tool for you and why? (one tool per answer.)
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我最近找到了免费的 Oracle SQL Developer。
I recently found the free Oracle SQL Developer.
工具Oracle A< /strong>应用开发者开发人员 (TOAD),来自 Quest Software(以前的TOADSoft)有一个优秀的存储过程编辑器,具有语法突出显示,一些自动完成支持(例如键入'
' 并且将出现列),这是一个很好的执行过程选项,它将在网格中显示结果或显示 DBMS 输出,并且在您点击编译时还将重点关注语法错误。注意:免费软件版本仅允许 2 个并发连接到同一个数据库实例(即使网站上说是 5 个) - 这意味着只有 2 个开发人员或 DBA 可以同时在同一个数据库上使用它。 它也每 3 个月过期一次,但他们擅长发布更新。
Tool for Oracle Application Developers (TOAD), from Quest Software (formerly TOADSoft) has an excellent Stored Procedure editor with syntax highlighting, some autocomplete support (e.g. type in '
' and the columns will appear), a nice Execute Procedure option that will show the results in a Grid or show DBMS output, and will also focus on syntax errors when you hit compile.Note: The Freeware edition only allows 2 concurrent connections to the same Database Instance (even though the website says 5) - that means only 2 developers or DBA's can use it at the same time on the same Database. It also expires every 3 months but they're good at releasing updates.
但我们这里的一些人对Toad 发誓
But some at our place swear by Toad
我总是使用 Allround Automations 的 PL/SQL Developer。
I always use PL/SQL Developer from Allround Automations.
作为一名专业 PL/SQL 开发人员,我使用(呵呵)Allaround Automations 的 PL/SQL Developer。
我已经使用 TOAD 很长时间了,但现在与 PL/SQL 开发相比,它的价格相当高。 它具有一些优势,例如知识库或与 SQL Server 等其他 RDBMS 合作的能力,但这对我来说不是必需的。
但 Notepad++ 总是会帮助进行偶尔的修复。
As a professional PL/SQL developer I use (heh) PL/SQL Developer from Allaround Automations.
I've worked with TOAD for quite a long time but now it is quite overpriced comparing with PL/SQL dev. It has some advantages like knowledge base or ability to work with other RDBMS like SQL server but that's not a necessity for me.
But Notepad++ will always help to make occasional fix.
Toad,来自 ToadSoft.com -> http://www.toadsoft.com/toad_oracle.htm
对于像我这样喜欢的人使用像 Microsoft 的 SQL Management Studio 这样的 DBA 工具,它是一个救星。
Toad, from ToadSoft.com -> http://www.toadsoft.com/toad_oracle.htm
For someone like me who likes to work with a DBA tool like Microsoft's SQL Management Studio, it's a life saver.
来自 Allaround Automations 的 PL/SQL Developer。
我很高兴为此支付了 200 美元左右的价格。
优秀的 IDE(+ 良好的智能感知,+ 调试功能),可以轻松创建和编辑 PL/SQL 包、SP、触发器等,
比 Toad 好得多。
PL/SQL Developer from Allaround Automations.
I happily paid the $200 or so price for this.
Excellent IDE (+ good Intellisense, + debugging capability) with easy creation and editing of PL/SQL packages, SPs, Triggers etc
So much better than Toad.
使用 Oracle 自己的 SQL Developer。 如果您主要使用 Oracle,它可以满足您所需的一切。
Use Oracle's own SQL Developer. If you are mainly working with Oracle, it does everything you'll need.
我在 Oracle 报表开发中使用 TOAD,我认为它是一个很好的开发工具。 我通常在许多不同的 Oracle 实例和模式之间来回切换,而且我喜欢 TOAD 可以为每个实例/模式显示多个窗口,甚至每个模式显示多个窗口。
TOAD 需要一些时间来学习和定制,但这是一项值得的投资。 布局类似于 Visual Studio .NET IDE,带有可以固定或滚动的侧边栏。 选项卡显示 Oracle 模式的不同方面,包括过程、作业、统计信息等。当我编写 SQL 时,编辑器使用颜色编码,并且错误消息是 Oracle 特定的。
I use TOAD with our Oracle reports development, and I think that it's a good development tool. I normally toggle back and forth between a number of different Oracle instances and schemae, and I like the way that TOAD can display multiple windows for each instance/schema, or even more than one per schema.
TOAD takes a little while to learn and customize, but it's a worthwhile investment. The layout is similar to the Visual Studio .NET IDE with sidebars that can be anchored or rolled away. Tabs display different aspects of the Oracle schema, including procedures, jobs, stats, etc. And when I'm writing SQL, the editor uses color-coding and the error messages are Oracle-specific.
Oracle (TOra) 工具集是一个免费的开源数据库工具,其范围(以及外观和感觉)与 Quest 的 TOAD 非常相似
与免费软件版本的 TOAD 相比,TOra 允许同时多个连接到不同的数据库实例,并且没有并发连接限制(因此任意数量的 TOra 用户可以在同一个数据库实例上工作)
Toolset for Oracle (TOra) is a free, Open Source Database Tool very similar in scope (and look and feel) to Quest's TOAD
Compared to the freeware edition of TOAD, TOra allows multiple connections to different database instances at the same time, and has no concurrent connection limit (so any number of TOra users can be working on the same database instance)
Notepad++ 仍然是我最喜欢的编辑器。 过去我不得不使用SQL Developer,它并没有那么“糟糕”,但我遇到了很多问题。 事实证明它非常不稳定,所以我不会推荐它,或者可能只是为了测试你的程序。
Notepad++ stays my favourite editor. I had to use SQL Developer in the past, it's not so "bad", but I encountered many problems with it. It proved very unstable so I wouldn't recommend it, or maybe only to test your procedures.
我喜欢Rapid SQL,你也可以调试SQL
I like Rapid SQL, you can debug SQL too
I just used a standard editor (vim which then gave me syntax highlighting).
我喜欢 Oracle 的 SQL Developer。 哦,它是免费的! :)
I like SQL Developer from Oracle. Oh and its free! :)
我使用 Oracle SQL Developer - 最新版本还支持 CVS 和 Subversion。
I use Oracle SQL Developer - the latest version also has support for CVS and Subversion.
It has the bonus of supporting other database providers, too.
I have used this tool for 2 years and it has now settled down to be reliable.
我已经在几个不同的数据库平台上使用了 Embarcadero 的 RapidSQL,它非常棒。 它也有一个集成的步骤调试器。 我实际上没有在 Oracle 中使用过它,但我知道它是受支持的。
I've used RapidSQL by Embarcadero on several different DB platforms, and it's awesome. It has an integrated step debugger, too. I haven't actually used it with Oracle, but I know it's supported.
我使用 JetBrains IDEA(一种 Java IDE)进行编辑并使用 SQL*Plus 执行。 对我来说,使用具有本地版本控制功能的工具、无缝集成到源版本控制、高级查找和突出显示、出色的编辑、“实时模板”等的优势超过了“数据库感知”(带有插件)的任何优势。无论如何你都可以得到ins)。 如果我正在编写一个复杂的查询,我可能会启动 SQL Developer,但通常我更喜欢出色的文本编辑功能。
I use JetBrains IDEA (a Java IDE) to edit and SQL*Plus to execute. The advantages of using a tool with local version control, seemless integration into Source Version Control, advanced find and highlighting, great editing, 'live templates' and so on for me outweighs any advantage of having it 'database aware' (which with plug-ins you can get anyway). If I was coding up a complicated query I might fire up SQL Developer, but generally I prefer great text editing features.
对 Oracle SQL Developer 的另一次投票。 它是免费的、稳定的,并且满足我需要的所有基本功能。
Another vote for Oracle SQL Developer. It's free, it's stable and it does all the basics that I require.
一个非常好的文本编辑器,具有语法突出显示(例如来自 www.textpad.com 的 Textpad)和 SQL Plus。
A really good text editor with syntax highlighting (e.g. Textpad from www.textpad.com) and SQL Plus.
对 Oracle SQl Developer 的又一次投票。 但 TOAD 也有效。
Yet another vote for Oracle SQl Developer. But TOAD works too.
使用提到的 SQL Developer,您甚至可以设置断点并单步执行存储过程的代码。
With the mentioned SQL Developer you can even set breakpoints and step through the code of the stored procedure.
对我来说,它是 Oracle SQL Developer。 如果您使用过 Eclipse 或 VS 等 IDE,那么学习曲线会非常短。 当您调试存储过程时,您可以设置断点、读取实时值,就像在 eclipse/VS 中编写代码一样。
For me its, Oracle SQL Developer. The learning curve is very minimal if you have worked on IDEs like Eclipse or VS. You can set break points, read live values when you debug stored procs as you would do to code in eclipse/VS.
Ofcourse the UI is a bit sluggish at times but given that its free compensates the sluggishness.
我使用 Textpad、Clipmate 和 Quest SQLNavigator。 Quest 的 SQLNavigator 和 TOAD 的新版本很糟糕——它们很容易崩溃,并且在 XP/Vista/Win7 上运行得不好。
你无法接触到 Quest 程序员,但你会陷入他们的困境
Quest 需要更少关注将不同工具集成到一个工具中并向您推销
Quest 的 TOAD 和 SQL Navigator 已成为臃肿软件,并将很快成为废弃软件
我经常在 Textpad 和 Quest SQLNavigator 之间复制和粘贴,因为 SQLNavigator
崩溃,我丢失了直到崩溃为止的所有 sql 代码。
一旦我找到更稳定的东西,我可能会转储 SQLNavigator。
I use Textpad, Clipmate and Quest SQLNavigator. The newer versions of Quest's SQLNavigator and TOAD are crap -- they tend to crash easily and don't play nice with XP/Vista/Win7.
I've spent hours with their tech support and they don't have alternatives.
You get no access to Quest programmers, but rather you get bogged down in their
trouble ticket process.
Quest needs to focus less on integration of different tools into one and selling you
promises that the next version will solve the instability issues.
They need stability.
This means cleaning up their existing codebase or starting over.
More competent programmers, fewer salespeople, fewer tech support people.
Fix the damn problems.
They focus on sales and it's an idiotic business strategy.
This seems to be a problem across the industry.
Quest's TOAD and SQL Navigator have become bloatware and will soon become abandonware
if they don't turn them around and make them more stable.
I copy and paste frequently between Textpad and Quest SQLNavigator because SQLNavigator
crashes and I lose all my sql code up to the point of crash.
I'll probably dump SQLNavigator once I find something more stable.
来自 Oracle 的 SQL Developer
我们已经替换了我们(大型知名)企业中的所有其他工具,该企业拥有超过 150 个数据库,并且运行良好。 它不如 TOAD,但它正在实现这一目标,并且(与 TOAD 不同)它是免费的。
SQL Developer 连接到 SQL Server 也能很好地工作
SQL Developer from Oracle
We have replaced all other tools at our (large well known) enterprise that has over 150 databases and it works just fine. It's not as good as TOAD but it is getting there, and (unlike TOAD) it's free.
SQL Developer also works well enough connecting to SQL Server