最佳实践与 GUI设计原则

发布于 2024-07-05 07:28:38 字数 1448 浏览 5 评论 0原文

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浅黛梨妆こ 2024-07-12 07:28:39

永远不要问“你确定吗?”。 只需允许无限、可靠的撤消/重做。

Never ask "Are you sure?". Just allow unlimited, reliable undo/redo.

汐鸠 2024-07-12 07:28:39


用户将进入您的系统并使用它来实现目标。 当您打开 calc 时,90% 的时间您都需要进行简单的快速计算,因此默认将其设置为简单模式。


Try to think about what your user wants to achieve instead of what the requirements are.

The user will enter your system and use it to achieve a goal. When you open up calc you need to make a simple fast calculation 90% of the time so that's why by default it is set to simple mode.

So don't think about what the application must do but think about the user which will be doing it, probably bored, and try to design based on what his intentions are, try to make his life easier.

柠北森屋 2024-07-12 07:28:39


在开发 Windows 应用程序时,我使用 Windows Vista 用户体验指南 但是当我开发 Web 应用程序时,我使用适当的指南,因为我开发荷兰网站,我使用 "Drempelvrij " 指南,基于网页内容无障碍指南 (WCAG 1.0)由万维网联盟 (W3C) 制定。


I try to adapt to the environment.

When developing for an Windows application, I use the Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines but when I'm developing an web application I use the appropriate guidelines, because I develop Dutch websites I use the "Drempelvrij" guidelines which are based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 1.0) by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

The reason I do this is to reduce the learning curve of a new user.

浅笑依然 2024-07-12 07:28:39

告诉-> -> 用户-> 哪里-> 她-> 在系统中


Breadcrumbs in webapps:
Tell -> The -> User -> Where -> She -> Is in the system

This is pretty hard to do in "dynamic" systems with multiple paths to the same data, but it often helps navigate the system.

可遇━不可求 2024-07-12 07:28:39


别让我思考 - 史蒂夫·克鲁格

If you're doing anything for the web, or any front-facing software application for that matter, you really owe it to yourself to read...

Don't make me think - Steve Krug

旧梦荧光笔 2024-07-12 07:28:39

我建议通过阅读这本书来深入了解 GUI 设计 The日常事物的设计。 尽管主要打印内容是 Joel Spolsky 的评论:如果应用程序的行为与用户期望发生的情况不同,那么您的图形用户界面就会出现问题。

最好的例子是,当有人在某些网站上交换确定取消按钮时。 用户期望确定按钮位于左侧,取消按钮位于右侧。 简而言之,当应用程序行为与用户期望发生的情况不同时,就会出现用户界面设计问题。


I would recommend to get a good solid understanding of GUI design by reading the book The Design of Everyday Things. Although the main printable is a comment from Joel Spolsky: When the behavior of the application differs to what the user expects to happen then you have a problem with your graphical user interface.

The best example is, when somebody swaps around the OK and Cancel button on some web sites. The user expects the OK button to be on the left, and the Cancel button to be on the right. So in short, when the application behavior differs to what the user expects what to happen then you have a user interface design problem.

Although, the best advice, in no matter what design or design pattern you follow, is to keep the design and conventions consistent throughout the application.

尐籹人 2024-07-12 07:28:39



  • 吗?
  • 不会妨碍用户吗?
  • 是否很容易了解到,我将这个强加给用户,对用户来说花费很少?

我可以用我的掌上电脑作为例子:设置非常简约,我对此非常满意。 基本应用程序设计得足够好,我可以简单地使用它们,而不需要进行调整。 好吧,有些事情我不能做,事实上我不得不让自己适应这个工具(而不是相反),但最终这确实让我的生活变得更轻松。



Avoid asking the user to make choices whenever you can (i.e. don't create a fork with a configuration dialog!)

For every option and every message box, ask yourself: can I instead come up with some reasonable default behavior that

  • makes sense?
  • does not get in the user's way?
  • is easy enough to learn that it costs little to the user that I impose this on him?

I can use my Palm handheld as an example: the settings are really minimalistic, and I'm quite happy with that. The basic applications are well designed enough that I can simply use them without feeling the need for tweaking. Ok, there are some things I can't do, and in fact I sort of had to adapt myself to the tool (instead of the opposite), but in the end this really makes my life easier.

This website is another example: you can't configure anything, and yet I find it really nice to use.

Reasonable defaults can be hard to figure out, and simple usability tests can provide a lot of clues to help you with that.

墟烟 2024-07-12 07:28:39

日常事物的设计 - Donald Norman

设计知识的经典,也是世界各地大学许多 HCI 课程的基础。 仅凭网络论坛的一些评论,您不可能在五分钟内设计出出色的 GUI,但一些原则将使您的思维指向正确的方向。



The Design of Everyday Things - Donald Norman

A canon of design lore and the basis of many HCI courses at universities around the world. You won't design a great GUI in five minutes with a few comments from a web forum, but some principles will get your thinking pointed the right way.



生寂 2024-07-12 07:28:39

这 3 个问题的答案(按顺序):

  1. 发生了什么?

  2. 为什么会发生?

  3. 对此可以采取什么措施?

这来自“人机界面指南:Apple 桌面
Interface”(1987,ISBN 0-201-17753-6),但可以使用
有一个适用于 Mac OS X 的更新版本

不仅仅是一些固定的字符串。 例如,对于错误消息的“为什么会发生”部分,请使用“原始频谱文件”
leArg.wiff 不存在”而不仅仅是“文件存在”


When constructing error messages make the error message be
the answers to these 3 questions (in that order):

  1. What happened?

  2. Why did it happen?

  3. What can be done about it?

This is from "Human Interface Guidelines: The Apple Desktop
Interface" (1987, ISBN 0-201-17753-6), but it can be used
for any error message anywhere.
There is an updated version for Mac OS X.
The Microsoft page
User Interface Messages
says the same thing: "... in the case of an error message,
you should include the issue, the cause, and the user action
to correct the problem."

Also include any information that is known by the program,
not just some fixed string. E.g. for the "Why did it happen" part of the error message use "Raw spectrum file
leArg.wiff does not exist" instead of just "File does
not exist".

Contrast this with the infamous error message: "An error

兰花执着 2024-07-12 07:28:39

(从 Joel 窃取:o))

不要禁用/删除选项 - 而是在用户单击/选择它时给出有用的消息。

(Stolen from Joel :o) )

Don't disable/remove options - rather give a helpful message when the user click/select it.

白芷 2024-07-12 07:28:39

正如我的数据结构教授今天指出的那样:向普通用户提供有关程序如何工作的说明。 我们程序员常常认为我们的程序非常合乎逻辑,但普通用户可能不知道该怎么做。

As my data structure professor pointed today: Give instructions on how your program works to the average user. We programmers often think we're pretty logical with our programs, but the average user probably won't know what to do.

稚气少女 2024-07-12 07:28:39
  1. 使用谨慎/简单的动画功能来创建从一个部分到另一个部分的无缝过渡。 这有助于用户创建导航/结构的思维导图。

  2. 在按钮上使用简短的(如果可能的话,一个词)标题,清楚地描述操作的本质。

  3. 尽可能使用语义缩放(一个很好的例子是缩放在 Google/Bing 地图上的工作方式,当您聚焦于某个区域时可以看到更多信息)。


  4. 创建至少两种导航方式:垂直和水平。 当您在不同部分之间导航时垂直,当您在部分或子部分的内容内导航时水平。

  5. 始终保持结构的主要选项节点可见(屏幕大小和设备类型允许的情况下)。


  6. 当你深入结构时,始终保留一个可见的提示(即,以路径的形式)指示你所在的位置。

  7. 当您希望用户专注于数据(例如阅读文章或查看项目)时隐藏元素。 - 但请注意第 #5 点和第 #4 点。

  1. Use discreet/simple animated features to create seamless transitions from one section the the other. This helps the user to create a mental map of navigation/structure.

  2. Use short (one word if possible) titles on the buttons that describe clearly the essence of the action.

  3. Use semantic zooming where possible (a good example is how zooming works on Google/Bing maps, where more information is visible when you focus on an area).

  4. Create at least two ways to navigate: Vertical and horizontal. Vertical when you navigate between different sections and horizontal when you navigate within the contents of the section or subsection.

  5. Always keep the main options nodes of your structure visible (where the size of the screen and the type of device allows it).

  6. When you go deep into the structure always keep a visible hint (i.e. such as in the form of a path) indicating where you are.

  7. Hide elements when you want the user to focus on data (such as reading an article or viewing a project). - however beware of point #5 and #4.

压抑⊿情绪 2024-07-12 07:28:39


哦,还有聘请设计师/学习设计技能。 :)

Be Powerful and Simple

Oh, and hire a designer / learn design skills. :)

和影子一齐双人舞 2024-07-12 07:28:39

对于 GUI,标准是特定于平台的。 例如,在 Eclipse 中开发 GUI 时,此链接提供了不错的指南。

With GUIs, standards are kind of platform specific. E.g. While developing GUI in Eclipse this link provides decent guideline.

酷遇一生 2024-07-12 07:28:39






I've read most of the above and one thing that I'm not seeing mentioned:

If users are meant to use the interface ONCE, showing only what they need to use if possible is great.

If the user interface is going to be used repeatedly by the same user, but maybe not very often, disabling controls is better than hiding them: the user interface changing and hidden features not being obvious (or remembered) by an occasional user is frustrating to the user.

If the user interface is going to be used VERY REGULARLY by the same user (and there is not a lot of turnover in the job i.e. not a lot of new users coming online all the time) disabling controls is absolutely helpful and the user will become accustomed to the reasons why things happen but preventing them from using controls accidentally in improper contexts appreciated and prevents errors.

Just my opinion, but it all goes back to understanding your user profile, not just what a single user session might entail.

翻了热茶 2024-07-12 07:28:39

向用户示例显示界面。 要求他们执行一项典型任务。 注意他们的错误。 听听他们的评论。 进行更改并重复。

Show the interface to a sample of users. Ask them to perform a typical task. Watch for their mistakes. Listen to their comments. Make changes and repeat.

樱娆 2024-07-12 07:28:38

我针对我的祖母测试了我的 GUI。

I test my GUI against my grandma.

南薇 2024-07-12 07:28:38



alt text



Try to use verbs in your dialog boxes.

It means use

alt text

instead of

alt text

黒涩兲箜 2024-07-12 07:28:38


  • 对比 - 让不同的东西看起来不同
  • 重复重复 - 在一个屏幕和其他屏幕上重复相同的样式
  • <对齐 - 将屏幕元素对齐! 是的,这包括文本、图像、控件和标签。
  • 邻近性 - 将相关元素分组在一起。 用于输入地址的一组输入字段应组合在一起,并且与用于输入信用卡信息的一组输入字段不同。 这是基本的格式塔设计法则

Follow basic design principles

  • Contrast - Make things that are different look different
  • Repetition - Repeat the same style in a screen and for other screens
  • Alignment - Line screen elements up! Yes, that includes text, images, controls and labels.
  • Proximity - Group related elements together. A set of input fields to enter an address should be grouped together and be distinct from the group of input fields to enter credit card info. This is basic Gestalt Design Laws.
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