您是如何在 WISA 和 LAMP 之间做出决定的?

发布于 2024-07-05 06:54:26 字数 111 浏览 9 评论 0原文

在 Web 项目开始时,您是否曾经必须在 WISA 或 LAMP 之间进行选择?


Did you ever have to choose between WISA or LAMP at the beginning of a web project?

While pros and cons are littered around the net, it would be helpful to know about your real experience in coming up w/ criteria, evaluating, deciding, and reflecting upon your decision to go w/ either platform.

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腹黑女流氓 2024-07-12 06:54:27

@Thomas WISA 是:

S=SQL(微软 SQL 服务器)

至于在它们之间进行选择,我认为可用的资源和人才将是决定因素。 如果您能找到优秀的 ASP .NET 和 MS SQL 开发人员,就走这条路。 如果您手头上有一群 PHP/MySQL 专家,请使用 LAMP。

现实情况是,无论该平台的优缺点如何,您都很难从主要是 PHP 的开发团队中获得 WISA 上的出色系统,反之亦然。

@Thomas WISA is:

S=SQL (Microsoft SQL Server)

As for choosing between them, I would think that the available resources and talent would be the deciding factor. If you can get great ASP .NET and MS SQL devs, go that route. If you've got a bunch of PHP/MySQL gurus on hand, go LAMP.

The reality is, regardless of the pros and cons of the platform, you'll struggle to get a great system on WISA out of a primarily PHP dev team, and vice versa.

☆獨立☆ 2024-07-12 06:54:27

毫无疑问,成本是推动我们采用 LAMP 环境的最大因素。 尝试通过企业采购获取 Windows 和 SQL Server 许可证是一件可怕的事情。

Cost is our biggest thing pushing us towards the LAMP environment, no question about it. Trying to go through Corporate procurement for Windows and SQL server licenses is horrific.

巾帼英雄 2024-07-12 06:54:27

WISA 可能很便宜,如果您的应用程序不需要共享托管之外的任何东西,则成本很低。

它也可能很昂贵,但一旦达到相同的尺寸,LAMP 也会很昂贵。

就我个人而言,我喜欢 WISA 堆栈,但更多的是出于熟悉。


  • SqlServer - 只有 Oracle 可以接近这一点,没有任何免费的 RDMBS 可以与之相媲美。
  • C# - 性能方面,它比 lamp 中的三大 P(Perl、PHP 和 Python)要好得多。 当然,如果你用Java的话它也差不多。

没有必要对其中之一抱有宗教信仰。 做最适合您需要的事情,做您喜欢的工作。

WISA can be cheap, if your application doesn't need anything beyond shared hosting, there is little cost.

It can also be expensive, then again so can LAMP once you get to the same size.

Personally, I like the WISA stack, but its more out of familiarity than anything.

Two things that stand out:

  • SqlServer - Only oracle comes close to this, none of the free RDMBS can even hold a candle to it.
  • C# - Performance wise, its far better than either of the big three P's in lamp (Perl, PHP and Python). Of course, if you use Java its comparable.

There is no need to be religious about one or the other. Do what fits your needs best, and do what you prefer to work in.

怎樣才叫好 2024-07-12 06:54:27

确实如此,商业用途的 MySQL 价格为 599 美元(每个数据库服务器需要一个许可证)

That is true MySQL is $599 (one license is required per database server) for commercial use

九歌凝 2024-07-12 06:54:27

我认为团队是最大的问题。 对于任何特定工作,WISA 并不普遍比 LAMP 更差或更好。 我的专长是 LAMP。 我对WISA的经验很少,所以我永远不会选择它。


I think the team is the biggest issue. WISA isn't universally worse or better than LAMP for any particular job. My expertize is in LAMP. I have very little experience with WISA, so I would never pick it.

It's more along the lines of photography -- if all your lenses were Canon's, why would you buy a Nikon body for a big gig?

或十年 2024-07-12 06:54:27


MySQL 599 美元/年/服务器(适用于所有基本服务)最高可达 4999 美元/年/服务器,

MsSQL 212 美元/处理器/月(适用于服务器 Web 应用程序)。

如果您有一台双处理器机器,MySQL 或 MsSQL 的价格刚刚超过 5,000 美元,但是,如果您有两个以上处理器或只需要 MySQL basic,则成本比 MS 便宜。

截至 2010 年 7 月的定价


MySQL $599/year/server for basic up to $4999/year/server for everything

MsSQL $212/processor/month for server web apps.

If you have a dual processor machine that's just over $5k for either MySQL or MsSQL, however, if you have more that two processors or only need MySQL basic the cost is cheaper than MS.

Pricing as of July 2010

云裳 2024-07-12 06:54:27

我已经使用 PHP/MySQL 一段时间了,也使用过 Rails,现在正在学习 ASP.NET。

我现在转向 ASP.NET 的动机与我深入研究 Rails 的动机类似——我发现 C# 和 Ruby 是更令人愉快的编码语言。对象模型更加成熟,感觉就像我与该工具的斗争少了很多。

我还不能真正将 MySQL 与 SQL Server 进行比较,因为我还没有对后者做太多的研究。

I've used PHP/MySQL for a while, and I've used Rails, and I'm getting into ASP.NET right now.

My incentive for switching to ASP.NET at the moment is similar to my incentive for digging into Rails--I find C# and Ruby to be much more enjoyable languages to code in. The object models are much more mature, and it feels like I'm fighting with the tool a lot less.

I can't really compare MySQL to SQL Server yet, because I haven't done too much with the latter yet.

迷你仙 2024-07-12 06:54:27


My answer is let your developers choose the tools they are best with.

属性 2024-07-12 06:54:27

我的决定基于两件事。 首先也是最重要的一点是我讨厌用 ASP 编程。 我是为了一份旧工作才这样做的,如果有选择的话,我会选择 PHP。 与 Windows 相比,我也更喜欢 Linux。

但在实际挑选时,公司负责人出于成本考虑选择了 LAMP。 因为作为开发人员,说实话,语言并不是什么大问题。 我没有提及一件事,但显然 MySQL 在商业环境中并不是完全免费的。 我不知道细节,但你应该在被起诉之前调查一下。

My decision was based on two things. First and foremost I hated programming in ASP. I did it for an old job, and when given a choice I would choose PHP. I also tend to enjoy Linux over Windows.

When it came to actually picking though, the corporate heads chose LAMP due to cost. Because let's be honest as developers, language isn't that big of deal. One thing I didn't get into, but apparently MySQL isn't exactly free in business situations. I don't know the details, but you should look into it before getting sued.

霓裳挽歌倾城醉 2024-07-12 06:54:27

我个人使用这两种堆栈,原因实际上取决于客户。 如果客户可以支持 LAMP,当然会更便宜,但客户或公司可以支持什么也很重要。

作为一名独立开发人员,当客户的所有资产都存在于 Windows 上时,我不会推荐 LAMP。 这确实是一个舒适的水平,因为这两个平台都同样可以很好地解决任何问题。

I personally use both stacks and the reason really depends on the client. If a client can support LAMP, it is certainly cheaper but it is important what the client or company can support.

As an independent developer I would not recommend LAMP when all of the client's assets exist on Windows. It is really a comfort level as either platform works equally well to solve any problem.

寄人书 2024-07-12 06:54:27


举例来说,WISA 应用程序与 LAMP 应用程序,环境的初始成本可能相差 2000 美元,但只需 20 个开发时间即可弥补。

因此,如果通过使用 .NET,您可以将项目的开发或维护时间缩短 20 小时,您已经弥补了这一差额。


Something that people don't tend to figure in his the time savings in Developer Hours between platforms.

Take for example, a WISA app vrs a LAMP app, The initial cost of the enviroment may be a $2000 difference, but that is made up in just 20 developer hours.

So, if by using .NET, you are able to trim 20 hours from development or maintenance of the project you have already made up the difference.

There is never more apparent than when you need to scale the platform out and you suddenly realize you need to sink mountains of developer time into making a scripting language as fast as a compiled one.

甜扑 2024-07-12 06:54:27

这基本上是 ASP.NET 与 PHP 的比较。如果您(或开发人员)有丰富的 PHP 经验,则可以使用 LAMP,或者如果他们经常使用 ASP.NET,则选择 WISA。

也就是说,虽然不严格LAMP、Apache/MySQL/PHP 几乎可以在您能想到的任何平台上运行,我认为这是一个很大的优势。


争论编译语言对 Web 应用程序的好处确实有点愚蠢。 如果设计合理的话,语言本身不应该限制应用程序。例如,许多大型网站都是用 PHP 编码的。 话又说回来,如果开发人员熟悉 ASP.Net,他们将在其中编写更好的代码,因此它的扩展性会更好。. 与 PHP 相同。


This is basically ASP.NET vs PHP.. If you (or the developers) have lots of experience with PHP, you use LAMP, or if they have used ASP.NET a lot, you chose WISA..

That said, while not strictly LAMP, Apache/MySQL/PHP will run on pretty much any platform you can name, which I would consider a big plus.

There is never more apparent than when you need to scale the platform out and you suddenly realize you need to sink mountains of developer time into making a scripting language as fast as a compiled one.

Arguing the benefits of a compiled language for web-applications is a bit silly, really. The language itself shouldn't ever limit the application, if it's designed sensibly.. Many big sites are coded in PHP for example. Again, that said, if the developers are familiar with ASP.Net, they are going to code better in that, so it will scale better.. Same with PHP.

Basically, choose a reasonable language that the developer(s) know, and then the appropriate server...

逆光飞翔i 2024-07-12 06:54:26

我认为第一部分是您的申请。 如果您决定使用 PHP,您几乎会自动选择 LAMP,因为 WIMP 或 WISP 堆栈非常罕见(我认为 blog.stackoverflow.com 在 WIMP 上运行),而使用 .net,您肯定会选择 WISA。

所以通常情况下,它可以归结为 .net 与 PHP 的对比。 (暂时忽略 Ruby、Python 和所有其他东西)。 当您做出决定时,其余的事情就会自然而然地发生或适应您的环境(即,如果公司中的所有管理员都是 Windows 管理员,也许 WAMP 更适合您)

我大约一年前从 PHP 切换到 .net,但我从未关注过回到 PHP,但为了公平起见,我从来不需要查看 Windows 和 SQL Server 许可证的账单。 由于涉及许可证,在 WISA 上部署的初始成本要高得多,而 LAMP Stack 是免费的(是的,MySQL 对于商业用途也是免费的)。

所有有趣的首字母缩略词都代表技术的组合:(L)inux 或 (W)indows、(A)pache 或 (I)IS、(M)ySQL 或 (S)QL Server、(P)hp 或 (A) SP.net。

I think the first part is your Application. If you decide to go PHP, you almost automatically end up with LAMP, as WIMP or WISP stacks are quite rare (I think blog.stackoverflow.com runs on WIMP), and with .net you definitely want to go WISA.

So normally, it boils down to .net vs. PHP. (Ignoring Ruby, Python and all the other stuff for a moment). When you made that decision, the rest comes naturally or adapts into your environment (i.e. if all your admins in the company are windows admins, maybe WAMP works better for you)

I switched from PHP to .net about a year ago and I never looked back at PHP, but I never had to look at the bill for Windows and SQL Server licenses to be fair. Deployment on WISA has a much higher initial cost due to the licenses involved, whereas a LAMP Stack is free (Yes, MySQL is also free for commercial use).

All the funny acronyms stand for the combination of technologies: (L)inux or (W)indows, (A)pache or (I)IS, (M)ySQL or (S)QL Server, (P)hp or (A)SP.net.

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