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浸婚纱 2024-07-12 06:40:57

如上所述,Dragon Naturally Talking 是目前最好的语音识别软件,但 Microsoft 语音识别也不甘落后,并且与 Vista 捆绑在一起。

Vocola 最近已移植到 MSR,并具有 .Net 集成功能。


  1. 学习听写需要一些时间。 仅仅因为您会说话并不意味着您知道如何使用语音识别软件
  2. 熟练使用 SR 和键盘/鼠标的组合比完全免提操作要容易得多。
  3. 使用 CodeRush 或等效项来减少类型。

As mentioned above, Dragon Naturally Speaking is the best speech recognition software out there, however Microsoft Speech Recognition isn't far behind and comes bundled with Vista.

Vocola has recently been ported to MSR, and has a .Net integration feature.

A few tips

  1. Learning to dictate takes some time. Just because you can speak doesn't mean you know how to use speech recognition software
  2. Getting proficient with a mix of SR and keyboard/mouse is much easier than full hands-free operation.
  3. Use CodeRush or equivalent to type less.
惟欲睡 2024-07-12 06:40:57


当我的问题开始时,我在手腕下放了一个水袋,我喜欢它! 我的包很完美,很长,我把它放在键盘前面,这样我就可以在那里休息我的手腕......直到有一天我踩到它......

I started using my left hand for the mouse, this not only help me a bit, but allowed me to use my right hand more freely, if you write a lot of stuff dwon while you code this helps you a lot.. you can scroll and write down at the same time...

When my problems began i put a water bag under my wrist, i loved it! the bag i had was perfect it was long and i put it before the keyboard so i could rest my wrists there.... until one day i step on it...

听闻余生 2024-07-12 06:40:57


这非常简单,并且大大缓解了紧张感。 目前,我正在使用笔记本电脑,按下触摸板按钮会拉伤我的拇指。

当心。 这些问题的持续时间比人们想象的要长得多。

另外,您可以添加“人体工程学”标签或其他内容 - 标题可以被视为关于语音识别的开发

As to the wrist issue, I learned using mouse with both hands some 10 years back.

It's surprisingly easy, and relieves the tension substantially. Currently, I'm using a laptop and pressing the touchpad button is straining my thumb.

Be careful. These problems can last way longer than one would think.

p.s. you might add a tag 'ergonomics' or something - the title can be seen to be about developing for voice recognition.

淡淡の花香 2024-07-12 06:40:57

语音编程的黄金标准是 VoiceCode。 如果我没记错的话,他们支持 C++ 和 Python。

The gold standard for programming by voice is VoiceCode. If I remember correctly, they supports C++ and Python.

救星 2024-07-12 06:40:57

我知道我在这里有点偏离主题,并且对语音识别软件一无所知; 但是,您可能会发现将键盘更改为德沃夏克布局很有用,我听说这种布局对手腕更友好。


I know I am little bit off-topic here, and know nothing about voice recognition software; however, you might find it useful to investigate changing your keyboard to the Dvorak layout, which I have heard is a lot kinder on the wrists.


迷雾森÷林ヴ 2024-07-12 06:40:57

几年前我尝试过 Dragon,它是一场由混乱的单词和短语组成的噩梦 - 不推荐。 我知道这是当时最好的事情,所以我并不乐观。


  1. 找到一份需要尽可能少加班的工作
  2. 尝试各种键盘。 根据我的经验,全职使用笔记本电脑工作效果最好。
  3. 开始低中等压力举重计划。

I tried Dragon a couple of years ago and it was a nightmare of mish-mashed words and phrases - not recommended. I understand that it was the best thing going at that point in time so I'm not optimistic.

As a fellow sufferer, recommendations would be:

  1. Find a job that demands as little OT as possible
  2. Try a variety of keyboards. In my experience, working on a laptop full-time worked best.
  3. Start a program of low-moderate stress weight lifting.
偏爱自由 2024-07-12 06:40:57

另一个想法是找到另一个优秀的开发人员来结对编程。 它对我来说非常有效。 我可以让自己的双手得到休息,而不必放慢速度,最终生成质量更好的代码——或者至少不必审查太多代码。

Another idea is to find another good developer to pair program with. It worked really well for me. I get to rest my hands without necessarily slowing down, end up producing better quality code - or at least not having to review as much of it.

旧情别恋 2024-07-12 06:40:57

我使用 Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Professional 听写 VB.net 和 TSQL。 VB.net 本质上更接近于“口语”语言,但我看不出它有什么理由不能用于 C# 或其他语言。 我从一个完全空的词汇表开始,然后从头开始构建它以满足我的需求(这就是我使用专业版本的原因)。


  1. 基于“基本常规 - 空听写”创建新词汇。
  2. 不要让它扫描您的文档或电子邮件。
  3. 添加具有特定于您的编程语言的发音的关键字列表(Dim、ByVal\by-val 等)。
  4. 创建一个 .txt 文档,其中包含除注释之外的所有代码。
  5. 从该文档中获取单词并添加它们的发音。
  6. 使用该文档来训练词汇的语言模型。



以下是听写 SQL 代码的方法。 如果您是数据库开发人员,此处创建的单词列表可以包含在其他词汇表中。

I dictate VB.net and TSQL using Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Professional. VB.net is inherently closer to a "spoken" language, but I don't see any reason why it couldn't work for C# or others. I start with a completely empty vocabulary, and build it from scratch to suit my needs (which is why I use the professional version).

Here's the basic steps (this assumes you have already created and trained a user):

  1. Create a new vocabulary based on "Base General - Empty Dictation".
  2. Don't have it scan your documents or email.
  3. Add lists of keywords with pronunciation specific to your programming language (Dim, ByVal\by-val, etc.).
  4. Create a .txt document that contains all of your code minus comments.
  5. Harvest words from this document and add them with pronunciations.
  6. Use the document to train the vocabulary's language model.

I'll write up something with more detail when I get a chance if anyone is interested.


Here's how to dictate SQL code. The word list created here can be included in other vocabularies if you are a database developer.

谜兔 2024-07-12 06:40:57


有很多语音识别程序,其中 Dragon NaturallySpeaking<我认为 /a> 是使用最广泛的之一。 我自己使用过它,对其质量印象深刻。 那是几年前的事了,我想现在情况已经有了进一步的改善。


尽管它效果非常好,但我不会说这是一个简单的解决方案。 训练程序需要时间,即使这样,它也会出错。 与打字相比,它的速度非常慢,所以我不得不不断对自己说“不要抓住键盘,不要抓住键盘,......”(之后我无论如何都会抓住键盘)。 我自己也倾向于含糊其辞,这也没有让事情变得更好;-)。 尤其是最初几周可能会令人沮丧。 如果您 语音相关问题,您甚至可能会遇到语音相关问题。 cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/05/23/voice. saving.tips.idg/" rel="noreferrer">用力过度。


总而言之,对于编写普通文本/散文的人来说,这无疑是一个可行的解决方案。 作为一名程序员,您处于一个完全不同的领域,没有真正的解决方案。 现在情况可能已经改变了,但如果真的发生了,我会感到惊讶。

有什么问题? 大多数 SR 软件都是为了识别普通语言而构建的。 程序员编写非常神秘的东西,并且很难(如果不是不可能的话)找到可以在普通语言和代码之间进行转换的软件。 例如,您将如何指示:

if (somevar == 'a')
   print('You pressed a!');

使用普通 SR 程序中的命令,这是一个巨大的痛苦:“如果空格左括号等号等号撇号拼写一个撇号......”。 我什至没有谈论导航您的代码。 有没有注意到您在编程时使用键盘的频率,以及这种用法与“普通”用户使用键盘的方式有何不同?


到目前为止,我只使用过 Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS),因此我只能代表该产品。 有一些针对程序员等人的有趣的附加组件和网站:



  • 找到实际编码的方法。
  • 尝试恢复。 我有点不愿意推荐这本书,但它似乎对患有 RSI/腕管和其他慢性疼痛问题的人非常有效:JE Sarno,Mindbody 处方。 我现在正在使用它,我认为它绝对值得一读。

It's out there, and it works...

There are quite a few speech recognition programs out there, of which Dragon NaturallySpeaking is, I think, one of the most widely used ones. I've used it myself, and have been impressed with its quality. That being a couple of years ago, I guess things have improved even further by now.

...but it ain't easy...

Even though it works amazingly well, I won't say it's an easy solution. It takes time to train the program, and even then, it'll make mistakes. It's painstakingly slow compared to typing, so I had to keep saying to myself "Don't grab the keyboard, don't grab the keyboard, ..." (after which I'd grab the keyboard anyway). I myself tend to mumble a bit, which didn't make things much better, either ;-). Especially the first weeks can be frustrating. You can even get voice-related problems if you strain your voice too much.

...especially for programmers!

All in all, it's certainly a workable solution for people writing normal text/prose. As a programmer, you're in a completely different realm, for which there are no real solutions. Things might have changed by now, but I'd be surprised if they have.

What's the problem? Most SR software is built to recognize normal language. Programmers write very cryptic stuff, and it's hard, if not impossible, to find software that does the conversion between normal language and code. For example, how would you dictate:

if (somevar == 'a')
   print('You pressed a!');

Using the commands in your average SR program, this is a huge pain: "if space left bracket equal sign equal sign apostrophe spell a apostrophe ...". And I'm not even talking about navigating your code. Ever noticed how much you're using the keyboard while programming, and how different that usage is from how a 'normal' user uses the keyboard?

How to make the best of it

Thus far, I've only worked with Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS), so I can only speak for that product. There are some interesting add-ons and websites targeted for people like programmers:

  • Vocola is an unofficial plugin that allows you to easily add your own commands to DNS. I found it essential, basically. You'll also be able to find command sets written by other programmers, for e.g. navigating code. It's based on a software package written in Python, so there are also some more advanced and fancy packages around. Also check out Vocola's Resources page. (Warning: when I used it, there were some problems with installing Vocola; check out the newsgroup below for info!)
  • SpeechComputing.com is a forum/newsgroup with lots of interesting discussions. A good place to start.

Closing remarks

It seems that the best solution to this problem is, really:

  • Find ways around actual coding.
  • Try to recover. I'm somewhat reluctant to recommend this book, but it seems to work amazingly well for people with RSI/carpal tunnel and other chronic pain issues: J.E. Sarno, Mindbody prescription. I'm working with it right now, and I think it's definitely worth reading.
落在眉间の轻吻 2024-07-12 06:40:57

我在1996年使用Dragon Dictate的原因和你一样。 虽然进展缓慢,但总比不工作好。 我发现在 4x8 的白板上写满代码,然后让别人输入,这样写代码会更容易。然后我用 DD 来调试。

当您阅读时,您可以查看 Deborah Quilter 有关 RSI 的书籍。 他们的信息非常丰富。

I used Dragon Dictate in 1996 for the same reason as you. It was slow going, but better than not working. I found it easier to write code by filling 4x8 white board with code and then getting someone else to type it in. Then I used DD to debug.

And while you're at it, you might look at Deborah Quilter's books about RSI. They're very informative.

ぃ双果 2024-07-12 06:40:57

我找不到一个链接(我确实看过),但有些键盘只有 5 个键,允许你用一只手打字,我假设你只有一只手腕不好。


I can't find a link to one (I did look) but there are keyboards with only 5 keys, allowing you to type with one hand, I assume that you only have one bad wrist.

If I find a link I'll try to message you.

缱倦旧时光 2024-07-12 06:40:57

Scott Hanselman 使用语音识别相当多

Scott Hanselman uses voice recognition quite a bit.

泪之魂 2024-07-12 06:40:57

龙自然首选和Vocola。 Autohotkey 尽可能实现自动化。 但编程并不容易。 我试过; 几乎不可能。 查看约翰·萨诺 (John Sarno) 的《治愈背痛》。 这让我变得更好。 我又回来编程一整天了!

Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred and Vocola. Autohotkey to automate as much as possible. Not easy to program though. I tried; almost impossible. Check out John Sarno's Healing Back Pain. It made me better. I'm back to programming all day!

我早已燃尽 2024-07-12 06:40:57

这里还有一点题外话,我发现将 keboard 分成两部分和其他特殊键盘会有所帮助,只需检查 kinesis 即可。 我在 diigo 收集了有关此类硬件的信息:


还有一件事! 记住练习时的休息时间。 定期锻炼(例如小锻炼 - 每半次

Another bit off-topic here, I've found that splitted keboard into two parts and other special keyboards helps, just check-out kinesis. I collected info about such hardware at diigo:

What about direct links:

One more thing! Remember about breaks for exercises. Regular exercises (for example small exercise - every half
and hour different one) make really really things better !

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