我有一部来自摩托罗拉的 L6 手机、一条将其连接到我的计算机的 USB 电缆以及手机工具软件,这样我就可以执行一些操作,例如上传自己的自定义铃声或从手机相机下载图片。
我对想要在手机上运行的程序有一些想法,并且它支持 java,但我在软件中没有看到任何用于上传它们的内容。 即使他们这样做了,我也不知道从哪里开始。
I have an L6 phone from motorola, a usb cable to connect it to my computer, and the Tools for Phones software so I can do things like upload my own custom ringtones or download pictures from the phone's camera.
I have some ideas for programs I'd like to run on the phone, and it supports java, but I don't see anything in the software that I have for uploading them. Even if they did, I wouldn't know where to get started.
Does anyone have any info on how to get started building apps for this or similar phones?
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Perhaps Motorola's own site
我没有使用新的摩托罗拉开发工作室,因为我对摩托罗拉开发工具的体验并不愉快。 在使用摩托罗拉设备时,我倾向于坚持使用标准模拟器(有时也使用索尼爱立信模拟器,因为它们是迄今为止我使用过的最好的模拟器)。
摩托罗拉工具的问题在于,我似乎总是花费太多时间试图弄清楚如何解决它们。 我会遇到模拟器特定的问题和错误,老实说,我没有时间浪费时间试图找出应用程序在目标设备上运行但在模拟器上崩溃的原因。 应该是相反的。
一个好的模拟器对于移动开发非常重要,因为您将在其中完成 90% 的开发、测试和调整,只是定期在手机上进行尝试。
最后,我同意 bpapa 的观点...Netbeans 是用于 J2ME 开发的优秀 IDE,这是我推荐的一本书(如果可能的话,获取原版,而不是第二版,因为第二版过于关注 MIDP 2.0 并假设您了解基础知识)。
http://www.amazon.com/J2ME-Game-Programming-Development/dp/ 1592001181/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1221692983&sr=1-3
I have not used the new Motorola development studio, because my experience with Motorola's development tools has not been a joyous one. When working with Motorola devices I tend to stick to the standard emulator (or sometimes the Sony Ericsson emulators as those are the best I have worked with by far).
The problem with Motorola's tools is that I always seemed to spend way too much time trying to figure out how to work around them. I would run into emulator specific issues and bugs, and I honestly don't have time to waste trying to figure out why the application runs on the target device but crashes on the emulator. It should be the opposite.
A good emulator is very important for mobile development though as that is where you will do 90% of your development, testing and tweaking, only periodically trying it out on the phone.
Finally, I agree with bpapa...Netbeans is an excellent IDE for J2ME development and here is a book that I recommend (get the original if possible, not the second edition as the second edition focuses way too much on MIDP 2.0 and assumes you know the basics).
Yeah, the act of asking the question pointed me in the direction of an answer, and I found this:
I could still use some pointers from someone of what to expect if anyone has done this before.
我从未使用过 Morotolla 的 SDK,但从我在 JME 中的有限工作来看,第 3 方工具中真正的钩子是模拟器。 Sun 出人意料地正确地建立了 JME 开发环境。 只需使用 JME 包获取 NetBeans,IDE 中就有一个常规模拟器,然后您可以连接其他专有模拟器,例如来自 Motorolla 的模拟器。
I've never used Morotolla's SDK but from my limited work in JME the real hook in the 3rd party tools are the emulators. Setting up a JME dev environment quickly is something that Sun got surprisingly right. Just get NetBeans with the JME pack and there is a regular emulator right in the IDE, and then you can hook in other proprietary emulators such as those from Motorolla.
Not sure what kind of apps you are looking to do, but if you're interested in games I thought Beginning Mobile Phone Game Programming was a great starting point: