
发布于 2024-07-05 02:41:43 字数 572 浏览 7 评论 0原文

在发表一些评论后,受到有关 PHP MVC 框架 PRADO 的一些反馈的启发。 我已经使用它一年多了,我非常喜欢使用它,但是我注意到在整个 Stack Overflow 中,当 symfonyCakePHP 正在讨论大约作为框架的潜在候选者。

现在有人使用 PRADO 使用 Stack Overflow 吗? 如果是这样,你如何找到它? 是否有人过去使用过它但将其遗忘,如果是,为什么? 有人能评估一下它相对于 Cake 或 symfony 的优缺点吗?

After making some comments, I've been inspired to get some feedback on the PHP MVC framework PRADO. I've been using it for over a year now and I've very much enjoyed working with it, however I notice that throughout Stack Overflow, it doesn't seem to rate a mention when symfony or CakePHP are being talked about as potential candidates for a framework.

Is anybody using Stack Overflow using PRADO now? If so, how do you find it? Has anyone used it in the past but left it behind, and if so, why? Can anybody appraise its strengths and weaknesses against Cake or symfony?

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背叛残局 2024-07-12 02:41:44

我玩过一些 PRADO,但我觉得如果我要被迫进入后地狱,我最好在它最初构建的平台上进行 - .NET,除此之外PRADO 在博客等中相对“不被谈论”。但我不知道为什么。

I've played with PRADO some, but I felt that if I'm going to be forced into post-back-hell i might as well do it on the platform that it was built for in the beginning - .NET, other then that PRADO is relatively "untalked" about in the blogs, etc. I don't know why really though.

安人多梦 2024-07-12 02:41:44

我们使用 PRADO 框架已有 4 年了。
我们正在使用包含超过 6000 万条记录的 Oraracle 和 MySql 数据库开发大型(+4000 个程序)电子政务 Web 应用程序。 作为开发基础设施,我们使用 SVN+TRAC+ 我们自己的项目控制工具和 phpEdit w/tortoiseSVN 作为客户端工具。
目前我们正在考虑换成 Yii。

We are working with PRADO framework since 4 years.
We are developing huge (+4000 programs) web apps for e-Goverment with Oraracle and MySql databases containing more than 60 millon records. As infrastructure for development we use SVN+TRAC+ our own tools for project control AND phpEdit w/tortoiseSVN as client tools.
Currently we are thinking on changing to Yii.

柠檬色的秋千 2024-07-12 02:41:44

如果我没有遇到 QCodo,我会选择 PRADO 作为框架。 我喜欢事件驱动的方法——QCodo 更适合我。

PRADO would have been my choice for a framework if I hadn't run across QCodo. I like the event-driven approach -- QCodo just suits me more.

夏了南城 2024-07-12 02:41:44

我认为 Prado 从未真正流行起来,因为它是一个事件驱动的框架,这有点难以理解。 特别是对于许多具有程序背景的 PHP 开发人员来说。

I think Prado never really caught on because it's an event-driven framework, which is a bit hard to wrap your head around. Especially for the many PHP developers coming from a more procedural background.

允世 2024-07-12 02:41:44

普拉多现在死了。 文档也很差。

Prado is dead now. Also the documentation is poor.

迷迭香的记忆 2024-07-12 02:41:44

我发现主动控制非常流畅。 它使得做各种 ajaxy 事情变得非常容易。 不幸的是,当您需要做一些稍微不同的事情时,它会变得非常混乱并且很难弄清楚发生了什么。 我觉得我经常得到一些简单而伟大的工作,然后一个小的附加要求将要求我把整个事情拆开并提出一个更复杂的解决方案。

I found that the active controls were pretty slick. It makes doing all kinds of ajaxy things really easy. Unfortunately, when you need to do something slightly different, it's pretty obfuscated and difficult to figure out what's up. I felt like I often got something simple and great working, and then one small additional requirement would require me to tear the whole thing apart and come up with a much more complicated solution.

妥活 2024-07-12 02:41:43

我第一次研究PRADO时,我花了大约10天的时间使用它,并不断对自己说:“这个框架太棒了!”。 几个月后,我开始从事一个大项目,客户选择使用 PRADO...然后地狱就开始了...只要我们继续使用 PRADO 的基础组件,一切都很完美,开发速度也很快。 但一旦客户想要一个开箱即用的东西,我们实际上花费的时间是使用其他框架的 2 到 3 倍。 我不是在谈论大型定制。 PRADO 框架强制应用程序具有特定的结构和工作流程。 如果该逻辑不适合您,请查看另一个框架。

The first time I looked into PRADO, I spent about 10 days using it and kept saying to myself: "This framework is amazing!". A couple of months later, I started working on a big project where the customer had chosen to use PRADO... And Hell began... As long as we kept using PRADO's base components, everything was perfect and development was fast. But as soon as the customer wanted an out-of-the-box thing, we literaly spent 2 to 3 times the amount of time we would have done it with another framework. And I'm not talking about big customizations. The PRADO framework forces the application to have a particular structure and workflow. If that logic is not working for you, then check out another framework.

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