
发布于 2024-07-05 02:40:56 字数 248 浏览 8 评论 0原文

我曾与一些在网上与同事聊天、不断讨论想法的人一起工作。 我也曾与一些坚决拒绝并认为这是浪费时间的人一起工作。

在线实时聊天论坛对您特别有用吗? 为什么或者为什么不? 在您公司内部,还是在全球范围内? 您的雇主鼓励还是不鼓励使用它们?

更新:我看到有些人对这个问题投了否决票,但到目前为止,所有答案都是积极的,尽管有一些保留。 如果有人有强烈的负面意见(我讨厌在线聊天并认为应该禁止在线聊天等),我真的很想听听为什么。

I've worked with folks who are chatting online with their peers, constantly batting around ideas. I've also worked with folks who adamantly refuse and think it's a waste of time.

Are online live chatting forums of particular use to you? Why or why not?
Internal to your company, or external and world-wide?
Does your employer encourage or discourage their use?

Update: I see some people are voting this question down, yet so far all the answers have been positive, if with some reservations. If someone has a strong negative opinion (I hate online chatting and think it should be banned etc.) I'd really like to hear why.

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浅听莫相离 2024-07-12 02:40:56

我不得不在上一份工作中使用它,因为我的同事住在英国,我的老板在加利福尼亚州工作,而我在亚特兰大。 它用于快速提问,当它是“只要你有机会回答”类型的事情时。 我可以打电话并弹出即时消息,他们会收到一条自动消息告诉他们这一点。 更长时间的讨论是通过网络摄像头和电话以及共享桌面来查看代码、数据等的能力进行的。

I've had to use it in my last job as my co-workers lived in the UK and my boss worked in California whereas I'm in Atlanta. It was used for quick questions and when it was "whenever you get the chance to respond" type thing. I could be on the phone and an IM pop-up and they would get an automatic message telling them that. Longer discussions were done with web cam and telephone and the ability to share a desktop to view code, data, etc.

香橙ぽ 2024-07-12 02:40:56

我的公司不允许。 即使我们在内部运行 IM 服务器(这样我们就不会浪费时间与朋友聊天)。 我试图说服他们,我发现这对于了解某人是否在他们的办公桌前非常有用。 手机的功能不太好,因为如果你不接电话,它会重定向到秘书,如果你每 5 分钟检查一下某人是否回来,秘书就会生气……

所以我在手机上运行一个 IM 客户端,这样我一整天至少可以和几个人聊天。 (如果我的妻子给我发即时消息,而不是打电话给我,则可以减少对他人的打扰,并且如果我需要的话,也更容易忽略)。

My company won't allow it. Even if we run a IM server in house (so we aren't wasting time chatting with friends). I've tried to convince them, I find it really useful for knowing if someone is at their desk or not. The phones don't do that so well since if you don't pick up it redirects to a secretary that will get pissed if you are checking if someone's back every 5 min...

So I run a IM client on my phone so I can at least chat with a few people through out the day. (Less interrupting to others if my wife IMs me vs calls me and also easier to ignore if I need to).

三寸金莲 2024-07-12 02:40:56

我在工作中使用 IRC - 这几乎是我们所有远程交互(在家、不同办公室和客户站点工作)的人的要求,以便能够快速获得问题帮助。

I use IRC at work - it's almost a requirement for all of us who interact remotely (workign from home, different offices, and client sites) to be able to get help on problems fast.

平生欢 2024-07-12 02:40:56

是的。 这里其实是需要的。 但只有MSN。 我们用它来与团队进行开发/任务相关的沟通...这也有助于最大程度地减少噪音,因为我目前工作的这家公司是一家大公司,90% 都是开发人员,所以完全沉默是必须的.​​..


Yup. It's actually required here. But only MSN though. We use it for development/task related communications with the team... which also help minimize noise since this company I'm currently working in is a big one where 90% are developers so utter silence is a MUST...

But if I've got questions to other members of the team, I prefer asking it personally though because I find it hard to explain some things when just chatting...

旧城烟雨 2024-07-12 02:40:56

我个人不喜欢它。 我认为电子邮件可以让您花一点时间来整理您的想法。

不过,IM 似乎对其他人也有效。 不管怎样都有效!

I personally don't like it. I think email allows you to take a little time to compose your thoughts.

IM seems to work for other people though. Whatever works!

苹果你个爱泡泡 2024-07-12 02:40:56

我们整个业务部门都实行远程办公。 只有我们一年级的学生需要在办公室,因此我们的企业 IM 解决方案对于保持联系和完成任务至关重要。 通过它,我的经理可以让我知道我正在从事什么项目,我是否需要向其他客户计费时间,或者我是否需要交流想法。 所以是的,我愿意。 开放给谁都可以上吗? 一点都不。 您必须在内联网上才能访问该系统,并且该系统不对任何外部人员开放。

Our entire business unit telecommutes. Only us first years are required to be in the office, so our enterprise IM solution is vital to staying in touch and on task. Its how my manager lets me know what project I'm working on, if I need to bill my time to another customer, or if I need to bounce ideas around. So yes, I do. Is it open for anyone to get on? No, not at all. You have to be on the intranet to access the system, and it is closed to any and all outsiders.

陌伤浅笑 2024-07-12 02:40:56

在过去 8 年左右的时间里,我从事过四份专业工作,其中只有一个工作地点不允许任何类型的即时消息传递。 所有其他公司都至少有某种类型的内部网即时消息设置。

我认为IM在当今的商业环境中几乎是必需的。 我不怎么发即时消息,但很高兴能有它。 特别是当我只需要快速回答一个问题时 - 例如“这个文件位于哪里?” 然后繁荣我面前就弹出了一个指向该文件的链接。

Out of the four professional jobs I've had over the past 8 years or so, I've only worked at one place that did not allow any type of instant messaging. All the other companies had at least some type of setup for intranet instant messaging.

I think that IM is almost necessary in today's business environment. I don't IM very much, but it's nice to have it available. Especially when I just need a quick answer to a question - like "Where is this file located?" and then boom I have a link to the file pop up right in front of my face.

我从加利福尼亚州远程办公到科罗拉多州,从未使用过聊天功能。 我们每天都有 SCRUM 会议和持续的电子邮件线程。 当我第一次开始远程工作时,我们确实尝试过,但它似乎打扰了几个同事,所以我们停止使用它,那是 4 年前的事了,我可能应该再试一次。

I telecommute from California to Colorado and never have used chat. We do have daily SCRUM meetings and constant email threads. When I first started working remotely, we did try it but it seemed intrusive to several co-workers so we stopped using it, that was 4 years ago, I probably should give it another try.

何必那么矫情 2024-07-12 02:40:56


我广泛使用它,特别是当远程人员参与开发时。 没有它,您的实时通信就会消失。 这是唯一可行的沟通方式,不像电话或类似的方式那样具有干扰性。 众所周知,我们在开发时不能一直坐在电话上,因此聊天是实时通信的下一个最佳选择。

It seems I have nothing to really add to what hasn't already been written.

I use it extensively, especially when remote people are involved in development. Without it your real time communication dies. It is the only viable method of communication that isn't as interruptive as phone calls or something of that nature. As we all know we can't just sit on the phone the whole time when developing, so chat is the next best thing for real time communication.

小情绪 2024-07-12 02:40:56

我每周在家工作 2 至 3 天。 我主要使用 MSN 与同事保持联系。 快速提出简短的问题非常有用。 如果我们发现自己正在打字整个对话,我们通常会同意通过电话继续对话。

I work at home 2 to 3 days a week. I mainly use MSN to stay in touch with my coworkers. It's pretty useful to ask short questions quickly. If we find ourselves typing whole conversations we often agree to continue the conversation by phone.

我纯我任性 2024-07-12 02:40:56

当 IM 取代面对面聊天时,我使用 IM 与其他办公室的同事进行交流。 不过,我在工作时关闭了所有通讯应用程序中的通知,因为它们会分散我的注意力。

I use IM to communicate with colleagues in other offices when it replaces a face-to-face chat. I turn off notifications in all my comms apps at work though, because they distract me otherwise.

嘿哥们儿 2024-07-12 02:40:56

我发现在线聊天在很多情况下都很有价值,但通常即时消息却不是。 由于我在工作中使用许多开源技术,因此我倾向于加入相应的 IRC 频道,既可以在那里提问,有时如果我立即知道答案,也可以帮助其他人。

I find online chatting invaluable in many cases, but not normally instant messaging. Since I use many open source technologies at work, I tend to join the respective IRC channels, both to ask questions there, and sometimes to help others if I know the answer offhand.

用心笑 2024-07-12 02:40:56

这可能取决于工作环境。 作为一名自雇顾问,我总是在聊天中 - 这是我与世界的主要沟通方式,还有用于更多官方类型沟通的电子邮件。

能够与他人交谈可以产生协同作用,但也可能会导致分心。 一个好的经理能够分辨出其中的差异。

It may depend on the work environment. As a self employed consultant, I'm always in chat - it's my primary communication to the world, along with emails for more official type communications.

Being able to converse with others creates synergy, but it also can cause distractions. A good manager can tell the difference.

别低头,皇冠会掉 2024-07-12 02:40:56

在我的上一个工作场所,我们广泛使用 IM 进行协作。 在我现在的工作场所,情况就不那么严重了。 事实上,我已经六个月没有在这里做过这样的事情了。 但我确实在网上寻找答案,有时我也在论坛上发布了疑问。 IM 是一个不错的工具,但它也很浪费时间。 另外,不要低估失去的焦点。 如果有人不断地向您询问如何建立与 Oracle 数据库的连接,那么您就很难集中精力正确实施该算法。

At my last workplace, we used IM extensively for collaboration. Not so much at my present workplace. Infact, i have not once had to do that here in 6 months. But i do look around on the net for answers and sometimes i have posted queries on forums too. IM is a nice tool to have, but its also a time sink. Also, dont underestimate the lost focus. Its particularly hard to concentrate on getting that algo implemented right if someones constantly pinging you about how to establish a connection to an oracle database.

亢潮 2024-07-12 02:40:56

是的,当然,我通过 MSN/Yahoo/Skype/... 与我的大多数员工和雇主一起工作,这让工作变得更容易,因为我可以雇用更好的人,而不必付钱让他们搬到我这里。

Yes, absolutly, I work with most of my employees, and employers via MSN/Yahoo/Skype/.../ it makes the work easier, because I can hire the better people without having to pay them to move to me.

甜心小果奶 2024-07-12 02:40:56


When I need to collaborate with someone in another office, it's great ... when I'm deep in thought, I have to turn it off (just like e-mail).

辞别 2024-07-12 02:40:56

这取决于群体动态和个人喜好。 就我个人而言,我很喜欢我的工作团队,他们使用聊天来交流彼此的想法并解决问题,而无需四处走动。 如果您地理位置分散,那么这几乎是必需的。

It depends on the group dynamics and personal preferences. Personally, I have enjoyed my work groups that use chat to feed on each other's ideas and troubleshoot without as much walking around. If you are geography dispersed, its almost a necessity.

一个人练习一个人 2024-07-12 02:40:56

我曾经。 我发现它是与以前共事的人聊天的绝佳资源。 在我们的业务中,我发现我们倾向于建立大量的网络,并且利用集体知识非常棒。 当然,我的公司把它关掉了,所以他们输了。

我知道某家大银行有一个内部 AIM 设置,以便他们可以互相发送即时消息。 这令人耳目一新,而且很有用。 他们还允许一些外部访问。 谈论如何发挥 IM 的价值!

I used to. I found it a great resource to chat with people I used to work with. In our business I find that we tend to network alot and using that collective knowledge is awesome. Of course my company turned that off so they lose.

I know that a certain large Bank hasd an internal AIM setup so that they can IM each other. That was refreshing and dang useful. They also allowed some external access. Talk about getting the value of IM!

一刻暧昧 2024-07-12 02:40:56

我在过去工作过的三个地方都使用过 IM。 目前我所在的大楼太大了,步行到经理办公室就需要几分钟。 然后是我们在家工作的日子(每周 1-2 天)。 对于某些目的来说,电子邮件并不能解决问题,而对于某些任务来说,电话可能会造成太大的破坏性和包罗万象。

当我从事咨询工作时,我会将我的 IM 联系信息提供给我的客户。 大约 25% 的人会用它来联系我,直到今天我仍然与他们保持联系,这为未来的工作开辟了可能性! 使用 IM 的客户觉得他们与我的联系更好,因为他们可以看到我何时在线并可以交谈。

我仍然通过 IM 与老同事保持联系,这也使我能够快速访问他们的知识库。

我对在工作场所使用 IM 的建议是:

  • 使用支持多种方式的客户端
  • 设置和使用个人帐户
  • 确保您的 IM 客户端记录
  • 始终可用,但最小化
  • 自由提供您的IM信息
  • 添加适当的群组(即
  • 不要觉得你必须
    回复每个聊天请求。 让

另一个技巧是使用文本转语音软件,这样当聊天消息传入时就可以读取它。 当我在家(或远离办公室的计算机)时,该消息会自动读取(我将其比作响铃的电话),以引起我的注意。 但是,我不必停止正在做的事情才能知道消息是什么。

I've used IM at the last three places I have worked. Currently the building that I am in is so large that it takes a couple of minutes just to walk to my managers office. Then there are the days that we work from home (1-2 days a week). Email for some purposes just doesn't cut it and the phone can be too disruptive and all encompassing for some tasks.

When I was doing consulting work I would give my IM contact information to my clients. About 25% of them would use it to contact me and I am still in contact with them to this day which opens up the possibility for future work! The clients that used IM felt that they had a better connection with me because they could see when I was online and available to talk.

I'm still in contact with old work colleagues through IM and this allows me quick access to their knowledge base as well.

My suggestions for using IM in the workplace are:

  • Use a client that supports multiple
    protocols (MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Jaber,
  • Setup and use personal accounts for
    each of the networks you are on
    (i.e. don't use accounts tied
    directly to your work)
  • Make sure your IM client records a
    history of all of your conversations
  • Always be available but minimize
    personal conversations
  • Provide your IM information freely
    to friends, clients, and colleagues
  • Add appropriate groups (i.e.
    friends, family, work) and filters
    to reduce undesired interruptions
    while still being available if
  • Don't feel that you have to
    respond to every chat request. Let
    it set until you are ready to deal
    with it

One other trick I use is to use text to speech software so that when a chat message comes in it is read allowed. When I am at home (or preoccupied away from the computer in the office) the message is automatically read allowed (I liken it to a ringing phone call) in order to get my attention. But, I don't have to stop what I am doing in order to know what the message is.

oО清风挽发oО 2024-07-12 02:40:56






使用在线对话还有一个额外的好处,因为它不会被打扰。 如果你正在做某件事,你可以忽略他们,直到你完成,他们只需要处理它。 在现实生活中,你有一张会说话的面孔需要尝试摆脱。 (这里最酷的事情是你可以忽略他们并且他们仍然会被听到,鱼与熊掌兼得!)

If you have telecommuters, not chatting online will be the death of you.

Without chat, there is no interaction.

Without interaction, there is no problem solving.

Without problem solving, the code will suck.

The chatting part does waste a lot of time and I often wish I could just pull them out and just WriteSomeCode, but yeah, trade off scenario.

There's an additional benefit to using online converstations, in that it doesn't /have/ to be an interruption. If your working on something you can ignore them till you're done and they just have to deal with it. In real life you have a talking face to try get rid of. ( And the cool thing here is you can ignore them and they still get heard, have your cake and eat it too! )

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