我可以在ironruby 中运行rubygems 吗?
目前是否可以通过预发布的ironruby来运行rubygems? 好像我必须设置一个环境变量才能找到它们?
Is it currently possible with pre release of ironruby to run rubygems? It seems as if I have to set an environment variable to find them?
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

您已经能够在 IronRuby 下运行 rubygems 有一段时间了。 只需从 codeplex 下载并安装最新的 IronRuby,然后运行
在命令行上You've been able to run rubygems under IronRuby for quite a while now. Simply download and install the latest IronRuby from codeplex, and run
on the command line使用 IronRuby 1.0 Alpha 2。您应该能够立即获得 igem.bat。 据 Jim Deville 于 2008 年 11 月 19 日报道
从那时起,我们现在有了每日构建的官方网站。 您可以在 http://www.ironruby.net/Download
将 GEM_PATH 设置为 \lib\ruby\gems\1.8 目录,例如 c:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8
with IronRuby 1.0 Alpha 2. You should able to get igem.bat out of the box. According to Jim Deville on Nov 19 2008
Since then, We're now have official site with daily build. You can find at http://www.ironruby.net/Download
After than,
Set GEM_PATH to your \lib\ruby\gems\1.8 directory, e.g. c:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8
Test with
如果在使用 rubygems 之前正确设置 ENV['GEM_PATH'],那么 gem 有时会在 IronRuby 下工作。 我现在实际上正在考虑解决这个问题。
另外,这种问题可能更适合 IronRuby 邮件列表,而不是堆栈溢出。
if you set ENV['GEM_PATH'] correctly before using rubygems, then gems will work sometimes under IronRuby. I'm actually looking at fixing this right now.
Also, this kind of question is probably better suited for the IronRuby mailing list than it is for StackOverflow.