JavaScript 中的图形可视化库

发布于 2024-07-04 17:42:12 字数 155 浏览 8 评论 0原文

我有一个表示有向图的数据结构,我想在 HTML 页面上动态呈现它。 这些图表通常只是几个节点,最高端可能有十个,所以我的猜测是性能不会是一个大问题。 理想情况下,我希望能够将其与 jQuery 挂钩,以便用户可以通过拖动节点来手动调整布局。


I have a data structure that represents a directed graph, and I want to render that dynamically on an HTML page. These graphs will usually be just a few nodes, maybe ten at the very upper end, so my guess is that performance isn't going to be a big deal. Ideally, I'd like to be able to hook it in with jQuery so that users can tweak the layout manually by dragging the nodes around.

Note: I'm not looking for a charting library.

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伪装你 2024-07-11 17:42:13

在商业场景中,一个严肃的竞争者肯定是 yFiles for HTML


  • 轻松导入 自定义数据(此交互式在线演示< /a> 似乎几乎完全符合OP的要求)
  • 通过用户手势创建和操作图表的交互式编辑(请参阅完整的编辑器
  • 一个巨大的编程 API,用于自定义每个和库的各个方面
  • 支持分组嵌套(交互式,以及通过布局算法)
  • 不依赖于特定的 UI 工具包,但支持集成 几乎任何现有的 Javascript 工具包(请参阅“集成”演示< /a>)
  • 自动布局(各种样式,如“分层”、“有机”、“正交”、“树”、“圆形”、“径向”等)
  • 自动复杂的边缘布线(具有障碍物的正交和有机边缘布线避免)
  • 增量和部分布局(添加和删除元素,并且仅稍微或根本不改变图表的其余部分)
  • 支持分组和嵌套(交互式,以及通过布局算法)
  • 图形分析算法(路径、中心性、网络流等)
  • 使用 HTML 5 技术,如 SVG +CSS 和 Canvas 以及现代 Javascript 利用属性和其他更多 ES5 和 ES6 功能(但出于同样的原因,不会在 IE 版本 8 及更低版本中运行)。
  • 使用可以使用 UMD 加载程序按需加载的模块化 API


Screenshot由 BPMN 演示创建的示例渲染。

全面披露:我为 yWorks 工作,但在 Stackoverflow 上我不代表我的雇主。

In a commercial scenario, a serious contestant for sure is yFiles for HTML:

It offers:

  • Easy import of custom data (this interactive online demo seems to pretty much do exactly what the OP was looking for)
  • Interactive editing for creating and manipulating the diagrams through user gestures (see the complete editor)
  • A huge programming API for customizing each and every aspect of the library
  • Support for grouping and nesting (both interactive, as well as through the layout algorithms)
  • Does not depend on a specfic UI toolkit but supports integration into almost any existing Javascript toolkit (see the "integration" demos)
  • Automatic layout (various styles, like "hierarchic", "organic", "orthogonal", "tree", "circular", "radial", and more)
  • Automatic sophisticated edge routing (orthogonal and organic edge routing with obstacle avoidance)
  • Incremental and partial layout (adding and removing elements and only slightly or not at all changing the rest of the diagram)
  • Support for grouping and nesting (both interactive, as well as through the layout algorithms)
  • Implementations of graph analysis algorithms (paths, centralities, network flows, etc.)
  • Uses HTML 5 technologies like SVG+CSS and Canvas and modern Javascript leveraging properties and other more ES5 and ES6 features (but for the same reason will not run in IE versions 8 and lower).
  • Uses a modular API that can be loaded on-demand using UMD loaders

Here is a sample rendering that shows most of the requested features:

Screenshot of a sample rendering created by the BPMN demo.

Full disclosure: I work for yWorks, but on Stackoverflow I do not represent my employer.

唠甜嗑 2024-07-11 17:42:13

正如 guruz 提到的,JIT 有几个可爱的图形/树布局,包括非常吸引人的 RGraph 和 HyperTree 可视化。

另外,我刚刚在 github 上发布了一个超级简单的基于 SVG 的实现(没有依赖项,~ 125 LOC)对于现代浏览器中显示的小图形来说应该足够好了。

As guruz mentioned, the JIT has several lovely graph/tree layouts, including quite appealing RGraph and HyperTree visualizations.

Also, I've just put up a super simple SVG-based implementation at github (no dependencies, ~125 LOC) that should work well enough for small graphs displayed in modern browsers.

断念 2024-07-11 17:42:12

免责声明:我是 Cytoscape.js 的开发人员

Cytoscape.js 是一个 HTML5 图形可视化库。 该 API 非常复杂,遵循 jQuery 约定,包括

  • 用于查询和过滤的选择器(cy.elements("node[weight >= 50].someClass") 的作用正如您所期望的那样)、
  • 链接 (例如 cy.nodes().unselect().trigger("mycustomevent")),
  • 类似 jQuery 的函数,用于绑定事件、
  • 元素作为集合(就像 jQuery 具有 HTMLDomElements 集合)、
  • 可扩展性(可以添加自定义布局、UI、核心和集合功能等)等等

如果您正在考虑构建一个带有图形的严肃的 Web 应用程序,您至少应该考虑 Cytoscape.js。 它是免费且开源的:

Disclaimer: I'm a developer of Cytoscape.js

Cytoscape.js is a HTML5 graph visualisation library. The API is sophisticated and follows jQuery conventions, including

  • selectors for querying and filtering (cy.elements("node[weight >= 50].someClass") does much as you would expect),
  • chaining (e.g. cy.nodes().unselect().trigger("mycustomevent")),
  • jQuery-like functions for binding to events,
  • elements as collections (like jQuery has collections of HTMLDomElements),
  • extensibility (can add custom layouts, UI, core & collection functions, and so on),
  • and more.

If you're thinking about building a serious webapp with graphs, you should at least consider Cytoscape.js. It's free and open-source:

烙印 2024-07-11 17:42:12


它是 JavaScript通过定向图形布局、SVG,您甚至可以拖动节点。 仍然需要一些调整,但完全可用。 您可以使用这样的 JavaScript 代码轻松创建节点和边:

var g = new Graph();
g.addEdge("strawberry", "cherry");
g.addEdge("cherry", "apple");
g.addEdge("id34", "cherry");

我使用了前面提到的 Raphael JS 库(graffle 示例)以及我在网上找到的基于力的图形布局算法的一些代码(一切都是开源的,MIT 许可证)。 如果您有任何意见或需要某个功能,我可以实现它,尽管问!

您可能还想看看其他项目! 以下是两个元比较:

  • SocialCompare 有广泛的库列表,“节点/边缘图”行将过滤图形可视化库。

  • 评估了许多库,包括节点/图库。 不幸的是,没有直接链接,因此您必须过滤“graph”:选择数据可视化.ch


纯 JavaScript 库

  • vis.js 支持多种类型的网络/边缘图,以及时间线和 2D/3D 图表。 自动布局、自动聚类、弹性物理引擎、移动设备友好、键盘导航、分层布局、动画等。 MIT 由一家专门研究自组织网络的荷兰公司授权和开发。

  • Cytoscape.js - 具有移动支持的交互式图形分析和可视化,遵循 jQuery 约定。 由 NIH 拨款资助,由 @maxkfranz 开发(请参阅 他的答案如下)在几所大学和其他组织的帮助下。

  • JavaScript InfoVis 工具包 - Jit,一个交互式、多用途图形绘制和布局框架。 例如,请参阅 双曲树 。 由 Twitter dataviz 架构师 Nicolas Garcia Belmonte2010 年由 Sencha 购买。

  • D3.js 强大的多用途JS可视化库,Protovis的继承者。 请参阅 力导向图 示例,以及 画廊

  • Plotly 的 JS 可视化库使用 D3.js 与 JS、Python、R 和 MATLAB 绑定。 请参阅 IPython 中的 nexworkx 示例此处,人机交互示例此处,以及 JS 嵌入 API

  • sigma.js 轻量级但功能强大的图形绘制库

  • jsPlumb 用于创建交互式连接图的 jQuery 插件

  • Springy - 一种力导向的图形布局算法

  • JS Graph It - 通过直线连接的拖放框。 线条的最小自动布局。

  • RaphaelJS 的 Graffle - 通用多用途矢量绘图库的交互式图形示例。 RaphaelJS 无法自动布局节点; 为此,您需要另一个库。

  • JointJS Core - David Durman 的 MPL 许可的开源图表库。 它可用于创建静态图表或完全交互式的图表工具和应用程序构建器。 适用于支持 SVG 的浏览器。 布局算法未包含在核心包中

  • mxGraph 以前的商业 HTML 5 图表库,现已可用在 Apache v2.0 下。 mxGraph 是 中使用的基础库。



  • Cytoscape Web 可嵌入 JS 网络查看器(没有计划新功能;由 Cytoscape.js 继承)

  • Canviz JS 渲染器,用于 Graphviz 图表。 已于 2013 年 9 月废弃

  • arbor.js 复杂的图形,具有良好的物理效果和养眼效果。 于 2012 年 5 月被废弃。存在多个半维护分叉。

  • jssvggraph “作为使用 SVG 对象的 Javascript 库实现的最简单的力定向图形布局算法”。 2012年被废弃。

  • jsdot 客户端图形绘制应用程序。 于 2011 年废弃

  • Protovis 用于可视化的图形工具包 (JavaScript)。 已替换为 d3。

  • Moo Wheel 用于连接和关系的交互式 JS 表示(2008)

  • JSViz 2007 时代的图形可视化脚本

  • dagre JavaScript 图形布局

非 Javascript 库

I've just put together what you may be looking for:

It's JavaScript with directed graph layouting, SVG and you can even drag the nodes around. Still needs some tweaking, but is totally usable. You create nodes and edges easily with JavaScript code like this:

var g = new Graph();
g.addEdge("strawberry", "cherry");
g.addEdge("cherry", "apple");
g.addEdge("id34", "cherry");

I used the previously mentioned Raphael JS library (the graffle example) plus some code for a force based graph layout algorithm I found on the net (everything open source, MIT license). If you have any remarks or need a certain feature, I may implement it, just ask!

You may want to have a look at other projects, too! Below are two meta-comparisons:

  • SocialCompare has an extensive list of libraries, and the "Node / edge graph" line will filter for graph visualization ones.

  • has evaluated many libraries, including node/graph ones. Unfortunately there's no direct link so you'll have to filter for "graph":Selection

Here's a list of similar projects (some have been already mentioned here):

Pure JavaScript Libraries

  • vis.js supports many types of network/edge graphs, plus timelines and 2D/3D charts. Auto-layout, auto-clustering, springy physics engine, mobile-friendly, keyboard navigation, hierarchical layout, animation etc. MIT licensed and developed by a Dutch firm specializing in research on self-organizing networks.

  • Cytoscape.js - interactive graph analysis and visualization with mobile support, following jQuery conventions. Funded via NIH grants and developed by by @maxkfranz (see his answer below) with help from several universities and other organizations.

  • The JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit - Jit, an interactive, multi-purpose graph drawing and layout framework. See for example the Hyperbolic Tree. Built by Twitter dataviz architect Nicolas Garcia Belmonte and bought by Sencha in 2010.

  • D3.js Powerful multi-purpose JS visualization library, the successor of Protovis. See the force-directed graph example, and other graph examples in the gallery.

  • Plotly's JS visualization library uses D3.js with JS, Python, R, and MATLAB bindings. See a nexworkx example in IPython here, human interaction example here, and JS Embed API.

  • sigma.js Lightweight but powerful library for drawing graphs

  • jsPlumb jQuery plug-in for creating interactive connected graphs

  • Springy - a force-directed graph layout algorithm

  • JS Graph It - drag'n'drop boxes connected by straight lines. Minimal auto-layout of the lines.

  • RaphaelJS's Graffle - interactive graph example of a generic multi-purpose vector drawing library. RaphaelJS can't layout nodes automatically; you'll need another library for that.

  • JointJS Core - David Durman's MPL-licensed open source diagramming library. It can be used to create either static diagrams or fully interactive diagramming tools and application builders. Works in browsers supporting SVG. Layout algorithms not-included in the core package

  • mxGraph Previously commercial HTML 5 diagramming library, now available under Apache v2.0. mxGraph is the base library used in

Commercial libraries

Abandoned libraries

  • Cytoscape Web Embeddable JS Network viewer (no new features planned; succeeded by Cytoscape.js)

  • Canviz JS renderer for Graphviz graphs. Abandoned in Sep 2013.

  • arbor.js Sophisticated graphing with nice physics and eye-candy. Abandoned in May 2012. Several semi-maintained forks exist.

  • jssvggraph "The simplest possible force directed graph layout algorithm implemented as a Javascript library that uses SVG objects". Abandoned in 2012.

  • jsdot Client side graph drawing application. Abandoned in 2011.

  • Protovis Graphical Toolkit for Visualization (JavaScript). Replaced by d3.

  • Moo Wheel Interactive JS representation for connections and relations (2008)

  • JSViz 2007-era graph visualization script

  • dagre Graph layout for JavaScript

Non-Javascript Libraries

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