我上周发送了 3 封电子邮件作为我们网站的回复。 没有人收到! 其中之一是雅虎、hotmail 和海外域名。 我想知道用我们的域名开设雅虎帐户作为用户只是为了回复潜在买家是否不是一个好主意。
I sent 3 emails last week as replies from our website. None received them! One was yahoo, hotmail and an overseas domain. I am wondering if it's not a good idea to open a yahoo account with our domain name as the user just to reply to prospective buyers.
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您的邮件服务器的 IP 可能已被列入黑名单。 这在共享服务器上很常见。
Your mail server's IP may have been black listed. This is common on shared servers.
首先,检查dnsbl.info,看看您的邮件服务器的IP是否被任何黑名单阻止。 如果是,请联系黑名单管理员以调查删除阻止的情况。
First, check dnsbl.info to see if your mailserver's IP is blocked by any of the blacklists. If they are, contact the blacklist administrator to investigate removing the block.
如果您的电子邮件对业务至关重要,那么您需要使用白帽托管公司提供专用服务器,控制 DNS 以设置您的 SPF/SenderID 记录,并向 Hotmail、AOL 和 Yahoo 邮局管理员注册以获得白名单和反馈循环。 其中大多数只接受专用服务器的请求,您可以 100% 控制它们发送的电子邮件。
如果您使用在线联系表单,请让人们重复输入他们的电子邮件地址并检查条目是否匹配 - 否则您将遇到无穷无尽的拼写错误,这些错误自然会导致您和您的客户无法投递并且令人沮丧。
If your email is business critical, then you need to get a dedicated server with a white-hat hosting company, control over DNS to set up your SPF/SenderID record, and to register with the Hotmail, AOL and Yahoo postmasters for whitelisting and feedback loops. Most of these will only accept requests for dedicated servers, where you have 100% control over the email they send.
If you are using an online contact form, make people double-enter their email address and check the entries match - otherwise you'll have no end of typos, which are naturally undeliverable and frustrating for both you and your customers.
您还可以尝试查看域名的 gmail。 这就是我使用的,到目前为止我还没有遇到任何垃圾邮件过滤器的问题。 另请确保您没有将邮件内容写入垃圾邮件过滤器可能将其标记为垃圾邮件的位置。 网上某处有一些指南。 我发现,通过从消息中删除“免费”一词,电子邮件开始发送(在我使用 gmail 之前)。
You could also try looking at gmail for domains. It's what I use and so far I haven't had a problem withany spam filters. Also make sure that you are not writing the content of the message to where a spam filter could flag it as spam. There's some guides on the net somewhere. I found out that by removing the word "free" from the message the emails started going though (before I was on gmail).