有哪些“好用”的东西? 动态铸造的例子?
We often hear/read that one should avoid dynamic casting. I was wondering what would be 'good use' examples of it, according to you?
Yes, I'm aware of that other thread: it is indeed when reading one of the first answers there that I asked my question!
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当通过 C 接口公开对象句柄时,它可用于一定程度的运行时类型安全。 让所有公开的类都继承自一个公共基类。 当接受函数句柄时,首先强制转换为基类,然后动态强制转换为您期望的类。 如果它们传递了一个无意义的句柄,那么当运行时找不到 rtti 时,您将收到异常。 如果它们传入了错误类型的有效句柄,您将得到一个 NULL 指针,并且可以抛出您自己的异常。 如果他们传递了正确的指针,那么你就可以开始了。
It can be used for a bit of run-time type-safety when exposing handles to objects though a C interface. Have all the exposed classes inherit from a common base class. When accepting a handle to a function, first cast to the base class, then dynamic cast to the class you're expecting. If they passed in a non-sensical handle, you'll get an exception when the run-time can't find the rtti. If they passed in a valid handle of the wrong type, you get a NULL pointer and can throw your own exception. If they passed in the correct pointer, you're good to go.
This isn't fool-proof, but it is certainly better at catching mistaken calls to the libraries than a straight reinterpret cast from a handle, and waiting until some data gets mysteriously corrupted when you pass the wrong handle in.
最近的这篇文章给出了一个例子,说明它在哪里派上用场。 有一个基本 Shape 类以及从它派生的 Circle 和 Rectangle 类。 在测试相等性时,很明显,圆形不能等于矩形,尝试比较它们将是一场灾难。 在迭代指向 Shapes 的指针集合时,dynamic_cast 具有双重职责,告诉您形状是否具有可比性,并为您提供适当的对象来进行比较。
This recent thread gives an example of where it comes in handy. There is a base Shape class and classes Circle and Rectangle derived from it. In testing for equality, it is obvious that a Circle cannot be equal to a Rectangle and it would be a disaster to try to compare them. While iterating through a collection of pointers to Shapes, dynamic_cast does double duty, telling you if the shapes are comparable and giving you the proper objects to do the comparison on.
Vector iterator not dereferencable
Where ContainerInterface 有基本有用的东西,但仅此而已。 如果我想要一个关于整数向量的特定算法而不暴露我的模板实现,那么接受接口对象并将其动态转换为实现中的 MyVector 是有用的。 示例:
我可以向 ContainerInterface 添加一个以多态方式解析的 Process() 方法,这将是一个更好的 OOP 方法,但有时我更喜欢这样做。 当您有简单的容器、大量的算法并且您希望隐藏实现时,dynamic_cast 提供了一个简单而丑陋的解决方案。
Here's something I do often, it's not pretty, but it's simple and useful.
I often work with template containers that implement an interface,
imagine something like
Where ContainerInterface has basic useful stuff, but that's all. If I want a specific algorithm on vectors of integers without exposing my template implementation, it is useful to accept the interface objects and dynamic_cast it down to MyVector in the implementation. Example:
I could add a Process() method to the ContainerInterface that would be polymorphically resolved, it would be a nicer OOP method, but I sometimes prefer to do it this way. When you have simple containers, a lot of algorithms and you want to keep your implementation hidden, dynamic_cast offers an easy and ugly solution.
You could also look at double-dispatch techniques.
我当前的玩具项目使用了两次dynamic_cast; 一次是为了解决 C++ 中缺乏多重分派的问题(这是一个访问者风格的系统,可以使用多重分派而不是动态类型转换),一次是为了特殊情况下的特定子类型。
在我看来,这两者都是可以接受的,尽管前者至少源于语言缺陷。 事实上,我认为这可能是一种常见的情况; 大多数dynamic_cast(以及一般的许多“设计模式”)都是针对特定语言缺陷的解决方法,而不是目标。
My current toy project uses dynamic_cast twice; once to work around the lack of multiple dispatch in C++ (it's a visitor-style system that could use multiple dispatch instead of the dynamic_casts), and once to special-case a specific subtype.
Both of these are acceptable, in my view, though the former at least stems from a language deficit. I think this may be a common situation, in fact; most dynamic_casts (and a great many "design patterns" in general) are workarounds for specific language flaws rather than something that aim for.
It is very useful, however, most of the times it is too useful: if for getting the job done the easiest way is to do a dynamic_cast, it's more often than not a symptom of bad OO design, what in turn might lead to trouble in the future in unforeseen ways.
如果能在 C# 中使用扩展方法那就太好了。
例如,假设我有一个对象列表,我想从中获取所有 id 的列表。 我可以单步执行所有代码并将它们拉出来,但我想将这些代码分段以供重用。
Well it would really be nice with extension methods in C#.
For example let's say I have a list of objects and I want to get a list of all ids from them. I can step through them all and pull them out but I would like to segment out that code for reuse.
so something like
would be cool except on the extension method you won't know the type that is coming in.
would be awesome.