sudo echo“某事” >>> /etc/privilegedFile 不起作用

发布于 2024-07-04 08:51:42 字数 255 浏览 5 评论 0原文

这是一个关于 Linux 中 sudo 权限的非常简单的问题,至少看起来应该如此。

很多时候,我只想将某些内容附加到 /etc/hosts 或类似文件,但最终无法做到,因为 >即使拥有 root 权限,>>> 也是不允许的。

有没有办法让这项工作无需 susudo su 进入 root ?

This is a pretty simple question, at least it seems like it should be, about sudo permissions in Linux.

There are a lot of times when I just want to append something to /etc/hosts or a similar file but end up not being able to because both > and >> are not allowed, even with root.

Is there someway to make this work without having to su or sudo su into root?

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晌融 2024-07-11 08:51:42

您还可以使用 moreutils 包中的 sponge,而不需要重定向输出(即,无需隐藏 tee 噪音):

echo 'Add this line' | sudo sponge -a privfile

You can also use sponge from the moreutils package and not need to redirect the output (i.e., no tee noise to hide):

echo 'Add this line' | sudo sponge -a privfile
甚是思念 2024-07-11 08:51:42

通过使用 sed -i $ a ,您可以附加文本,其中包含最后一行之后的变量和特殊字符。

例如,将 $NEW_HOST 和 $NEW_IP 添加到 /etc/hosts:

sudo sed -i "\$ a $NEW_IP\t\t$NEW_HOST.domain.local\t$NEW_HOST" /etc/hosts

sed 选项解释:

  • -i 表示就地
  • $ 最后一行
  • a 用于追加

By using sed -i with $ a , you can append text, containing both variables and special characters, after the last line.

For example, adding $NEW_HOST with $NEW_IP to /etc/hosts:

sudo sed -i "\$ a $NEW_IP\t\t$NEW_HOST.domain.local\t$NEW_HOST" /etc/hosts

sed options explained:

  • -i for in-place
  • $ for last line
  • a for append
悸初 2024-07-11 08:51:42

回声“你好世界”| (sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list)

echo 'Hello World' | (sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list)

往昔成烟 2024-07-11 08:51:42

回显文本| sudo dd status=无=特权文件
sudo dd status=none of=/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem <<<"4096 131072 1024000"

How about:
echo text | sudo dd status=none of=privilegedfile
I want to change /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem.
I did:
sudo dd status=none of=/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem <<<"4096 131072 1024000"
eliminates the echo with a single line document

茶色山野 2024-07-11 08:51:42


echo "export CATALINA_HOME="/opt/tomcat9"" >> /etc/environment


echo "export CATALINA_HOME="/opt/tomcat9"" |sudo tee /etc/environment

This worked for me:
original command

echo "export CATALINA_HOME="/opt/tomcat9"" >> /etc/environment

Working command

echo "export CATALINA_HOME="/opt/tomcat9"" |sudo tee /etc/environment
空城之時有危險 2024-07-11 08:51:42

您可以更改文件的所有权,然后在使用 cat >> 追加后将其更改回来吗?

sudo chown youruser /etc/hosts  
sudo cat /downloaded/hostsadditions >> /etc/hosts  
sudo chown root /etc/hosts  


Can you change the ownership of the file then change it back after using cat >> to append?

sudo chown youruser /etc/hosts  
sudo cat /downloaded/hostsadditions >> /etc/hosts  
sudo chown root /etc/hosts  

Something like this work for you?

南笙 2024-07-11 08:51:42

使用 Yoo 的答案,将其放入您的 ~/.bashrc 中:

sudoe() {
    [[ "$#" -ne 2 ]] && echo "Usage: sudoe <text> <file>" && return 1
    echo "$1" | sudo tee --append "$2" > /dev/null

现在您可以运行 sudoe 'deb blah # blah' /etc/apt/sources.list


一个更完整的版本,允许您通过管道输入文件或从文件重定向,并包含 -a 开关关闭附加(默认情况下处于打开状态):

sudoe() {
  if ([[ "$1" == "-a" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--no-append" ]]); then
    shift &>/dev/null || local failed=1
    local append="--append"

  while [[ $failed -ne 1 ]]; do
    if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
      text="$1"; shift &>/dev/null || break
      text="$(cat <&0)"

    [[ -z "$1" ]] && break
    echo "$text" | sudo tee $append "$1" >/dev/null; return $?

  echo "Usage: $0 [-a|--no-append] [text] <file>"; return 1

Using Yoo's answer, put this in your ~/.bashrc:

sudoe() {
    [[ "$#" -ne 2 ]] && echo "Usage: sudoe <text> <file>" && return 1
    echo "$1" | sudo tee --append "$2" > /dev/null

Now you can run sudoe 'deb blah # blah' /etc/apt/sources.list


A more complete version which allows you to pipe input in or redirect from a file and includes a -a switch to turn off appending (which is on by default):

sudoe() {
  if ([[ "$1" == "-a" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--no-append" ]]); then
    shift &>/dev/null || local failed=1
    local append="--append"

  while [[ $failed -ne 1 ]]; do
    if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
      text="$1"; shift &>/dev/null || break
      text="$(cat <&0)"

    [[ -z "$1" ]] && break
    echo "$text" | sudo tee $append "$1" >/dev/null; return $?

  echo "Usage: $0 [-a|--no-append] [text] <file>"; return 1
前事休说 2024-07-11 08:51:42

在 bash 中,您可以将 tee> 结合使用。 /dev/null 保持标准输出干净。

 echo "# comment" |  sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null

In bash you can use tee in combination with > /dev/null to keep stdout clean.

 echo "# comment" |  sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null
笑看君怀她人 2024-07-11 08:51:42


sudo tee -a  /path/file/to/create_with_text > /dev/null <<EOT 
line 1
line 2
line 3

Some user not know solution when using multiples lines.

sudo tee -a  /path/file/to/create_with_text > /dev/null <<EOT 
line 1
line 2
line 3
节枝 2024-07-11 08:51:42


sudo bash -c "cat <<EOIPFW >> /etc/ipfw.conf
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>

<plist version=\"1.0\">

I would note, for the curious, that you can also quote a heredoc (for large blocks):

sudo bash -c "cat <<EOIPFW >> /etc/ipfw.conf
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>

<plist version=\"1.0\">
不可一世的女人 2024-07-11 08:51:42
sudo sh -c "echo localhost >> /etc/hosts"
sudo sh -c "echo localhost >> /etc/hosts"
花之痕靓丽 2024-07-11 08:51:42


sudo sh -c "echo >> somefile"

应该有效果。 问题是> 和>> 由您的 shell 处理,而不是由“sudoed”命令处理,因此权限是您的权限,而不是您“sudoing”的用户的权限。


sudo sh -c "echo >> somefile"

should work. The problem is that > and >> are handled by your shell, not by the "sudoed" command, so the permissions are your ones, not the ones of the user you are "sudoing" into.

似最初 2024-07-11 08:51:42

问题是你的 shell 负责处理重定向。 它尝试使用您的权限打开文件,而不是您在 sudo 下运行的进程的权限。


sudo sh -c "echo 'something' >> /etc/privilegedFile"

The issue is that it's your shell that handles redirection; it's trying to open the file with your permissions not those of the process you're running under sudo.

Use something like this, perhaps:

sudo sh -c "echo 'something' >> /etc/privilegedFile"
洋洋洒洒 2024-07-11 08:51:42

问题是 shell 确实输出重定向,而不是 sudo 或 echo,因此这是以普通用户身份完成的。


sudo sh -c "echo 'something' >> /etc/privilegedfile"

The problem is that the shell does output redirection, not sudo or echo, so this is being done as your regular user.

Try the following code snippet:

sudo sh -c "echo 'something' >> /etc/privilegedfile"
要走干脆点 2024-07-11 08:51:42

使用tee --appendtee -a

echo 'deb blah ... blah' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list


为了避免将数据打印回控制台,请将输出重定向到 /dev/null。

echo 'deb blah ... blah' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null

请记住 (-a/--append) 标志!
只是 tee 的工作方式与 > 类似,并且会覆盖您的文件。 tee -a 的工作方式与 >> 类似,并将写入文件末尾。

Use tee --append or tee -a.

echo 'deb blah ... blah' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

Make sure to avoid quotes inside quotes.

To avoid printing data back to the console, redirect the output to /dev/null.

echo 'deb blah ... blah' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null

Remember about the (-a/--append) flag!
Just tee works like > and will overwrite your file. tee -a works like >> and will write at the end of the file.

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