将其刻录到 DVD 并从那里安装。 还要从 Visual Studio 中删除任何不需要的开发软件,例如 C++、VB.NET、Crystal Reports 等。
Burn it to a DVD and install it from there. Also remove any development software that you don't need from Visual Studio, such as C++, VB.NET, Crystal Reports, etc.
Since hard drives are very cheap these days, I would suggest buying a larger hard drive and installing VS on that drive.
You should never run your OS hard drive close to max capacity, this can seriously reduce the performance of your system.
Also, you may be able to install VS but I'm quite sure it'll use alot of disk space during install (temp files) and while you actually use VS (again temp files).
You can have Visual Studio install components onto a separate hard drive from your primary but be warned, you still end up with a lot of data on your primary drive.
I tried to install VS 2008 on a machine with 2gb of hard drive space on the primary and a lot of the secondary, you still end up with about 1gb on the primary though.
Try methods to clean up your hard drive, run the Disk Cleaner tool (I found 10gb of MS error emails the other day!). Also, try removing features you wont need, MSDN is a huge install but if you're always online google is just a few clicks away, if you aren't doing VB, don't install VB (or C#, or J#, etc).
将其刻录到 DVD 并从那里安装。 还要从 Visual Studio 中删除任何不需要的开发软件,例如 C++、VB.NET、Crystal Reports 等。
Burn it to a DVD and install it from there. Also remove any development software that you don't need from Visual Studio, such as C++, VB.NET, Crystal Reports, etc.
由于现在硬盘非常便宜,我建议购买一个更大的硬盘并在该驱动器上安装 VS。
另外,您也许可以安装 VS,但我很确定它会在安装过程中(临时文件)以及您实际使用 VS(再次临时文件)时使用大量磁盘空间。
Since hard drives are very cheap these days, I would suggest buying a larger hard drive and installing VS on that drive.
You should never run your OS hard drive close to max capacity, this can seriously reduce the performance of your system.
Also, you may be able to install VS but I'm quite sure it'll use alot of disk space during install (temp files) and while you actually use VS (again temp files).
为了防止其他人遇到此问题,我单独安装了 .Net 3.5 SP1 更新。 现在我只需要“仅”5045MB。
Just as an update in case anyone else has this problem, I installed the .Net 3.5 SP1 update separately. Now I'm down to "only" 5045MB required.
您可以让 Visual Studio 将组件安装到与主驱动器不同的单独硬盘上,但请注意,您最终仍会在主驱动器上保留大量数据。
我尝试在一台机器上安装 VS 2008,其主硬盘空间为 2GB,辅助硬盘空间大,但最终主硬盘空间仍约为 1GB。
尝试清理硬盘的方法,运行磁盘清理工具(前几天我发现了 10GB 的 MS 错误电子邮件!)。 另外,尝试删除你不需要的功能,MSDN 是一个巨大的安装,但如果你总是在线,谷歌只需点击几下,如果你不做 VB,不要安装 VB(或 C#,或 J# 等) )。
Scott Hanselman 最近发表了一篇关于在 Vista 中释放磁盘空间的文章:http://www.hanselman。 com/blog/GuideToFreeingUpDiskSpaceUnderWindowsVista.aspx
You can have Visual Studio install components onto a separate hard drive from your primary but be warned, you still end up with a lot of data on your primary drive.
I tried to install VS 2008 on a machine with 2gb of hard drive space on the primary and a lot of the secondary, you still end up with about 1gb on the primary though.
Try methods to clean up your hard drive, run the Disk Cleaner tool (I found 10gb of MS error emails the other day!). Also, try removing features you wont need, MSDN is a huge install but if you're always online google is just a few clicks away, if you aren't doing VB, don't install VB (or C#, or J#, etc).
Scott Hanselman has a recent post on freeing up disk space in Vista: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/GuideToFreeingUpDiskSpaceUnderWindowsVista.aspx