最好的 CSS 生成器语言?
在维护 CSS 时,重用 CSS 中的值(特别是颜色)一直是我的一个问题。 创建变量或提高 CSS 可维护性的最佳工具是什么?
Reusing values in CSS (particularly colors) has always been a problem for me when it comes to maintaining that CSS. What are the best tools for creating variables, or generally improving maintainability with CSS?
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See the answers to the following questions
我使用过 Sass 并认为它很棒。
I have used Sass and think it's great.
我还没有机会在项目中使用它,但是如果您碰巧在后端使用 PHP,Turbine 看起来很有希望。
I haven't had the chance to use it on a project yet, but if you happen to be using PHP for your backend, Turbine looks promising.