Display: 每个当前连接到系统中的显示器
Main Display: 当前的主显示设备
Mode: 是每个显示设备和系统之间连接后,系统自动生成的管理它的一个内存对象,分辨率是其中的一个部分,每个显示设备可能有好多mode,这些mode组成一个列表。
cd ~/Desktop
c++ screenresolution.m -framework ApplicationServices -o screenresolution -arch i386
- 获得帮助:~/Desktop/screenresolution -h
- 获得当前显示器的个数:~/Desktop/screenresolution -a
- 当前主显示器的分辨率:~/Desktop/screenresolution
- 获得当前第2个显示器的分辨率:~/Desktop/screenresolution 2
- 获得主显示器支持的分辨率列表:~/Desktop/screenresolution -l
- 获得第2个显示器支持的分辨率列表:~/Desktop/screenresolution -l 2
- 设置当前主显示器的分辨率为800x600:~/Desktop/screenresolution -s 800 600
- 设置第2个显示器的分辨率为800x600:~/Desktop/screenresolution -s 2 800 600
这个版本是为OS X 10.6以上版本做的. 在10.6系统上编译成功并运行成功;没有在10.5上编译过;10.6编译成功的执行命令,也没有在10.5系统上运行过-应该是无法运行的-谁有条件给测试一下。因为10.6把好多10.5里面的底层函数都改了。
- 没有考虑两个显示器mirro的状态
- 设置分辨率尽量使用系统列出的所支持的分辨率,否则设置可能不成功。
- 测试过的给个回信。
- 希望新功能的, 请说
- 这个程序主要是用来控制远程电脑的分辨率。
- 关注我的blog: http://blog.csdn.net/afatgoat
- 或者给我发email:tongliu2ca@gmail.com
- /*
- * screenresolution.m
- *
- * Description:
- * It set/get current Online display resolutions.
- *
- * Author:
- * Tony Liu, Copy Right Tony Liu 2011, All rights reserved.
- *
- * Version History:
- * 2011-06-01: add -a option.
- * 2011-06-08: Display adding flags and not display duplicate modes.
- * 2011-06-09: Adding set the best fit resolution function.
- *
- * c++ screenresolution.m -framework ApplicationServices -o screenresolution -arch i386
- *
- */
- #include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
- struct sLIST {
- double width, height;
- CGDisplayModeRef mode;
- };
- typedef int (*compfn)(const void*, const void*);
- void ListDisplays(uint32_t displayTotal);
- void ListDisplayAllMode (CGDirectDisplayID displayID, int index);
- void PrintUsage(const char *argv[]);
- void PrintModeParms (double width, double height, double depth, double freq, int flag);
- int GetModeParms (CGDisplayModeRef mode, double *width, double *height, double *depth, double *freq, int *flag);
- int GetDisplayParms(CGDirectDisplayID disp, double *width, double *height, double *depth, double *freq, int *flag);
- bool GetBestDisplayMod(CGDirectDisplayID display, double dwidth, double dheight);
- int modecompare(struct sLIST *elem1, struct sLIST *elem2);
- uint32_t maxDisplays = 20;
- CGDirectDisplayID onlineDisplayIDs[20];
- uint32_t displayTotal;
- char *sysFlags[]={"Unknown","Interlaced,", "Multi-Display,", "Not preset,", "Stretched,"};
- char flagString[200];
- int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
- {
- double width, height, depth, freq;
- int flag;
- int displayNum;
- CGDirectDisplayID theDisplay;
- // 1. Getting system info.
- if (CGGetOnlineDisplayList (maxDisplays, onlineDisplayIDs, &displayTotal) != kCGErrorSuccess) {
- printf("Error on getting online display List.");
- return -1;
- }
- if (argc == 1) {
- CGRect screenFrame = CGDisplayBounds(kCGDirectMainDisplay);
- CGSize screenSize = screenFrame.size;
- printf("%.0f %.0f\n", screenSize.width, screenSize.height);
- return 0;
- }
- if (! strcmp(argv[1],"-l")) {
- if (argc == 2) {
- ListDisplays(displayTotal);
- return 0;
- }
- else if (argc == 3) {
- displayNum = atoi(argv[2]);
- if (displayNum <= displayTotal && displayNum > 0) {
- ListDisplayAllMode (onlineDisplayIDs[displayNum-1], 0);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (! strcmp(argv[1],"-a")) {
- printf("Total online displays: %d\n", displayTotal);
- return 0;
- }
- if ((! strcmp(argv[1],"-?")) || (! strcmp(argv[1],"-h"))) {
- PrintUsage(argv);
- return 0;
- }
- if (! strcmp(argv[1],"-s")) {
- if (argc == 4) {
- displayNum = 1; width = atoi(argv[2]); height = atoi(argv[3]);
- }
- else if (argc == 5) {
- displayNum = atoi(argv[2]); width = atoi(argv[3]); height = atoi(argv[4]);
- }
- if (displayNum <= displayTotal)
- flag = GetBestDisplayMod(displayNum-1, width, height);
- return flag;
- }
- displayNum = atoi(argv[1]);
- if (displayNum <= displayTotal) {
- GetDisplayParms(onlineDisplayIDs[displayNum-1], &width, &height, &depth, &freq, &flag);
- PrintModeParms (width, height, depth, freq, flag);
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: display number out of bounds; displays on this mac: %d.\n", displayTotal);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void ListDisplays(uint32_t displayTotal)
- {
- uint32_t i;
- CGDisplayModeRef mode;
- double width, height, depth, freq;
- int flag;
- // CGDirectDisplayID mainDisplay = CGMainDisplayID();
- printf("Total Online Displays: %d\n", displayTotal);
- for (i = 0 ; i < displayTotal ; i++ ) {
- printf (" Display %d (id %d): ", i+1, onlineDisplayIDs[i]);
- GetDisplayParms(onlineDisplayIDs[i], &width, &height, &depth, &freq, &flag);
- if ( i = 0 ) printf(" (main) ");
- PrintModeParms (width, height, depth, freq, flag);
- }
- }
- void ListDisplayAllMode (CGDirectDisplayID displayID, int iNum)
- {
- CFArrayRef modeList;
- CGDisplayModeRef mode;
- CFIndex index, count;
- double width, height, depth, freq;
- int flag;
- double width1, height1, depth1, freq1;
- int flag1;
- modeList = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes (displayID, NULL);
- if (modeList == NULL) return;
- count = CFArrayGetCount (modeList);
- width1=0; height1=0; depth1=0; freq1=0; flag1=0;
- if (iNum <= 0) {
- for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
- {
- mode = (CGDisplayModeRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (modeList, index);
- GetModeParms(mode, &width, &height, &depth, &freq, &flag);
- PrintModeParms (width, height, depth, freq, flag);
- }
- }
- else if (iNum <= count) {
- mode = (CGDisplayModeRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (modeList, iNum-1);
- GetModeParms(mode, &width, &height, &depth, &freq, &flag);
- PrintModeParms (width, height, depth, freq, flag);
- }
- CFRelease(modeList);
- }
- void PrintModeParms (double width, double height, double depth, double freq, int flag)
- {
- printf ("%ld x %ld x %ld @ %ld Hz, <%d>\n", (long int)width, (long int)height, (long int)depth, (long int)freq, flag);
- }
- int GetDisplayParms(CGDirectDisplayID disp, double *width, double *height, double *depth, double *freq, int *flag)
- {
- int iReturn=0;
- CGDisplayModeRef Mode = CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(disp);
- iReturn = GetModeParms (Mode, width, height, depth, freq, flag);
- CGDisplayModeRelease (Mode);
- return iReturn;
- }
- int GetModeParms (CGDisplayModeRef Mode, double *width, double *height, double *depth, double *freq, int *sflag)
- {
- *width = CGDisplayModeGetWidth (Mode);
- *height = CGDisplayModeGetHeight (Mode);
- *freq = CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate (Mode);
- CFStringRef pixelEncoding = CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding (Mode);
- *depth = 0;
- if (pixelEncoding = NULL) return -1;
- if (pixelEncoding = CFSTR(IO32BitDirectPixels))
- *depth = 32;
- else if (pixelEncoding = CFSTR(IO16BitDirectPixels))
- *depth = 16;
- else *depth = 8;
- *sflag = CGDisplayModeGetIOFlags(Mode);
- CFRelease(pixelEncoding);
- return 0;
- }
- bool GetBestDisplayMod(CGDirectDisplayID display, double dwidth, double dheight)
- {
- CFArrayRef modeList;
- CGDisplayModeRef mode;
- CFIndex index, count, sindex, scount=0;
- double width, height, depth, freq;
- double width1, height1, depth1, freq1;
- int flag, flag1;
- struct sLIST mList[100];
- int ireturn=0;
- modeList = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes (display, NULL);
- if (modeList == NULL) return;
- count = CFArrayGetCount (modeList);
- scount=0;
- for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
- {
- mode = (CGDisplayModeRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (modeList, index);
- GetModeParms(mode, &width, &height, &depth, &freq, &flag);
- // printf("........ scount=%d\n", (int)scount);
- if (!((width==width1) && (height==height1) && (depth==depth1) && (freq==freq1) && (flag==flag1))) {
- if (CGDisplayModeIsUsableForDesktopGUI(mode)) {
- mList[scount].mode=mode; mList[scount].width=width; mList[scount].height=height;
- width1=width; height1=height; depth1=depth; freq1=freq; flag1=flag;
- scount++;
- }
- }
- }
- mode=NULL;
- qsort ((void *) mList, scount, sizeof(struct sLIST), (compfn) modecompare);
- for (index=0; index<scount; index++)
- {
- if (mList[index].width >= dwidth) {
- if (mList[index].height >= dheight) {
- mode = mList[index].mode;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- CGDisplayConfigRef pConfigRef;
- CGConfigureOption option=kCGConfigurePermanently;
- if ((mode != NULL) && (CGBeginDisplayConfiguration(&pConfigRef) == kCGErrorSuccess)) {
- CGConfigureDisplayWithDisplayMode(pConfigRef, display, mode, NULL);
- if (CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration (pConfigRef, option) !=kCGErrorSuccess) CGCancelDisplayConfiguration (pConfigRef);
- }
- else ireturn = -1;
- CFRelease(modeList);
- return ireturn;
- }
- int modecompare(struct sLIST *elem1, struct sLIST *elem2)
- {
- if ( elem1->width < elem2->width)
- return -1;
- else if (elem1->width > elem2->width) return 1;
- if (elem1->height < elem2->height) return -1;
- else if (elem1->height > elem2->height) return 1;
- else return 0;
- }
- void PrintUsage(const char *argv[])
- {
- char *fname = strrchr(argv[0], '/')+1;
- printf("Screen Resolution v1.0, Mac OS X 10.6 or later, i386\n");
- printf("Copyright 2010 Tony Liu. All rights reserved. June 1, 2010\n");
- printf("\nUsage:");
- printf(" %s -a\n", fname);
- printf(" %s [-l] [1..9]\n", fname);
- printf(" %s -s [ 1..9 ] hor_res vert_res\n", fname);
- printf(" %s -? | -h this help.\n\n", fname);
- printf(" -l list resolution, depth and refresh rate\n");
- printf(" 1..9 display # (default: main display)\n");
- printf(" -l 1-9 List all support for the display #\n");
- printf(" -s Set mode.\n");
- printf(" hor_res horizontal resolution\n");
- printf("vert_res vertical resolution\n\n");
- printf("Examples:\n");
- printf("%s -a get online display number\n", fname);
- printf("%s get current main diplay resolution\n", fname);
- printf("%s 3 get current resolution of third display\n", fname);
- printf("%s -l get resolution, bit depth and refresh rate of all displays\n", fname);
- printf("%s -l 1 get first display all supported mode\n", fname);
- printf("%s -l 1 2 get first display the second supported mode\n", fname);
- printf("%s -s 800 600 set resolution of main display to 800x600\n", fname);
- printf("%s -s 2 800 600 set resolution of secondary display to 800x600\n", fname);
- }
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本帖最后由 tonyliu2ca 于 2012-09-28 17:04 编辑
回复 1# tonyliu2ca
It supports 10.8.x, tested.
注:源代码已经移植到Github, 在这里