在 F# 中管理 DirectX
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- #load @"BindAsLegacyV2Runtime.fs"
- // adjust these as needed for your latest installed version of ManagedDirectX
- #I @"C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETDirectX for Managed Code1.0.2902.0"
- #I @"C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETDirectX for Managed Code1.0.2903.0"
- #I @"C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETDirectX for Managed Code1.0.2904.0"
- #I @"C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETDirectX for Managed Code1.0.2907.0"
- #r @"Microsoft.DirectX.dll"
- #r @"Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll"
- #r @"Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3Dx.dll"
- #load @"dxlib.fs"
- open System
- open System.Drawing
- open System.Windows.Forms
- open Microsoft.DirectX
- open Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
- open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.CommonExtensions
- open Sample.DirectX
- open Sample.DirectX.MathOps
- open Sample.DirectX.VectorOps
- let form = new SmoothForm(Visible = true, TopMost = true,
- Text = "F# surface plot",
- ClientSize = Size(600,400),
- FormBorderStyle=FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle)
- let renderer = new DirectXRenderer(form)
- renderer.DrawScene.Add(fun _ -> renderer.DrawCubeAxis())
- renderer.DrawScene.Add(fun _ -> renderer.SetupLights())
- let mutable view =
- { YawPitchRoll = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
- Focus = scale 0.5f (X1 + Y1 + Z1);
- Zoom = 4.0 }
- renderer.DrawScene.Add(fun _ -> renderer.SetView(view))
- let mouseTrack = MouseTracker(form)
- mouseTrack.Add(fun (a,b) ->
- let view2 =
- let dx = b.X - a.X
- let dy = b.Y - a.Y
- match b.Button, Form.ModifierKeys with
- | MouseButtons.Left, Keys.Shift -> view.AdjustZoom(dx,dy)
- | MouseButtons.Left, _ -> view.AdjustYawPitchRoll(dx,dy)
- | _ -> view.AdjustFocus(dx,dy)
- view <- view2
- )
- let mutable ff = (fun (t:float32) x y -> x * (1.0f - y))
- /// Z-range
- let mutable range = (0.0f,1.0f)
- /// XY-mesh
- let mutable mesh = BaseMesh.Grid(20,20)
- //mesh
- // Scale w.r.t. range ...
- let scalef (min,max) (z:float32) = (z-min) / (max-min)
- // Get the function and scale it
- let theFunction t x y = ff t x y |> scalef range
- renderer.DrawScene.Add(fun t -> renderer.DrawSurface mesh (theFunction t))
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // PART 2 - change the function
- ff <- (fun t x y -> sqr (x - 0.5f) * sqr (y - 0.5f) * 16.0f)
- ff <- (fun t x y -> 0.5f * sin(x * 4.5f + t / 2.0f) * cos(y * 8.0f) * x + 0.5f)
- range <- (-1.0f,1.0f)
- range <- (0.0f,1.0f)
- let ripple t x y =
- let x,y = x - 0.5f,y - 0.5f
- let r = sqrt (x*x + y*y)
- exp(-5.0f * r) * sin(6.0f * pi * r + t) + 0.5f
- ff <- ripple
- mesh <- BaseMesh.Grid (50,50)
- mesh <- BaseMesh.Grid (20,20)
- let surfacePoint f x y = Vector3(x,y,f x y)
- let surfaceNormal f x y =
- let dx,dy = 0.01f,0.01f
- let pA = surfacePoint f x y
- let pA_dx = surfacePoint f (x+dx) y - pA
- let pA_dy = surfacePoint f x (y+dy) - pA
- normalize (cross pA_dx pA_dy)
- let gravity = Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,-9.81f)
- // A ball is a pair of position/velocity vectors
- type ball = Ball of Vector3 * Vector3
- let radiusA = 0.010f
- let radiusB = 0.005f
- let moveBall f timeDelta (Ball (position,velocity)) =
- let nHat = surfaceNormal f position.X position.Y
- let acc = planeProject nHat gravity // acceleration in plane
- let velocity = planeProject nHat velocity // velocity in plane
- // Compute the new position
- let position = position + Vector3.Scale(velocity,timeDelta) // iterate
- let velocity = velocity + Vector3.Scale(acc ,timeDelta) // iterate
- // Handle the bounce!
- let bounce (p,v) =
- if (p < 0.0f + radiusA) then (2.0f * (0.0f + radiusA) - p,-v)
- elif (p > 1.0f - radiusA) then (2.0f * (1.0f - radiusA) - p,-v)
- else (p,v)
- let px,vx = bounce (position.X,velocity.X) // bounce X edges
- let py,vy = bounce (position.Y,velocity.Y) // bounce Y edges
- let position = surfacePoint f px py // keep to surface
- let velocity = Vector3 (vx,vy,velocity.Z)
- let velocity = planeProject nHat velocity // velocity in plane
- Ball (position,velocity)
- let drawBall t (Ball (p,v)) =
- let n = surfaceNormal (theFunction t) p.X p.Y
- // position XY-projection
- let p0 = Vector3(p.X,p.Y,0.0f)
- // unit velocity XY-projection
- let pV = Vector3(v.X,v.Y,0.0f)
- // and it's XY-perpendicular
- let pVxZ = Vector3.Cross(pV,Z1)
- // vertical line
- renderer.DrawLines (Array.map (Vertex.Colored Color.Gray) [| p0;p |])
- // velocity arrow on floor
- renderer.DrawPlaneArrow Z1 p0 pV
- // normal arrow at point
- renderer.DrawPlaneArrow (cross n X1) p (scale 0.8f n)
- renderer.Device.Transform.World <-
- (let m = Matrix.LookAtLH(p + scale radiusB n,p+n,X1)
- Matrix.Invert(m))
- // Now draw the mesh
- using (Mesh .Torus(renderer.Device,radiusB,radiusA,20,20)) (fun mesh ->
- mesh.ComputeNormals()
- mesh.DrawSubset(0))
- renderer.Device.Transform.World <- Matrix.Identity
- let mutable active = [] : ball list
- let addBall ball = active <- (ball :: active)
- let drawBalls t = active |> List.iter(drawBall t)
- let mutable timeDelta = 0.008f
- let moveBalls t =
- let active' = active |> List.map (moveBall (theFunction t) timeDelta)
- active <- active'
- //timeDelta <- 0.014f
- renderer.DrawScene.Add(fun t -> moveBalls t)
- renderer.DrawScene.Add(fun t -> drawBalls t)
- let bowl t x y =
- let f phi u = ((1.0f + cos(2.0f * pi * u + phi )) / 2.0f)
- f t x * f 0.0f y + 1.0f
- range <- (0.0f,2.0f)
- ff <- (fun t -> bowl 0.0f)
- // Second, add a ball
- addBall (Ball (Vector3(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f),
- Vector3(0.6f,0.5f,0.0f)))
- // Add a ball train.
- Async.Start
- (async { for i in 0 .. 6 do
- do addBall (Ball (Vector3(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f),
- Vector3(0.6f,0.5f,0.0f)))
- do! Async.Sleep(100) })
- // Now move the floor!
- let mutable rate = 0.25f
- ff <- (fun t x y -> bowl (rate * t) x y)
- rate <- 1.0f
- rate <- 2.0f
- ff <- ripple
- range <- (0.0f,1.0f)
- mesh <- BaseMesh.Grid (30,30)
- []
- do Application.Run(form)
- do Application.Exit()
- #endif
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