Current settings:
OutputDevice: pxlmono
Margins: [0.0 0.0]
.Hwmargins: [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]
./MarginsHWResolution: [600.0 600.0]
PageOffset: [0 0]
PageSize: [595 842]
Graphics alignment:
Let the distance in inches from the left edge of the page to the vertical line be H,and from the bottom edge to the horizontal line be V.You may define the alignment of your page to the paper by with
<</Margins[x y]>>setpagedevice
x=(1-H)*600.0, y=(V-1)*600.0
If set correctly the drawn arrows should extend into the papers corners(not the clipping corners). After archieving that ,you may continue with the clipping edges.
The clipping edges may be set by
<<./HWMargins[ml mb mr mt]>>setpagedevice
where[ml mb mr mt] are the distances of the clipped edges of your graphics relative to the papers edges (left bottom right top) measured in 1/72 inches. The wedge shaped rules may be used to define these values very accurately as its intersections are in 1/72 inches. Take the value at the cutoff point from the scale to the next clockwise edge.
Start setting the margin values to all zero to see the natural hardware clipping of your printer .You should then define the margins just as big enough to keep the defined margins within your printers real hardware clipping.This is archieved if you can see the thin line drawn all around your defined margin. In addition the thin drawn arrows are just touching the margin adn should be totally visible.
When you put this settings into your inititialzing file "gs_init.ps"
you may want to apply this setting to a scpecific printer device only.Here is an example of a printer specific setup:
<</ljet4<< %make entries for some device
/.HWMargins[16.0 13.2 13 11.1]
/Margins [-132 -92]
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where[ml mb mr mt] are the distances of the clipped edges of your graphics relative to the papers edges (left bottom right top) measured in 1/72 inches.
是图像的边界到页面的边界的距离,1/72英寸为单位。ml中l表示 left。其他的mb表示bottom。 (left bottom right top)
Margins[x y]上面也有说,要不你去搜索一下中文的说明
有知道设置 其中的 [ml mb mr mt] 与Margins[x y]的值的高手吗?