A non-empty zero-indexed array A containing N different integers is given. We are looking for the longest possible sequence built from elements of A, A[B[0]], A[B[1]], ..., A[B[K]], satisfying the following conditions:
The sequence must be decreasing; that is, A[B[0]] > A[B[1]] > ... > A[B[K]].
For any two consecutive elements of the sequence, A[B[I]] and A[B[I+1]], all the elements of A between them must be smaller than them; that is, for any J = MIN(B[I], B[I+1]) + 1, ..., MAX(B[I], B[I+1]) ? 1, we have A[J] < A[B[I+1]].
Write a function:
def sequence(A)
that, given a zero-indexed array A containing N different integers, computes the maximum length of a sequence satisfying the above conditions.
For example, for the following array A:
A[0] = 9 A[1] = 10 A[2] = 2
A[3] = -1 A[4] = 3 A[5] = -5
A[6] = 0 A[7] = -3 A[8] = 1
A[9] = 12 A[10] = 5 A[11] = 8
A[12] = -2 A[13] = 6 A[14] = 4
the function should return 6.
A sequence of length 6 satisfying the given conditions can be as follows:
A[9] = 12 A[1] = 10 A[4] = 3
A[8] = 1 A[6] = 0 A[7] = -3
Assume that:
the elements of A are all distinct;
N is an integer within the range [1..100,000];
each element of array A is an integer within the range [?1,000,000,000..1,000,000,000].
expected worst-case time complexity is O(N);
expected worst-case space complexity is O(N), beyond input storage (not counting the storage required for input arguments).
Elements of input arrays can be modified.
def getMaxIndex(arr, min, max):
mid = min
maxValue = arr[min]
for index in range(min,max+1):
if arr[index] > maxValue:
mid = index
maxValue = arr[mid]
print str(index) + "****" + str(mid) +"-----" + str(max) + "====" + str(maxValue)
print "----" + str(mid)
return mid
def maxL(arr, min, max):
if min == max:
return 1
if (max - min) == 1:
return 2
mid = getMaxIndex(arr, min, max)
if mid == max:
return maxL(arr, min, mid-1)+1
if mid == min:
return maxL(arr, mid+1, max)+1
tmpA = maxL(arr, min, mid-1)
tmpB = maxL(arr, mid+1, max)
print "++++" + str(tmpA) + "+++" + str(tmpB)
if tmpA > tmpB:
return tmpA+1
return tmpB+1
testArr = [9, 10, 2, -1, 3, -5, 0, -3, 1, 12, 5, 8, -2, 6, 4]
print maxL(testArr, 0, len(testArr)-1)
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方便起见,对任意的i,如果B[i] < B[i+1],称为数列在i处“向右”;否则称为数列在i处“向左”。
考虑任意一个满足条件的B[K],一定存在某个m,使得:m = K,或者B[m] > B[m+1](也就是说,B[k]从第m项开始向左拐了)。记所有这样的m中间最小的为M,那么一定有:
B[i] < B[i+1], 对任意i < M
M = K,或者B[M] > B[M+1]
对于所有的n,0 <= n < N,定义满足条件:B[0] = n的题目中描述的B[k]序列的长度(即K+1)最大的序列为“n起始最大子递减序列”,记为F[n];
进一步,如果B[0] = n,且K=0或者B[1] > n,满足该条件的所有B[k]序列长度的最大值为“n起始最大向右递减序列”,记为F1[n];相似的,如果K=0或者B[1] < n,满足条件的所有B[k]序列长度最大的序列为“n起始最大向左递减序列”,记为F2[n]。
显然有F[n] = max(F1[n], F2[n])
对所有的n,0 <= n < N,定义满足条件:B[K] = n,且对所有0 <= i < K,有B[i] < B[i+1](即连续向右)的题目中描述的B[K]序列的长度(即K+1)最大的序列为“n终结最大连续向右递减序列”,记为G[n]。
显然对于任意的n,如果B[K] = n,则B[K-1]是唯一确定的。进一步地不难发现,G[n]是由G[n-1]中大于A[n]的部分,再加上A[n]组成。
因此有所求答案 = max_n{ |G[n]| + |F2[n]| - 1},其中|G[n]| |F2[n]|表示序列长度
而同时,如果B[I] = n,B[I+1] < n,则B[I+1]可以取的位置只有有限多个,恰好是G[n-1]中,小于A[n]的部分。
int stack[MAX_N][2]; //满足空间O(n)的条件
int stackptr = 0;
int maxL = 0; //最终结果
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
int F2, F = 0;
//F 记录F[G[m]],即堆栈中的数的最大递减序列长度。由向左递减和向右递减中的最大值得到;而向右递减是利用G自身的性质计算。
//F2 记录F2[i],即i起始最大向左递减序列长度;它由F求得。
while(stackptr > 0 && stack[stackptr-1][0] < A[n])
if(F + 1 > stack[stackptr-1][1])
F = F + 1;
F = stack[stackptr-1][1];
F2 = F + 1;
if(F2 + stackptr > maxL)
maxL = F2 + stackptr;
stack[stackptr][0] = A[n];
stack[stackptr][1] = F2;