- $()
- $.camelCase v1.0+
- $.contains v1.0+
- $.each
- $.extend
- $.fn
- $.grep v1.0+
- $.inArray v1.0+
- $.isArray
- $.isFunction
- $.isPlainObject v1.0+
- $.isWindow v1.0+
- $.map
- $.parseJSON v1.0+
- $.trim v1.0+
- $.type v1.0+
- add
- addClass
- after
- append
- appendTo
- attr
- before
- children
- clone v1.0+
- closest
- concat
- contents v1.0+
- css
- data
- each
- empty
- eq
- filter
- find
- first
- forEach
- get
- has v1.0+
- hasClass
- height
- hide
- html
- index
- indexOf
- insertAfter
- insertBefore
- is
- last
- map
- next
- not
- offset
- offsetParent v1.0+
- parent
- parents
- pluck
- position v1.0+
- prepend
- prependTo
- prev
- prop v1.0+
- push
- ready
- reduce
- remove
- removeAttr
- removeClass
- replaceWith
- scrollLeft v1.1+
- scrollTop v1.0+
- show
- siblings
- size
- slice
- text
- toggle
- toggleClass
- unwrap
- val
- width
- wrap
- wrapAll
- wrapInner
- Detect module
- $.Event
- $.proxy v1.0+
- bind
- delegate
- die
- event.isDefaultPrevented v1.1+
- event.isImmediatePropagationStopped v1.1+
- event.isPropagationStopped v1.1+
- live
- off
- on
- one
- trigger
- triggerHandler
- unbind
- undelegate
- $.ajax
- $.ajaxJSONP
- $.ajaxSettings
- $.get
- $.getJSON
- $.param
- $.post
- load
- serialize
- serializeArray
- submit
- $.fx
- animate
- Touch events
- 前言
$.proxy v1.0+
$.proxy(fn, context) ⇒ function
$.proxy(fn, context, [additionalArguments...]) ⇒ function v1.1.4+
$.proxy(context, property) ⇒ function
$.proxy(context, property, [additionalArguments...]) ⇒ function v1.1.4+
如果传递超过2个的额外参数,它们被用于 传递给fn参数的函数 引用。
var obj = {name: 'Zepto'},handler = function(){ console.log("hello from + ", this.name) }
// ensures that the handler will be executed in the context of `obj`:
$(document).on('click', $.proxy(handler, obj))
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