- 第一章 SystemVerilog导论
- 第二章 文本值
- 第三章 数据类型
- 第四章 数组
- 第五章 数据声明
- 第六章 属性
- 第七章 操作符与表达式
- 第八章 过程语句和控制流
- 第九章 进程
- 第十章 任务与函数
- 第十一章 类
- 第十二章 随机约束
- 第十三章 进程间的同步与通信
- 第十四章 调度语义
- 第十五章 时钟控制块
- 第十六章 程序块
- 第十七章 断言
- 第十八章 层次
- 第十九章 接口
- 第二十章 覆盖
- 第二十一章 参数
- 第二十二章 配置库
- 第二十三章 系统任务与系统函数
- 23.1 简介(一般信息)
- 23.2 确立时的typeof函数
- 23.3 typename函数
- 23.4 表达式尺寸系统函数
- 23.5 范围系统函数
- 23.6 Shortreal转换
- 23.7 数组查询系统函数
- 23.8 断言严重性系统任务
- 23.9 断言控制系统任务
- 23.10 断言系统函数
- 23.11 随机数系统函数
- 23.12 程序控制
- 23.13 覆盖系统函数
- 23.14 对Verilog-2001系统任务的增强
- 23.15 $readmemb与$readmemh
- 23.16 $writememb and $writememh
- 23.17 File format considerations for multi-dimensional unpacked arrays
- 23.18 System task arguments for multi-dimensional unpacked arrays
- 第二十四章 VCD数据
- 第二十五章 编译器指令
- 第二十六章 考虑从SystemVerilog中删除的功能
- 第二十七章 直接编程接口(DPI)
- 27.1 概述
- 27.2 Two layers of the DPI
- 27.3 Global name space of imported and exported functions
- 27.4 导入的任务和函数
- 27.5 Calling imported functions
- 27.6 Exported functions
- 27.7 Exported tasks
- 27.8 Disabling DPI tasks and functions
- 第二十八章 SystemVerilog断言API
- 第二十九章 SystemVerilog覆盖API
- 29.1 需求
- 29.2 SystemVerilog real-time coverage access
- 29.3 FSM recognition
- 29.3.1 Specifying the signal that holds the current state
- 29.3.2 Specifying the part-select that holds the current state
- 29.3.3 Specifying the concatenation that holds the current state
- 29.3.4 Specifying the signal that holds the next state
- 29.3.5 Specifying the current and next state signals in the same declaration
- 29.3.6 Specifying the possible states of the FSM
- 29.3.7 Pragmas in one-line comments
- 29.3.8 Example
- 29.4 VPI coverage extensions
- 第三十章 SystemVerilog数据读API
- 30.1 简介(一般信息)
- 30.2 需求
- 30.3 Extensions to VPI enumerations
- 30.4 VPI object type additions
- 30.5 Object model diagrams
- 30.6 Usage extensions to VPI routines
- 30.7 VPI routines added in SystemVerilog
- 30.8 Reading data
- 30.9 Optionally unloading the data
- 30.10 Reading data from multiple databases and/or different read library providers
- 30.11 VPI routines extended in SystemVerilog
- 30.12 VPI routines added in SystemVerilog
- 30.12.1 VPI reader routines
- 第三十一章 SystemVerilog VPI Object Model
- 31.1 简介(一般信息)
- 31.2 Instance
- 31.3 Interface
- 31.4 Program
- 31.5 Module (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.1)
- 31.6 Modport
- 31.7 Interface tf decl
- 31.8 Ports (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.5)
- 31.9 Ref Obj
- 31.9.1 Examples
- 31.10 Variables (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 section 26.6.8)
- 31.11 Var Select (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.8)
- 31.12 Typespec
- 31.13 Variable Drivers and Loads (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.23)
- 31.14 Instance Arrays (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.2)
- 31.15 Scope (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.3)
- 31.16 IO Declaration (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.4)
- 31.17 Clocking Block
- 31.18 Class Object Definition
- 31.19 Constraint, constraint ordering, distribution,
- 31.20 Constraint expression
- 31.21 Class Variables
- 31.22 Structure/Union
- 31.23 Named Events (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.11)
- 31.24 Task, Function Declaration (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.18)
- 31.25 Alias Statement
- 31.25.1 Examples
- 31.26 Frames (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.20)
- 31.27 Threads
- 31.28 tf call (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.19)
- 31.29 Module path, path term (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.15)
- 31.30 Concurrent assertions
- 31.31 Property Decl
- 31.32 Property Specification
- 31.33 Multiclock Sequence Expression
- 31.34 Sequence Declaration
- 31.35 Sequence Expression
- 31.36 Attribute (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.42)
- 31.37 Atomic Statement (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27)
- 31.38 If, if else, return, case, do while (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.35, 26.6.36)
- 31.39 waits, disables, expect, foreach (supersedes IEEE 1364 26.6.38)
- 31.40 Simple expressions (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.25)
- 31.41 Expressions (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.26)
- 31.42 Event control (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.30)
- 31.43 Event stmt (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27)
- 31.44 Process (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.27)
- 31.45 Assignment (supersedes IEEE 1364-2001 26.6.28)
- 附录A 形式语法
- A.1 源文本
- A.2 声明
- A.3 Primitive instances
- A.4 Module, interface and generated instantiation
- A.5 UDP declaration and instantiation
- A.6 Behavioral statements
- A.6.1 Continuous assignment and net alias statements
- A.6.2 Procedural blocks and assignments
- A.6.3 Parallel and sequential blocks
- A.6.4 Statements
- A.6.5 Timing control statements
- A.6.6 Conditional statements
- A.6.7 Case statements
- A.6.8 Looping statements
- A.6.9 Subroutine call statements
- A.6.10 Assertion statements
- A.6.11 Clocking block
- A.6.12 Randsequence
- A.7 Specify section
- A.8 Expressions
- A.9 General
- A.10 Footnotes (normative)
- 附录B 关键字
- 附录C 标准包
- 附录D 链表
- 附录E DPI C-layer
- E.1 概述
- E.2 Naming conventions
- E.3 Portability
- E.4 Include files
- E.5 Semantic constraints
- E.6 Data types
- E.7 Argument passing modes
- E.8 Context tasks and functions
- E.9 Include files
- E.10 Arrays
- E.11 Open arrays
- E.11.1 Actual ranges
- E.11.2 Array querying functions
- E.11.3 Access functions
- E.11.4 Access to the actual representation
- E.11.5 Access to elements via canonical representation
- E.11.6 Access to scalar elements (bit and logic)
- E.11.7 Access to array elements of other types
- E.11.8 Example 4— two-dimensional open array
- E.11.9 Example 5 — open array
- E.11.10 Example 6 — access to packed arrays
- E.11.11 Example 7 — binary compatible calls of exported functions
- 附录F 包含文件
- 附录G 包含外部语言代码
- 附录H 并发断言的形式语义
- 附录I svvpiuser.h
- 附录J 术语表
- 附录K 参考书目
- 其他
20.4 定义覆盖点
A covergroup can contain one or more coverage points. A coverage point can be an integral variable or an integral expression. Each coverage point includes a set of bins associated with its sampled values or its valuetransitions. The bins can be explicitly defined by the user or automatically created by SystemVerilog. The syntax for specifying coverage points is given below.
cover_point ::= // from Annex A.2.11 [cover_point_identifer :] coverpoint expression [iff(expression)] bins_or_empty bins_or_empty ::= {{attribute_instance} {bins_or_options;}} | ; bins_or_options ::= coverage_option | [wildcard] bins_keyword bin_identifier[[[expression]]]={range_list}[iff(expression)] | [wildcard] bins_keyword bin_identifier[[]]=trans_list [iff(expression)] | bins_keyword bin_identifier[[[expression]]]=default [iff(expression)] | bins_keyword bin_identifier = default sequence [iff(expression)] bins_keyword::= bins | illegal_bins | ignore_bins range_list ::= value_range {, value_range} value_range ::= // from Annex A.8.3 expression | [expression : expression]
Syntax 20-2—coverpoint syntax (excerpt from Annex A)
A coverage point creates a hierarchical scope, and can be optionally labeled. If the label is specified then it designates the name of the coverage point. This name can be used to add this coverage point to a cross coverage specification, or to access the methods of the coverage point. If the label is omitted and the coverage point is associated with a single variable then the variable name becomes the name of the coverage point. Otherwise, an implementation can generate a name for the coverage point only for the purposes of coverage reporting, that is, generated names cannot be used within the language.
A coverage point can sample the values that correspond to a particular scheduling region (see Section 14) by specifying a clocking block signal. Thus, a coverage point that denotes a clocking block signal will sample the values made available by the clocking block. If the clocking block specifies a skew of #1step, the coverage point will sample the signal values from the Preponed region. If the clocking block specifies a skew of #0, the coverage point will sample the signal values from the Observe region.
The expression within the iff construct specifies an optional condition that disables coverage for that cover point. If the guard expression evaluates to false at a sampling point, the coverage point is ignored. For example:
covergroup g4; coverpoint s0 iff(!reset); endgroup
In the preceding example, cover point s0 is covered only if the value reset is false.
A coverage-point bin associates a name and a count with a set of values or a sequence of value transitions. If the bin designates a set of values, the count is incremented every time the coverage point matches one of the values in the set. If the bin designates a sequence of value transitions, the count is incremented every time the coverage point matches the entire sequence of value transitions.
The bins for a coverage point can be automatically created by SystemVerilog or explicitly defined using the bins construct to name each bin. If the bins are not explicitly defined, they are automatically created by SystemVerilog. The number of automatically created bins can be controlled using the auto_bin_max coverage option. Coverage options are described in Section 20.6.
The bins construct allows creating a separate bin for each value in the given range-list, or a single bin for the entire range of values. To create a separate bin for each value (an array of bins) the square brackets, [], must follow the bin name. To create a fixed number of bins for a set of values, a number can be specified inside the square brackets. The range_list used to specify the set of values associated with a bin shall be constant expressions, instance constants (for classes only) or non-ref arguments to the coverage group.
If a fixed number of bins is specified, and that number is smaller than the number of values in the bin then the possible bin values are uniformly distributed among the specified bins. If the number of values is not divisible by the number of bins then the last bin will include the remaining items. For example:
bins fixed [3] = {1:10};
The 11 possible values are distributed as follows: <1,2,3>, <4,5,6>, <7,8,9,10>. If the number of bins exceeds the number of values then some of the bins will be empty.
The expression within the iff construct at the end of a bin definition provides a per-bin guard condition. If the expression is false at a sampling point, the count for the bin is not incremented.
The default specification defines a bin that is associated with none of the defined value bins. The default bin catches the values of the coverage point that do not lie within any of the defined bins. However, the coverage calculation for a coverage point shall not take into account the coverage captured by the default bin. The default is useful for catching unplanned or invalid values. The default sequence form can be used to catch all transitions (or sequences) that do not lie within any of the defined transition bins (see Section 20.4.1). The default sequence specification does not accept multiple transition bins (the [] notation is not allowed).
bit [9:0] v_a; covergroup cg @(posedge clk); coverpoint v_a { bins a = { [0:63],65 }; bins b[] = { [127:150],[148:191] }; // note overlapping values bins c[] = { 200,201,202 }; bins d = { [1000:$] }; bins others[] = default; } endgroup
In the example above, the first bins construct associates bin a with the values of variable v_a between 0 and 63, and the value 65. The second bins construct creates a set of 65 bins b[127], b[128],...b[191]. Likewise, the third bins construct creates 3 bins: c[200], c[201], and c[202]. The fourth bins construct associates bin d with the values between 1000 and 1023 ($ represents the maximum value of v_a). Every value that does not match bins a, b[], c[], or d[] is added into its own distinct bin.
A default or default sequence bin specification cannot be explicitly ignored (see Section 20.4.4). It shall be an error for bins designated as ignore_bins to also specify a default or default sequence.
Generic coverage groups can be written by passing their traits as arguments to the constructor. For example:
covergroup gc (ref int ra, int low, int high ) @(posedge clk); coverpoint ra // sample variable passed by reference { bins good = { [low : high] }; bins bad[] = default; } endgroup ... int va, vb; cg c1 = new( va, 0, 50 ); // cover variable va in the range 0 to 50 cg c2 = new( vb, 120, 600 ); // cover variable vb in the range 120 to 600
The example above defines a coverage group, gc, in which the signal to be sampled as well as the extent of the coverage bins are specified as arguments. Later, two instances of the coverage group are created; each instance samples a different signal and covers a different range of values.
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