- webpack概述
- 入口起点(Entry Points)
- 输出(Output)
- 模块(Mode)
- 加载器(Loaders)
- 插件(Plugins)
- 配置(Configuration)
- 模块(Modules)
- 模块解析(Module Resolution)
- 依赖图表(Dependency Graph)
- 文件清单(Manifest)
- 构建目标(Targets)
- 模块热替换(Hot Module Replacement)
- 第二部分:配置
- 使用不同语言进行配置(Configuration Languages)
- 多种配置类型
- 入口和上下文(Entry and Context)
- 输出(Output)
- 模块(Module)
- 解析(Resolve)
- 插件(Plugins)
- 开发中 Server(DevServer)
- 开发工具(Devtool)
- 构建目标(Targets)
- Watch 和 WatchOptions
- 外部扩展(Externals)
- 性能(Performance)
- Node
- 统计(Stats)
- 其它选项(Other Options)
- 第三部分:API
- 命令行接口(CLI)
- 包含统计数据的文件(stats data)
- Node.js API
- 模块热替换(Hot Module Replacement)
- 加载器 API
- 模块方法(module methods)
- 模块变量(module variables)
- Plugin API
- compiler 钩子
- compilation 钩子
- resolver
- parser
- 第四部分:指南
- 安装
- 起步
- 管理资源
- 管理输出
- 开发
- 模块热替换
- Tree shaking
- 生产环境构建
- 代码拆分(Code Splitting)
- 懒加载(Lazy Loading)
- 缓存(Caching)
- 创建库 (Library)
- Shimming
- 渐进式网络应用程序
- TypeScript
- 迁移到新版本
- 使用环境变量
- 构建性能
- 内容安全策略
- 开发 - Vagrant
- 管理依赖
- Public Path(公共路径)
- 集成(Integrations)
- 第五部分:加载器
- babel-loader
- yaml-frontmatter-loader
- cache-loader
- coffee-loader
- coffee-redux-loader
- coverjs-loader
- css-loader
- exports-loader
- expose-loader
- extract-loader
- file-loader
- gzip-loader
- html-loader
- i18n-loader
- imports-loader
- istanbul-instrumenter-loader
- jshint-loader
- json-loader
- json5-loader
- less-loader
- bundle-loader
- multi-loader
- node-loader
- null-loader
- polymer-webpack-loader
- postcss-loader
- raw-loader
- react-proxy-loader
- restyle-loader
- sass-loader
- script-loader
- source-map-loader
- style-loader
- svg-inline-loader
- thread-loader
- transform-loader
- url-loader
- val-loader
- worker-loader
- mocha-loader
- 第六部分:插件
- AggressiveSplittingPlugin
- ZopfliWebpackPlugin
- BannerPlugin
- ClosureWebpackPlugin
- CommonsChunkPlugin
- ComponentWebpackPlugin
- CompressionWebpackPlugin
- ContextReplacementPlugin
- CopyWebpackPlugin
- DefinePlugin
- DllPlugin
- EnvironmentPlugin
- EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin
- ExtractTextWebpackPlugin
- HashedModuleIdsPlugin
- HotModuleReplacementPlugin
- HtmlWebpackPlugin
- BabelMinifyWebpackPlugin
- IgnorePlugin
- LoaderOptionsPlugin
- MinChunkSizePlugin
- ModuleConcatenationPlugin
- NamedModulesPlugin
- NormalModuleReplacementPlugin
- NpmInstallWebpackPlugin
- PrefetchPlugin
- ProfilingPlugin
- ProvidePlugin
- SourceMapDevToolPlugin
- SplitChunksPlugin
- UglifyjsWebpackPlugin
- WatchIgnorePlugin
- I18nWebpackPlugin
Closure-Compiler is a full optimizing compiler and transpiler. It offers unmatched optimizations, provides type checking and can easily target transpilation to different versions of ECMASCRIPT.
Note: This plugin is a very early beta and currently uses a custom build of closure-compiler while neccessary changes are integrated back into the main compiler repository. Only the java version of closure-compiler is currently supported.
Usage example
const ClosureCompilerPlugin = require('closure-webpack-plugin');
new ClosureCompilerPlugin({mode: 'STANDARD'}, {
// compiler flags here
// for debuging help, try these:
// formatting: 'PRETTY_PRINT'
// debug: true
- mode -
. Controls how the plugin utilizes the compiler.
mode, closure-compiler is used as a direct replacement for other minifiers as well as most Babel transformations.
mode, the compiler performs additional optimizations of modules to produce a much smaller file, but is not compatible with all input modules.
Compiler Flags
The plugin controls certain compiler flags. The following flags should not be used in any mode:
- module_resolution - A custom resolution mode for webpack is utilized instead of the standard NODE or BROWSER options.
- output_wrapper - The output wrapper is automatically added by either webpack or the plugin
- dependency_mode - Controlled by the plugin mode.
Aggressive Bundle Mode
In this mode, the compiler rewrites CommonJS modules and hoists require calls. Some modules are not compatible with this type of rewritting. In particular, hoisting will cause the following code to execute out of order:
const foo = require('foo');
const bar = require('bar');
Aggressive Bundle Mode utilizes a custom runtime in which modules within a chunk file are all included in the same scope. This avoids the cost of small modules.
In Aggressive Bundle Mode, a file can only appear in a single output chunk. Use the Commons Chunk Plugin to split duplicated files into a single output chunk.
Tips for Use
- Don't use babel - closure-compiler is also a transpiler. If you need features not yet supported by closure-compiler, have babel only target those features.
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