- 使用指南
- 数字绘画基础知识
- 参考手册
- 实例教程
- 常见问题解答
- 参与者手册
- 扩展包和第三方教程
- 其他
- 显示设置
- 日志查看器
- 数位板设置
- Automated Krita builds on CI matrix
- Brush GUI Design with Lager
- Building Krita from Source
- CMake Settings for Developers
- Enable static analyzer
- How to patch Qt
- Introduction to Hacking Krita
- The Krita Palette format KPL
- Krita SVG Extensions
- Modern C++ usage guidelines for the Krita codebase
- Developing Features
- Optimize Image Processing with XSIMD
- Optimizing tips and tools for Krita
- Google Summer of Code
- Advanced Merge Request Guide
- Python Developer Tools
- Introduction to Quality Assurance
- Making a release
- Reporting Bugs
- Strokes queue
- Testing Strategy
- Triaging Bugs
- Unittests in Krita
- 矢量图层
- 常规设置
- 颜料图层
- 图层组
- 克隆图层
- 文件图层
- 填充图层
- 滤镜图层
- 笔刷引擎
- 透明度蒙版
- 滤镜笔刷引擎
- 滤镜蒙版
- 裁剪工具
- 移动工具
- 变形工具
- 变形笔刷引擎
- 变形蒙版
- 网格与参考线
- 工作区
- 笔刷预设
- 色板
- 键盘快捷键
- 设置菜单
- 性能设置
- 笔尖
- 不透明度和流量
- 常用笔刷选项
- 多路笔刷工具
- 手绘笔刷工具
- 直线工具
- 曲线工具
- 辅助尺工具
- 图层
- 矩形选区工具
- 椭圆选区工具
- 多边形选区工具
- 手绘轮廓选区工具
- 相似颜色选区工具
- 相连颜色选区工具
- 曲线选区工具
- 磁性选区工具
- 形状选择工具
- 锚点编辑工具
- 工具菜单
- 动画时间轴
- 绘图纸外观
- 动画曲线
- 分镜头脚本
- 颜色
- 色域蒙版
- 美术拾色器
- 多功能拾色器
- 智能填色蒙版工具
- *.gih
- 像素笔刷引擎
- *.kra
- SeExpr
- SeExpr 脚本
- 渐变
- 颜色涂抹笔刷引擎
- 纹理
- 拾色器工具
- LUT 色彩管理
- 小型拾色器
- 有损和无损图像压缩
- *.bmp
- *.csv
- *.exr
- *.gbr
- *.gif
- *.heif 和 *.avif
- *.jpg
- *.jxl
- *.kpl
- *.ora
- .pbm、.pgm 和 *.ppm
- *.png
- *.psd
- *.svg
- *.tiff
- *.webp
- 数学运算
- 变暗
- 变亮
- 颜色混合
- 负片
- 其他
- 二元逻辑
- 取模运算
- 二次方
- 鬃毛笔刷引擎
- 粉笔笔刷引擎
- 克隆笔刷引擎
- 曲线笔刷引擎
- 力学笔刷引擎
- 网格笔刷引擎
- 排线笔刷引擎
- MyPaint 笔刷引擎
- 粒子轨迹笔刷引擎
- 快速笔刷引擎
- 形状笔刷引擎
- 草图笔刷引擎
- 喷雾笔刷引擎
- 切线空间法线笔刷引擎
- 笔刷选项
- 锁定笔刷选项
- 蒙版笔刷
- 传感器
- 添加形状
- 动画
- 矢量图形排列
- 笔刷预设历史
- 色彩通道
- 颜色滑动条
- 图层显示方案
- 过渡色调混合器
- 直方图
- 导航器
- 图案
- 录像工具
- 参考图像
- 形状属性
- 图像版本快照
- 量化拾色器
- 操作流程
- 触摸屏辅助按钮
- 撤销历史
- 矢量图形库
- 宽色域拾色器
- 调整颜色/图像
- 艺术效果
- 模糊
- 边缘检测
- 浮雕
- 图像增强
- 映射
- 其他
- 小波分解
- 图层样式
- 选区蒙版
- 拆分透明度通道到蒙版
- 编辑菜单
- 文件菜单
- 帮助菜单
- 图像菜单
- 图层菜单
- 选择菜单
- 视图菜单
- 窗口菜单
- 作者档案设置
- 画布快捷键设置
- 隐藏面板模式设置
- 色彩管理设置
- 拾色器设置
- G’Mic 设置
- 弹出面板设置
- Python 插件管理器
- 笔尖
- 笔刷预设
- 图案
- 文字工具
- 渐变编辑工具
- 图案编辑工具
- 西文书法工具
- 矩形工具
- 椭圆工具
- 多边形工具
- 折线工具
- 手绘路径工具
- 力学笔刷工具
- 填充工具
- 闭合填充工具/圈涂
- 渐变工具
- 智能补丁工具
- 参考图像工具
- 测量工具
- 缩放工具
- 平移工具
- Building Krita with Docker on Linux
- Building krita on host Linux system (unsupported)
- Building Krita for Android
- Working on Krita Dependencies
- 渐变
- 多维网格
- 图案
- 网点
- 单纯形法噪点
Building Krita for Android
Use Linux to build Krita for Android. Building Krita for Android on another system is NOT supported yet. There are two approaches for building Krita for Android: one with CI’s docker image, and the other one straight in the host system.
Using prebuilt docker image
Docker approach is based on the normal linux-docker builds approach. You might want to check the details in the original document for Linux: Krita Docker Image
Here we expect that you have already performed all the Prerequisites steps and downloaded Krita sources using the original document.
Fetch CI-management repositories
For building on Android we need the toolchain files from the ci-management repository, so fetch them:
pushd ./persistent/krita git clone https://invent.kde.org/dkazakov/krita-deps-management.git git clone https://invent.kde.org/dkazakov/ci-utilities.git krita-deps-management/ci-utilities popd
Building the Android container
Firstly you need to download all Krita dependencies and QtCreator. When fetching the dependencies you need to select he target architecture: x86_64
, armeabi-v7a
or arm64-v8a
# download the dependencies and QtCreator ./bin/bootstrap-deps.sh --android=x86_64 # if you don't want to fetch QtCreator, but only deps, # use bootstrap-krita-deps.sh # ./bin/bootstrap-krita-deps.sh --android=x86_64
This script will set up the full SDP environment in ./persistent/deps
folder. The deps themselves will be located in ./persistent/deps/_install
Now build the docker image and run the container. Just pass the --android
flag to the build_image
script and it will fetch the correct image for you:
./bin/build_image --android ./bin/run_container
If you are hard on harddrive space, you can cleanup the caches using the cleanup section of the original manual.
Enter the container and build Krita
# enter the container ./bin/enter
You need to manually set up a few environment variables and folders (they might be automated later, but not right now):
# set ABI you are building for export KDECI_ANDROID_ABI=x86_64 # location where _build and _packaging folders will be located # (don't change) export KDECI_WORKDIR_PATH=/home/appimage/appimage-workspace # location where the dependencies were unpacked (don't change) export KDECI_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH=/home/appimage/appimage-workspace/deps/usr
Currently, you need to set up these variable every time you enter the container!
Then create the build directory and enter it (don’t change the location, since it is tightly linked to $KDECI_WORKDIR_PATH
in the packaging scripts)
mkdir -p /home/appimage/appimage-workspace/krita/_build cd /home/appimage/appimage-workspace/krita/_build
Configure Krita:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DHIDE_SAFE_ASSERTS=OFF \ -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/appimage-workspace/deps/usr/ \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=~/persistent/krita/krita-deps-management/tools/android-toolchain-krita.cmake \ -DANDROID_ENABLE_STDIO_FORWARDING=ON \ ~/persistent/krita/
There are two important switches that are unique to Android platform:
is set to the same folder as the dependencies themselves. It is necessary, because APK packaging scripts cannot search in separate directories.CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE
should point to a special toolchain file that will read custom environment variables (pre-set in the docker containter) and locates SDK and NDK paths.Enable
to get proper logging in ‘logcat’. This option enables manual forwarding of stdout and stderr into logcat-logger.
Then build Krita as usual:
make -j8 install
Building the APK package
properly, then just do:
python ~/persistent/krita/build-tools/ci-scripts/build-android-package.py
And you will get an APK package in $KDECI_WORKDIR_PATH/krita/_packaging
If you happen to need an AAB package, then you need to generate a bit more artifacts:
python ~/persistent/krita/build-tools/ci-scripts/build-android-package.py --archive-artifacts python ~/persistent/krita/build-tools/ci-scripts/build-android-appbundle.py
The first command will build and APK and package all artifacts in $KDECI_WORKDIR_PATH/krita/_packaging/krita_build_apk
and the second script will reuse these artifacts for building AAB package.
The ground truth for the docker builds is the android.yml
script that is used on CI. If you have a suspicion that this manual got outdated, please compare it to the original android.yml file
Using your host system for Android development
If you chose to build on your host system, you will have much more troubles to resolve, because you need to set up all SDK and NDK things.
First configure prefix variable where we install our SDKs:
export ANDROID_ROOT=/home/appimage/appimage-workspace/android/
Right now we use Android NDK version r22b
to do our builds. So, it is recommended to use that. Download it from google’s website then extract it into $ANDROID_ROOT
Next you need to download command line tools that will let you install the SDKs and build tools. Look for links to commandlinetools
at the bottom of android studio page. Download and extract the tools into $ANDROID_ROOT
Theoretocally, you can try installing the whole Android Studio and configure everything within the Studio itself, but this way is not supported currently (noone just tried that).
If you go with the Android Studio approach then open SDK manager and download Android SDK Build-Tools
(more info in the official documentation)
Configure environment variables
export KDECI_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$ANDROID_ROOT/sdk export KDECI_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=$ANDROID_ROOT/android-ndk-r22b/ export ANDROID_HOME=$ANDROID_ROOT/sdk export PATH="$ANDROID_ROOT/sdk/platform-tools/:$ANDROID_ROOT/cmdline-tools/bin/:$PATH"
You might want to put these variables into some env
file and source it before every use of Android environment
Installing Prerequisites
To build Krita for Android you need to have a specific version of Java installed on your machine:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk # exactly this version!
Check if no other version of Java is installed. If installed, either remove it (recommended) or make sure Ubuntu’s update-alternatives
pulls exactly version 17 for javac
and the runtime (no idea how to check that).
# make sure both commands link to version 17! javac --version ls -l /usr/lib/jvm/*
Make sure that you have Python of version 3.10 installed:
> python --version Python 3.10.13
Theoretically, Python 3.9 may also work, but it is not tested. Python 3.8 will not work, that is tested.
Install SDKs and build tools:
yes | sdkmanager --sdk_root=$KDECI_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT --licenses sdkmanager --sdk_root=$KDECI_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT platform-tools sdkmanager --sdk_root=$KDECI_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT "platforms;android-33" sdkmanager --sdk_root=$KDECI_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT "build-tools;30.0.3" sdkmanager --sdk_root=$KDECI_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT "build-tools;34.0.0" sdkmanager --sdk_root=$KDECI_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT emulator sdkmanager --sdk_root=$KDECI_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT tools
Krita’s current minimal API-level is android-23
. We can theoretically install the latest avalable SDK and NDK that still supports this API-level. Though we update not that often, so our versions may drag a little behind.
The backwards compatibility of NDK and SDK can be checked here:
NDK: https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/revision_history
Fetch Krita Deps
Choose sources and environment directories:
export SRCDIR=/home/appimage/persistent/sources export ENVDIR=/home/appimage/persistent/envdir mkdir -p $SRCDIR mkdir -p $ENVDIR
will store all sources and build artifacts, but $ENVDIR
will store packages and caches.
Checkout Krita repository and all the management repositories:
cd $SRCDIR git clone https://invent.kde.org/graphics/krita.git git clone https://invent.kde.org/dkazakov/krita-deps-management.git krita/krita-deps-management git clone https://invent.kde.org/dkazakov/ci-utilities.git krita/krita-deps-management/ci-utilities
Install python dependencies. You might want to use Python’s venv
feature for this:
# set up venv python3.10 -m venv --upgrade-deps $WORKDIR/PythonEnv source $WORKDIR/PythonEnv/bin/activate # install requirements python -m pip install -r $SRCDIR/krita/krita-deps-management/requirements.txt
Set up an environment variable for the target android architecture:
export KDECI_ANDROID_ABI=x86_64
Set up working directory and environment:
cd $SRCDIR/krita python krita-deps-management/tools/setup-env.py \ # Path to our venv to make sure it is automatically activated in this environment -v $WORKDIR/PythonEnv \ # select target ABI --android-abi $KDECI_ANDROID_ABI \ # select workdir root (where the caches and downloads will go) --root $WORKDIR # activate the generated environment source $WORKDIR/base-env # generate deps file python krita-deps-management/tools/generate-deps-file.py \ -s krita-deps-management/latest/krita-deps.yml \ -o .kde-ci.yml # fetch the dependencies python krita-deps-management/ci-utilities/run-ci-build.py \ # requitred fields for the script --project krita --branch master \ # platform for which to fetch dependencies --platform Android/$KDECI_ANDROID_ABI \ # only generate environment file in `./env` --only-env # activate generated environment source ./env
Next time you enter the environment, you just neet to perform the latest environment set up using source ./env
. It will activate all your manual configurations as well, like Python’s venv
Configure Krita:
cd $SRCDIR/krita/_build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DHIDE_SAFE_ASSERTS=OFF \ -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$SRCDIR/krita/_install \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$SRCDIR/krita/krita-deps-management/tools/android-toolchain-krita.cmake \ -DANDROID_ENABLE_STDIO_FORWARDING=ON \ $SRCDIR/krita/
There are two important switches that are unique to Android platform:
is set to the same folder as the dependencies themselves. It is necessary, because APK packaging scripts cannot search in separate directories.CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE
should point to a special toolchain file that will read custom environment variables (pre-set in the docker containter) and locates SDK and NDK paths.Enable
to get proper logging in ‘logcat’. This option enables manual forwarding of stdout and stderr into logcat-logger.
Then build Krita as usual:
make -j8 install
Building the APK package
When building outside docker it is important that _install
and _build
folders are placed straight in the Krita source tree. That allows APK building scripts to find the assets properly, since it searches stuff relative to the current working directory:
cd $SRCDIR/krita python build-tools/ci-scripts/build-android-package.py
And you will get an APK package in _packaging
If you happen to need an AAB package, then you need to generate a bit more artifacts:
cd $SRCDIR/krita python build-tools/ci-scripts/build-android-package.py --archive-artifacts python build-tools/ci-scripts/build-android-appbundle.py
The first command will build and APK and package all artifacts in _packaging/krita_build_apk
and the second script will reuse these artifacts for building AAB package.
The ground truth for building the environment (i.e. setting up SDK, NDK and Python) is the Dockerfile used on CI
The ground truth for the actual build of Krita is android.yml
script that is used on CI. If you have a suspicion that this manual got outdated, please compare it to the original android.yml file
Installing Android Emulator
Using Android emulator is easy, after it is configured initially. The only issue that worth remembering is that when using x86_64 builds the host system should support KVM virtualization. KVM virtualization is not required for emulating ARM target.
[TODO] Krita docker does not automatically add ‘kvm’ group into the client system (yet), it should be done manually:
Add kvm group into the docker with the same group-id as on the host machine
Add appimage user into kvm group
Relogin into the appimage user for the changes to take effect
Install cpu-checker and check if KVM is supported on your system (or in the docker container):
sudo apt-get install cpu-checker # Check if kvm is available kvm-ok
Install the system image for the target system. Change x86_64
to the target architecture you would like to test:
sdkmanager --sdk_root=$KDECI_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT "system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86_64"
Create the virtual device:
# save the device name export device_name=Test_API_23 # create the device avdmanager create avd --force --name $device_name --abi x86_64 --package 'system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86_64' # create an SD card for the device mksdcard -l testsdcard 512M ~/sdcard.img
Open configuration file for the new device (located at ~/.android/avd/Test_API_23.avd/config.ini
) and edit the following values:
# increase cache size disk.cachePartition.size=512MB # increase the size of the root partition disk.dataPartition.size=3000M # if using x86_64 or arm64-v8a targets, enable GPU acceleration hw.gpu.enabled=yes hw.gpu.mode=auto # make sure that the screen size is not too tiny hw.lcd.density=180 hw.lcd.depth=16 hw.lcd.height=1080 hw.lcd.vsync=60 hw.lcd.width=1920 # increase the amount of RAM available for the device hw.ramSize=4096M # set up teh SD card sdcard.size=512 MB sdcard.path=<path to your sd card>/sdcard.img # increase the size of VM heap vm.heapSize=1024M
Run the emulator (add -wipe-data
switch if you would like to reset the device):
emulator -avd $device_name -no-snapshot -no-boot-anim
Install Krita on the device:
adb install ./krita-x86_64-5.2.0-prealpha-debug.apk
When the container it not needed anymore, it can be removed with the follwoing command:
avdmanager delete avd -n $device_name
When you change something in the Krita’s code, you should rebuild the pacakge and reinstall it onto your device (or emulator).
Firstly, you need to manually set up environment variables, that are usually set up by build-android-package.py
Then just run the build and deploy steps in one line:
cd cd $SRCDIR/krita/_build/krita_build_apk make -j8 install -C .. && ./gradlew installDebug && adb shell am start -n "org.krita.debug/org.krita.android.MainActivity"
This command will do four things:
Rebuild Krita itself
Build a debugging version of a package using existing apk artifacts directories
Install the package on the currently connected device (or emulator)
Run Krita on the currently connected device (or emulator)
If Krita crashes you can look up the logs using adb logcat
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