
solution / 0800-0899 / 0804.Unique Morse Code Words / README_EN

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804. Unique Morse Code Words



International Morse Code defines a standard encoding where each letter is mapped to a series of dots and dashes, as follows:

  • 'a' maps to ".-",
  • 'b' maps to "-...",
  • 'c' maps to "-.-.", and so on.

For convenience, the full table for the 26 letters of the English alphabet is given below:


Given an array of strings words where each word can be written as a concatenation of the Morse code of each letter.

  • For example, "cab" can be written as "-.-..--...", which is the concatenation of "-.-.", ".-", and "-...". We will call such a concatenation the transformation of a word.

Return _the number of different transformations among all words we have_.


Example 1:

Input: words = ["gin","zen","gig","msg"]
Output: 2
Explanation: The transformation of each word is:
"gin" -> "--...-."
"zen" -> "--...-."
"gig" -> "--...--."
"msg" -> "--...--."
There are 2 different transformations: "--...-." and "--...--.".

Example 2:

Input: words = ["a"]
Output: 1



  • 1 <= words.length <= 100
  • 1 <= words[i].length <= 12
  • words[i] consists of lowercase English letters.


Solution 1

class Solution:
  def uniqueMorseRepresentations(self, words: List[str]) -> int:
    codes = [
    s = {''.join([codes[ord(c) - ord('a')] for c in word]) for word in words}
    return len(s)
class Solution {
  public int uniqueMorseRepresentations(String[] words) {
    String[] codes = new String[] {".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-.", "--.", "....",
      "..", ".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.", "---", ".--.", "--.-", ".-.", "...", "-",
      "..-", "...-", ".--", "-..-", "-.--", "--.."};
    Set<String> s = new HashSet<>();
    for (String word : words) {
      StringBuilder t = new StringBuilder();
      for (char c : word.toCharArray()) {
        t.append(codes[c - 'a']);
    return s.size();
class Solution {
  int uniqueMorseRepresentations(vector<string>& words) {
    vector<string> codes = {".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-.", "--.", "....", "..", ".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.",
      "---", ".--.", "--.-", ".-.", "...", "-", "..-", "...-", ".--", "-..-", "-.--", "--.."};
    unordered_set<string> s;
    for (auto& word : words) {
      string t;
      for (char& c : word) t += codes[c - 'a'];
    return s.size();
func uniqueMorseRepresentations(words []string) int {
  codes := []string{".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-.", "--.", "....", "..", ".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.",
    "---", ".--.", "--.-", ".-.", "...", "-", "..-", "...-", ".--", "-..-", "-.--", "--.."}
  s := make(map[string]bool)
  for _, word := range words {
    t := &strings.Builder{}
    for _, c := range word {
    s[t.String()] = true
  return len(s)
const codes = [

function uniqueMorseRepresentations(words: string[]): number {
  return new Set(
    words.map(word => {
      return word
        .map(c => codes[c.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0)])
use std::collections::HashSet;
impl Solution {
  pub fn unique_morse_representations(words: Vec<String>) -> i32 {
    const codes: [&str; 26] = [
      .map(|word| {
          .map(|v| codes[(v - b'a') as usize])
      .len() as i32

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