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- 立方缓冲几何体(BoxGeometry)
- 圆形缓冲几何体(CircleGeometry)
- 圆锥缓冲几何体(ConeGeometry)
- 圆柱缓冲几何体(CylinderGeometry)
- 十二面缓冲几何体(DodecahedronGeometry)
- 边缘几何体(EdgesGeometry)
- 挤压缓冲几何体(ExtrudeGeometry)
- 二十面缓冲几何体(IcosahedronGeometry)
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- 球缓冲几何体(SphereGeometry)
- 四面缓冲几何体(TetrahedronGeometry)
- 文本缓冲几何体(TextGeometry)
- 圆环缓冲几何体(TorusGeometry)
- 圆环缓冲扭结几何体(TorusKnotGeometry)
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- MeshDistanceMaterial
- Lambert网格材质(MeshLambertMaterial)
- MeshMatcapMaterial
- 法线网格材质(MeshNormalMaterial)
- Phong网格材质(MeshPhongMaterial)
- 物理网格材质(MeshPhysicalMaterial)
- 标准网格材质(MeshStandardMaterial)
- MeshToonMaterial
- 点材质(PointsMaterial)
- 原始着色器材质(RawShaderMaterial)
- 着色器材质(ShaderMaterial)
- 阴影材质(ShadowMaterial)
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- 后期处理
- 导出器
- 数学库
- QuickHull
- 渲染器
- 实用工具
- 差异化支持
- WebGL 渲染器
A convex hull class. Implements the Quickhull algorithm by: Dirk Gregorius. March 2014, Game Developers Conference: Implementing QuickHull.
Creates a new instance of ConvexHull.
.assigned : VertexList
This vertex list holds all vertices that are assigned to a face. Default is an empty vertex list.
.faces : Array
The generated faces of the convex hull. Default is an empty array.
.newFaces : Array
This array holds the faces that are generated within a single iteration. Default is an empty array.
.tolerance : Float
The epsilon value that is used for internal comparative operations. The calculation of this value depends on the size of the geometry. Default is -1.
.unassigned : VertexList
This vertex list holds all vertices that are not assigned to a face. Default is an empty vertex list.
.vertices : Array
The internal representation of the given geometry data (an array of vertices).
.addAdjoiningFace ( eyeVertex : VertexNode, horizonEdge : HalfEdge ) : HalfEdge
eyeVertex - The vertex that is added to the hull.
horizonEdge - A single edge of the horizon.
Creates a face with the vertices 'eyeVertex.point', 'horizonEdge.tail' and 'horizonEdge.head' in CCW order. All the half edges are created in CCW order thus the face is always pointing outside the hull
.addNewFaces ( eyeVertex : VertexNode, horizonEdge : HalfEdge ) : ConvexHull
eyeVertex - The vertex that is added to the hull.
horizon - An array of half-edges that form the horizon.
Adds 'horizon.length' faces to the hull, each face will be linked with the horizon opposite face and the face on the left/right.
.addVertexToFace ( vertex : VertexNode, face : Face ) : ConvexHull
vertex - The vertex to add.
face - The target face.
Adds a vertex to the 'assigned' list of vertices and assigns it to the given face.
.addVertexToHull ( eyeVertex : VertexNode ) : ConvexHull
eyeVertex - The vertex that is added to the hull.
Adds a vertex to the hull with the following algorithm
- Compute the 'horizon' which is a chain of half edges. For an edge to belong to this group it must be the edge connecting a face that can see 'eyeVertex' and a face which cannot see 'eyeVertex'.
- All the faces that can see 'eyeVertex' have its visible vertices removed from the assigned vertex list.
- A new set of faces is created with each edge of the 'horizon' and 'eyeVertex'. Each face is connected with the opposite horizon face and the face on the left/right.
- The vertices removed from all the visible faces are assigned to the new faces if possible.
.cleanup () : ConvexHull
Cleans up internal properties after computing the convex hull.
.compute () : ConvexHull
Starts the execution of the quick hull algorithm.
.computeExtremes () : Object
Computes the extremes values (min/max vectors) which will be used to compute the inital hull.
.computeHorizon ( eyePoint : Vector3, crossEdge : HalfEdge, face : Face, horizon : Array ) : ConvexHull
eyePoint - The 3D-coordinates of a point.
crossEdge - The edge used to jump to the current face.
face - The current face being tested.
horizon - The edges that form part of the horizon in CCW order.
Computes a chain of half edges in CCW order called the 'horizon'. For an edge to be part of the horizon it must join a face that can see 'eyePoint' and a face that cannot see 'eyePoint'.
.computeInitialHull () : ConvexHull
Computes the initial simplex assigning to its faces all the points that are candidates to form part of the hull.
.containsPoint ( point : Vector3 ) : ConvexHull
point - A point in 3D space.
Returns true if the given point is inside this convex hull.
.deleteFaceVertices ( face : Face, absorbingFace : Face ) : ConvexHull
face - The given face.
absorbingFace - An optional face that tries to absorb the vertices of the first face.
Removes all the visible vertices that 'face' is able to see.
- If 'absorbingFace' doesn't exist, then all the removed vertices will be added to the 'unassigned' vertex list.
- If 'absorbingFace' exists, then this method will assign all the vertices of 'face' that can see 'absorbingFace'.
- If a vertex cannot see 'absorbingFace', it's added to the 'unassigned' vertex list.
.intersectRay ( ray : Ray, target : Vector3 ) : Vector3
ray - The given ray.
target - The target vector representing the intersection point.
Performs a ray intersection test with this convext hull. If no intersection is found, null is returned.
.intersectsRay ( ray : Ray ) : Boolean
ray - The given ray.
Returns true if the given ray intersects with this convex hull.
.makeEmpty () : ConvexHull
Makes this convex hull empty.
.nextVertexToAdd () : VertexNode
Finds the next vertex to create faces with the current hull.
- Let the initial face be the first face existing in the 'assigned' vertex list.
- If a face doesn't exist then return since there're no vertices left.
- Otherwise for each vertex that face sees find the one furthest away from it.
.reindexFaces () : ConvexHull
Removes inactive (e.g. deleted) faces from the internal face list.
.removeAllVerticesFromFace ( face : Face ) : VertexNode
face - The given face.
Removes all the visible vertices that a given face is able to see which are stored in the 'assigned' vertext list.
.removeVertexFromFace ( vertex : VertexNode, face : Face ) : ConvexHull
vertex - The vertex to remove.
face - The target face.
Removes a vertex from the 'assigned' list of vertices and from the given face. It also makes sure that the link from 'face' to the first vertex it sees in 'assigned' is linked correctly after the removal.
.resolveUnassignedPoints ( newFaces : Array ) : ConvexHull
newFaces - An array of new faces.
Reassigns as many vertices as possible from the unassigned list to the new faces.
.setFromObject ( object : Object3D ) : ConvexHull
object - Object3D to compute the convex hull of.
Computes the convex hull of an Object3D (including its children),accounting for the world transforms of both the object and its childrens.
.setFromPoints ( points : Array ) : ConvexHull
points - Array of Vector3s that the resulting convex hull will contain.
Computes to convex hull for the given array of points.
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