- 目录
- 1. 序章
- 2. 计算机网络与协议
- 3. 信息收集
- 4. 常见漏洞攻防
- 5. 语言与框架
- 6. 内网渗透
- 7. 云安全
- 8. 防御技术
- 9. 认证机制
- 10. 工具与资源
- 11. 手册速查
- 12. 其他
10.15. 运维
10.15. 运维
10.15.1. 流量
- Bro
- Moloch Large scale, open source, indexed packet capture and search
- TCPFlow
- TCPDump
- WireShark
- Argus
- PcapPlusPlus
- ngrep
- cisco joy A package for capturing and analyzing network flow data and intraflow data, for network research, forensics, and security monitoring.
- NFStream a Flexible Network Data Analysis Framework
- BruteShark Network Analysis Tool
10.15.2. 堡垒机
10.15.3. 蜜罐
- Dionaea
- Modern Honey Network
- Cowrie SSH/Telnet蜜罐
- honeything IoT蜜罐
- ConPot 工控设施蜜罐
- MongoDB HoneyProxy
- ElasticHoney
- Canarytokens
- Honeydrive
- T-Pot The All In One Honeypot Platform
- opencanary
- HFish
- kippo SSH Honeypot
- Ehoney 欺骗防御系统
10.15.4. VPN Install
10.15.5. 隧道 / 代理
- ngrok
- rtcp
- Tunna
- reDuh Create a TCP circuit through validly formed HTTP requests
- reGeorg pwn a bastion webserver and create SOCKS proxies through the DMZ. Pivot and pwn
- Neo-reGeorg Neo-reGeorg is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor reGeorg
- ABPTTS TCP tunneling over HTTP/HTTPS for web application servers
- frp A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet
- lanproxy 内网穿透工具
- ligolo Reverse Tunneling made easy for pentesters
- EarthWorm 是一款用于开启 SOCKS v5 代理服务的工具,基于标准 C 开发,可提供多平台间的转接通讯,用于复杂网络环境下的数据转发。
- Tunna is a set of tools which will wrap and tunnel any TCP communication over HTTP
- mssqlproxy is a toolkit aimed to perform lateral movement in restricted environments through a compromised Microsoft SQL Server via socket reuse
- nps a lightweight, high-performance, powerful intranet penetration proxy server, with a powerful web management terminal
10.15.6. 代理链
- Netch Support Socks5, Shadowsocks, ShadowsocksR, V2Ray, Trojan proxies. UDP NAT FullCone
- proxychains a tool that forces any TCP connection made by any given application to follow through proxy like TOR or any other SOCKS4, SOCKS5 or HTTP(S) proxy
- gost GO Simple Tunnel
10.15.7. 资产管理
- BlueKing CMDB 面向资产及应用的企业级配置管理平台
- ARL 资产侦察灯塔系统
10.15.8. 合规
- bombus 合规审计平台
10.15.9. 风控
10.15.10. SIEM
10.15.11. 安全运维
10.15.12. 系统监控
- netdata Real-time performance monitoring
- bcc Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more
10.15.13. Windows
10.15.14. 网络测试
- Toxiproxy A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing
10.15.15. 网络模拟
- Internet Emulator A Python framework for creating emulation of the Internet
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