- 1 - 介绍
- 2.1 - 语法约定
- 2.10.1 - 垃圾收集的元方法
- 2.10.2 - Weak Table(弱表)
- 2.10 - 垃圾收集
- 2.11 - Coroutine (协同例程)
- 2.2.1 - 强制转换
- 2.2 - 值与类型
- 2.3 - 变量
- 2.4.1 - Chunk(语句组)
- 2.4.2 - 语句块
- 2.4.3 - 赋值
- 2.4.4 - 控制结构
- 2.4.5 - For 语句
- 2.4.6 - 把函数调用作为语句段
- 2.4.7 - 局部变量声名
- 2.4 - 语句段(Statement)
- 2.5.1 - 数学运算操作符
- 2.5.2 - 比较操作符
- 2.5.3 - 逻辑操作符
- 2.5.4 - 连接符
- 2.5.5 - 取长度操作符
- 2.5.6 - 优先级
- 2.5.7 - Table 构造
- 2.5.8 - 函数调用
- 2.5.9 - 函数定义
- 2.5 - 表达式
- 2.6 - 可视规则
- 2.7 - 错误处理
- 2.8 - Metatable(元表)
- 2.9 - 环境
- 2 - 语言
- 3.1 - 堆栈
- 3.2 - 堆栈尺寸
- 3.3 - 伪索引
- 3.4 - C Closure
- 3.5 - 注册表
- 3.6 - C 中的错误处理
- 3.7 - 函数和类型
- 3.8 - 调试接口
- 3 - 程序接口(API)
- 4.1 - Functions and Types
- 4 - The Auxiliary Library
- 5.1 - Basic Functions
- 5.2 - Coroutine Manipulation
- 5.3 - Modules
- 5.4 - String Manipulation
- 5.5 - Table Manipulation
- 5.6 - Mathematical Functions
- 5.7 - Input and Output Facilities
- 5.8 - Operating System Facilities
- 5.9 - The Debug Library
- 5 - Standard Libraries
- 6 - Lua Stand-alone
- 7.1 - Changes in the Language
- 7.2 - Changes in the Libraries
- 7.3 - Changes in the API
- 7 - Incompatibilities with the Previous Version
- 8 - The Complete Syntax of Lua
- Captures
- Character Class:
- luaL_addchar
- luaL_addlstring
- luaL_addsize
- luaL_addstring
- luaL_addvalue
- luaL_argcheck
- luaL_argerror
- luaL_Buffer
- luaL_buffinit
- luaL_callmeta
- luaL_checkany
- luaL_checkint
- luaL_checkinteger
- luaL_checklong
- luaL_checklstring
- luaL_checknumber
- luaL_checkoption
- luaL_checkstack
- luaL_checkstring
- luaL_checktype
- luaL_checkudata
- luaL_dofile
- luaL_dostring
- luaL_error
- luaL_getmetafield
- luaL_getmetatable
- luaL_gsub
- luaL_loadbuffer
- luaL_loadfile
- luaL_loadstring
- luaL_newmetatable
- luaL_newstate
- luaL_openlibs
- luaL_optint
- luaL_optinteger
- luaL_optlong
- luaL_optlstring
- luaL_optnumber
- luaL_optstring
- luaL_prepbuffer
- luaL_pushresult
- luaL_ref
- luaL_Reg
- luaL_register
- luaL_typename
- luaL_typerror
- luaL_unref
- luaL_where
- lua_Alloc
- lua_atpanic
- lua_call
- lua_CFunction
- lua_checkstack
- lua_close
- lua_concat
- lua_cpcall
- lua_createtable
- lua_Debug
- lua_dump
- lua_equal
- lua_error
- lua_gc
- lua_getallocf
- lua_getfenv
- lua_getfield
- lua_getglobal
- lua_gethook
- lua_gethookcount
- lua_gethookmask
- lua_getinfo
- lua_getlocal
- lua_getmetatable
- lua_getstack
- lua_gettable
- lua_gettop
- lua_getupvalue
- lua_Hook
- lua_insert
- lua_Integer
- lua_isboolean
- lua_iscfunction
- lua_isfunction
- lua_islightuserdata
- lua_isnil
- lua_isnumber
- lua_isstring
- lua_istable
- lua_isthread
- lua_isuserdata
- lua_lessthan
- lua_load
- lua_newstate
- lua_newtable
- lua_newthread
- lua_newuserdata
- lua_next
- lua_Number
- lua_objlen
- lua_pcall
- lua_pop
- lua_pushboolean
- lua_pushcclosure
- lua_pushcfunction
- lua_pushfstring
- lua_pushinteger
- lua_pushlightuserdata
- lua_pushlstring
- lua_pushnil
- lua_pushnumber
- lua_pushstring
- lua_pushthread
- lua_pushvalue
- lua_pushvfstring
- lua_rawequal
- lua_rawget
- lua_rawgeti
- lua_rawset
- lua_rawseti
- lua_Reader
- lua_register
- lua_remove
- lua_replace
- lua_resume
- lua_setallocf
- lua_setfenv
- lua_setfield
- lua_setglobal
- lua_sethook
- lua_setlocal
- lua_setmetatable
- lua_settable
- lua_settop
- lua_setupvalue
- lua_State
- lua_status
- lua_toboolean
- lua_tocfunction
- lua_tointeger
- lua_tolstring
- lua_tonumber
- lua_topointer
- lua_tostring
- lua_tothread
- lua_touserdata
- lua_type
- lua_typename
- lua_Writer
- lua_xmove
- lua_yield
- Pattern:
- Pattern Item:
- assert (v [, message])
- collectgarbage (opt [, arg])
- coroutine.create (f)
- coroutine.resume (co [, val1, ···])
- coroutine.running ()
- coroutine.status (co)
- coroutine.wrap (f)
- coroutine.yield (···)
- debug.debug ()
- debug.getfenv (o)
- debug.gethook ([thread])
- debug.getinfo ([thread,] function [, what])
- debug.getlocal ([thread,] level, local)
- debug.getmetatable (object)
- debug.getregistry ()
- debug.getupvalue (func, up)
- debug.setfenv (object, table)
- debug.sethook ([thread,] hook, mask [, count])
- debug.setlocal ([thread,] level, local, value)
- debug.setmetatable (object, table)
- debug.setupvalue (func, up, value)
- debug.traceback ([thread,] [message])
- dofile (filename)
- error (message [, level])
- getfenv (f)
- getmetatable (object)
- io.close ([file])
- io.flush ()
- io.input ([file])
- io.lines ([filename])
- io.open (filename [, mode])
- io.output ([file])
- io.popen ([prog [, mode]])
- io.read (···)
- io.tmpfile ()
- io.type (obj)
- io.write (···)
- ipairs (t)
- load (func [, chunkname])
- loadfile ([filename])
- loadstring (string [, chunkname])
- math.abs (x)
- math.acos (x)
- math.asin (x)
- math.atan (x)
- math.atan2 (x, y)
- math.ceil (x)
- math.cos (x)
- math.cosh (x)
- math.deg (x)
- math.exp (x)
- math.floor (x)
- math.fmod (x, y)
- math.frexp (x)
- math.huge
- math.ldexp (m, e)
- math.log (x)
- math.log10 (x)
- math.max (x, ···)
- math.min (x, ···)
- math.modf (x)
- math.pi
- math.pow (x, y)
- math.rad (x)
- math.random ([m [, n]])
- math.randomseed (x)
- math.sin (x)
- math.sinh (x)
- math.sqrt (x)
- math.tan (x)
- math.tanh (x)
- module (name [, ···])
- next (table [, index])
- os.clock ()
- os.date ([format [, time]])
- os.difftime (t2, t1)
- os.execute ([command])
- os.exit ([code])
- os.getenv (varname)
- os.remove (filename)
- os.rename (oldname, newname)
- os.setlocale (locale [, category])
- os.time ([table])
- os.tmpname ()
- package.cpath
- package.loaded
- package.loadlib (libname, funcname)
- package.path
- package.preload
- package.seeall (module)
- pairs (t)
- pcall (f, arg1, ···)
- print (···)
- rawequal (v1, v2)
- rawget (table, index)
- rawset (table, index, value)
- require (modname)
- select (index, ···)
- setfenv (f, table)
- setmetatable (table, metatable)
- string.byte (s [, i [, j]])
- string.char (···)
- string.dump (function)
- string.find (s, pattern [, init [, plain]])
- string.format (formatstring, ···)
- string.gmatch (s, pattern)
- string.gsub (s, pattern, repl [, n])
- string.len (s)
- string.lower (s)
- string.match (s, pattern [, init])
- string.rep (s, n)
- string.reverse (s)
- string.sub (s, i [, j])
- string.upper (s)
- table.concat (table [, sep [, i [, j]]])
- table.insert (table, [pos,] value)
- table.maxn (table)
- table.remove (table [, pos])
- table.sort (table [, comp])
- tonumber (e [, base])
- tostring (e)
- type (v)
- unpack (list [, i [, j]])
- xpcall (f, err)
- _G
- file:close ()
- file:flush ()
- file:lines ()
- file:read (...)
- file:seek ([whence] [, offset])
- file:setvbuf (mode [, size])
- file:write (...)
string.find (s, pattern [, init [, plain]])
Looks for the first match ofpattern
in the string s
If it finds a match, then find
returns the indices of s
where this occurrence starts and ends;
otherwise, it returns nil.
A third, optional numerical argument init
where to start the search;
its default value is 1 and may be negative.
A value of true as a fourth, optional argument plain
turns off the pattern matching facilities,
so the function does a plain "find substring" operation,
with no characters in pattern
being considered "magic".
Note that if plain
is given, then init
must be given as well.
If the pattern has captures,
then in a successful match
the captured values are also returned,
after the two indices.
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